Chapter 353 (¬¬) ┐()┌

"It's time for the exciting unpacking time again."

"Indeed! The excitement of tearing open the gift package layer by layer is unstoppable!"

"I suspect you're alluding to something."

"No, would I be that kind of person?"

"I haven't said what I suspect."

"Is it necessary to say such a thing?"

"Grass, sure enough, you bastard."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Ignoring Hongli's middle finger, Heiyang took out his three gift boxes and put them together with Hongli's three gift boxes.

"How do you say who will come first?"

Hei Yang turned his head to look at Hong Li who was lying on his side with tilted head, and asked, "I'll let you decide this time, I'll treat you well!"

"my suggestion is……"

Hongli rolled her eyes and waved her hands.

"You come first, you come first. According to the conclusion of various face-slapping experiences, the one who goes out first usually suffers more.

And the protagonist is the finale, such as me. "

"Wen Zhizhi, the finale is the penultimate one, and the finale is the penultimate one."

"Ah, yes, yes, as far as you know, open your box!"

"Okay, let me make a quick decision."

Heiyang doesn't hold back, just opens it.


Heiyang's eyes lit up: "Oh hoo!"

"What is it?"

Hong Li yawned indifferently.

"It's gold again, isn't it, it's gold again, I'm used to it, huh."

"Ah, white."


Hong Li's face beamed with joy: "Ahahaha you have today too, cough cough...

Woooooo, what a pity, Xiao Yangyang, let my sister come to comfort you, come and hug you. "

"Ah, I mean the thing is white."


Hongli froze for a moment, then poked her head curiously: "Let me see..."

Item: White Rose

Quality: purple

Effect: Give white roses to your loved ones. If you truly love white roses, they will continue to emit a fragrance that nourishes the soul.

If the heart is double-minded, the white rose will wither and cast a curse on the giver to melt his heart.

Introduction: A strong soul is for better staying up late.


Hei Yang casually handed the white rose to Hong Li: "Here, I'll see you off."

"Hey, what?"

Hongli took the white rose, and said with a look of disgust: "Gou Heiyang, we would rather you go out and pick a small flower from a corner to give me, than this kind of flower with such a big additional utility.

Flowers are not only used for giving to others, but when the flowers grow, it seems that they are specially plucked and given away. "


Hei Yang nodded: "That's why I say it's inexplicable."

"What do you mean by double-mindedness?"

Hongli frowned and said, "Love for your lover? Love for your family? Or something else?
If there are all these feelings, how should we judge?

And it's a mere little purple flower, why can you judge our relationship casually?
It says love is love, it says that if it has two meanings, then it has two meanings? "

"Damn it, the more I look at it, the more uncomfortable I get..."

Hongli gritted her teeth, the power of space cut the white rose into pieces, and was finally engulfed by flames: "It's much more comfortable!"

"No matter what, we gave it to you. It's a little sad to destroy it like this."

Heiyang complained quietly: "Aiwujiwu!"

"But I don't like that stuff."

Hongli curled her lips and looked at Heiyang: "Then what do you think Heiyang should do?"

"Kill it."

"very nice."

Hongli chuckled: "But Heiyang, you're not lucky today, and you're not good at starting."

"Don't call Hongli, just look at it carefully."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, raised his hand and opened it again.

"The lower limit of Heiyang is your upper limit, what are you so proud of?"

"Hey, I'm unlucky and I'm used to it."

Hong Li giggled and lay down behind Hei Yang, holding Hei Yang's shoulders with both hands.

"That's why it makes people feel happy to see Master Heiyang unlucky out of the box."

"If you have a high EQ, you should say it now, then I would rather drive garbage every time, to make you happier."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and said: "But I am Heiyang, so I just want to say that Hongli should climb quickly."

"Oh, then I climbed."

"Wait a minute, crawl back and continue pinching."

"Oh, hey, how about our technique?"

Hongli asked with a smile.

"Very good, where did you learn it?"

"I didn't learn, I clicked blindly."

"As expected of you."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "You'll be happy if you give me a half-body paralysis in a while."

"I'll take care of you!"

"I mean below the waist."

"Ah, that can't be done!"

"As long as you know."

Hei Yang opened the second box, shining golden light: "Play normally."

"Huh? Let me see."

Hongli poked her head out of Heiyang's shoulder, and looked over curiously.

Item: Fantasy Modifier
Quality: golden

Effect: Consume energy, modify the real object to a certain extent into the appearance of your own fantasy, such as: modify the material of the object, tamper with the laws of physics in a certain space, etc.

Introduction: How can a person who doesn't even have fantasy have reality.

"Oh, this thing is interesting."

Hongli's eyes lit up, she picked up the strange instrument, stuffed a piece of spirit stone into the suspected charging place, aimed at Heiyang, and shouted: "Let Heiyang become my dog!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

Fantasy Modifier: "..."

"Ahhhhhhh, stop hitting, wrong, wrong, woo woo woo woo..."

Hongli climbed up from Heiyang's lap with grief and indignation, and lay down on the sofa looking at Heiyang with an aggrieved expression, as if he had done something heartless and heartless.

"Damn it, you can stop hitting your head when you get married!"

Hongli couldn't help protesting.

"Is there any problem with the key point you grasped?"

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes: "I thought you would accuse me of beating you or something."

"Ha, there's nothing to blame for that."

Hongli said triumphantly: "When the idea of ​​turning you into a dog came into being, we were already prepared to be beaten."

"Then your awareness is quite high."


Hongli was not ashamed, but proud. She looked at the fantasy modification instrument, and couldn't help complaining: "I can't even satisfy my fantasy, and I'm not ashamed to modify it. Damn it!"


