So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 334 When I heard that my parents want Zhang to come, I always subconsciously want to destroy

Chapter 334 When I Heard My Parents Are Coming Back, I Always Subconsciously Want To Destroy Some Evidence


Hong Butian pushed away from his room, the familiar room made him in a trance for a moment, and the dusty memories opened together with the room.

Although the wooden furniture is old, it is clean and dust-free. It seems that it is often wiped. Parents know that he will come back one day, but in fact he has not been away for long.

It’s not even as long as when my dad went out to work and leave home when he was young. Dad’s stories are often mentioned by him again and again at the dinner table. He said it was a memorable youth.

Thinking of something, Hong Butian raised the corner of his mouth and smiled until he saw a letter pressed on the table, his smile froze.

He took out the envelope that was about to be crumbled, obviously it had been read again and again, but it was still placed in the place where he put the letter when he left home.

It seems that in this way, the day of parting can be repeated again and again. Before opening the envelope every day, it seems that the son is still sleeping soundly in the house.

Opening the envelope, the son's laughter came from beside his ears: Mom and Dad, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be right back.


Something dripped, Hong Butian put his arm in front of his forehead, and slowly put the letter back.

It seems that if you don't open it, those lovesick moments will not exist.

But the years are still flowing, but this can't be fooled.

Thinking of something again, complex emotions flashed in Hong Butian's eyes, and a ring was placed on the table, just as it was in the original place.

But at this time, it will no longer jump up angrily like before, and then argue with Hong Butian with a trembling voice.


The door was gently pushed open again, Zhao Zhuji poked his head out, and said cautiously: "Can I come in? This is your room?"

"of course can."

Hong Butian nodded, and said with a light smile, "It's my bedroom, well, it's actually also a study."

After all, not everyone is like his cousin, who specially builds a hut to store his books.

His father has his own study, but Hong Butian seldom goes to it, and the contents of the books in it are not very attractive to him.

Even some strange books that recorded gossip and anecdotes brought him less pleasure than practicing marksmanship for hours.

Exercising martial arts is his favorite thing, and his second favorite is to sit on the steps and watch Xiaoyang and Xiaoli run over occasionally, fighting each other while fighting.

Ha, forgive him as an older brother who really doesn't want to go up to persuade a fight.

In fact, there is no need for him to persuade, Hong Butian knows that they have a sense of proportion.

At least Xiaoyang has a sense of proportion. The child has been mature and stable since he was a child, but the longer he grows, the more naive and innocent he becomes.

There was a time when Hong Butian even thought that Xiaoyang was his elder brother, and he became a cousin instead.

"Is that so..."

Zhao Zhuji nodded thoughtfully, looked around, and commented with a smile: "Not bad!"

"That's sure to be nice."

Hong Butian accepted the compliment unceremoniously.

"I mean, at least it's neat!"

"It's actually not just neat."



"If you don't fight, I will die!"

"will not."

"Phew... alright alright."

Zhao Zhuji sighed, suddenly thought of something, and whispered: "Speaking of which, uncles and aunts, um, I mean, where are your parents?
Why didn't I see it when I came back, didn't you live together? "

"Ah, that's not it."

Hong Butian waved his hand: "It's broad daylight, and there is no notice when they come back. It's normal for them to not be at home, after all, they have to work."

"But then again..."

Hong Butian looked at Zhao Zhuji speechlessly: "Do you all like to be outlaws after practicing?

I was still knocking on the door, and you just jumped over the wall. "

"Ah... uh..."

Zhao Zhuji looked away guiltily, and argued in a low voice, "Well, isn't it your home, and you're still there, so it's not considered trespassing.

Didn't I think, wait until you get in and open the door for you! "

"But how did you open the door? I didn't see it just now..."

Zhao Zhuji looked at Hong Butian curiously, and guessed: "You have always carried the key of the house, and the wanderer seems to be connected to a distant home by holding the house key when he is outside?"

"Uh, not so poetic melancholy..."

Hong Butian waved his hands with an awkward smile: "Just kidding, when I ran away from home in such a hurry, how could I have time to get any keys."

"to be frank……"

Hong Butian sighed, laughed and sighed: "I didn't know if I could come back alive back then, wouldn't holding the house key make me more intimidated?"

"then you……"

"Oh, let me tell you a little secret."

Hong Butian said in a low voice: "Nine out of ten houses in Five Colors City, there are more or less empty bricks on the side walls inside the gates, which are used to store spare keys.

