So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 349 Only after the rest of the catastrophe can one know the humbleness of life; only one who

Chapter 349 Only after the rest of the catastrophe can one know the humbleness of life; only one who survives a catastrophe can understand the awe of life!
"Sister Hongli, goodbye brother Heiyang!"

Xingyun waved his hand on the airship: "I'll come to play with you guys after a while!"

"Goodbye! Bon voyage!"

Heiyang Hongli waved goodbye.

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli, my aunt has also gone back."

Hongling smiled behind Li Huohe's back.

"After resting for so long, I have the energy to go back and continue to rush! Revitalize the family! It is duty-bound!"

"Come on! Ask us for help if you have any difficulties!"

Heiyang Hongli yelled farewell.

"Mom and Dad, Xiaohuo will live with grandma at home!"

Xiao Huo smiled and waved: "Mom and Dad, let's live in a two-person world!"

"Remember to go to bed early and get up early, and remember to listen to grandma and grandpa!"

Heiyang Hongli turned into a nagging elder.

"Then, take a good rest these days."

Qing Yiyi took Qing Lianlian by the hand, waved her hands and said with a smile: "Son! Daughter! Happy wedding!"

"Thank you mom!"

"There's me!"

Qing Lianlian curled her lips.

"Thank you, auntie!"

Heiyang Hongli had a cute face.

"That's about the same, ha!"

Saying goodbye to relatives and friends, they left space for the newlyweds, Heiyang Hongli.

"This banquet was done with care."

Granny Meng showed her figure from beside them with a smile, looked at Heiyang Hongli with a much younger smiling face, and said with blessing: "Congratulations to you too, I won't bother you too much."

"Thank you, Granny Meng!"

Heiyang Hongli thanked him sincerely, and asked curiously, "Where are you going?
Back to hell?Or, what else? "

"Hell, I won't go back. I've been talking about it for so long, but I'm really retiring this time."

Po Meng sighed, saying goodbye to her long and memorable years.

"Because there are too many merits and virtues, Lord Yan took more time to settle the salary, and it was almost delayed, which is also troublesome."

Po Meng sighed, looking dissatisfied.

"Grandma Meng's Versailles!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, don't tease us anymore."

Granny Meng laughed heartily, pointed to the distance, and said leisurely: "I, after I retire, I plan to go to the universe to live a retirement life for hundreds of years before thinking about other things. You can come and play with me when you pass in the future haha."

"The universe over there..."

Heiyang Hongli thought deeply, nodded and agreed: "Yes! We will!"

"Then it's settled."

Granny Meng waved her hand cheerfully: "One last thing, only the earliest senior was named Meng, and my real name is Liu, haha..."

"Ah, Granny Liu?"

Heiyang Hongli was stunned for a moment, and quickly changed her words, but Po Meng had already left without a trace.


A gust of cool wind blew by, and the thick clouds gathered again, but they could no longer block the sunshine in their hearts.

Heiyang Hongli took a deep breath, feeling refreshed and refreshing.

"Everyone, go home."

Hongli looked at the quiet courtyard, still a little immersed in the bustle of the day and didn't recover.

"Yes, everyone goes home."

Heiyang turned to look at Hongli, and smiled slightly.

"Then, daughter-in-law, shall we go home too?"


Hongli smiled back like a flower: "Okay, husband."

It was dark and the night was still long.



The bedroom door was gently pushed open.


Hongli came in through the crack of the door with a nervous expression, followed by Heiyang.


Hongli turned her head to say something, but Heiyang closed the door with a "bang", scaring Hongli almost to the ground.

"What's wrong, daughter-in-law?"

Heiyang turned to look at Hongli suspiciously.

"No, it's nothing, hahaha..."

Hong Li waved her hands with a sneer, and was about to say something, but was pulled into his arms by Hei Yang, her face flushed red.

"What is nothing?"

