So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 307 Let's go with the wind, there are question marks behind...

Chapter 307 Let's go with the wind, there are question marks behind...

"Quack, look, that's from the Juanlang Sect over there. Sister Hongli told me that their sect's costumes have a lot of patterns like oceans..."

Xingyun walked curiously on the main street of Wuxing City, watching people coming and going, and identifying the teams of various sects.

"That should be the Medicine King Sect. I heard that they were attacked and the sect was destroyed.

Sure enough, although there are still people coming, they are obviously smaller than other teams..."

Xingyun muttered softly, "I hope he's okay."


"Ah? Quack, ask the one over there?"

Xingyun tilted her head, with a puzzled look on her face: "That's our senior sister of the Five Elements Sect, can't you see it?"


"Oh, you said the team on her right, that one, I heard it's called Broken Sword Sect?

Well, they all have cold faces, it's really scary.

Boundless Sword Sect... Universal Dust Sect... Begging Immortal Sect... So lively! "

Xingyun sighed as he walked, his eyes sparkled, and he became more and more excited: "I'm so excited, that one looks very powerful, that one also wants to challenge, and that one too, it's burning up, go! Go! Follow me!" Let's make an appointment!"



"Ah, Mom and Dad have returned to Five-color City, so this year is over."

Also on Wuxingcheng Street, Hei Xiaolong and Hei Xiaoqi walked side by side. The former walked and gnawed with a pig's trotter in his hand. Looking at the half-new Spring Festival couplets posted on the side of the road, he couldn't help sighing: "Originally I thought this New Year would just pass in a dull and boring way, but I didn't expect my parents to come to us to celebrate the New Year together, so that we can have a comfortable New Year!"

"That's true. After all, our family hasn't really been reunited for a long time..."

Hei Xiaoqi also said with emotion: "The last time the family gathered together for dinner, you were so young, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye."

"There is no way, there is no time to practice, sister, you still see less."

Hei Xiaolong shook his head leisurely, and sighed: "I have seen some brothers and sisters, they are really closed to death.

Entering the immortal sect at a young age, and then returning to the hometown, things change and people change, and there are many pines and cypresses..."

"That's too pitiful, isn't it?"

"Who knows, maybe everyone has their own ambitions."

Hei Xiaolong spread his hands, sighed and said: "At the end of this year, I will definitely go home anyway, um, to attend Brother Heiyang's wedding.

I want to send Brother Heiyang one last time, woo woo woo, I feel sad when I think of this, Sister Hongli is so cruel! "

"It's almost done. Just now, he looked like a mature man who was feeling sorry for his life. In the blink of an eye, he became a little kid who couldn't live without his brother."

Hei Xiaoqi glanced at Hei Xiaolong, shook her head, raised her chin slightly, looked up at the sky at forty-five degrees, and imagined: "Speaking of which, I don't know what Xiaoyang and Xiaoli are doing now, whether they have lived together or not. What about the life they want?
I think they must be very happy!After all, you are living with the people you love! "

"Yes, yes, a beautiful world where only Hei Xiaolong was injured was born."

Hei Xiaolong pursed his lips, looking at Hei Xiaoqi with a displeased expression.

"Okay, okay, don't sigh here!"

Hei Xiaoqi waved her hand: "It's normal for a boy to be rejected.

Instead of clinging to your elder brother, you might as well find a little girl who looks right to you, and when you get married, you won't be thinking about clinging to him all day long. "

"how is this possible?"

Hei Xiaolong stiffened his neck, with a look of disbelief: "I am devoted to the Tao, time is extremely precious, how can I waste time on love!"

"Tch, I was young and didn't know how good a girl is, so I mistakenly regarded your brother as a treasure."

Hei Xiaoqi said disdainfully: "You just have to be stubborn, when you really meet someone you like, you won't think so."

"Speaking as if you have so much experience..."

Hei Xiaolong looked contemptuous: "I'm still young, so I don't need to think about such things, but someone..."

"Xiaolong, you are not allowed to imitate Xiaoyang's yin-yang qi!"

"Ah? Did I name you? Someone is in a hurry, I won't say who it is..."

Before Hei Xiaolong finished speaking, he suddenly leaned down skillfully, avoiding the old sister's slap: "Hey, I didn't hit it, just a little~~"

"Black! Xiao! Dragon!"

Hei Xiaoqi's face turned red and black, she gritted her teeth and said, "Stop! Don't run!"

"Ha, idiots don't run away!"

Hei Xiaolong turned back and taunted while running: "Sister Qi Refining Period, you run slowly, not as fast as me, a little bit..."

Hei Xiaoqi: "!!!"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hei Xiaoqi bent down, put her hands on her knees, looked at Hei Xiaolong panting and looking at the innocent Hei Xiaolong, and couldn't help shouting: "Smelly Xiaolong, don't you know how to give way to sister!"

