So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 333 When you can’t find where your phone is after looking around, you might as well look at

Chapter 333 When you can’t find where your phone is after looking around, you might as well look at your phone for a while and calm down
"Hongli? Haven't you arrived yet? If you haven't arrived, then we'll go directly to the city!"

Yao Qingkong stood on the deck of the spaceship, looked at the Five Elements Sect who was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help sighing.

"Really, it was clearly agreed to meet us here, but our people have not arrived yet."

"Why don't you land directly at the Medicine King Sect..."

Elder Piao Piao flew out from a ring, identified the direction and pointed to somewhere: "A new branch should be there, it is close to the Five Colors City but not directly adjacent."

"Ah, well, I think it's better to wait?"

Yin Zisheng said with a guilty conscience: "Well, if I go to Yaowangzong, there is no need for me to go!
Well, I will rent a house in Five Color City and wait for you. "

"Ah? What do you mean you don't have to go?"

Yao Qingkong widened his eyes, pointed at Yin Zisheng, and couldn't help but said: "If you don't go back with me, then why are you following me? Why? Don't you dare to go back and see them?"

"Ah, I'm a little scared..."

Yin Zisheng said with a sneer: "After all, those of you back then, um, some elders, um, how should I say, er, they were so strict!

I'm afraid that when I go back to see them this time, you know, it won't be very pleasant. "

"Speak normally, don't be errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

Yao Qingkong sighed, and said with guilt on his face: "I don't know if those uncles and aunts are still there, I don't know if they will..."

"Relax, suzerain, I'm still here."

Elder Piao Ah Piao persuaded: "Old men and wives all cherish their lives very much, they started to maintain their health at a young age, and they ate all the pills so fast.

Some time ago, I heard from the current suzerain that they are living in a branch near the capital here for the elderly and have not suffered much damage. "

"Huh, that's good, that's good!"

Yao Qingkong breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relieved expression, she turned her head to look at the hesitant Yin Zisheng, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Did you hear that? They're not here now, they're in the capital!

So now you can go down with me and have a look, right?I want to see how the current suzerain is capable! "


Yin Zisheng cautiously said: "What if they suddenly receive the news and rush over to ambush me? Wouldn't it be the end of me if I went down rashly?
If it’s not enough for you to be like this, you go down first..."

"Hey! Yin Zisheng, you are a little bit responsible, okay? You are usually very brave, but now you are cowardly?"

A tic-tac appeared on Yao Qing's head: "Back then you dared to sneak me away, and now you let my mother be pregnant with your seed, why didn't you dare to go down and face it? Do you still want the blessings of the elders!"

"I know, I know……"

Yin Zisheng replied with a sigh.

"Aha? No way, no way?"

Heiyang's face appeared on the screen of the communication spirit stone, and he looked at the dejected Yinzisheng on the other side with a smile, and said cheerfully: "No way, no way, no one is really afraid of a wife's family, right?" ,Ha ha ha ha!"

Yinzisheng: "..."

"Hey, do you think that everyone like you has been plotting evil since childhood?!"

Yin Zisheng couldn't help retorting: "You are the only one who has made your father-in-law and mother-in-law look like your own parents since childhood!"

"Oh, hurry up."

Hei Yang spread his hands, hehe laughed and said: "We are discussing whether or not to be afraid, if you think about sending me in, you will be damned!"


"Okay, okay, you two don't talk about these boring things here."

Yao Qingkong looked at Heiyang speechlessly: "Where did your wife go, is she still okay?
If we don't come here again, we will turn the corner and go directly to Yaowangzong!
But when the time comes, the people from the Five Elements Sect who will have to work hard to help you with the ingredients will follow us to the Medicine King Sect. "

"Ha, you ask me how I know when Hongli will recover. This kind of thing is beyond my control."

Hei Yang waved his hands speechlessly: "Don't worry, don't worry, when you arrive at the location, we will definitely show up to pick up the chefs and aunts, trust our time management skills, okay?"

"Heh, do you two really have such a thing as the concept of time?"

Yao Qingkong rolled her eyes, and suddenly said curiously: "But having said that, does Hongli have to put on makeup for so long before going out?

Just looking at her character, I really can't tell that she is this kind of person. "

"Dress up a big-headed ghost, I was too lazy to dress up before, so I guess I will have to dress her up in the future."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and said hehe: "She went to find her shoes, but she hasn't found them yet, what do you think she is doing?"

Yao Qingkong: "???"

"What the hell are you looking for her shoes? Doesn't she usually wear shoes?"

