So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 336 Actually, I'm really good outside, but I only show off at home!trust me!

Chapter 336 Actually, I'm really good outside, but I only show off at home!trust me!

"Mom and Dad, Xiaohuo is going to have breakfast!"

The door of Yangli House was knocked casually, Xiao Huo yawned, and asked casually, "Does Mom and Dad want to bring something for breakfast? Dad? Mom?"

"Well, what?"

With her messy hair, Hong Li poked her head out of the bed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, feeling a little dazed.

"Are you dreaming? I seem to hear Xiao Huo's voice, eh~"

Hong Li yawned: "Sure enough, I am a good mother. I always think about my daughter when I sleep."

"Dad! Mom! Can you hear me?"

Xiaohuo coughed twice, cleared his throat, and slightly raised his tone of voice.

"Leave without saying a word, Xiaohuo, when the time comes, bring back a breakfast that doesn't suit your parents' appetite, and don't be picky eaters!"

"Ah, it's really a small fire, is it dawn?"

Hongli looked at the dark sky outside through the curtains, sat up slightly, and yawned again: "It's such an early day..."

"No! It's almost eight o'clock!"

Xiao Huo said in a long voice: "It's raining outside, so it's getting dark!"


Hongli tilted her head, and there was the sound of rain ticking beside her ears, which was not considered light rain.

"Is that so..."

Hongli nodded, and casually said: "Oh, I'm too lazy to think about something to eat, Xiaohuo, take it with you."

"Is that so?"

Xiaohuo confirmed with some uncertainty.

"Hmm, that's right."

Hongli suddenly thought of something, and smiled naively: "Anyway, if I don't want to eat it, I can feed it to Heiyang to take it back, ahem..."

What if Hei Yang refuses?
Oh, easy!
Hong Li's eyes moved up, imagining what he would face when the time came.

As long as Master Hongli softens her body, leans into Heiyang's arms, blinks her big cute eyes, and uses a pure and charming voice to trick Heiyang.

"Husband, I don't want to eat it, why don't you help me eat it~"

Then Hei Yang would be so fascinated by her that he couldn't find Bei, and he happily picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp!

"Oh ho ho."

Hongli chuckled softly, it was a piece of cake, easily handling Heiyang, playing with it in the applause, it couldn't be easier!

As for whether there will be any accidents...

Hongli frowned, imagining another possibility again.

Heiyang picked up her share, reached out and grabbed Hongli suddenly, took out a funnel and stuffed it into her mouth, then poured the rice into it from there.

Then Hongli's eyes widened, tears streaming down her face, her arms swung wildly, her calves kicked wildly, then she rolled her eyes and lost consciousness.

When she wakes up, she will find that she has eaten every drop of the rice in the bowl.

"Bah, bah, what a ghostly imagination!"

Hongli shook her head quickly, and said with a determined face: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"


The sound of the living room door being opened sounded, Hongli suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly reminded her.

"Xiao Huo, remember to bring an umbrella, um, a raincoat, or you will get wet and freeze."

"Ah, this, this, it's impossible! Xiaohuo is not stupid!"

Xiao Huo's voice came slowly: "Stop talking, Xiao Huo is leaving first."

"hold head high!"

The sound of a flamingo came from the sky, and the flames spread out to protect their wings. Under the heavy rain, they fluttered and danced like a strange red mist.

"Ah, that's great."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and laughed helplessly.

It's just that the atmosphere seems a bit wrong?

Hongli scratched her head, this morning was quite quiet, didn't she hear the sound of fights and laughter outside at this time a few days ago?

Oh, by the way, Xingyun and Gaga were invited by Hongli's mother to play, and they have been living there for the past few days.

In addition, Aunt Hong Ling also went to the Yao Wangzong to look for Yao Qingkong and the others with the Li Fire Crane whose name was very similar to hers.

It is said that they want to discuss matters related to the new branch of Yao Wangzong in the capital, the powers and obligations of corresponding management, and the division of price areas by geographical plots.

Well, I guess they are busy with Wang Du Hong's affairs again.

Although she said she was on vacation, Hongli would take out a stack of family news when she saw her aunt more than once, and then frowned and thought about it seriously.

Don't give up work even if you are on vacation!

Hong Li looked at her aunt's cultivation level. Although the speed of progress was not as good as in the Five Elements Sect, it didn't look like a wasteland. Obviously, she didn't give up her dream of cultivation.


Hong Li silently praised her aunt in her heart, to be honest, her condition is really good.

She has a good figure, good looks and good temperament, and ignores when she is provoked by her Hongli, her aunt is usually gentle and friendly, but she has her own strength.

And although Xingyun didn't concentrate on rushing in one direction like Xingyun, her aunt's efforts were not much less than hers.

If such a girl marries home, she can take care of a big family, so why worry that she can't take care of a small family?
It's a pity that she Hongli is not a man, and she never thought about breaking her upper arm.