Hei Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at the girl in his arms and said leisurely: "Why, what else do you dare to hide from me?"

"No, it's not, hahaha, how is it possible..."

Hong Li felt that her heart was about to explode, as if there were so many nerves in her head that were about to be stretched to the extreme and break.

"what is that?"

Heiyang asked curiously.

"That's right, that's right... ah!"

Hongli was a little incoherent, suddenly she gritted her teeth, stood on tiptoe and kissed Heiyang directly, then broke free from Heiyang's embrace, ran to the side of the bed, and lay down on her back.

"Come on! Black Sun!"

Hong Li was lying on the bed with her head tilted to one side, her eyes closed, her teeth clenched, and she grabbed the bed sheet with her backhand, with a heroic appearance.

She said in a trembling voice: "At this point, we are already mentally prepared, um, probably ready? Maybe not?

call!That's not important anymore!Don't care if I'm ready or not, Hei Yang, you can do whatever you want and start acting!

Just, even if Mou Li cries and screams at that time, you don't need to talk to her, Wan, everything is difficult at the beginning, do as you like...

In short, Hei Yang, don't hesitate, do it directly!Um!Let the horse come!I'm not afraid of you!woo woo woo..."

"Uh, Xiaoli, you..."

Seeing Hong Li's appearance, Hei Yang was a little dumbfounded.

He gently sat beside Hongli, stretched out his hand and slowly helped Hongli take off the headdress.

"Lie down on it with one head, and you don't feel too panicked."

"It's okay! My head is tight!"

Hongli still didn't dare to open her eyes, she just felt light on her head, her long hair was straightened, her heart was in her throat, her whole body froze, she didn't dare to move.

"What strange words."

Heiyang laughed helplessly, and gently placed the removed headgear on the side of the bedside table, making sure that nothing was missing, heaved a long sigh of relief and also lay down on his back.

"Phew, today is my happiest day, but I'm really tired if I'm tired."

Hei Yang sighed faintly, not because he was tired physically, but because he dealt with so many elders, he had to pay attention to his words and manners all the time,
Coupled with a bunch of rules and procedures, the emotional ups and downs are too high, and now I am quiet, I am still a little tired.

"Is Xiaoli happy?"

Heiyang stretched, and asked Hongli with a comfortable face.

"What did you say! Of course I am happy! I am so happy that I am dying!"

Hong Li responded without hesitation, feeling extremely nervous.

As a result, after a while, she found that there was no movement, and she couldn't help but opened her eyes to peek at Heiyang.


Hongli looked at Heiyang, and then saw that Heiyang was sleeping peacefully.

Hongli: "????????"

"No, I was still talking just a second ago..."

A pile of wells popped out of Hongli's forehead, jumped onto Heiyang's belly, and stomped hard. (dangerous sport, please do not imitate)
"Gou Heiyang, give me back my nervousness! Ah Da!"


Heiyang's eyes widened suddenly, his body curled up like a shrimp, his eyes rolled, and he fell unconscious.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead."

Hongli sat cross-legged on Heiyang's stomach, crossed her arms with her hands, and poked Heiyang's chest with her little thumb, her tone was unpleasant.

"Get up quickly, get up for me, now is not the time to sleep!

Heroes can't run away!Asshole husband! "


Heiyang opened his eyes, looked helplessly at the red glass above, and sighed.

"Come on for ten minutes or something, isn't Xiaoli's wife tired?"

"Don't talk about what's there or what's not, Xiaoli's wife is very angry now!"

Hongli snorted softly, and asked, "Tell me, isn't Xiaoli's wife cute?"


"Is Xiaoli's wife beautiful?"


"Do you like Xiaoli?"


"Do you love Xiaoli?"


"Then what else is there to say!"

Hongli jumped off Heiyang, pointed her thumbs at herself, and said with a righteous look: "The time has come to prove your intentions, don't tell me you are afraid!"

"Whoever is afraid knows..."

