So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 327 Intentionally Offending

Chapter 327 Intentionally Offending
"Well, although I can't see anything..."

Hong Butian looked up at the sky, only feeling that the white sun was a bit colder.

"Although I can't see anything, why do I feel that there is a sad barrier between me and the sun..."

"Hey, it's so sad, it's obviously very domineering!"

Hongli couldn't help but refute, stretched her hands on her hips, and said proudly: "Brother Butian, aren't we good? We successfully invaded your sect with ease!
On this day, the monks in the roaming world once again recalled the fear of being dominated by demons!

They finally remembered the ancient god name buried in the dust of history!
That is great terror, but also great redemption, that is great disaster, but also great grace!
Praise, the Supreme God of Salted Fish and Lazy Dogs!Ha ha ha ha! "

Hong Butian: "Ah???"

"It's okay. She gets sick every day. She understands everything and doesn't explain it."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes, lightly patted Hong Butian on the shoulder, and used the magical power of not confusing, so that Hong Butian could also see the existence of the phantom.


Hong Butian glanced at Hongli who was laughing with his arms akimbo, couldn't help but sighed while holding his forehead, and looked at Heiyang speechlessly.

"Speaking of which, you two, are you really ready to form a joint family?
Why do I always feel that you will live very hard...

Well, I'm not saying you guys will have conflicts, I just think..."

Hong Butian paused, considered his words, and said in a low voice: "You usually drink a bowl of rice porridge, isn't it the same as Chinese New Year?

How do you usually decide who cooks at home? "

Hei Yang: "..."

"Cough, that..."

Hei Yang turned his head away, and whispered with weak eyes: "Xiao Huo has started to learn how to cook with two old mothers recently, and it just so happens that she can set fire to her professional counterpart, cough cough...

Well, don't scold us, Xiaohuo is absolutely voluntary! "

Hong Butian: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Are there any parents like you!"

Hong Butian couldn't help complaining: "Let your daughter cook for you, you can figure it out! What kind of giant babies are you!"

"Children from poor families are already in charge of the family, understand, cough cough."

Heiyang beeped softly: "And Xiaohuo also looks very interested. If she's not interested, we won't force her. Oh, you don't have too many skills."

"Although you say so..."

Hong Butian gritted his teeth and said, "But I still think you guys are shameless!"

"Ahem, what's wrong with the children wanting to be filial, the family reunion is the most important thing!"

Hei Yang coughed twice: "For example, uncles and aunts miss you very much all the time!"


Hong Butian was stunned for a moment, his eye circles were reddish: "Damn it, break my defense, right?"

"Ahem, no, no, that's not important."

Heiyang turned Hongbutian's head forward.

"Look at the phantom in the sky, my family."

"I saw..."

Hong Li raised her head, and she saw a black leopard confronting the two phantoms in front of her, she squinted her eyes subconsciously.

"That's the body called prejudice, right?"


With the help of Heiyang, Hong Butian also saw the specter in the sky and the black panther confronting them.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Hong Butian could tell at a glance that there were big bosses in the sky that he couldn't afford.

After thinking about it, Hong Butian and Xiao Suibu hid behind Heiyang, poked his head out from behind his brother-in-law, and looked at Heibao solemnly.

"Is that the guy who influenced all the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect? He looks very scary."

"Correction, it doesn't affect all disciples."

Hei Yang shook his head and explained: "It's just a large part, there are still many disciples who are normal. Well, for example, aren't you normal?"

"Ah, the reason why I'm normal..."

Hong Butian smiled embarrassedly: "The reason why I didn't get the trick, isn't it because I have the protagonist bonus?"

"Let's go, we are the protagonists, you go to the next door and be the protagonists."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and exchanged a glance with Hongli. With a thought, his spirit landed on the two phantoms in the sky.


The black panther was staring at the phantom cautiously, but saw that the phantom suddenly turned into a man and a woman.

It was startled and roared viciously.

"Who are you two!"

The panther roared: "Why did you destroy my plan!"

Obviously, he was almost there, and he could wipe out all the disciples of this sect!

And the bunch of dark guys just now, why did it feel like it had encountered a natural enemy?
(According to the spirit stone sent by the master of Tianmen Gate*666)

"Heh, why are there so many nonsense?"

Hongli snorted softly: "It's already pretty good to give you a supporting role with two lines, I'll give you a face!"

"That's it."

Heiyang made a move directly.

"Come on, Xiaoli, you don't need to talk about morals in dealing with this kind of evil spirit!"

