So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 343 There's a Corpse Under My Floor, It Looks Exactly Like Me, But It's More Child

Chapter 343 There Is a Corpse Under My Floor, It Looks Exactly Like Me, But It's More Childish and Innocent

In the room, at the corner of the bed.

There was a little boy who seemed to be only one or two years old, barefoot, hugging his knees, curled up tremblingly.

Not far from him was a young couple with worried faces. They looked at the frightened child with concern and guilt in their eyes.

Although I don't know why the child is so scared, what does such a young child know?

They must have done something wrong as parents to make their children feel so insecure.

"Don't keep frowning."

Hei Muguang patted his wife, and whispered: "Give Xiaoyang more smiling faces, maybe he won't be so scared."

"Mu Guang..."

Qing Yiyi's eyes were watery, she looked at her husband sadly, and sighed softly: "After a child is born, shouldn't he take the initiative to rely on his parents? Why Xiaoyang...

Woohoo, he is our son, my dear son! "

"it's okay no problem……"

Hei Muguang held his wife in his arms and patted her on the back comfortingly.

Although he himself had no idea, he still comforted Qing Yiyi with a confident tone.

"It'll be fine, everything will be fine, don't be sad, I'll be with you.

And Xiaoyang, he will definitely feel the love his parents have for him... definitely! "


Qing Yiyi wept and nodded.


Heiyang Hongli stood not far away and watched this scene with a complicated expression.

They are in different times and cannot be seen by the past.

"At that time, I was such a little bastard..."

Hei Yang looked at his parents' expressions, and his eyes were also full of guilt.

"They must be very worried. They have just become parents, but they have encountered such a thing."

Hei Yang walked up to his parents, looked at the faces that were obviously much younger than his current parents, and apologized softly.

"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, you shouldn't have worried at that time, my son knew he was wrong."

"One yard is one yard, stinky Heiyang, why do you call other little Heiyang!"

Hongli glanced at Heiyang, walked to the bedside, looked at Xiao Heiyang's helpless expression, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Heiyang baby is good, don't cry, don't cry, everything will get better later, eh!

Seeing Xiao Heiyang's pitiful expression, Hongli's mother's heart is broken, let her hug her, don't cry, don't cry..."

"Hey, I'm your serious husband here!"

Heiyang walked up to Hongli with a speechless face, looked down at his former appearance, and stretched out his hand to poke little Heiyang's forehead.

"To be honest, I would never have imagined that the unknown future would be so beautiful even if I was killed at that time."

Hei Yang put his arms around Hong Li's neck, and said with a smile, "I knew this, what the hell was I crying at that time, really."

"Okay, okay, don't deliberately distract me by making jokes."

Hongli waved her hand in a funny way: "I'm fine, I just feel a little uncomfortable seeing you when you were a child.

After all, it's not just your parents who feel sorry for you Hei Yang, I will too. "


Heiyang nodded and took Hongli's hand, the scene in front of them changed again.

Little Heiyang grew up a bit, lying on the bed by himself, holding a pen in his hand and scribbling something on a small notebook.

Heiyang Hongli approached and looked down at the small book, only to find that the word "home" was densely written on the paper.

"At that time, I really wanted to go back and miss my former home."

Hei Yang explained with a helpless smile: "After all, people here are unfamiliar."

"Wow, you are not allowed to go back!"

Hong Li hugged Hei Yang's arm tightly, and hummed softly: "If you go back, what will I do!

Do you want Xiaoli to live alone in this world?

Do you dare to imagine what a red glass without a black sun would look like? ! "


Heiyang stretched out his other arm, rubbing Hongli's head.

"I don't even dare to think about how I can live without you."


Hongli smiled and pointed out the window: "Look there, look there."


Heiyang looked at the two heads protruding out of the window, he and Hongli came to the side of the parents who were peeking through the window, dumbfounded, and listened to their conversation.

"Move over there, Mu Guang, you squeezed me."