As for the rest, well, it didn't even bother to close. "


A row of question marks popped up on Zhao Zhuji's head: "Then what's the difference between whether you lock the door or not? Everyone knows..."

"The stranger doesn't know."

Hong Butian waved his hand, and said leisurely: "Besides, who really wants to be a thief is the one who walks through the door!

One by one, the eaves, the walls, the dog holes, the holes in the ground, etc., the gates are actually just for decoration. "

"just like you."

Hong Butian looked at Zhao Zhuji, and gave an example: "If you climb over the wall, it proves that the gate has played its role, doesn't it?"

"Ah, this is reasonable and cannot be refuted."

Zhao Zhuji showed half-moon eyes, speechless.



Inexplicably, the two suddenly froze and fell into a strange silence.

It's like in a classroom full of chatter, no one shouts "the teacher is here", but suddenly there will be a weird silence from time to time, and everyone quiets down together.

Then everyone looked at each other with lingering fear and smiled, hahahaha, I was startled, and continued to laugh and laugh, cough cough!
At this moment, in the suddenly quiet room, the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

The two accidentally looked at each other, the little peach blossoms in the hallucination fluttered wildly, and the background color turned pink all of a sudden.


Zhao Zhuji whispered: "Uncles and aunts, how are your tempers?"

"Ha, that must be a very good temper."

Hong Butian smiled and pointed to himself: "I've lived to this age, and I haven't been beaten to death. Can't there be any explanation?"

Zhao Zhuji: "..."

"makes sense……"

Zhao Zhuji sighed.

"You... what are you doing???"

Zhao Zhuji looked at the hand on his shoulder suddenly and the face of someone approaching instantly, his face paled with fright, and his mind went blank.

What should I do now?
Do not resist?Do not resist?Or resist and surrender?Or pretend to be unable to resist?


Hong Butian took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Zhuji seriously: "Well, I want to tell you..."


Zhao Zhuji's face became hot, and she responded like a mosquito: "Say it."


Hong Butian plucked up his courage and spoke firmly.

"Stinky boy, where did you go? Come out to the old man quickly!"

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

Hong Butian: "???"

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Zhuji looked at Hong Butian with a question mark on his head: "You were the one talking just now!?"

"how could it be possible!"

Hong Butian rolled his eyes: "It seems that some annoying old guy has come, just close the door."

"Ah this..."


When Heiyang Hongli arrived, she saw Elder Piao Ah Piao and Hong Butian spraying each other across the air, and Zhao Zhuji sat beside him with an expressionless face, his eyes were full of speechlessness.

Only when she heard a few novel vocabulary or grammar occasionally, could she cast a surprised look, then nodded thoughtfully, secretly digesting the extensive and profound travel culture.

"Hey! You don't need to listen to that kind of thing carefully!"

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining, looking at the scene, his head was full of black lines.

"My evaluation is..."

Hong Li listened to the scolding between Hong Butian and Elder Piao Ah Piao, and sharply commented with disdain: "It's all just pecking at each other.

Not to mention comparing with the two of us, the skill of both of them is not as good as that of Hei Xiaolong. "

"Let's not mention those rotten memes that are too old to lose their teeth. If I, Hongli, have not dabbled in a lot of them, I might not even understand them, let alone others."

While waving her hands, Hongli complained, "Not to mention there are jingles that some little brats think are childish, and there are also homonyms, wow, what the hell!"

"I told you..."

Hei Yang pinched Hongli's face and pulled and pulled: "Is that something worth showing off? Ah? Ah? Ah?"


Hongli's words leaked half of the wind, and whimpered: "I know I'm annoying, I know I'm annoying, and if I pull the child again, my saliva will flow down..."

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang let go of his hand, took Hongli's hand naturally, turned his head to look at Elder Hong Butian and Elder Piao Piao who would have scuffled if it wasn't for being unable to touch, and said speechlessly: "By the way, Elder Piao Piao, you still Do you want to reshape your physical body...

Ah, of course, I'm not in a hurry, if you two have leisure time..."

"Yes! Of course!"

The Great Elder directly abandoned Hong Butian on one side, and rushed to Heiyang at once: "Please make arrangements for the old man!"

"Tsk tsk, did Zhuji see..."

Hong Butian curled his lips in disdain, and pointed at the Great Elder: "Look at that stinky old man, he calls himself an old man relying on the old and selling the old to me.