"Roger that!"

Hongli nodded.

"Hey, I haven't introduced myself yet, explaining my Tao and philosophy!"

A vein popped out of Black Panther's head: "You can't... roar... Damn it! Ah! Roar!"


Hong Butian leaned the last senior brother lying on the ground against the wall, clapped his hands, set up an awning with his hands and looked up to the sky, admiring the couple's speed pass in the sky.

"Speaking of such a fuss, I should be able to go home, right?"

Hong Butian scratched his head, sighed and said: "Once again I can't understand why I couldn't go to the Five Elements School...

Oh, yes, I said that you can't live under the protection of your younger siblings all your life.

In the end, the two of them still ran over, and only then did they realize that the Wuliangjian Gate is actually closer to the Five Colors City. "

How about transferring directly to another sect?
Going to the Five Elements School, not only can you no longer use any "sword tricks", but you can play with your guns in an open and aboveboard manner!

The elders there are amiable and harmonious. Generally speaking, you can leave the sect whenever you want, and there is no cumbersome leave process at all, which is very humane.

What's more, when he gets to the Five Elements Sect, there are two acquaintances Hei Xiaolong and Hei Xiaoqi who can play together.

Here, people who are not familiar with each other, only know Zhao Zhuji, who just made him angry.

Well, as for the fact that he is the leader of the Five Elements Sect...

Ahem, this kind of thing is more corrupt, if you ask, you know everything, he Hong Butian disdains it!
But is this considered a betrayal of the sect?
Uh, that, you can send him the entire exchange student quota or something!

Hong Butian was thinking wildly, and was suddenly taken aback.

"and many more!"

Hong Butian's eyes lit up, maybe Zhao Zhuji was fake angry just now, maybe she was also affected by prejudice just now?

Ha, he just said, he Hongbutian is different from Xiaoyang, he has always been a warm guy, how could he make people angry...


There was a muffled sound in the distance, Hong Butian stood on tiptoe, um, I couldn't see it.

He jumped to the roof of the Zongmen building, looked towards a high mountain in the distance, and finally saw the smoke and dust filled the air, gradually revealing the black panther trapped inside, with a scarred appearance.

"Stop, stop, I, I can't do it anymore, I surrender!"

It's only been six minutes since Heiyang Hongli and Heibao started fighting after they met, but the result gave Heibao a feeling that life is like years.

The black panther pulled himself out of the mountain with difficulty, looked at the black sun red glass staring at it expressionlessly, and sighed: "You have won, I, the cruel world, prejudice! I want to kill or cut, listen to me!" Respect!"

"Okay, watch me cut you to death."

Hongli took out a small knife and looked at the other party with a gloomy look: "Your information is almost the same as what your seniors have given you. I don't have anything to ask, so let's cut it for fun."

Black Panther: "!!!"

Wait, it was just talking!
"Ha, don't listen to her nonsense."

Hei Yang waved his hands, frowned and said, "You are a big boss in the ninth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, how could you be killed like this?"

"That's right! Cultivation is not easy, but do it and cherish it!"

The black panther nodded wildly: "As long as I can spare my life, I will definitely change my past, and if I spare my life, I will make up for it. In this way..."

"Ah, no."

Heiyang raised his hand in embarrassment, pointing at the panther: "I didn't mean that!"

Panther: "?"

"that is……"

Hei Yang's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously with anticipation: "Since you are a great master of the Nascent Soul Stage Jiuzhong, you must be able to make yourself delicious?"

Panther: "???"


Heiyang laughed and said: "Let's discuss something, you should be more conscious, transform your body, and directly transform yourself into a food that can be cooked.

Well, after a while, my buddies will get married. This meeting is fate, and fate is very wonderful.

You turned into ingredients and came to our wedding, which is considered to have participated in our wedding and witnessed this moment together.How about it, it's not bad! "

"you you you you……"

The panther was trembling with anger: "You want to eat me?"

"What? Can't you?"

Hong Li withdrew the knife and looked at Hei Bao with dead fish eyes: "Did you also hear what my husband said just now?
Either you consciously become ingredients and die with dignity.

Either you will be cut into small pieces by me, and you will be used as food in an unseemly manner, and you will die miserably.How about it?choose one? "

"Roar, roar..."

The black panther took a deep breath, his eyes were red, his momentum suddenly rose, and he rushed forward.

"I'm fighting with you guys, look at me...ah!"