"There are only such a big window in total, how can you tell me to move it! Let's make do with it."

Hei Muguang ignored his daughter-in-law's eyes, looked at Hei Yang in the room, frowned and said, "What do you think Xiao Yang is writing and drawing with a pen and notebook?

Give your child something as sharp as a pen, what if you get hurt! "

"Then our child finally asked for something, can I, as a mother, refuse to give it?"

Qing Yiyi pursed her lips aggrievedly, she was not much older than Hongli eighteen years ago.

She stared at her sweetheart, who was born in October of her pregnancy, and whispered: "Mu Guang, I'm so worried about Xiao Yang, he looks very unhappy.

Isn't Xiaoyang willing to come to the world to meet his parents? "

"How come, don't think too much."

Hei Muguang still had that confident look.

"Xiaoyang is definitely fine. He is the child of the two of us, and he must have inherited all of our advantages!"

"Then what if we inherit our shortcomings?"

"Ah this..."

"Ah, Hei Yang when I was a child..."

Hongli rested her chin on one hand, looked carefully at Hei Xiaoyang's face in the room, the corner of her mouth raised an arc, and couldn't help but said: "It's so cute, so cute, Heiyang, when will you change back to a child and let me play with you?" Let's play!"

"For your idea, the roaming world has its own law."

Hei Yangyun turned to Hongli and rolled his eyes: "We don't know each other at this time."


Hongli turned her head to look in the direction of her home, and said with a smile, "Go and see Xiao Hongli?"


Heiyang nodded, and the scene in front of the two changed again.

A little loli sat on the doorstep, with her hands hanging by her side, kicking her legs bored.

Sometimes I watch the people coming and going on the street in the distance, and sometimes I look up at the birds in the sky, blinking my shiny eyes, as if I am full of curiosity about the world.

But when a group of children ran across the street laughing and joking, little Loli seemed to be frightened again, she shrank her head, went back to the door frame of her own yard, covered her face with her hair and pretended to be dead.

"Hahahahahaha, so cute."

Hei Yang was amused: "It turns out that you have been a sand sculpture since you were a child. Sure enough, it's not all my fault."

"Hey, you actually laughed at such a young girl, Heiyang, do you have a conscience!"

Hongli gave Heiyang a backhanded fist, leaned closer to Hongxiaoli, and looked at her with an excited look.

"What is natural beauty, you see we have been very cute since we were young!
Hey, little girl, my sister has candy here, do you want to eat it?

don't eat?Then my sister will take you to the amusement park!hey-hey. "

"Good sister, Hongli, good sister, be normal."

Heiyang pinched the back of Hongli's neck speechlessly, causing the latter to tremble all over: "What do we mean by being sick to our past self!

Fortunately, Xiao Hongli couldn't see us, otherwise she would have left a psychological shadow. "


Hongli's voice was a little trembling: "Hei, Hei Yang, let me go first..."


Heiyang snorted softly, withdrew his hand, stretched out his arm skillfully, Hongli fell into his arms unsteadily, looked up at Heiyang with aggrieved face: "Bad guy."


Heiyang chuckled, but didn't speak.

"Well, what's the matter, what's the matter!"

Hongli stared at Heiyang with dead fish eyes, and said angrily, "This is me, who doesn't love oneself? Who doesn't love narcissism, it's normal!"

"Ah, yes, yes, normal, very normal!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes, walked to Hong Xiaoli's side, and looked around worriedly.

"By the way, parents are so relieved to let you sit on the doorstep alone?

What if a personal trafficker pops up suddenly and kidnaps you in a sack? "

"Hey, this is Five Colors City, our site is alright."

Hongli rolled her eyes with the expression of a village tyrant and said, "The human traffickers tied me up this morning, and I have to have my head cut off at noon. Don't you do the same?"

"Ah this..."

Looking at Hongli's expression of "someone above us is a bit arrogant", several black lines were drawn across Heiyang's head.

