So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 306 People's livelihood is happy, Yu Du is so lazy...

Chapter 306 People's livelihood is happy, Yu Du is so lazy...

"When the first ray of light shines on the earth in the early morning, Ms. Hongli also wakes up from her sleep. She wants to prepare the most important breakfast among the three meals a day for her husband and daughter who are still asleep."

A male voice narrating in a steady broadcast voice rang in his ears, Hongli was hugging Heiyang, sleeping peacefully and beautifully.

"The rich and delicious breakfast made the family members full of praise, and Ms. Hongli also sat quietly beside her with her chin resting on her face with a smile on her face, watching the two wolfed down with tender eyes full of concern.

This is also the happiest time for Ms. Hongli every day. Seeing her husband and daughter enjoying the meals she made herself, it seems that all the exhaustion and hard work have been rewarded. "

Hongli frowned slightly, arched her head, and buried her head deeper into Heiyang's arms.

"After Ms. Hongli carefully cleaned the dishes and put them away, she changed into the clothes she usually wears when working, and started a day's work.

First came the cleaning, then the newly bought upholstery on the floor and the upholstery of the benches.

Ms. Hongli put everything in order. Looking at the tidy room, she couldn't help smiling. She knew that this home could not live without her. "

Hong Lihuan's arm around Heiyang's neck slowly tightened, gradually exerting force.

"After furnishing the house, Ms. Hongli is going to do some heavy work.

She was going to plant the small flat peach tree that had been prepared long ago to pave the way for a happy future for her family.

But before that, she needs to create a small secret space in the plantation park without disturbing her husband and daughter's rest. "

Hongli turned over, crawled onto Heiyang like an octopus, and pressed down on Heiyang's chest.

"It's not easy to create a small secret realm, so Ms. Hongli plans to..."

"Okay! Shut up! Heiyang!"

Hongli sighed, and finally spoke impatiently.

At this time, she was lying on Heiyang's body, with her chin resting on Heiyang's chest, she opened her sleepy dead fish eyes, just looked at Heiyang's face, and said quietly: "Even if you pretend to be a narrator and mutter there, Ms. Hongli I won't do what you say, so let's die as soon as possible."

"Ah this..."

Heiyang laughed twice, stretched out his arms to wrap around Hongli Xiaoman's waist, and pulled her into his arms to hug her again.

"Well, I'm not praising you for your hard work and housekeeping, you are a good wife and mother!"

"Heh, compared to a good wife and mother..."

Hongli hugged Heiyang tightly, buried her little head in Heiyang's arms again, smelled the breath of peace of mind, closed her eyes again, and put her little face on Heiyang's chest with a happy face, softly as if she hadn't woken up. : "I think it's easier and happier to be a parasite gnawing on the black sun.

Anyway, Heiyang, uh, he is not willing to let me starve to death, hehe, Heiyang, my Heiyang, warm and fragrant..."

"Hey, hey, you don't take this guy for granted!"

A row of black lines was drawn across Heiyang's head, and he said speechlessly, "Didn't you say that husband and wife should work together to build their own homeland? Show off your fighting spirit!"

"Aha? Who said it? When did it say it? Why didn't I know?"

Hongli snorted and said, "Besides, we all work hard.

You work hard to support me, and I work hard to survive. The division of labor is very clear. "

"What are you..."

A vein popped out of Heiyang's head: "Then I'll try to kill you now, okay?"

"Come on, come on."

Hongli had a confident look of being favored: "Whatever you want, I don't want to resist, Heiyang, come and kill me~"

Hei Yang: "..."

"Then what do you say about the work that has been piled up!"

"Let's talk, let's talk..."

Hong Li muttered in a low voice: "Anyway, there is still a lot of time, so it won't be too late to do it in a few days.

It's still early, continue to sleep, continue to sleep, don't you want to let you hug the lovely Hongli? "

"Well, how do you say that..."

Hongli paused: "Oh, yes, let you indulge in the gentleness, ignore the government, be stupid and immoral cough cough, I mean cure by doing nothing!

Yes, it is like that!Am I not qualified, Hongli? "


Heiyang was taken aback, and Youyou admitted: "For Heiyang, you Hongli is indeed qualified..."

"That's all it takes."

Hongli said with satisfaction: "So continue to sleep."

"Ah this..."

Heiyang frowned in thought, and then suddenly realized: "It makes sense!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Well, sleep!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the bedroom door, and the "Zzzzzz" constantly popping up on Heiyang Hongli's head was interrupted instantly, and the well-tac-toe popped out of the two heads.

Well, pretend not to hear, not to hear...

"Bang bang bang!"

Heiyang Hongli: "..."

"Bang bang bang!"