"Oh, if you want to hit me, I will let you hit me on purpose, right?"

Hei Xiaolong snorted lightly: "I'm not stupid!"

"whispering sound……"

"What, you have nothing to say?"

Hei Xiaolong raised his brows, and continued to tease his family's nerves: "Are you tired? Can't you? Can't you run? Ha, you can't control yourself!"

"Go, go, who can't run!"

Hei Xiaoqi stomped her feet and explained: "I saw someone I knew, so I stopped, okay?"

"Ha, come on."

Hei Xiaolong waved his hand: "Where is it? Where is it? Why can't I see it, oh my sister, the acquaintance you are talking about is the same door that you meet all day, yo, yo, quibble, continue to quibble?"

"Hoo hoo, don't be angry, don't be angry, I won't be angry when others are angry, and there is no one to replace when I get sick, if I am angry, who will be happy..."

Hei Xiaoqi took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down and not care about like a kid, but pointed to the team not far away: "I really didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself!"

"Ah? Who is that man? Are you a good friend?"

"Go, go, Hongli, her cousin Hongbutian, you don't know him anymore?"

"Uh, I'm not familiar..."


"I seem to hear someone calling my name..."

Hong Butian scratched his head, muttering suspiciously.

"It's not like, someone is calling your name."

Zhao Zhuji put her arms around her chest, turned her head to look at the two people who were walking here, and raised her eyebrows: "Five Elements Sect, roar, local snake.

A girl, well, not as good as me, better than you.

However, for that boy, there are, things! "


Hong Butian followed Zhao Zhuji's line of sight, froze for a moment, his eyes lit up: "Hei Xiaoqi?"

"Sure enough, it's you Hongbutian, you can actually meet me here."

Hei Xiaoqi waved her hand to say hello, and walked over with Hei Xiaolong.

"Ah, I'm also very surprised that I can meet here..."

Hong Butian looked at Zhao Zhuji who was on the side, and introduced: "My fellow townsman, my cousin has a very good relationship with her two cousins."

"May I ask your name?"

Zhao Zhuji's voice was slightly cold.


Hong Butian paused: "Didn't I just say that it's called Hei Xiaoqi..."

"I said another..."

Zhao Zhuji stared at Hei Xiaolong who came out from behind Hei Xiaoqi, and performed a monk's etiquette with a serious face: "Zhao Zhuji, the third level of foundation building."


Hei Xiaolong nodded slightly, and returned a salute: "Hei Xiaolong, Foundation Establishment Level [-]."


On the side, Hong Butian and Hei Xiaoqi had black lines on their foreheads, as if they saw lightning striking each other as their eyes met...

"What's the matter?"

Hei Xiaoqi went to Hong Butian's side, looked at the costumes of Wuliangjianmen's disciples on him, raised her brows, and beeped softly: "Why did you punish the Wuliangjianmen? Xiaoyang and Xiaoli didn't let you go Is it related?"

"Well, it's a long story, but a long story short."

Hong Butian nodded: "Accident!"

"I see!"

Hei Xiaoqi suddenly realized, although she didn't know what she had realized, she turned her head to look at the two people who were confronting each other, and felt that the surrounding air was constantly freezing, which made her a little out of breath.

"Then what's going on with them?"

"Well, according to my observation..."

Hong Butian also frowned and looked at the two of them: "This should be the legendary duel!"

"You have read too many biographical novels brought by your sister..."

"A little dabbling."

"I see!"


"you're good……"

Zhao Zhuji looked at Hei Xiaolong, and said in a deep voice: "Your age is younger than me, which proves that you are more talented than me."

"You're not bad either."

Hei Xiaolong responded in a muffled voice: "I am older than me, which proves that I have more combat experience than me."

"try it?"

"Exactly what I want!"

The two took two steps back abruptly, and were about to start their hands. Suddenly, a loud shout came from the sky: "Stop! Don't move! Raise your hands! Squat down slowly! Hold your head with your hands!"

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

Hei Xiaolong: "???"

A bunch of question marks appeared on the heads of the two of them. Looking up at the sky, they saw a smear of crimson falling from the sky. A disciple of the Fire Department of the Five Elements Sect jumped off the back of Li Huo He, looked at the two of them carefully, and took out a small Benben: "Name? Realm? Which sect?"

"Ah this..."*2
Hei Xiaolong Zhao Zhuji caught a glimpse of the armband with [Patrol] written on the opponent's shoulder, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

Hei Xiaolong: "My name is Hei Xiaoqi!"

Zhao Zhuji: "My name is Hong Butian!"

Hei Xiaoqi and Hong Butian: "???"

"Oh, Hei Xiaolong and Zhao Zhuji, right..."