"So are you looking at you?"

"Ah, I vaguely remember..."

Hong Li pointed to the intersections of the surrounding streets: "Over there, over there, and over there, almost the road leading to my house, there are people sent by my father at the intersection.

In the name of maintaining law and order, it actually knows everything. "

"Huh, that's good."

Heiyang wiped off his sweat and let out a long sigh of relief: "It's really thrilling, Xiaoli.

Sure enough, if you are not by my side, you may be in danger all the time! "

"Ha ha……"

Hongli sneered, and turned to Heiyang.

"You are the greatest danger. Xiao Hongli will encounter the greatest disaster in her life when she is four years old."

"Hey, that's too much to say."

"How did it go?"

Hongli grabbed her hair, squatted down, and pointed to Hong Xiaoli's shining eyes: "Look here!"


Heiyang frowned.

"Look here again!"

Hongli pointed at her dead fish eyes without highlights.

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's eyes flickered: "This kind of thing, how can you blame Hei Yang for what you love and what I want?"

"Yeah yeah."

Hongli drew a long tone, sighed, and patted Xiao Hongli's head.

"That's great, Xiao Hongli, you are still so young, and you still have a lot of beautiful childhood.

You can still be hugged by your mother and act like a baby, and you can be chased and fed by your father with a bowl all over the yard.

Ha, how wonderful, Xiao Hongli, you can still experience the more than ten years of acquaintance and love with Heiyang.

As my mother said, cherish the time when you were young, and grow up slowly. "

"I can also hold you in my arms and make you act like a baby."

With his arms around Hong Li's waist, Hei Yang said softly, "If you want, I can also feed you with a bowl."

"Ha, that's so stupid, I'm not a kid anymore."

Hongli smiled and thought: "Heiyang, when you say we get married, will we be holding hands and looking at us many years later with a smile?"

"Ha, who knows."

Hei Yang smiled and continued walking with Hong Li.

They walked to the maple leaf forest again, this time the maple leaves were red and romantic.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, a historic moment."

Hongli excitedly watched Xiao Hongli walking towards Hei Xiaoyang, and couldn't help patting Heiyang next to her.

"Heiyang, look, look, the leaders of the lazy dog ​​country and the salted fish country have successfully met!"

"No, I have to record this scene..."

Hong Li hurriedly rummaged through her body, and suddenly took out a photo stone.

Aim at the camera, but the picture is empty.


Hongli thought for a while, then slapped on the photo stone: "Baiju!"

The photo stone suddenly blurred for a while, and then returned to its normal appearance.

"Well, let me see..."

Hongli pointed the photo stone at it, and two small figures suddenly appeared in the picture!

"Yo Ho! Hei Yang Hei Yang Hei Yang, look!"

Hongli yelled and pulled Heiyang, and excitedly slapped Xiaohongli and Xiaoheiyang indiscriminately.

"By the way, taking a sneak shot is not considered a sneak shot, I want to get the photo out and hang it in the bedroom, oh ho ho ho ho ho!"

"It is indeed a memorable picture..."

Hei Yang bent slightly to look at it, and couldn't help sighing: "Don't say that we have known each other since we were young, most ordinary couples probably don't have photos of the first meeting.

Thinking about it this way, it is really special and worth remembering! "

"Ha! There are even more special ones!"

Hongli trots all the way leading Heiyang, and the people outside the painting come to the painting of Flaming Maple Forest.

"What is a diary?"

On the big rock, Xiao Hongli sat lightly beside Hei Xiaoyang, kicking her legs.

She curiously wanted to read Hei Xiaoyang's diary, but her face wrinkled.

"Ah, a lot of unknown words."

"When you go to school, you will know everyone."

Hei Xiaoyang continued to lower his head, and said softly: "It's bad behavior to peek at other people's diaries.

Hongli led Heiyang to the side of the stone, and walked behind the boulder, just in time to hear Hei Xiaoyang's words, and couldn't help but yell at Heiyang.