Yao Qingkong couldn't understand: "Since I can't find that pair of shoes, why don't I wear another pair?"

"Ha, shoes are really not a necessity."

Heiyang replied casually, saying that Hongli's activities at home are either on the bed or on the sofa, or hanging on him, shoes and so on are really not necessary.

"Honey, are you alright?"

Hei Yang yelled towards the bedroom: "Someone is urging you."

"Ah, wait, wait, don't worry, ah head..."

There were ping-pong-pong sounds from the bedroom, mixed with Hongli's cries of pain, Heiyang didn't change his face, and selectively ignored it.

"I said, don't you take a quick glance and you're done. Why are you making such trouble?"

"Ah? Ah yes! Heiyang, you didn't say it earlier!"

"I thought you had brains."

"Ha! You just want to embarrass me!"

"Look, I said you have a brain!"

"Heiyang you ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Damn it!"

Hong Li opened a drawer in the corner, put a pair of shoes inside on her feet, flew to Hei Yang's side, and jumped twice.

"Alright! I'm ready for Black Sun!"

"Wow, I'm finally waiting for you, drag ghost."

Yao Qingkong complained over there: "So when will you guys arrive?"

Two voices came from behind Yao Qingkong.

Yao Qingkong: "???"

Yao Qingkong looked at Heiyang Hongli who suddenly appeared behind him with a dazed expression, and then looked at the screen in the communication spirit stone. There were question marks all over his head, and he couldn't help shivering.

"what's the situation?"

Yao Qingkong looked at Yinzisheng beside him: "How did they come here?"

"Uh, probably..."

Yin Zisheng scratched his head and swiped his fingers in the air.

"Whoosh, and here we go! Well, that's it!"

"I'll give you a whoosh!"

Yao Qingkong raised his hand and gave him a slap, humming softly: "Speak well!"

"Ah, I'm just talking nicely!"

Yin Zisheng sighed: "Speaking of Qing Kong, why are you so irritable recently? Did I do something wrong?"


Yao Qingkong frowned, looked at Heiyang Hongli next to him with a vicious expression, pointed at herself and said, "Am I very irritable!?"


Heiyang Hongli nodded.

Yao Qingkong: "???"

"Hey, I heard about that..."

Heiyang pulled Hongli's head over and muttered in a low voice: "Some women will have a period of emotional instability after pregnancy.

But I remember that a large part of this seems to be a hormone regulation problem. Do practitioners also have this kind of problem? "

"Ha, your knowledge is not as wide as mine!"

Hongli showed a proud expression, and whispered: "This is the anxiety of waiting for the birth of the child, the anxiety of fearing that the child will have problems, and the panic of the sudden change of social roles. There are many aspects. I read it in the book. Passed!"

"Excellent, as expected of a talented woman!"

"Ha, you're finally willing to admit it!"

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

Yao Qingkong probed over with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Ahaha, it's okay, it's okay!"

Heiyang Hongli waved his hands quickly.

"Well, I'm going to fly the spaceship to land!"

Hei Yang raised his hand and said, "I'm quite experienced in this."

"Ha, then I'll go and see the grandparents!"

Hong Li raised her hand and said, "Mom and Dad have prepared a place for everyone to live in."

"Yeah, I bought two restaurants!"

"By the way, I seem to have seen Xiao Huo and the others in that direction. Damn, they are still shopping happily!"

"People can go shopping if they want to."

"Hey, Heiyang, you should face me and quickly condemn them with me!"

"Hehe, my slap should be facing your head."

"Next time I will put a blade in the skull cover, if you dare to hit me again, I will slash your hand!"

"Grass, what kind of biochemically modified blade man..."


Heiyang parked the spaceship on a large open space near Yangli's house - that piece of land was also theirs.

Originally, I wanted to plant some seeds in the open space to grow some vegetables, or plant flowers, and then lie on a deck chair and smell the natural fresh air to enjoy the pastoral life.

As a result, until now the two lazy things have not bought any seeds, let alone any pastoral scenery.

In fact, a few times they even passed by the door of the seed shop, but they just didn't bother to look in.

When I think about going in and choosing, I feel very troublesome.

At the end of the day, just deciding what to eat has consumed a lot of their energy, okay!
In this way, this piece of land became barren, and now it has become the spaceship landing place for the little friends to visit them.

Well, in fact, this is also in Heiyang Hongli's calculations! (convinced)
After landing, Yao Qingkong and Yin Zisheng expressed their eagerness to go home, greeted each other and flew towards Yao Wangzong.

