So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 350 When I woke up, I found that Quanqin was in danger.

Chapter 350 When I woke up, I found that Quanqin was in danger. I didn't feel sad at all, haha...

"The so-called young and old leave home, since Xiaohuo bid farewell to her parents and came to grandma's house on May [-]th, she hasn't heard from her parents for more than a month."

"This poem is not used like this, Xiaohuo!"

Qing Lianlian, who was helping Xiaohuo with her homework, stretched out her finger, curled her lips and said, "One and a half months can't be described as a young and old who left home!"

"Ah? Can't it be used?"

Xiao Huo tilted his head in confusion, had no choice but to tick off that part, frowned and thought again: "Then what's the use, um, um..."

"Xiaohuo is not allowed to bite the pen holder, this is a bad habit!"

Qing Lianlian pointed out Xiaohuo's inappropriate behavior with an adult appearance.


Xiao Huo removed the pen holder, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he started to write again in the notebook.

Qing Lianlian looked at it and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, yes, it's more or less the same."

"Auntie, what do you think Xiaohuo's parents are doing now?"

Xiao Huo suddenly asked curiously: "They have been married for more than a month, and Xiao Huo hasn't seen them for more than a month, and I don't know if they eat on time."

"Well, this one..."

Qing Lianlian also showed a puzzled expression, and she yelled into the room.

"Sister, what do you think Xiaoyang and the others are doing now, are they eating well?"

"Go to sleep, or do something else."

In the room, Qing Yiyi was chopping vegetables in a "da da da" way, and replied casually: "How can I know what the young couple are doing.

As for eating, I can tell you that they can eat five meals in more than a month, and I, as a mother, should be thankful. "

"Ah this..."

Qing Lianlian and Xiaohuo looked at each other and tilted their heads at the same time: "Huh?"


Yangli's house, the bedroom, was pitch black.

Heiyang Hongli lay peacefully on the bed and fell asleep, the two heads protruding from the quilt were cuddling closely, with an appearance of time and peace.

One leg of the big bed was padded with a stool for some reason, and I always felt like I was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. I either wanted to repair this leg, or I wanted to break the other three.

As time flowed quietly, the girl's brows gradually frowned, and she became less peaceful, probably having some terrible dream.

She muttered vaguely in her sleep.

"Don't, don't, Yang, you can't..."


Hongli woke up suddenly, panting heavily.

Her messy long black hair was scattered on her smooth shoulders, and she looked undecided.

"Huh, huh..."

Hong Li wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, her red face gradually returned to calm, she couldn't help but patted her heart with lingering fear.

"It's scary, it's scary, it's exciting..."

Hongli let out a long breath, and murmured: "I actually dreamed of marrying Hei Yang, and then I was babbled by him...

Hey, scary, it was just a dream, I almost thought I was being embraced by Hei Yang, hahaha, haha, ha..."

Hongli's smile gradually froze, she lowered her head with difficulty, and saw an arm around her waist.

It is known that normal creatures have two arms, and now her two arms are outside the quilt, so who does this arm belong to?
Hongli turned her head to the side with a stiff expression, and then saw Brother Heiyang staring at her quietly.

"Why are you so nervous in the morning, daughter-in-law?"

Hei Yang yawned, and stretched his arms wordlessly: "Hey, don't make trouble, let me hug us and continue to sleep for a while, we'll be so sleepy..."

"Black black black black black... black sun!"

Hongli's pupils trembled, and the sealed memories in her mind gradually emerged.

"Wait, wait, wait... wait a minute... ah!"

Hongli didn't pay attention, and was dragged into his arms by Heiyang, and her face was leaned against his chest. As the memory digested, her little face slowly turned blood red, as if she was getting familiar.

"What the hell, what the hell, the worst..."

Hongli murmured: "It's so exciting, it's not a dream, my God, husband Heiyang?

Wow, this is too, too, too magical realism! "

"Hey, don't just use the words as you learn them. Our marriage is strictly in accordance with the procedures and regulations, and it is in line with the correct values ​​of the travel industry, okay?"

Heiyang opened his eyes speechlessly, patted Hongli, and said quietly: "What? Regret?"

"Regret is impossible to regret, it is impossible to regret in this life..."

Hong Li muttered softly: "I am, I am still very excited until now...

Speaking of how long it has been, I dare say it is definitely more than one night. "

"God, what a night, my sister hasn't woken up yet, right?"

Heiyang counted with his fingers silently.

"One thing to say, the situation was more critical at that time, and I didn't bother to pay attention to how long it took, but there must have been twenty days or so."

"Etc., etc!"