"Who! What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Hongli jumped out of bed with a black face, pulled Heiyang's coat beside him to wrap it around, opened the door, and looked at the daughter at the door with dead fish eyes, and couldn't help saying: "I said Xiao Huo, please be considerate. Mom and Dad are two old people, our energy is not as good as your young people!"


Xiaohuo at the door tilted his head innocently, first glanced curiously at the coat on his mother, frowned slightly and shook his head, stretched out a little finger and explained: "Well, Xiaohuo didn't mean to disturb Mom and Dad are resting!
It's just that my grandma told me to remember to eat in the morning, so I came to talk to my parents.

Grandma also said: I know your parents too well, don't look at their promises, they will definitely not be able to get up in the morning, let alone cook for you! "

"Ah this..."

Hong Li's expression froze, her breath stagnated, and she said awkwardly, "Well, as expected of my mother haha, she's as smart as me!"



Hongli waved her hands with a sneer, and said quickly: "I see, I understand, let's go, parents know, remember to come back early."


Hongli nodded, and was about to close the door: "If it's okay, mom will go back to sleep..."

"Wait a minute!"

Xiao Huo quickly grabbed the door.


Hongli yawned, and couldn't help but teardrops from the corners of her eyes, she said with a dejected face, "Is there anything else?"

"Some, some, Xiaohuo still wants to know..."

Xiao Huo stretched out his second finger: "Do you need Xiao Huo to bring food back for parents? How much do parents want? One bowl? Two bowls?"


As soon as Xiaohuo finished speaking, Hongli's eyes lit up suddenly, and with an "oh hoo", before Xiaohuo could react, she reached out and lifted her up, tears of emotion flowed from the corners of her mouth: "Xiaohuo, if you want to say that this mother is not Sleepy!

She really deserves to be a mother's good girl, even thinking that her parents are still hungry, it really didn't hurt Xiao Huo in vain, come on, let my mother kiss me, it's too bad~"

"Hey hey, Xiao Huo must be a good girl!"

Xiaohuo was lifted up by Hongli, and her face was brought to Hongli's mouth, while laughing, her legs kicked in the air: "Okay, okay, mom, tell Xiaohuo how much to eat.

Then Xiaohuo set off, and grandma couldn't be kept waiting for long. "

"This, Heiyang and I both know how much we eat, and my mother will understand if you say a word."

Hongli chuckled, put Xiaohuo back on the ground, waved her hands and said, "Bon voyage! Oh, yes, don't forget the little puppet!"

"I know~"

Xiaohuo happily jumped out of the house, and under Hongli's perception, ran to the courtyard with a bounce, and then spread its wings and flew high!

"This girl..."

Hongli leaned against the door, raised her head and looked upwards, looked through the roof, and heard the ethereal joyful cry of cranes, couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

She turned around and closed the door gently, pulled off her coat and put it aside, with a "shua", she rushed to lie down next to Heiyang again.

"This day..."

Hongli stretched comfortably, pulled a Heiyang arm from the side, covered her stomach with his palm, and sighed leisurely: "Every day is so happy...comfortable!"

This is also the reason why she desperately wanted to come back from Five Elements City with Heiyang, she knew where the happiness she wanted was.

Well, not outside, but beside her family and lover, in this city of five colors!Five-color city!Color City!city! (echo)

Happy marriage, harmonious family, no worries about eating and drinking, sleeping with a black sun that feels great in the hand every day, reaching out for clothes, opening mouth for food... oh my god!Is this heaven?

At this moment, Hongli's thoughts drifted to various strange corners, and suddenly she thought of the little friends of the Five Elements Sect.

When they were about to leave, they still felt a little sorry for themselves. The seventeen-year-old Jin Dan, who still has a bright future, went to find a man when it was time to fight. It's amazing!
Ha, Zi Feili, An Zhili's joy?
In Hongli's eyes, those sect disciples who have to practice hard every day and rack their brains to study supernatural powers are living in hell!

Feeding spirit beasts, planting spirit herbs, sweating in the hot alchemy furnace, worrying about food poisoning every meal, being coveted by crooked ways when going out, and from time to time there will be a sudden call for a small meeting or something. ...

Tsk tsk, although it's very immoral, Hongli feels happier and more comfortable when she thinks about their lives in such dire straits.

Well, happiness is a comparison...

I don't know what Xiaoyun is doing now?
Is it a serious and assiduous retreat in a secret room?

Or a thrilling experience in the snow mountain forest?
Or fight passionately in the Zongmen arena?
Oh, by the way, I don't know how many sessions of the "Children Fighting and Adults Watch the Fun" conference in the practice world are about to start. If Xiaoyun participates, he should be able to shine on it, right?
Hongli thought about it leisurely, and slowly fell asleep...


"Is this the Five Elements City?"

Hong Butian, who had been hidden for a long time, and Zhao Zhuji, who had also been hidden for a long time, walked side by side, and followed the leader of the elders on the street of Wuxing City.