Heiyang muttered in a low voice, stood up, feeling oppressive, looked down at Hongli, stretched his neck, and said quietly.

"Since you've already mentioned this, then I won't be polite to you, Xiaoli."


Hongli's expression froze, and the aura on her body disappeared instantly.

She looked up at the slowly approaching Heiyang, only to feel the word "Danger" pop out of her forehead.

"Wait, wait, shouldn't we be dragging on for a while?
Or, let's make room for each other, well, how about we make a three-chapter agreement?
If it doesn't work, you can knock me out first, I'm easily knocked out! "

Hongli's pupils shrank smaller and smaller, and she kept leaning back until her back touched the wall at the corner of the bed, her legs softened, and she slumped on the edge of the bed.

"Black, black sun~~"

Hongli raised her head and saw the shadow of Heiyang, her body trembled, and she sat on the defensive with her head in her arms.

"Heiyang, don't hurt me! Woooooo...

Don't dare, don't dare, don't need to prove it, I know you must love me, woo woo woo.

People on death row still have to be executed in autumn, you have prepared me a little bit, woo woo woo, Heiyang don't hurt me! "

"It's so pitiful, little guy."

Heiyang put his hands on Hongli's head with a distressed expression, and gently rubbed her head.

"Don't be afraid, how could I hurt you, Xiaoli?"

"Woooooooooooooo, Hei Yang..."

Hong Li pouted and raised her head to look at Hei Yang, and grabbed Hei Yang's arm to wrap her arms around her.

"I've worked very hard, but I'm just afraid!"

"Normal, haven't you experienced it before, who isn't nervous?"

Hei Yang knelt down and comforted in a low voice: "Since Xiao Li is afraid, then rest first, and we can talk about it later."


Hongli looked up at Heiyang in aggrieved manner.

"Hmm, you must be very tired during the day."

Heiyang gently held Hongli's hands, and said with a smile, "I'll take you to rest, okay?"

"not too good……"

Hongli beeped softly.


A small question mark popped up on Heiyang's head.

"Don't think that I don't know what your plan is, Heiyang."

Hongli sniffed, her watery eyes reflected the light of wisdom.

"What are you talking about, hug me to rest..."

Hongli snorted softly: "The ghost knows where it will be carried, anyway, it must not be going to rest!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"What a little smart guy."

"Ha, so much for the prize."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Rock paper scissors!"

"Rock paper scissors!"

"Rock paper scissors!"


Hongli wept softly and gave up resistance.

"I knew it, I never won this game, woo woo woo..."

"Okay, you always have to face it."

Hei Yang carried Hong Li, who had given up resisting, on his shoulders, and said quietly: "According to theoretical analysis, in general, boys are more tired in this situation, okay, if you get it cheap, you'll be good."

"Wow, thank you so much..."

Hongli burst into tears: "I really made a lot of money!"

"That's it, are you ready?"



"Get ready, woo woo woo, the hateful Heiyang, he wants to force people to lie..."

"Obviously you were the one who jumped in the face first..."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and turned his head: "Then I'm going to rest."

"Don't! I'm not..."

Seeing that Heiyang was about to leave, Hongli hurriedly got up: "Heiyang, go back...uh!"

Hong Li's eyes widened, her mouth was blocked by her lips.

She felt that Heiyang hugged her waist, and then his palm moved slowly.




The dark clouds that had been driven away during the day gathered again, and thick clouds covered Yangli's house.

The spiritual power surged in the clouds, and suddenly a thunderbolt struck down!

The thunderbolt strikes the barrier of Yangli's family, causing ripples, the howling wind sweeps the surroundings, and the terrifying aura makes the surroundings quiet, it turned out to be the promoted Thunder Tribulation!

