So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 329 Hongling: Zhang's hometown has been two months old, and my niece and nephew have cu

Chapter 329 Hongling: Two months back home, my niece and nephew cured my internal friction

With the elimination of the two villains, Wuliangjianmen began a mighty operation to set things right.

Various unreasonable rules have been abolished and modified, such as weapon restrictions.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Heiyang Hongli, when the elder Zongli announced the abolition of the restrictive rules, a group of disciples threw cups in an instant.

Some took out real weapons from the storage bag, or ran back to the house to rummage through boxes and cabinets, and some pressed a mechanism on the long sword in their hands, and it suddenly deformed with a click, and the long sword changed beyond recognition and turned into other shapes .

For a moment, out of the ten disciples on the field, there were only two or three holding their swords and looking stupidly at their fellow disciples, suddenly feeling that the world was so strange.

It's like ten brothers in a dormitory. One day, three of them were shocked to find that, except for the three of them, the rest of the seven brothers didn't like the feeling of women, probably!
The elder watched the group of demons dancing wildly below, and fell into the contemplation of life directly.

Is there a possibility that this rule may be reasonable?How about restoring the old system?
Heiyang Hongli didn't look at it anyway, so she turned her head and went to Master Gu Jian to ask about the situation outside.

As a result, Master Gu Jian was talking to them, his eyes lit up, and he fell into an epiphany.

She directly operated the kung fu, and a portal automatically appeared in the sky above the roaming world, and with a "swish", Gu Jian was sucked out.

Heiyang Hongli's face turned pale with fright, and she was afraid that she would be like Master Gu Jian in the future, who would not even have a chance to leave a last word, that would be too scary for his wife!

As a result, when Heiyang Hongli told the elders of Wuliangjianmen about this matter, they all showed envious and yearning eyes, chirping and chirping auspicious words in their mouths, congratulating the suzerain master on his cultivation, and thinking of themselves At any time, you can break through the Nascent Soul and become the Crossing Tribulation.

That group of elders looked like that.To let Heiyang Hongli know that asking any further questions would be self-defeating, their nagging mouths almost turned Aoyoujie into a paradise of colorful birds and flowers.

Heh, if they hadn't seen what it looked like outside, maybe they would have believed it!

The first time I watched it was that they accidentally broke through the world wall when they were building a small secret realm, and the second time it was the real Gu Jian's ascension just now.

Thinking about it badly, before they thought at least there were elders waiting outside, but if after the two of them went out, they found that everyone had gone to nowhere, and there was no senior who came to pick them up, then it would be too much trouble. People are desperate!
Thinking of this, Heiyang Hongli couldn't help shivering, the two of them would never allow that kind of thing to happen!

At the foot of Wuliangjianmen Mountain, Heiyang Hongli looked at Zhao Zhuji, who was holding hands with Hong Butian, with a look of disdain.

Hong Li: "Hey, it's immoral!"

Hei Yang: "Hey, it's indecent!"

Hong Li: "Hey, the world is getting worse!"

Hei Yang: "Hey, shameless!"

"Hey, hey, you guys are enough!!!"

A bunch of wells popped out of Hong Butian's head, pointing at Heiyang Hongli who was hugging each other, he couldn't help roaring: "Do you two have the nerve to talk about us!"


Hong Li looked up at Hei Yang who was hugging her horizontally, with a curious expression on her face: "What's wrong with us?"

"do not know."

Hei Yang looked down at Hong Li in his arms, and shook his head: "I don't understand what Brother Bu Tian is talking about at all."

Hong Butian: "..."

Zhao Zhuji: "..."

"Cough cough."

Hongli jumped out of Heiyang's arms, coughed twice, stood on tiptoe and hooked Heiyang's shoulder, and said calmly: "You are different from us.

We are an old husband and wife who have been in love for more than ten years, and now we just hug each other, what is too much. "

"That's it!"

Hei Yang nodded, and said with a serious face: "Look at you guys, we've known each other for less than five months.

In the end, they walked together hand in hand, isn't that too much! "

"That's right, think about what I was doing when I knew Hei Yang for five months!"

Hongli frowned, lost in memory.

【Brother Heiyang, tell me a story to lull me to sleep! 】

[Okay, Xiaoli is obedient. 】

"Cough cough cough!"

Hongli's face turned red slightly, and she quickly returned to her original state. She coughed twice and waved her hands: "Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that the progress of the two of you is too fast!"