The patrol members seemed to be deaf, and recorded in their small notebooks: "Hei Xiaolong of the Five Elements Sect and Zhao Zhuji of the Wuliang Sword Sect are both foundation-building triple-layers. Before the official start of the meeting, they provoked troubles, erupted high-energy aura reactions, and attempted crimes. It is hereby recorded..."


Zhao Zhuji's pupils trembled: "No, it's fine if you know his name, why can you tell me by my real name! What kind of supernatural power is this?!"

"Hey, what do you mean by knowing my name?"

Hei Xiaolong said unhappily: "I don't look like my own sister, can't you blindly mistake us for a moment? I'll invite you to a restaurant..."

"Hei Xiaolong, trying to bribe members of the patrol team, the crime will be aggravated..."

The patrol team continued to record: "I took the class of senior Hongling, she mentioned you to me..."

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

Hei Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing under her younger brother's resentful gaze: "This is my retribution."

"Hei Xiaolong remember to ask your master to explain..."

The members of the patrol team looked at Zhao Zhuji calmly: "In addition, your lists have been submitted by your respective sects a few days ago, and our patrol team has memorized all the needs.

Well, if this junior sister has any dissatisfaction, you can report it to the patrol team..."

"Ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji showed half-moon eyes: "Then there's no need, I'm convinced..."

"Hey, I don't accept it!"

Hei Xiaolong yelled: "I did it to protect the dignity of our Five Elements Sect..."

"I still say the same thing, talk to your master..."

The members of the patrol team enforced the law impartially, and the Yinyin teachings of Senior Hongling before leaving still echoed in her heart: "Well, that's it, you..."

Before they finished speaking, the members of the patrol team and Li Huohe at the side suddenly turned their heads to look in a certain direction, and someone's arrogant voice was faintly heard.


"Hahaha! Who else? Next!"

Xingyun put the knife back into its sheath, and looked at the surrounding people with a proud face.

Wow, I'm really looking more and more like Sister Hongli! (ω)hiahiahia
Xingyun's face was calm, and he laughed wildly in his heart.


An indifferent voice came suddenly.

"Five Elements Zongxing...huh?"

Xingyun's face froze, and he didn't turn his head: "Son! The city management is here, let's run!"


As if after many rehearsals, Xingyun suddenly took out a piece of black cloth and tied it on his face, and pounced forward. Gaga was already there ready to go, and took off after connecting with Xingyun.

Patrol team member: "!!!"

Patrol from Flamingo: "!!!"

"We chase!!!"

"hold head high!!!"


Under the watchful eyes of Hei Xiaoqi and others, two Li Flamingo Cranes, one in front and one in the back, streaked across the sky of Five Elements City.


The member of the patrol team said angrily: "Resisting arrest! The crime will be aggravated! Show me your face! Don't cover your face!"

"Ha! Stopping obediently is the worst crime!"

Sister Hongli's earnest teachings flashed in Xingyun's mind, frankly be lenient, and she will be imprisoned!
"I want to convict me! Let's talk after I catch up! Hahahaha!"

hateful!I can't lose if I bet on Senior Hongling's belief!
Sister Hongli's will is with me! ! !

Hei Xiaolong Zhao Zhuji: "..."


"Well, I seem to hear Xiaoyun talking about me..."

Hongli slurped the soup made by her mother while muttering, "You must have missed me."

"Gududu, why bother so much!"

Holding the bowl, Hei Yang drank a few sips of soup, and took a deep breath: "Mom's cooking is delicious!"

"That is that is!"

Hong Li instantly left Mouyun behind, and turned into a mother to blow: "Is the taste that you will never get tired of eating in a lifetime just playing with you?"

"Eat quickly, this breakfast will soon become lunch!"

"Get what you want!"

"Ton ton..."*2

"Tell everyone, I'll be back."

Yao Qingkong looked at the Great Elder floating beside him, and sighed, "Soon, go back soon."

"Is that so..."

The Great Elder nodded, indicating that he understood.

"But you want to reshape your body..."

Yao Qingkong frowned, and turned to look at Yin Zisheng who was busy writing, the latter waved his hand neatly: "I have read it, there is no way, please be smart."


Yao Qingkong withdrew his gaze and looked at the Great Elder with an apologetic face: "Me too, I have no clue, and I have no experience in helping people reshape their bodies..."

"Even you two Nascent Soul Overhauls can't help..."

The Great Elder's expression darkened, and he looked down at his illusory soul body: "If this is the only way to live in this life, it's not very interesting, it's better..."


Yao Qingkong suddenly thought of someone who could know who scolded her tens of thousands of miles away (cough cough), a little unsure: "Perhaps, I know someone who might be able to help you?"


The Great Elder suddenly raised his head, as if grasping at the last straw: "Which senior is it?"

"this one……"

Yao Qingkong took out the communication spirit stone: "I'll call her and ask her..."

(End of this chapter)

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