Lei Jie failed to make a contribution when he hit the barrier, but he was not too anxious. There was something in the barrier in front of him, but it couldn't stop the power contained in the two-part Lei Jie!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another purple-red lightning strikes down, knocking down the small formations used for reinforcement on the enchantment, and the spiritual power instantly becomes disordered, and pits are chopped out on the inverted semicircular enchantment. The self-healing power returns it back to its original state.

But as layers of formations were destroyed, the core formations that made up the barrier were exposed under the thunder calamity and were hit hard!

The core formation was hit by the thunder calamity, cracks began to appear, and finally cracked, leaving the barrier completely unprotected.

The atmosphere stagnated instantly, and the roaring clouds suddenly quieted down, as if there were lightning rolling, as if some big trick was brewing.

The spiritual energy of the cracked small circles scrambled, bumping back and forth on the barrier, leaving ripples.


There seemed to be a sound of electric current in the ear, and a few drops of rain slowly fell from the sky, and the huge thunder that was brewing finally pierced the sky and smashed fiercely on the barrier!

The sound of the barrier breaking sounded, and the fragments were swept up and flying all over the sky.

And although the power of the huge thunderbolt was slightly offset, it still fell on the roof of Yangli's bedroom impartially, smashing pieces of bricks and tiles.

The ensuing gust of wind lifted the tiles, revealing the smooth stone slab at the bottom, and the lightning strikes on it, flashing dazzling light, the thunder light dissipated, but the wall panel was safe and sound.

Item: A very solid wall
Quality: purple

Size: 6 meters long, 0.5 meters wide, 4 meters high (normal form)
0.06 meters long, 0.005 meters wide, and 0.04 meters high (portable form)
Effect: It is really strong and can resist the attacks of Yuanying stage and below!
Introduction: A wall may be able to block the wind, but it is somewhat difficult to block the rain.

This is the last barrier for Yangli's bedroom!

Luo Lei has already sensed that the person who crosses the tribulation is below, and knows that as long as he breaks this hard stone slab, he can reach the goal.

As a result, countless thunderbolts fell from the sky in an instant, striking the stone slab frantically, the attack was as violent as a gust of wind, and the raindrops seemed dense.

The howling of wolves in the mountains has long since disappeared, and the might of the sky has made all living beings feel instinctive fear.

The thunder and lightning became more and more violent, and the violent impact made the whole Yangliju tremble, but the solid wall was still safe and sound!

The clouds were stirring and a general attack was brewing, and the ground seemed to be trembling. The Yangliju, which was originally quite large in size, was wobbling like a small boat under the thunder calamity.

In an instant, the world was silent for a moment, and then countless lightning fell endlessly. The power of this thunder calamity is no longer simply one plus one, but overlaps with each other, far surpassing ordinary thunder calamity.

"Boom rumble!!!"

The roar was deafening, and the stone wall began to shake, as if it was about to fail.

But the thunder disaster also came to an end, until the last thunderbolt slammed on the wall!

The heavy cloud layer rained down instantly, sweeping away the stuffy atmosphere in the air.

The majestic torrential rain poured down, like thousands of troops, roaring and galloping.

That rushing momentum was unstoppable, like overwhelming mountains and seas, making a crackling sound.

The rainwater flows down the glass windows like a waterfall!

The sound of the raindrops falling on the ground was very rapid, rushing, rushing, like a beautiful symphony, floating wantonly in the howling wind.

The thick raindrops hit the ground, leaving small nests and splashing small rain flowers.

In an instant, criss-crossing streams appeared on the ground, flowing towards the low-lying places, gathering more and more to form pools of water...

Many people in the five-color city were awakened by the thunder. Looking left and right, they found that their family members were all safe and sound.

At this time, the thunder had gradually faded away, only the patter of raindrops kept falling, and I didn't know when it would stop, so I gradually fell asleep listening to the sound of rain outside the window.

The rain is still falling.

[Congratulations to the contractor for breaking through the golden core stage and being promoted to the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm! 】

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, friends!
(End of this chapter)

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