"Indeed, the two of us have been together for almost one hundred and forty-four months."

Hei Yang counted with his fingers: "You two have been together in less than five months.

Rounding it up, that is to say, one day of yours is worth thirty days to us, and one month of yours is equivalent to thirty months of ours. "

"That is to say, if you continue to develop according to your progress."

Hong Li stretched out a finger, and answered with a solemn expression: "You are very likely to get married before us!

Maybe when we get married, you will be able to hold three or four children and watch it below! "

"That's it."

Hei Yang said with contempt on his face: "Brother Butian, you will be an old man by then, who will ask you to be the best man!"


Hong Butian put a question mark on his head: "No, what kind of calculations are you doing! Where is your mathematics teacher now?"

"Oh, mortals really can't understand the wisdom of immortals."

Heiyang sighed.

"Brother Butian is just an ordinary person with a mortal body after all."

Hongli sighed.

"Hey, he's suddenly getting high again!"

Hong Butian rolled his eyes and waved his hands.

"Okay, okay, I know that the matter between me and Zhuji surprised you, but there is no need to react so much, right?"


Heiyang Hongli looked at each other and lowered their heads in frustration.

"You guys are so efficient from realizing you're in love to being together, it will make the two of us look worthless!"

"Ha, if I had known that Hei Yang would be so easy to deal with."

Hong Li gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, saying, "Then I'm still tangled up, I already took him down three or four years ago, okay?"

"Heh, if I had known that Hongli was so easy to fool."

Hei Yang said viciously: "Then why am I hesitating, as early as ten years ago..."

Three eyes came to look at the suspect.

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at!"

Hei Yang struggled to be handcuffed: "I am innocent, I have done nothing bad, you can't take me away! Help! Help!"

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief as they watched Heiyang being escorted away, and the world once again restored peace and tranquility.

"It's not what you think it is!"

Zhao Zhuji shook off Hong Butian's hand, and said in a low voice with shame and indignation: "Who, who would want to marry such a rookie in the Qi refining period!"

"I, I just..."

Zhao Zhuji gritted her teeth and argued, "We are just good friends!"

"Oh ho ho ho?"

Hongli leaned over with a funny face: "Do friends who have a good relationship hold hands?"

"Can't you?!"

Zhao Zhuji became angry from embarrassment.

"Go, go, go."

Hong Li chuckled: "Did the good friends go home with them to meet their parents?"

"Who, who saw the parents!"

Zhao Zhuji angrily turned her head to look at the innocent Hongbutian, stomped her feet and said, "I was afraid that he would use the excuse of going home to visit his relatives to slack off his practice, so I followed him to supervise him, okay?"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hongli spread her hands.

"I'm afraid that he might slack off in his practice if he sleeps in the middle of the night, I understand, I understand."

"no no!"

"Hey, classic!"

Hongli couldn't help laughing out loud, she patted Zhao Zhuji, and said earnestly: "A certain Li has come here, isn't she as stubborn as you back then? What happened?"

"The result...the result..."

Zhao Zhuji shrank her neck and said weakly: "What will happen in the end?"

"What's the result?"

Hong Li pulled Hei Yang, who had just escaped from prison, into her arms, and took a deep breath.

"It turns out that, wow, the black sun is really fragrant!"


Heiyang rolled his eyes and his whole body twitched.


Zhao Zhuji looked at Hong Li who seemed to be sucking Yang Qi, turned her head with a dark face, and said quietly: "I won't become like that even if I die."

"It's not up to you to..."

Hong Li floated over with a mysterious face, and smiled sullenly: "Since ancient times, women have been saddened by beautiful men, I... ah!"

"OK OK."

Hei Yang pulled Hong Li back, ignored the other party rubbing his head in protest, and looked in the direction of the Five Colors City.

"Go back and talk about it first, don't leave it here to feed the mosquitoes."

"Hmm, Xiao Yang is right."

Hong Butian nodded, watching Heiyang teasing his sister, subconsciously stretched out his hand to imitate.


Zhao Zhuji gave Hong Butian a sideways glance.


Hong Butian bent his outstretched arm, scratched his face, and said with a sneer: "Hahaha, look, this bit me on the face."


Zhao Zhuji couldn't help laughing, turned her head and stretched out her hand, looking at Hong Butian: "Huh?"