Hong Li's eyes widened, and she realized: "Have we been married for about a month, my god, this time is fake!"

"Ah, maybe this is the practice without years."

Heiyang yawned and said leisurely: "Didn't they say all the time that some people practiced for decades or hundreds of years at a time, so what is it that we have only practiced for a month?"

"Climbing, climbing, is that the same kind of practice!"

Hongli couldn't help complaining, she suddenly stretched her head under the bed, and saw the bed leg that was replaced by a stool at some point, with a black line drawn across her head.

"I seem to remember it, I remember you stuffed the stool under here, right?"

"Hmm, you are still afraid that this thing is not strong enough, so you still don't believe me."

Heiyang clicked his tongue lightly, and said with a look of disdain: "Now, hasn't it survived?"

"Ah, that's true. I also survived. It's unbelievable, unbelievable."

Hong Li looked up at the sky, and said with great comprehension: "Life is really a miracle in the world, just like a grass that takes root and sprouts can push away a boulder, like a dog jumping over a wall and a rabbit biting people when it is anxious.

It can always burst out a powerful force that moves people to tears! "

"Come on, I'm too embarrassed to expose you."

Heiyang rolled his eyes: "Are you moved by tears?"

"Hei Yang shut up."

"Countless, if you say you are cowardly, you still don't admit it, tsk tsk."

"Hei Yang, shut up."

"Ha, it's usually quite loud, isn't it the king with a strong mouth?"

"Heiyang, what the hell..."

A pile of wells appeared on top of Hongli's head, but in the end she sighed: "Okay, okay, my husband, please close your little mouth that has been smeared with honey."

"Got it."

Heiyang chuckled, and pulled Hongli into his arms again, and the two cuddled together and looked at the ceiling, falling into silence for a while.

"How does it feel?"

Hei Yang suddenly asked, and he added: "I mean about our marriage, how do you feel?"

"Just, very happy, happy, happy, happy, if you have to ask me to describe it, my vocabulary can't describe it. Maybe you can only understand my excitement by digging out my heart."

Hongli closed her eyes lightly, and said quietly: "Besides that, there is also a very strange feeling, um, shyness, especially shyness."

"Shouldn't shyness be a thing before?"

Hei Yang took out two lollipops from the bedside drawer, handed one to Hong Li and ate one for himself.

"At this time, you should take out an after-event lollipop with a vicissitudes on your face and a story."

"God damn lollipop after the fact..."

Hongli complained leisurely while eating candy: "Speaking of which, how about you, how do you feel?"

"Refreshed and mentally exhausted."

Heiyang answered casually.

"Good summary, I always thought that these two states would not appear at the same time..."

Hong Li sighed, shrank under the blanket, her pupils were slightly dilated.

A loving and reliable husband, kind and gentle parents, cute and well-behaved children, and a warm home of her own.

You don't have to run around for your livelihood, you don't have to worry about any life-and-death crisis, and you don't have to worry about getting angry and nervous.

The birds are singing outside the window, and the sunlight has already entered the window directly, but if they want, they can spend the whole day in a daze here quietly, turn on the lights at night and chat about novels and comics all night.

When I'm tired from lying down, I go out to play chess, plant grass, raise flowers, and if I have time, I can call a few old sisters to dance in the square, ahem, forget it.

"I feel like my life is complete."

Hongli showed a pleasant smile: "It's great to be able to spend free time doing what you like."


Hei Yang nodded and agreed, at least he was busy preparing for the marriage before, but now the time is really free.

As for whether you will feel bored, in fact, you will not feel bored when you are really free.

Most of the so-called boredom is because there are too many things to do, but you don't know where to start for a while, and you simply don't bother to do it.

For example, during the holidays, I obviously didn’t do a single word of my homework, I was a little tired of playing games, and I didn’t bother to go out, but I just sat there in a daze and didn’t want to touch my homework.

Subconsciously turn on the phone and don't know what I want to do, click on the group chat, refresh, pull up, exit, turn off the phone, turn the pen, and sigh.

Turn on the phone again, click on the group chat, and send a sentence: "It's so boring!"

In fact, it's not because I'm not interested in anything, but because I can only be restricted to do those things during this period of time. In fact, the time is not at my own free disposal at all, and I just spend it aimlessly!

The feeling of guilt in my heart is getting bigger and bigger, which leads to more and more depression, and finally I close my eyes and go to sleep!

Ah, another meaningless day has passed, and I must do something tomorrow...

When I woke up the next day, I found that I had to pay off yesterday's debt, so I continued to be bored.

But now, Heiyang and the others really don't have anything to be busy with. When there is enough time to support them to do whatever they want, every day will be fulfilling.