Otherwise, after the plot reaches the part where "Hongli, who just came to the Five Elements Sect, is accepted as a disciple by a woman who claims to be her aunt", it is estimated that it will go to some wonderful lines.

Hongli chuckled, revealing a funny smile.

Of course, if she had to choose, it would definitely be Heiyang!
It's a pity that the only fly in the ointment is that Heiyang is not as diligent as his aunt.

If Heiyang was as capable as her aunt, wouldn't she, Hongli, be able to become a real parasite?
When the time comes, just feed her the things she likes on time and by point, and buy interesting books for her to read every once in a while.

Don't worry about the rest, just relax and let Heiyang do its best, ahem...

It seems that if Heiyang worked hard and managed a family like his aunt, wouldn't it mean that he didn't have time to spend with Hongli?

hiss!no!Absolutely not!
Hong Li gasped, and quickly put this terrifying thought behind her, and fumbled under the covers with some fear, looking for traces of Hei Yang.


Hongli frowned, just woke up for a while and didn't notice, now it seems that her legs are a little heavy?
Gently lifting a corner of the quilt, Hong Li blinked her eyes as she looked at Hei Yang who was holding her two smooth thighs with a peaceful face.

"Ah this!"

Hongli shuddered subconsciously, shouldn't this be her usual posture?

So this is often said that couples will become more and more alike!
Hongli cautiously stretched out her hands to grab Heiyang's shoulders, moved the dangerous creature away with fear, slowly pulled him up, and gently placed his head on the pillow.


Hongli's legs tensed subconsciously, she took a few deep breaths, and covered her heart to calm down.

"No, what the hell am I nervous about..."

Hong Li curled her lips, revealing dead fish eyes, as if she was a little dissatisfied with her performance just now.

"Damn it, luckily I wasn't seen, otherwise I'd be a coward!"

Hongli looked at Heiyang again, slowly crawled to the side of Heiyang and lay down, resting her chin on her hands and quietly watching Heiyang's sleeping appearance.

Seeing the young man's calm and peaceful expression, Hongli couldn't help showing a shallow smile, her restless heart regained its calm, and her day's mood began to be happy again from this moment.

"so good."

Hongli smiled and stretched out her fingers to poke Heiyang's face non-stop, while still muttering: "Heiyang Heiyang, I like you! Do you know how much I like you and how much joy I can have? The kind that is given to you!"

"Well, if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!"

Hongli moved her face closer to Heiyang, getting closer and closer, and opened her small mouth slightly...

"Wake up!!! Lazy dog!!!"


Heiyang bounced off the bed like an electric shock, and instinctively stretched out his legs to kick Hongli: "Ada!"

"Ha! Can't hit!"

Hong Li, who had expected it for a long time, dodged and dodged, and said proudly: "It is impossible to be counter-killed, and it is impossible to be counter-killed in this life..."


Heiyang kicked again.


Hongli screamed and flew upside down, then disappeared in mid-air in an instant, teleported behind Heiyang in an instant, and raised her leg: "Ha! Fight back again!"

"Kill you big-headed ghost!"

Heiyang stretched out his hand and grabbed Hongli's ankle, stunned for a moment, turned his head to look twice, coughed twice, and let go of his hand.

Hongli withdrew her legs, put her arms around her knees and looked at Heiyang innocently, the villain complained first.

"I kindly asked you to get up, but you wanted to kick me, and you wanted to kick me twice!"

"Oh, kick lightly."

Heiyang replied unceremoniously: "If you don't sleep, you won't let others sleep, what's wrong with you!"


Hongli pointed at herself with a question mark, and retorted unconvinced: "How often do you wake me up like this? Heiyang can do it, but Hongli can't? What double standards!"

"Ah, well done, I may have said something wrong."

Heiyang raised his hand in surrender, with the word "sleepy" written in his eyes.

"But I'm sleeping soundly. It's a little unreasonable for you to wake me up. Isn't it a rainy day for sleeping?"

"Huh? Do you know it's raining outside?"

"I knew when you snatched my quilt in the middle of the night."

Heiyang looked at Hongli speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining: "I said, we have tried our best to consider this kind of problem, and deliberately asked someone to make a big quilt for us.

Even if one more black sun and one red glass are enough to cover it, why are you snatching my quilt? "

"Hey, with one black sun and one red glass, wouldn't there be four people?"

Hongli looked at Heiyang with contempt: "You're so shameless, husband!"

"Climb, climb, wait, answer my question before climbing!"

Hei Yang stretched out his hand to lift Hong Li's chin, and said with a serious face, "Say! Woman! Why did you grab Ben Shao's quilt!"

"What kind of sand sculpture..."

Hongli covered Heiyang's face with a disgusted face: "I'm used to it, can't I?

In other words, if I want to fold it up and cover it with two or three layers, won't you take it back if you feel uncomfortable? "


Heiyang snorted coldly, pinched his fingers and calculated.

"Well, there are still more than [-] days to go, Hongli, you only have more than [-] days to be arrogant, cherish your chance to be tough in front of me! Heh!"

