So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 344 In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope

Chapter 344 In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope
Under the witness of Heiyang Hongli, in the reflection of the years, Hei Xiaoyang and Hong Xiaoli meet again as scheduled, just like they did before.

"It feels like time is speeding up in an instant."

Hongli looked at Heiyang, and couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Smelly Heiyang, you are a time thief."

"I stole more than just time."

Heiyang smiled, and took Hongli back home.

Hei Xiaoyang is telling his parents about today's adventure.

"Then she came to ask me something, at first I didn't want to talk to her..."

Under the smiling gaze of his parents, Hei Xiaoyang spread his small hands, showing a seemingly helpless expression.

"As a result, the little girl showed a pitiful look. I am an older brother, so I must comfort her, so I chatted casually."

"and then?"

With a smile on her face, Qing Yiyi listened expectantly to her son's story about making friends.

"How is the chat going, is there any common topic?"

"Well, let's talk about a common topic. After all, she looks interested in everything I say, and she doesn't know what a common topic is."

Hei Xiaoyang smiled a little embarrassedly.

"But it feels like, um, the little girl is quite cute, so I just said a few more words, but the time passed unexpectedly, as if..."


Qing Yiyi smiled, and hurriedly replied: "You guys came back holding hands in the end, it's so cute!"

"Ah, it's getting dark, I'm a man, I definitely can't let the little girl go home by herself!"

Hei Xiaoyang blushed and explained: "We are also friends, we help each other..."

"Good, really good..."

Qing Yiyi smiled and nodded and applauded.

"Xiaoyang is awesome, encourage me, Chi Chi Chi Chi."

"and also……"

Qing Yiyi glanced at Hei Muguang, who was distracted, and elbowed him.

"Ah? Ah!"

Hei Muguang came back to his senses in an instant, and nodded again and again: "Yes, chirp, chirp, chirp..."

"Ah this..."

Hei Xiaoyang scratched his face: "Well, it's gone, well, anyway, if Mom and Dad are okay, I'll go to bed."


Qing Yiyi and Hei Muguang smiled: "Go, go, go."


Hei Xiaoyang smiled innocently, turned his head and wanted to go back to his room.

"Ah, that's right!"

Hei Xiaoyang suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said: "Mom and Dad, remember to wake me up before seven o'clock tomorrow morning."


Looking at the puzzled eyes of his parents, Hei Xiaoyang smiled embarrassedly: "That's right, um, I promised Xiaoli to play together tomorrow..."

"Oh hoo!"

Qing Yiyi Hei Muguang's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded quickly: "Don't worry, there's no problem, leave it to us!"


Hei Xiaoyang hummed a song and left the house.

"Hey, friend, friend of the same age, he's still a girl!"

When Hei Xiaoyang left, Qing Yiyi finally couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, and shouted excitedly at Hei Muguang: "Did you see Mu Guang, did you hear Mu Guang, my friend!"

"I see, um."

Hei Muguang nodded with a smile, and said with relief: "This is a good start, it proves that Xiaoyang is finally willing to open his heart to his friends.

I believe that Xiaoyang will be able to make more friends in the near future, and then integrate into the group of friends. "


Qing Yiyi smiled and nodded.


Hongli turned to Heiyang, the corners of her mouth curled up, with a strange air of yin and yang.

"Ah~ I believe Xiaoyang will be able to make more friends in the near future hahahaha..."

Hong Li couldn't help bursting into laughter: "As a result, you were with me more than ten years ago, and you will still be with me more than ten years later, hahaha..."

"What are you..."

Heiyang patted Hongli on the head in embarrassment, but the latter dodged it skillfully.

"Hey, I can't hit it, I can't hit it~"

Hongli smiled.


Then a slap in the ass.

"Woooooooooo, Heiyang is bullying people!"

Hongli turned from sunny to light rain in an instant, and looked at Heiyang with an aggrieved face: "Lapi! Shameless! Smelly rascal!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Heiyang chuckled, still watching with Hongli.


"Brother Heiyang, I'm here!"

"Well, here you come, why are you here so early?"

"Aren't you afraid of being late, hehe."


"Brother Heiyang came early today too!"

"Ha, I'm afraid you will be anxious to wait alone."

"Actually not, hehe."


"Huh? Did Xiao Li change into a small skirt?"

"Yes, yes, although it feels a little weird, but Brother Heiyang, do you think it looks good?"

"thumbs up!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Well, that means..."


"Brother Heiyang, do you think short hair looks better or long hair?"