Elder Piao Piao was left behind, waiting for Heiyang to give him professional treatment.

However, Heiyang Hongli thought it was better to send the chefs and aunts there first, and then talk about other things.

After thinking about it for a while, Elder Piao Piao felt that it made sense, after all, the current situation is: he has something to ask for from Heiyang Hongli, and Heiyang Hongli has something to ask from the elders and aunts.

The priority is clear at a glance!
Then the Elder Piao Ah Piao heard that the boy Hong Butian had also returned, not only came back, but also made love with the girl Zhao Zhuji, as soon as the fire of gossip ignited in his heart, he turned his head and floated towards Hong Butian's house.

He doesn't need to lead the way, he is very familiar with Hongbutian's family!
However, those "uncles and aunts" who actually looked in their twenties, eighties and thirties also looked like elementary school students on a spring outing, with excited and excited expressions on their faces.

After all, in their view, they took advantage of Heiyang Hongli!
Nascent Soul ingredients!

There's even a dragon in it!
For so many years in the Five Elements Sect, there are many precious ingredients that have passed through their hands, but they have never had the opportunity to come into contact with such high-grade ingredients.

After all, the Five Elements Sect didn't even have the Nascent Soul stage a year ago!
Heiyang Hongli is willing to let them touch this kind of high-grade ingredients with their own hands, it is like a martial arts hero watching a peerless martial arts, and a master forging has created a village good sword +18, the professional experience value will gradually increase, okay!
At that time, while they are cooking, they will "cross-level process the Nascent Soul ingredients once, cooking experience +999999" or something. After finishing this meal, they will directly improve their cooking skills and achieve great success!

What Heiyang Hongli didn't know was that after hearing that the two of them were looking for someone to handle the ingredients, the chefs of the Zongmen Canteen also held a culinary competition where everyone showed off their supernatural powers.

It is to select a super chef who can handle legendary ingredients, ahem...

Although in the end, because everyone is an old colleague, no one knows who's details, and there is no difference between each other, so it is impossible to tell the winner.

Your little boss has a higher score than me?

Heh, it's just that the taste is different. If I try it with another person, I will definitely win. My little Fugui refuses to accept it!

In short, because everyone couldn't find any God's Tongue to come and make a fair judgment, after intense discussion and careful negotiation, everyone finally came up with a perfect plan - let's go together!

Well, the chefs and aunts thought it was perfect, but the sect disciples and elders were dumbfounded.

If all the aunts and uncles in the cafeteria skip work, will they eat northwest wind then?
It can't be that the whole sect of them wants to go to the five-color city to eat and drink, it can be regarded as celebrating their suzerain's wedding.

It's just that thinking that this is likely to make some two guys blacken on the spot at that time, violently killing them in place and bleeding into rivers or something, everyone still gave up the idea of ​​dying.

In the end, after a big vote by the disciples, the gold medal chefs among the gold medal chefs and the super chefs among the super chefs came to the five-color city as a delegation, with an almost pilgrimage mentality!
Heiyang Hongli didn't know anything about the turmoil behind it. They only knew that when they brought the big guy into the "Yangli Restaurant" and took out a small part of the ingredients, the scene suddenly got out of control and turned into a biochemical crisis.

A group of men, women and children with red eyes rushed towards the flesh and blood with sharp kitchen knives in their hands.

But when they got to the front, they looked cautious, as if it was some very precious treasure, for fear of getting too close and damaging the ingredients.

"Ah? What's the matter!"

Hongli flicked the rope wrapped around the storage bag on one finger, and waved her hand casually, saying: "It's okay, it's okay, those don't matter, if you break those, there are still many more."

"Hey, you are stimulating people's nerves like this."

Hei Yang couldn't help but patted Hong Li beside him, and said speechlessly, "Restrain yourself a bit!"

"Uh... well."

Hong Li smiled embarrassedly, turned her head to look at Zhang San and Li Si who hadn't appeared for a long time, and said with a smile: "Then please ask Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li here."

"Young Madam, don't worry!"

Although he didn't appear on the stage, Zhang San and Li Si, who have been promoted and raised their salaries recently and are now bosses, patted their chests to assure them with a smile.

"Hurry up and do your work, everyone here will leave it to us, guarantee, what is the guarantee..."

“Guaranteed to feel right at home!”

Someone next to him reminded him.

"Oh, yes, make sure they feel at home hehe!"


Heiyang Hongli walked out of the restaurant and walked towards Brother Butian's house, followed by Elder Piao'piao's simple treatment!
(End of this chapter)

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