"Look, what am I doing?"

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily.

"Ha, haha, it's bad behavior to peek at other people's diaries."

Hong Lipi looked at Hei Yang with a nonchalant smile: "Double standards, right?"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang blinked, but didn't speak.

"Okay, then I won't watch it."

Xiao Hongli curled her lips, looked at the silent Hei Yang, and peeked at the other party's diary again, but was blocked by the latter's turn, she was so angry that she puffed up her cheeks and looked aggrieved, thinking that she was really unreasonable, and she was dejected The floor leaked.

"Wow, hateful Hei Xiaoyang, if you bully Xiao Hongli like this again, I don't like you anymore!"

Hongli couldn't help yelling at the side, and turned to look at Xiaohongli again.

"Hmph, Xiao Hongli, let's go, ignore this guy! If you don't look at it, don't look at it, who cares!"

"Hey, don't tamper with history casually!"

Hei Yang complained from the side: "You obviously said excitedly just now that this is an important historical event!"

"Bad history should be crushed!"

"Is this bad?"

"Ah this..."

The angry Hongli was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at Heiyang, her eyes softened instantly, and she let out a despondent breath.

Xiao Hongli, Hongli: "Oh..."

"Pfft haha..."

Hei Yang looked at the big and small Hongli who had almost the same expression and demeanor, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You two, hahaha, so cute!"

Hongli: "..."

"Well, what if..."

Xiao Hongli still didn't give up, she said again: "If I go to school, will you let me watch it?"

"will not."

Hei Xiaoyang refused cleanly.


Xiao Hongli burst into tears.

Hongli: "!!!"

"Stinky boy!!!"

Hongli's hair exploded in an instant, and she flicked Hei Xiaoyang Xuying's head with open teeth and claws.

"Let you bully Xiao Hongli, let you bully Xiao Hongli!"

"Hey, Hei Xiaoyang is innocent, right? The child is just autistic!"

Heiyang felt a slight pain in his head, and pulled Hongli away with a smile: "Don't be so fierce! Anyway, you can't hit it."

"Nonsense, if I can hit it, I will be as knowledgeable as a child?"

Hongli rolled her eyes, jumped up and flicked Heiyang's brains: "You are a born evil brat!"


Heiyang shed tears of noodles.


Hei Xiaoyang suddenly said: "If, I mean if..."


Xiao Hongli turned her head with a puzzled expression.

"If given the chance, um..."

Hei Xiaoyang murmured softly: "Maybe, I will let you see it in the future, who knows what I will think in the future..."


Xiao Hongli's eyes lit up, and she nodded fiercely: "En!"

"Should I swear or something?"

"What are you swearing to do!"

Xiao Hongli smiled: "Will you lie to me?"


Little Heiyang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You can always trust... Well, I, Heiyang."

"Brother Heiyang, hehe, my name is Hongli, and my parents call me Xiaoli."

"Well, I know, I heard."

"Huh? Is that so... Why did Brother Heiyang change his mind?"

"Because no other kid cares what I'm writing about..."

"But don't you want others to see it?"


Little Heiyang fell silent.

"Longing to be redeemed, afraid of being found out."

Hei Yang sighed, shook his head and laughed: "People are really contradictory."

"That's what makes it interesting."

Hongli controls the photo stone to float in the front, and Hei Xiaoyang closes the diary, talking to Xiao Hongli.

Heiyang Hongli stood behind them hand in hand, looking at them with a smile.


The frame freezes, and the photos fly out.

Of all the people we lose, we miss ourselves the most.

Time can be wasted, but life cannot be wasted.

You can waste time on things you like, but you can't get stuck in a lifestyle you hate.

And the thing I can think of the most is to live with you.

The children in the picture, no matter immature or gradually mature-their smiles have not changed.

I hope that I am not lost in the past.

Or if I get lost, come back and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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