Even if you stay in a daze for a day, you won't feel guilty, but you will think that you have given your head a rest for a day and left the hustle and bustle of the world, which is great!
Well, for example, right now, Heiyang Hongli is just in a daze thinking about these messy things, ahem...

"Having said that, I feel that there is one more thing ambushing us..."

Hei Yang frowned and pondered: "What's the matter? I've been a little busy recently, so I forgot about that for a while."

"Forget it and forget it."

Hongli smiled, and gently touched Heiyang's face: "Could it be something that threatens the whole world? Hahaha..."


Hongli's smile gradually disappeared, she turned her head to look at Heiyang, and she got the same dazed look.

"Wait, wait, let me think..."

Heiyang stretched out a finger, and said with a toothache: "Is it true that when you reach the Tribulation Realm, you will be thrown out to be an Ultraman, bah bah, you will be thrown out to protect the world?"

"Well, it seems to be, hahahaha..."

Hongli laughed awkwardly.

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Wait, where are we now?"

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and he flicked and pulled casually, looking at the space that had been opened, he was in a bad mood.

"It's broken, has it become stronger again?"

"Uh, I remember there was a reminder before, let me take a look..."

Hong Li turned on the lazy dog ​​rescuer, glanced at it, her eyes widened and she screamed.


"What happened?"

Seeing Hongli's panicked face, Heiyang also panicked.

"Could it be that we have already crossed the catastrophe period, and the Ascension Train is already on the way ready to destroy us?
Wait, wait, but, I will leave a last word, telling Xiaohuo that she remembers to let her parents eat small flat peaches until we come back...

No, no, the most important thing now is to put on clothes first, put on clothes first.

Otherwise, you won’t have to come back in this life, and it’s fine to die outside the world. Hey, why did my clothes break? Gou Hongli, you have too much revenge! "

"No, I said you are talking about something messy!"

Hongli couldn't help but yelled and interrupted Heiyang: "Neither, we haven't reached the tribulation period, so don't think about it!"

"Huh? What's that?"

Heiyang tilted his head, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Then what's your dog's name?"

"Climb, crawl, you're the one barking!"

Hongli took a deep breath, showing a serious expression.

"What I'm going to say is also a very scary thing. Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next!"

"Ah, you let me not be afraid and I am not afraid, why?"

"Don't talk to the dog."

Hongli pressed her mouth casually, her face darkened, and she said solemnly: "Two bars!"


A small question mark jumped out of Heiyang's head.

"I mean..."

Hongli let go of Heiyang's mouth, grabbed Heiyang's shoulders with both hands, and shook her eyes with wide eyes.

"My buddy, bah bah, I'm pregnant with your wife, I definitely can't run away because of your kind!"


A series of question marks popped up on Heiyang's head: "No, have you received any news from advanced civilizations?
We've only been married for a month, and you told me you're pregnant? "

"Wow, it's clearly written here..."

Hongli put Heiyang's head next to her, flicked the historical records of the rescue device, and pointed to one of them: "Look! It's called infancy!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"What are you..."

Heiyang's fist hardened, and he kept silently thinking about loving his wife, loving his wife, and loving his wife, resisting the urge to knock Hongli's head to one side.

"This is the Nascent Soul Stage! The Nascent Soul Stage! God's baby stage!"

Hei Yang couldn't help roaring: "According to what you said, isn't Elder Huo Le already pregnant with Liu Jia?"

"Ha, Nascent Soul is also a baby, I don't care, it's your fault anyway."

Hong Li tilted her head back, lying on the bed with her eyes closed and rested.

"So now I need to lie down and raise my baby. Before I give birth, Mr. Heiyang, you will take care of me like a cow or a horse, you hear me?"

"Xiao Li, come here with your head, I'll show you something good."

"Ha, you don't have to!"

"Come here!"

"Ha, no need!"

"three two,……"

"Hmph, do you think this will make me succumb?"

The corners of Hong Li's mouth curled up, she stretched her waist and looked at Hei Yang, she bowed her head resolutely to admit her cowardice.

"Sorry! I order you to let me go, or I will cry!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"How do I feel, Xiaoli, your skin is getting thicker?"

"Hahaha, were you a little bit reluctant before?

Now that we have met each other frankly, I, Hongli, don't need to make any face in front of you, hahahaha!woo woo woo woo……"

Hei Yang: "..."

Heiyang looked at his own fist that didn't use much strength, and at Hongli who was pretending to cry in front of him, Heiyang sighed, shook his head and laughed.

Perhaps, this is the legendary quiet time...

(End of this chapter)

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