"Each has its own merits, but I think Xiaoli would look pretty with long hair."

"Huh? Really!"


"Brother Heiyang, aren't you going to play on West Street today?"

"It's far away, it's tiring, Xiaoli, let's sit there and talk for a while, how do you feel?"

"Well, Brother Heiyang will do whatever he says!"


"Morning, Brother Heiyang, I'm late."

"Ah, there's no way, I'm too sleepy to want to get up, aren't you sleepy?"

"Ah, brother Heiyang, you really feel a little sleepy when you say that."

"Then let's find a place to catch up on sleep."

"Huh? Is this possible!"


"Brother Heiyang, look at this mushroom is very beautiful! Take it home and ask mom to make soup...Huh? My mushroom!!!"

"Don't show that grief-stricken expression, if you really let you take it back and stew it into soup, would it still be okay?

At that time, it will be someone else showing us a sad expression! "

"Tch, Brother Heiyang must be envious and jealous! The mushrooms I picked are not as good-looking as mine!"

"Ah yes yes yes."


"Brother Heiyang, my father was scolded by my mother today, saying that he was caught drinking secretly. Is the wine good?"

"Ah, it doesn't taste good."


"You can always trust your Brother Heiyang, drink juice, drink juice."



"Brother Heiyang, there is a guy over there who is sneaky, he doesn't look like a good guy!"

"Well, there seems to be a group of human traffickers coming in the city recently..."


"Smelly Hongli, you let me go, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"Ah, Brother Heiyang, I'm sorry, I'm not, I just fell asleep when the sun came out, ah, I'm so sleepy..."



"Brother Heiyang, will you leave me?"

"will not."

"Well, you're the best!"


"Ah, brother Heiyang, we have caught a cold, it's so uncomfortable."

"Ah, wait until I get home to get a mask, so don't infect me."

"Huh? What? Heiyang, come back to me! Stop and don't run!"


"Ha, health! Only when you are sick can you understand how important your body is!"

"Indeed, look at me, I have a healthy body."

"whispering sound."


"Xiao Li, I have a fever, I feel so uncomfortable..."

"Heiyang, puff hahahaha, hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter! You, Heiyang, have a day too!"

"Climb, climb, stay where it's cool!"


"Heiyang, I heard that there seems to be a matchmaker who wants to tell me about marriage?"

"Let her crawl, how old are you, it's too early!"

"Oh, okay, listen to you."


"Hei Yang, don't forget to come to my house for lunch."

"I know, I know, Cengfan, happy birthday!"

"Hey, thank you!"


"Dog! Don't run! Stop!"

"Hongli, you don't know good people, you turned your face when you just gave you a birthday present!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I will not give up until I poke a few holes in your body today, go to hell!"

"Ahahaha, I can't catch it, I can't catch it~"


Goodbye, hang out, chat.

Be a guest, laugh and be inseparable.

Watching the two go from unfamiliarity to intimacy.

Watching the two go from stranger to familiarity.

Watching the two talk from just a few words to everything.

Watching the two go from being polite to insulting each other, watching the two go from helping each other to stabbing in the back, watching the two walk into the Huxin Pavilion with blankets in their arms, cough cough...

Heiyang Hongli just quietly watched the growth of the two children, watched them become more intelligent and stronger, and more and more like their current appearance.

As the years flowed down, the figures of the two little people gradually overlapped with Heiyang Hongli.

"Good guy, you showed me twice in five seconds, this little brother has something."

"One thing to say, indeed!"


Heiyang Hongli came to the cliff where the tiger fell, and looked at the two people curled up in the corner with a gloomy gaze.

"This is the first time I have been so close to death since I was born, and I was really scared at the time."

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang, her eyes flickering: "What about you, Heiyang, what were you thinking when you jumped down with me?"

"I don't want you to die."

Hei Yang said quietly: "What about you, why did you suddenly charge towards that tiger?"

"I don't want you to die either."

Hong Li told the truth directly.

They took another step, and seeing the airship flying towards Wuxingzong, Heiyang bid farewell to Hongli, and suddenly kissed him.

"This is my real first kiss."

Looking at the picture in front of her, Hongli couldn't help curling her lips.

"It was so sudden, I didn't feel well, it came suddenly, it ended suddenly, what were you thinking at that time?"

"Afraid of losing, I want to hold you tight."

Hei Yang admitted: "Actually, I was really panicked at the time. I was afraid that the airship would take you to the sky, fly farther and farther, and never turn back. I was so scared."