At this time, Grandma Liu was possessed by Hong Butian, and he looked around curiously: "It's completely different from Wuse City and Wangdu. From time to time, there will be monks passing by with spirit beast companions, and it won't attract too much attention... ..."

"Ha, of course."

Zhao Zhuji nodded with a proud face, and said proudly: "Beside the Five Elements City is the Five Elements Sect, a great sect of immortals, and now it has been promoted to a holy place in the practice world like my Wuliangjianmen. The residents at the foot of the mountain naturally There are a lot of opportunities to see monks.

Naturally, like other ordinary cities, Qi Refining Cultivators like you will not be casually called Immortal Heads. Even at a young foundation-building stage like me, even here, you are still an outstanding existence, okay?

Do you understand what is the gold content of a direct disciple!Oh ho ho ho ho! "

"Hey, you don't have to emphasize my realm every time, okay?"

Hong Butian said speechlessly: "It's only been a while since I got started, and I'm already very good at the third level of Qi refining, okay, that old man who is always floating all day says I'm very talented!"

"Who are you talking about, the floating old man?!"

The elder of Yaowangzong (former) suddenly appeared from the ground, with a ghostly look, and looked at Hongbutian with a hostile expression: "If the old man hadn't kindly brought you here to see the world, you are still in Wuliangjianmen You are shutting up Kubaba to practice! Are you here to bury the old man now?"

"Ah... this is... haha..."

Hong Butian sneered twice, then showed a speechless expression, and lowered his voice: "But having said that, the rules of the Wuliangjian Sect are really strict, even a positive and good boy like me is bored." It's enough."

"Hey, hey, I'm still here!"

Zhao Zhuji couldn't help but said: "Speak ill of the sect secretly in front of me, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

"That's what it is. It's just telling the truth. Not only is it strict, but it's also very strange!"

Hong Butian looked at the spear behind him with black lines all over his head, and couldn't help complaining: "What, you have to let me give me the spear, um, the long sword, put the entire "scabbard" on, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the law. Now, it's weird!"

"Ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji's breath stagnated, revealing his half-moon eyes, and defended in a low voice: "Although, but, after all, we are called Jianmen!"


Hong Butian rolled his eyes, didn't say much, and continued to look around hungrily: "Now I finally came out, I have to see enough!"

"Don't be too slack!"

Zhao Zhuji frowned: "But it's not a bad thing for you to come out with me. After all, if I'm not watching you in the sect, who knows if you will be lazy and slack in your cultivation?"

"Wow, I've said it many times, it was an accident, it's just too deep into the drama!"

Hong Butian sighed: "I'm not that kind of character, if there is someone else with that kind of personality, okay?"

"Nonsense, I've never seen anyone lazier than you!"

"It's just that you don't know much..."


"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, don't let the outsiders see the jokes of your sect."

Floating, floating, bah, the great elder pointed to the leading elder with white hair and white eyebrows in front, and said leisurely: "Follow your elders of the Golden Core Realm of Wuliangjianmen, don't fall behind."

"I know, I know, you don't need to say this."

Hong Butian waved his hand, turned his head to look at the Great Elder suspiciously, and asked, "But why did you come with me? I heard that the Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect and the elders have reunited and are rebuilding the sect. Shouldn't you go with me?"

"That can go anytime."

The Great Elder looked down at himself, his eyes dim: "I want to take advantage of this opportunity of the gathering of various forces to find out if there is any expert who can help me reshape my body, and I don't want to keep floating like this Bar."

"Huh? Is there no way for the Infinite Sword Gate?"

"They have many ways to eliminate my remnant soul."

"Ah, that's alright."

"You kid..."

The Great Elder sighed, and looked up at Wuxing Mountain again: "By the way, I found out that the former suzerain is here.

So come here and ask in person, if she still wants to take care of our Medicine King Sect? "



"Quack! Gliding down! Gliding down! Gliding pooh, ah!"

Xingyun's screams came from near the Five Elements Mountain, and an imperfect parabola crossed the sky, hanging Xingyun and Quack on the branches of the giant tree.


Xingyun spit out the leaves in his mouth, gave a thumbs up to the dizzy Quack, and praised: "Quack, you did a great job! This time is already great. If we practice more, we will be able to fly to five colors I'm looking for Sister Hongli and the others to play!"

"Quack! Play!"

"That's right, it's this momentum!"

Xingyun nodded in satisfaction, looked at the Five Elements City not far away, scratched her cheeks, and her eyes were full of fighting spirit: "But before that, I heard that the brothers and sisters of other sects have almost arrived, and there must be many realms among them." Superb disciples can challenge it! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

"Quack! Hot blood! Boiling!"

"Oh hoo~~"

(End of this chapter)

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