So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 337 Suddenly I Found I Can’t Understand Children’s Communication Language, The Age Gap Is St

Chapter 337 Suddenly I Found I Can’t Understand Children’s Communication Language, The Age Gap Is Stunning

"Ah, it's rare to meet Xiaoli, you are in a good mood."

Huo Le was stunned for a moment, overjoyed and said: "That's great."

"Uh, actually, I seldom have a bad mood..."

Hongli scratched her cheek and smiled sheepishly.

"Since I came back to Five Colors City, I have been very happy every day."

"Ha, that's not important, that's not important!"

Elder Huo Le laughed, turned the camera to the side, and illuminated the formation full of strange lines on the ground, explaining to Hong Li.

"Look, this is the teleportation array."

"First of all, let's charge it first."

Elder Huo Le fixed the camera and took out five spirit stones from the side.

"For charging, five ordinary medium spirit stones are enough.

Of course, compared to the entire cultivation world, this price is still a bit too high.

In the future, I will find ways to reduce costs and gradually increase its popularity. "

"Attention, the five medium-level spirit stones need to be placed in the five places marked with circles..."

Elder Huo Le withdrew his hand, watched the teleportation array in front of him light up, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Did you see that, when a normal energy source is detected, the magic circle will start charging.

Generally, for a teleportation array of my size, five medium spirit stones can fully fill it with energy. "

"Oh ho ho ho, that's how it is."

Hongli sat in front of the table, with a face of sudden realization, she raised her hand: "Then, Mr. Huo, how many times can I use the teleportation array once I recharge it?"

"Well, classmate Xiaoli asked this question a little vaguely."

Huole paused, and explained: "This is related to the transmission distance and the energy level and physical quality of the transmission object.

Take the City of Five Colors and the City of Five Elements as an example, I will write a formula and you write it down in your notebook.

Well, for example, Elder Huo Le, I am a first-weight Nascent Soul, one hundred and ten catties.

I want to go to Wuse City with two sixth-level disciples of the Qi Refining Stage who both have a mass of [-] catties, and I will pass through this magic circle in front of me.

Then set a constant number that doesn't change in the formula every time you teleport.

This has nothing to do with the size of the teleportation array, I call it the space factor of our traveling world, it is about [-]..."

"Phew, it's done."

Hei Yang shook off the water on his hands, and walked out of the kitchen feeling relieved.

"Xiaoli, your Heiyang father has finished washing the dishes, you... hmm?"

Halfway through the conversation, Hei Yang saw Hong Li sitting at the table, but there seemed to be something wrong with her current situation?

She looked dull, her head lowered and raised, her cheeks were resting on one hand, her eyes were half-closed, and she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"Good guy..."

Hei Yang walked up to him and saw that Elder Huo was still immersed in his teaching class in the picture, and Hong Li here had been fishing for a long time, so he couldn't help laughing, and patted Hong Li on the shoulder.

"Xiao Li? Xiao Li? Wake up."


Hongli shuddered suddenly, turning her head to look aside.

Seeing that it was Heiyang, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hei Yang..."

Hongli closed her eyes, lowered her head, tilted her body, and fell into Heiyang's arms: "I'm so sleepy..."

"Hey, obviously you just woke up."

Heiyang hugged Hongli speechlessly, thought for a while and sat down on Hongli's chair, put the latter on his lap, and stroked her hair like a cat.

This girl Hong Li's hair had already reached her waist, so she wanted to cover her buttocks.

I still remember that when we first met, her hair was only as long as her ears.

Then slowly over the shoulders, over the waist, was caught to cut the hair, and then over the waist, was caught and cut the hair again...

By the way, is it time for Hongli to cut her hair again?
Hei Yang suddenly thought of this, her mother took her there before, should he take Hongli there in the future?
Having said that, practice can consciously control one's hair to grow or fall out.

But if you want to make it shorter, it is generally easier to cut your hair.

Of course, professional services such as hair dyeing and perm should be done by professionals.

For example, Hongli's good sister Xingyun, she is relatively clear about this issue.

After all, she has been tricked into it more than once, and now she can go in without being tricked.

"Yes, it is like that!"

Huo Le smiled and showed the two teleportation circles in the room on camera, thought for a while, and moved a small stool into one of the circles.

If you get closer, you can see that there is a screen that looks like a communication spirit stone dial.

It's just that Elder Huo Le didn't move the screen, but took out what he called "commanding spirit stone" from the side, and pressed Didi a few times towards the magic circle, and the light of Bulling Bulling overflowed .

Well, what about commanding the spirit stone, Hei Yang understood it directly according to the remote control.