"I am also afraid that I will never come back, and I am afraid that I will never see you again."

Hongli and Heiyang quickened their pace, they once again saw the river full of despair, there were still people struggling in the river of forgetfulness, unwilling to give up.

"Fortunately, you chased to the horizon..."

Hongli raised her head, and the airship returned, this time the passengers were replaced by their family: "Bring me back."

"very nice."

Hei Yang saw them return to Five Colors City, saw their Yangliju rising from the ground, saw the two finally let go of their brows, and smiled again.

"This is, our story..."

Tears flickered in Hongli's eyes, and a feeling of emotion came from her heart.


Heiyang nodded lightly, did not speak, but hugged the girl's soft and delicate body tightly.

As time intersects, memories of the past overlap with reality again, and they come to a corner.

Some reluctantly let go, Hongli smiled and waved to Heiyang.

"Then, see you in three days, Hei Yang."

"Well, see you in three days, Xiaoli."

The two turned around and walked towards their respective homes.

Hong Xiaoli, Hei Xiaoyang, the two of us can't stay with you all the time in the past, there are even more exciting things waiting in the future.

Of course, you are welcome to come and play often when you have time, so as not to get points...

Teenagers and girls go in different directions - for the same goal.

When we say goodbye, I will still be the only brilliance in your eyes.

Take the past into your bosom and treasure it, and step forward to the future.

"Dad, Mom, open the door, open the door, I'm back!"

[Supernatural Power White Horse (Purple) has completed its transformation, congratulations on being promoted to the Ninth Stage of Golden Core Stage. 】


Tianxiang City, Grandma Hongli's house.

A carriage was waiting at the door, and laughter and cursing came from the courtyard.

"Hey, no matter how naughty you guys are, I won't take you to see the bride and groom!"

"Don't! I'm very obedient, it's him who took the lead!"

"Nonsense, he asked me to do it!"

"He moved first!"

"Father, mother, slow down, if you want me to say that your two elders are resting at home, we will go over there and bring your blessings to you!"

"Hey, it's all right, the girl from Yuying's family is getting married, we must go and have a look."

"Don't worry, your mother and I have taken the supplements that Yuying and the others brought, and I feel much better recently. It's no problem to walk this way."

"Oh, okay, okay, but we have agreed in advance..."


"Mom, please slow down."

Hei Chen carefully helped her mother down the steps, muttering in her mouth: "Speaking of which, when they finally get married, we must thank Xiao Yang and the others again.

Well, no, they may not have time to talk to me, after all, the wedding will be very busy. "

"That is, I think your father and I..."

Hei Chen's mother stopped talking in the middle of her sentence, then she sighed and said, "Let's not talk about us, let's talk about you, Xiaochen.

You see, Xiaoyang and Xiaoli are so much younger than you and are already getting married. When are you going to find one? "

"Ah? Mom, didn't I promise to make up for all the days I missed before to accompany you all these years?"

"Damn, then mom can't delay you, right? Besides, you and your wife will give birth to grandchildren or something for mom. It's good, isn't it?"

"Isn't that a burden for you, if you don't look for it..."

"Hey, you kid is really disobedient...

Ha, but you have seen a lot of young mothers like you, saying that you will not marry or marry, and you will end up with a family?
Let you meet someone's wedding and see how loving they are, maybe you will change your mind? "

"I don't think I will..."



Jin Xiu stepped on a big knife across the sky, and the strong wind blowing her neat short hair: "Ha, if you say you start before them, you will start before them.

If I wait until the wedding day, I won’t be able to help, hahaha, hurry up, hurry up! "

"Wait, wait a minute, Elder Jin..."

Hei Xiaolong crouched behind the broadsword, his short hair seemed to be blown out, he gritted his teeth hard to maintain his balance: "I can't go any faster, if I go too fast, I'll really be unable to hold on, I'm going to die!"

"Ha, who told you to come with me?"

Jin Xiu said unhappily: "Isn't it good for you to follow senior brother and their airship, you have to chase me over here, are you happy now?"

"That won't work, the airship is too slow!"

Hei Xiaolong shouted: "I want to see Brother Heiyang for the last time, this is the last chance!
After that, he will be taken away by the woman, and he will never come back! "

"Uh, inexplicable words..."

Jin Xiuyun glanced at Hei Xiaolong, then rolled his eyes: "Forget it, don't worry about it, we'll be there soon, speed up! Ohhhhh!"



Five Elements School, an airship took off.

(End of this chapter)

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