Hong Butian's eyes lit up, and he directly held hands, feeling that the soul was floating away along his arms.

In the woods, two couples walked side by side.

It seems to be walking very slowly, but the surrounding environment is changing rapidly.

"whispering sound……"

Hong Li sneaked a glance back, revealing dead fish eyes: "Look at how they have never seen the world."

"That's it!"

Hei Yang nodded in agreement, and also showed dead fish eyes: "See how happy you are when you hold hands. Two love brains are completely irrational to us!"

"Indeed indeed!"


"Hey, let's talk..."

Aunt Hongling came out of the bedroom lazily with a small fire on her head.

She looked at Xingyun and Quack, who were sitting in the hall concentrating on reading, the reflection of the sun on the table made Hongling's nose itch.

She yawned and asked casually, "Where are those two?"

"Ah, I don't know."

Xingyun didn't look back, [-]% of her energy was concentrated on the wonderful stories in the book.

She said casually: "Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang ran out in a hurry just now, there must be something urgent."

"Ha, is that strange?"

Hongling sat on the sofa opposite Xingyun, closed her eyes and meditated: "I've been here for so many days, and I haven't even seen them come out of the bedroom a few times, and they are almost bored in the room all the time?

Damn it, when I think of the two of them sleeping soundly at home when I was fighting with my pen in the capital, I feel really unbalanced! "

"Oh, what Aunt Hongling did was for the sake of the whole family!"

Xingyun flipped the page lightly, still casually said: "Just like my father will work very hard to take care of me."

"Yes, yes, thank you Xiaoyun for placing me so high in your heart."

Hong Ling stretched, pulled Xiao Huo off her head, hugged her in her arms, lay sideways on the sofa, and made a comfortable sound.

"Ah, anyway, I don't care what I have or what I have, I just come here to rest, and I don't have to think about anything else, and I don't even think about complicated things.

Well, relax yourself, restore harmony, rebirth from heaven and man, no disease and no worries..."

Hong Ling sighed: "These two guys are so good at enjoying themselves. I already feel like I have entered retirement life."


Xingyun nodded and continued to turn the page: "If I don't continue to practice in the Five Elements Sect in the future.

Go back to Wuguo City, find a sunny afternoon, and sit under the tree in the yard with Dad Gaga.

Drink a cup of hot tea, sometimes lie on the deck chair, and read the wonderful stories in the book.

Along with the characters' mental journey, you may be excited or happy, or sad or sad, and read one book after another quietly.

Like Sister Hongli, she piled up the books she had read in her small room and put them on the shelf. "

Xingyun showed a longing expression: "That's great!"

"Well, it feels like once you enter their house..."

Hongling yawned again, and sighed, "I feel like I've become a lot lazy. I don't know if it's the environmental influence or the psychological effect."

"Have you become more relaxed and happy?"


"That's all right!"



"Okay! Let's go!"

Yao Qingkong looked at the airship standing by at any time in front of him, and looked at the uncles and aunts wearing chef costumes beside him, and smiled embarrassedly.

"It's just on the way, let's go there together!"

"Hey, it's finally over!"

"Well, old lady, I have been waiting for a long time!"

"Dragon meat! Dragon meat! There are also sharks in the Nascent Soul stage, and winged tigers in the Jindan stage...

I just can't imagine that there are so many precious ingredients waiting for me, I almost faint with happiness! "

"Ha! Look at the Dragon Slaying Sword handed down in my family!

I have never had enough ingredients to make it come out, and now I can finally show my talents! "

"It is necessary to integrate the essence and nutrition of the meat into a small piece, and to allow everyone to eat delicious meals as efficiently as possible, and to ensure that everyone can withstand the powerful energy!
If you think about it this way, it's really a bit of a challenge! "

"Huh, it's not difficult, do you still remember the practice of bigu meal?"

"Oh, the density changes and the volume remains the same, and the nutrients permeate out little by little as the body absorbs them?"

"That's right, even if you eat a lot like this, you will only feel overwhelmed, and you won't have to eat for a few months, so you won't be afraid of causing damage to your body at all!"

"There is also Shibu, Shibu, you forgot, as long as you use that method and add the same ingredients in the dust mushroom soup, you can subtly improve people's physique and even innate talent!"

"Hey, don't forget, there are other monks who will come too, and the monks will eat the better one!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

(End of this chapter)

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