When Xiaoyang asks for others, he immediately switches to an old man, hum, playing around with the wind and following the trend, it's disgusting! "

"Ah ha ha..."

A few drops of cold sweat dripped from Zhao Zhuji's head, and he felt like a wolf who had mixed into a pack of huskies, feeling a little out of place.

She won't be polluted like that in the future, no, absolutely not!

Zhao Zhuji smiled awkwardly but politely.

"But so..."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes, and looked at the elder with a blank face: "Dare to ask what is this person's name? It can't really be called Piao, Piao, right?"

"Uh, I wasn't born to float..."

The Great Elder spoke speechlessly: "I have my own name, my name is..."

"Huh, forget it."

The Great Elder sighed: "The past is like smoke, if you look forward, you won't care about the past, and it doesn't matter what it's called."

"Correct, positive energy!"

Heiyang gave a thumbs up and praised: "It saves the memory of a name for the world to run. The quality of the elder is really noble!"


Hong Li moved closer to Hei Yang's ear, and whispered, "Actually, I'm just too lazy to think of names..."

"Shh! Be careful!"

Hei Yang covered Hong Li's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Ming 8 must be spicy?!"

"Ahem, hehehe..."

Hongli coughed twice, then smiled: "It's not a big problem!"


Hei Yang nodded, turned to look at Hong Butian and Zhao Zhuji, who were silly and happy, and kindly reminded: "Ah, by the way, Brother Butian, we saw uncle and aunt when we came here just now.

They heard that you are back, and they are hurrying home. "


A bunch of question marks popped up on the heads of the two people who were originally watching.

"It's true!"

Hongli casually reached Heiyang's waist, skillfully grabbed a bag of melon seeds from the several storage bags hanging on his waist, and said leisurely: "But those two were not as fast as the two of us, and at the time they had There are other things that I really can't get away from, so I was delayed for a minute or two."

"Well, if you count the time..."

Hongli chuckled: "It's time to arrive."


As soon as Hongli finished speaking, Hongbutian Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened, his hair stood on end, and he ran into the house.

"Bang!" "Boom!" "Ping Ping!" "Bang Ping"

A burst of noise came from the house.

"Zhuji, hurry up, hurry up and get rid of that and that!"

"What is that!"

"I don't know! But I always feel like I have to do something before my parents!"

"It makes sense!"

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli, don't give it away!"

"Help us stop, thank you thank you!"


The Great Elder watched the two rush in, revealing half-moon eyes, and turned to look at Heiyang Hongli: "Then let's go too... who are you?!"


Hong Li tugged at the white pointed hat with the words Make Money at Sight written on her head.

Hei Yang was wearing a small black tall hat with the words "World Peace" written on his head.

"what happened?"

Heiyang Hongli looked at the Great Elder suspiciously: "Is there any problem?"

Great Elder: "..."

"Ha, should I say it or not..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang, then at herself, and smiled: "It looks like a couple's outfit!"

"That's that's..."

Heiyang muttered in a low voice: "The last time I went to the underworld, I saw a couple who were black and white, and they looked like a good match!"

"Huh? Male or female?"

"Nonsense, of course it's a man and a woman!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and complained: "I don't know if they have any relationship in the underworld, but they can continue to be a couple even after death."

"Huh? Don't speculate about others in the dark all day long."

Hong Li glanced at Hei Yang: "Maybe he only met after he died?"

"I don't see it as..."

"What do you think is what you think?"

"By the way, how will they have children then?"

"Well, the underworld also has to pass on the family..."

"I say……"

Looking at the "reliable" couple in front of him, the Great Elder's soul became unstable for a while, and Hong Butian's figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

Sometimes, it only takes a moment to understand how good someone is!

"Butian! Butian!"

"Mom and Dad are back to see you!"


Hei Yang was startled, and looked out through the wall: "Aunt and Uncle, have they come back yet?"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li blinked her eyes: "So, should you stop Brother Bu Tian for a while?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think it's necessary!"


Heiyang Hongli looked at each other and nodded.

Heiyang stretched out his hand and shrouded the Great Elder into the gray mist.

Hongli burned the two small hats and a handful of melon seeds with a fire.

"Shua Shua!" Twice, the two figures rushed towards the opposite direction of the gate, lightly stepped on the corner of the wall, turned over the top of the wall, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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