"Look! Witness a miracle!"

Elder Huo Le suddenly raised the volume excitedly: "It only takes five seconds, and this chair will appear in..."

Elder Huo Le took a close-up of the empty teleportation array, and Hei Yang could see obvious spatial fluctuations, and the chair appeared in another teleportation array the next moment.

Heiyang felt that if there was a bullet screen at this time, he should give Elder Huo Le a full screen of six six six.

Although moving the chair from one teleportation array to another, if you do it directly, it doesn't even take five seconds, and you don't need to spend so much trouble.

But looking at the essence through the phenomenon, what Elder Huo Le has researched is indeed a cross-age technology in the roaming world.

"How about it!"

Only then did Elder Huo Le look at the camera: "Xiao Li, this magic circle...huh?"

Huo Le watched the girl in the camera suddenly turn into a boy, and his mind stuck for a while.

"Hey, Elder Huo Le, what kind of expression do you have, it's me."

Hei Yang picked up the red glass and shook it speechlessly: "That guy was here just now."

"Ah, huh?"

Hongli woke up suddenly, instantly refreshed: "Is get out of class over?"

"Hey, give me a good look at where you are."

Heiyang looked at Hongli speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining: "You have been, uh, one, two, three, four... Anyway, you have graduated for many years, okay?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli came back to her senses, turned her head to look at the camera behind her, smiled embarrassingly, slid down Heiyang's legs, turned over and stood up from the side, and jumped twice.

"Ha, there's no way, that tone is too similar to that of a private school teacher.

I talked for a long time with a bunch of simple questions, and when I was distracted, I got over the main points in a blink of an eye. "


Hongli stretched out a finger, and said with a serious face: "You never know how many stories happened in front of the podium when you lowered your head to pick up the pen!"

"Ah, yes, deal with it..."

Heiyang stretched out his arms to embrace Hongli, let her sit on his lap, looked at Elder Huole who was pouring water to drink helplessly, and raised his eyebrows: "So you are testing the teleportation array?"


Hongli nodded: "That's right."

"But Xiaoli doesn't listen to me well."

Elder Huo Le rolled his eyes: "How can you cooperate like this?"

"Oh, I don't need to know that much, you can just say it."

Hongli blinked her red eyes and pointed outside: "I, go outside and make a copy of your array.

Spiritual power infusion, spiritual stone charging, and then connected to the signal, it can be used, right? "

"In theory!"

Huo Le nodded, and looked at the array diagram: "But the drawing of the array..."

"Oh, oh, I can understand it at a glance."

Hongli waved her hand, and pulled Heiyang out.

"It's fine if I can't draw characters well, but if I can't draw ordinary lines well, I can chop off my hands."

"That's not okay, I won't agree to it."

Heiyang snorted softly: "How can I hold you without my hand?"



Thirty minutes later.

Fifteen kilometers away from Yangli's house, there is an open space.

"Phew! Done!"

Hongli dropped the big brush in her hand, and wiped off the sweat that didn't exist: "Student Xiaoli is exhausted."

"Well, not bad..."

Hei Yang casually picked up the writing brush that Hong Li threw, which was also a special painting brush given by Yao Wangzong before.

It's not ink, it's used to inject spiritual power into the drawing, and the drawn formation is strong and reliable.

"my comment."

Hei Yang looked at the formation on the ground that was almost similar to that of Elder Huo Le, nodded and said: "Barely it can be considered qualified."

"Oh, don't say that, it took me a lot of effort."

Hong Li let out a long sigh, turned her head and rubbed her chin to look at the formation map carefully: "Well, it feels like it's almost okay, right?"

"Wow, that's funny."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "If someone draws a talisman crookedly, the whole sheet will be scrapped. Don't you need more delicate skills?"

"Come on, copying the predecessors, copying it mechanically, and not having my own soul at all, then I might as well just infuse the soul after copying it with a machine."

Hongli waved her hand, with a disdainful expression on her face: "Isn't it just to describe the Dao of the Law of Heaven and Earth in a special way, which is similar to the QR code you mentioned. I understand it right?"

"Uh, probably..."

Heiyang froze for a moment, scratched his head uncertainly, and didn't hesitate to use Hongli's array.

Item: teleportation circle
Quality: purple
Effect: Teleporting people and things, low cost, stable effect, no space bumps and discomfort, difficult to intercept...

Introduction: Overhaul [deleted] I felt that the original drawing was not very smooth, and I was too lazy to imitate it, so I followed my feeling and drew it alive.


Heiyang and Hongli were thinking.


Hongli whispered: "I really just changed it casually."

"I know, it's written in the introduction."