The black panther fell down dying, looked at the two, and with the last of its strength, tremblingly said: "You, you two, dog, dog..."

"Oh, you can rest if you don't talk!"

Heiyang removed the panther's chin with a smile.

"Don't worry! We will make you delicious!"

Hongli had a serious expression on her face: "Well, I promise!"


The black panther stared suddenly, his legs twitched, and he died unsafely.

In the distance, on the roof, Hong Butian showed his head, squinting his eyes at the unclear murder scene, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Hey, hey, hey, hiss..."

Hong Butian swallowed, jumped off the roof, closed his eyes, and clasped his hands together.

"I don't want to offend, bad luck go away, good and good... I wish you an easy life in the next life."


"It's done!"

Heiyang Hongli returned to Hong Butian with blood on his face, and smiled at him: "Brother Butian, it's okay, justice has defeated evil once again!"


Hong Butian pointed at the two with a pale face.

"Why don't you two take a look at each other before saying this?"


Heiyang Hongli turned his head and looked at each other.

"Grass! Bold evildoer! Not to die!"

Hong Butian: "..."

"Ahem, do it all over again..."

Hei Yang wiped off the blood on his face, revealing a sunny smile like a big brother next door on his clean face.

"It didn't count just now, it didn't count just now!"

Hongli hit her face with a water polo, wiped off her face, and smiled sweetly.

"Brother Butian! Justice has defeated evil again!"*2
"Evil is once again disguised as justice..."

Hong Butian muttered softly.


"Ahaha, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything hahahaha."

Hong Butian laughed a few times, pointed at the seniors leaning against the corner, and changed the subject: "Well, why are they still awake!"

"Oh, I guess it will be fine soon."

Heiyang waved his hand: "Brother Butian, just watch them here, and they will return to normal when they wake up."

"Hmm, you're here waiting for us to come back."

Hongli nodded: "When we finish the matter, I will tell Master Gu Jian to take you home to play."


Hong Butian originally agreed subconsciously, but suddenly frowned and found a blind spot: "What do you mean waiting for you to come back?
Haven't you already killed justice, bah bah, I said, haven't you already dealt with that villain?What else are you going to do? "

"Of course I'm going to find Master Gu Jian and the others."

Hei Yang spread out his hands, and looked quietly at a certain place in the Wuliang Sword Gate. His eyes passed through the space, and he saw the secret space there.

"I just said why the suzerain elder didn't respond."

Hongli also looked there: "There are even accomplices?"


Infinite Sword Gate, in the secret realm of Sword Mountain.

Seven figures floated in the air, and six of them surrounded the remaining figure.

It was clearly six against one, but the situation on the court seemed to be that the middle man had the upper hand.

"Heh, was it finally discovered?"

The white-bearded old man standing in the center looked around with a calm expression.

Gu Jianzhen, the suzerain of Wuliangjianmen, and the five great elders of Wuliangjianmen, all of them are veteran monks in the Nascent Soul stage!

Ordinary monks could be sentenced to death if they were targeted by one of them, but the old man with the white beard didn't panic at all.

And if Hong Butian was here, he would be shocked to find that the voice of this white bearded old man was exactly the same as the ethereal voice he had when he was in the entrance examination!
"The dove occupies the magpie's nest, a good way."

Master Gu Jian said coldly: "I should have found out a long time ago.

They sneaked in while we were practicing in seclusion and entrusting the sect to Jianshan mountain spirit, took the mountain spirit away, made those strange rules indiscriminately, and missed my sword gate for decades! "

"Heh, I noticed it a hundred years ago when this world approached."

The white-bearded old man smiled leisurely: "It's another world that wants to go there.

It seems that the lessons learned by so many failed guys still can't let you stop for a while? "


Master Gu Jian and the five elders were silent.

"Heh, if you don't tell me, I will."

The old man with the white beard snorted softly: "Your journey, let's stop here, there is still time to turn around, or don't blame me for not reminding you.

If you really want to meet him, there will be no turning back. "


"He is the master of the cruel world, the existence of the world barrier."

The old man with the white beard showed some awe.

"That is the existence that I also want to bow my knees to. He said that this world is forbidden to move forward. This is the eternal rule!"

"So shall we move on?"

Master Gu Jian said coldly.

"Then I can only tell you what is untouchable."

The old man with the white beard snorted coldly, and a terrifying aura surged in, submerging the secret realm.

Name: Dogma

Boundary: Crossing the Tribulation

Identity: Cruel Great World monk
(End of this chapter)

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