"This sentence is also returned to you intact!"

Hongli stared back, and the two stared at each other fiercely, as if lightning struck: "Mmm——"

"Mom and Dad!"

Xiaohuo's voice suddenly came: "Dinner is ready!"

"Okay! Here we come!"*2

"Ah, it's delicious!"

Hongli swallowed the last mouthful, showing a comfortable expression, leaning her head up on the backrest, covering her belly comfortably.

"On this rainy day in the late spring and early summer, drinking a sip of hot soup makes the whole person seem to be sublimated!"

Hong Li wiped her mouth and praised in satisfaction.

Hei Yang on the side was continuing to prepare breakfast, his appetite was a bit bigger than Hong Li's, but his eating speed was surprisingly similar, so Hong Li waited for him almost every time.

And both of them are the kind of people who may chatter non-stop when they sleep, but they are the kind of people who concentrate on eating without saying a word.

Therefore, eating at Yangli's house was actually one of the quietest times for the two of them.

"Let's talk..."

Watching Heiyang swallow the last sip of soup, Hong Li asked curiously: "What's the evaluation of Elder Da Ma and Piao Ah Piao after remodeling? Did you complain about you? Or do you want to beat you?"

"You can't expect me to be better, can you?"

Heiyang rolled his eyes, Elder Da Ma and Piao Ah Piao had been revived with full blood a few days ago.

He sensed it through the gray fog, so he went to check it himself, and after confirming that it would not fall apart like before, he dispersed the gray fog on the other side, allowing the two of them to see the light of day again.

"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you, Miss Hongli."

Hei Yang snorted softly, showing a smug expression: "Not only did he not complain, but he also gave me a full score with a grateful face!

They managed to gain the body or body parts they lost before, and they were faster, stronger and more durable than before, and one session was stronger than six sessions!

It's too late for them to thank me, and beat me?joke! "

"real or fake?"

Hongli looked at Heiyang suspiciously, and couldn't help but confirm: "To be honest, you didn't lie to me?"


"Hey, it's boring."

Hongli rolled her eyes: "I've been looking forward to it for a long time, I think it will be fun to watch..."

"Lezi Hongli suggested to die, thank you."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, and pointed to the communication spirit stone placed in front of the mirror stand not far away: "And it seems that someone is looking for you.

In the early morning, uh, in the early morning, who would look for you when they have nothing to do? "

"Heh, I bet on washing the dishes."

Hong Li didn't even look at it, and blurted out without hesitation: "If it's not unexpected, it must be the bewildered Elder Huo who has adjusted the teleportation array, and can't wait to tell me."

"real or fake……"

Hei Yang wanted to take another look at the communication spirit stone, but Hong Li covered his eyes with both hands: "No peeking, I'll ask you if you want to bet, and I'll bet on washing the dishes."

"Uh, can I bet it's not Elder Huo Le?"

Heiyang cunningly said a choice with completely different probabilities, but Hongli unexpectedly nodded directly: "Okay!"


Heiyang's heart skipped a beat, he looked at Hongli and didn't see anyone, he confidently picked up the spirit stone to connect, and the old smiling face of Elder Huole jumped out of the screen.

"Ah this."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched.

"Hahaha, let's do the dishes!"



Seeing Hei Yang go to wash the dishes obediently, Hong Li felt refreshed, turned her head to look at Huo Le who was about to speak, and stretched out a finger to stop her: "Don't say it, let me guess, what you have to say next is: Ha, little girl!" Li, my teleportation array is finally complete!"

"Ha, Xiaoli, my..."

The elder Huo Le said half of what he said, and Hong Li accurately predicted it, and a well popped out on his head: "Can you stop the old man and me all day long!
Although I, someone on fire, deliberately found trouble to prevent you from going home, and even wanted to kidnap and coax your family Xiaohuo to go to the Five Elements School... But I am still a decent character in essence, okay! "

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hongli waved her hand perfunctorily: "Got it, skip this part, what should I say, do you want to jump over directly with the teleportation circle?
With such a long distance, I may not be able to go directly with my space magic power. "

"When did you secretly have that spatial supernatural power again..."

A black line appeared on Elder Huo Le's head. It was obvious that the five-color city's spiritual power was not as strong as that of the Five Elements Mountain. As a result, the child's practice speed increased after he returned.

I haven't heard of how hard she is practicing hard?
Every time I communicated, I was either playing with her family, or playing with her family...

"Forget it, don't worry about that kind of thing."

Huo Le shook her head, stretched out a finger, and smiled sheepishly.

"After careful consideration, I decided to try it from dead objects first!"

"Ha, that's it, I thought it was so ruthless!"

"Xiao Li..."

"Hey, stop laughing, stop laughing..."

Hong Li hehe stopped, restrained her smile, and looked at Elder Huo Le.

"Let's talk about how to cooperate with the experiment. We are in a good mood today, so I can help you old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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