Hei Yang whispered: "Should I tell Elder Huo Le about this kind of thing?"

"Of course."

As it should be, Hongli said: "Isn't this the version that Elder Huo Le has always wanted to make, we will directly help him realize his dream!"

"Then what should I say?"

Heiyang blinked his eyes, and said quietly: "Elder Huo Le, you are the younger brother among younger brothers. You have studied carefully for so many years, why not just scribble at random?"

"Wow, the dog kills me, right? Is it any good for you to suck hatred on me?"

Hongli raised her hand and punched Heiyang on the shoulder, snorted softly, "I'm standing on the shoulders of a giant, and I am based on the original foundation of Elder Huo Le, okay, don't step on it!"

"Ahem, I didn't use exaggerated rhetorical techniques!"

Hei Yang spread his hands: "I just want to say, if Huo Le finds out about this matter, will he be hit, and then be devastated or something.

I know that with Elder Huo Le's character, he will definitely help promote it with all his strength, after all, it is something that benefits everyone.

But for him personally, what would he think? "

"you say……"

Hei Yang stretched out a finger: "Let's tell him that he suddenly fell into a pit while walking, and there are ancient ruins in the pit, and the ancient ruins actually have a complete and complete superb teleportation map!"

"Come on, just take a look."

Hongli rolled her eyes and insisted on her own thinking: "How many years has Elder Huo Le lived, and how many years have we only lived?
I haven't seen such a big storm before, why do we need to worry about his psychological state? "

"If you want to talk about blows..."

Hongli spread her hands: "As early as when he discovered our cultivation speed, he was already hit, but he didn't..."

"But he retreated behind the scenes and became a scientific researcher."

Heiyang said quietly: "Are you sure you weren't hit?"

"Ah this..."

"Moreover, after he knew your cultivation speed, he wanted to make you the heir, and finally forced you a suzerain token.

It was finally relying on Xingyun to attract the elder's attention. "

Hei Yang whispered: "Now that you know that your formation talent is also like this, then what kind of scientific research master will the elder recommend to you, and let you become the dean of the research institute in the traveling world?"


Hongli sucked in a breath of Heiyang: "It makes sense!"


Hongli frowned tightly, and proposed a solution again.

"Let's put on a vest, pretend to be a high-ranking man from outside the world, and give us some pointers or something, so we can break the relationship with us, right?"

"good idea!"

Heiyang raised his brows: "How to open the vest, what do you learn the avatar spell, have you learned the transformation spell?"


Hong Li's eyes moved up, thinking: "I remember seeing it in the Library Pavilion of the Five Elements Sect, but I didn't pay much attention at that time, why don't you go learn it now?"

"I've learned it again, right?"

Hei Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and proposed another possibility: "Then we can use the phantom to control a big villain, and it's okay to pretend?"

"Where can I find the big bad guy?"

Hongli said speechlessly: "We only need to target the guys who bully us and the people around us.

Do we still want to use our own rules of good and evil to judge others at will?

Of course, the Tauren must be judged absolutely! "


Heiyang thought for a while, and summoned the phantom. After the metamorphosis, the opponent's aura became even more terrifying.

It is estimated that hitting Yuanying can hit a large area, and it may be a bit difficult to cross the catastrophe.

"Let me see you as a human being."

Heiyang pointed at the phantom, and added an order: "Adjust it based on my appearance, don't take too much pictures with me."


The phantom stood there for a long time, as if it was loading something. Under Heiyang Hongli's gaze, the phantom turned into an old man with a long beard and strong bones.

"Yes! I have yours!"

Heiyang first gave a wave of affirmation, and then pointed at the phantom.

"It's just that you don't have to become so dark!"

Specter: "..."

Sorry, that won't change.

"Oh, put a black robe on him!"

Hongli interjected, "It's more handsome!"

"But he is walking in the image of a fairy!"

"Can't you change your personal settings? It's just a matter of one sentence!"

"how come……"

"toot toot"

The communication spirit stone interrupted Heiyang Hongli again, and Elder Huo Le appeared on the screen.

"How is it? Is the painting finished?"

"Ah! All right, all right!"

Hongli nodded quickly, and smiled confidently: "My family Heiyang painted it himself, it must be perfect!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Ha, that's great!"

Elder Huo Le didn't notice that Hei Yang was threatening Hong Libi by wiping his throat in the corner, and he didn't see Hong Li turning his head to make faces at Hei Yang.

"let us start!"

Huo Le laughed and said, "How about sending something?"

"Ha! We have already prepared for this."

Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other and smiled, and poured out wedding invitations one by one from the storage bag: "Just give this!"

(End of this chapter)

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