Heiyang raised his eyebrows, picked up the fantasy modifier, pointed at the table and said loudly: "Ah, thank God for giving us food."


Under Hongli's surprised gaze, a pile of snacks, biscuits, bread and fruits, piled up on the table instantly.

"Well, the spirit stones are hardly consumed here."

Hei Yang looked inside the instrument, and nodded thoughtfully.

"It's not bad. It finally gave me the feeling that spirit stones are very valuable. Before, I felt that they were spent faster than copper plates."

"Because it's all mortal food."

Hongli picked up the instrument again, pointed it at the table as well, and asked curiously, "So it's used like this?"


Hongli thought for a moment, then murmured in a low voice: "Should it work without shouting out loud, fantasy modifier, can you understand what I'm fantasizing about?"

[Prop: Fantasy Modifier requesting access to thoughts, which has been intercepted by the magic heart]

[If you want the Fantasy Modifier to operate normally, please grant it permission to access and read the brain storage, and read the connection status of the mind transmission. 】

【Allow this time only/Deny/Allow only during use/Always allow】

"Huh? Still want permission?"

Hongli frowned, and asked loudly: "You are thinking of asking for permission now, why didn't you ask for recording permission just now?
Oh, surreptitiously read our conversations privately, rogue props! "

Fantasy Modifier: "..."

"Come on, give me a try and turn this table into a big bed!"

Hongli made a request: "There must be a quilt with Hongli's cute head on the bed, a big black doll, and..."



The table suddenly became larger, and the sofas on both sides, including Heiyang Hongli, were suddenly pushed back a lot.

Heiyang Hongli only felt a sense of pushing back from behind, and the perspective in front of her eyes instantly turned backwards, and she was pushed far away.

"Wow, cow wow."

Hongli looked at the device on the phone, nodded and said, "Although it's a rogue prop, it's still useful. It can be used as a toy!"

"How old are you still playing with toys?"

Heiyang rolled his eyes and pointed to himself: "Isn't Heiyang fun?"


Hongli smiled, stretched out her hand and rubbed Heiyang's head: "How does it compare to you, hehehe."

"Give me a haircut."

Hei Yang sighed, and continued to open the treasure chest: "It's the last one, it's up to you to open it."

Item: Communication Mirror of the Heavens

Quality: golden

Effect: Consume energy to communicate with the person you want to contact, energy consumption is related to factors such as distance.

Introduction: Please don't dial numbers indiscriminately, be responsible for calling strange creatures...don't answer!Don't answer!


Heiyang Hongli took a breath.

"Ha people!"

"It's true Kazakhs."

"Let's talk again."

Heiyang put the mirror in his pocket.


Hongli moved her body, sat in Heiyang's arms, and snorted: "It's time for me, Hongli, to come on stage! Go!"

Item: A mirror said to know a lot
Quality: purple

Effect: Can answer the questioner's question.

Introduction: Yidu Company said that this time we have launched a new software skin, which has a very strong sense of magical fairy tales, allowing users to obtain a more novel experience.

"Oh, it's another mirror."

Hongli couldn't help complaining: "Really, it's communication and asking questions, I thought the function of the mirror was just to reflect light..."


Heiyang pinched Hongli's waist with both hands, and adjusted her position on the lap.

"Okay, look at me!"

Hongli cleared her throat, thought about it, and decided to ask a simple test first.

"Excuse me, how can I turn Black Sun into mine..."

Sensing the fierce murderous intent behind her, Hongli paused and strangled the dog.

"Ahem, then, magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hongli directly switched to the little story about Heiyang that she had heard when she was a child. Under the gaze of the two of them, the mirror suddenly lit up, flickered twice, and words flashed out.



【Sorry, I can't give you the answer you want】

[According to different worlds, different aesthetics, different races, and different gender components, it is impossible to judge the condition of "most beautiful"]

[At the same time, this product respects the independent thinking of all people who pursue freedom, respects those who have changed their gender, and those who have different psychological gender cognitions, etc., and will not assume the gender of ta people, so the condition of "woman" cannot be judged. 】

Hongli: "???"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Hey, so that means you're a trash?"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes, and poked the mirror: "Then what can you do?"

[This product is a mirror version of the magical fairy tale skin, you can even use this product to look in the mirror! 】

"Wow, it's really amazing."

"It's really amazing, my little Li and I were shocked."


[Tip: It is recommended that you can search for the following questions. 】

[How to quickly rule the world? 】

[What steps are needed to invade a country? 】

[If you are arrested by an official organization, how can you increase the possibility of escape? 】

[The latest Alien Movie Gun version is free to watch! 】

[Golden sentences to improve the success rate of laning, click to see it quickly! 】

"Wow, this laning success rate quote looks so tempting!"

Hongli's eyes lit up.

"Let's go, only I can teach you to be bad, and you can't read the spam from other places."

Heiyang patted Hongli on the head, rolled his eyes, and asked, "So what's the situation with Yidu Company, which develops your stuff?"


【Search failed】

[Yidu Company was forcibly dissolved [-] years ago for disseminating bad-oriented information]

[The latest update time of this skin is 223 years in the Jupiter galaxy in the universe calendar]

"Oh roar?"

Hongli's eyes lit up again: "Bad information? How bad is it? Let me be healthy?"

"Kang your head, keep driving."

Heiyang slapped Hongli on the head angrily, confiscated the mirror, and stayed with that 10t!

"Well, well..."

Hongli snorted and continued to open the box.

Item: [Soul Exchanger]

Quality: purple

Effect: To exchange the souls of different creatures, please ensure that the strength of the soul and the body are properly adapted.

Introduction: It's pretty fun to play.


Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other.

"Why don't you try?"

Hong Li is eager to try.

"No! What do you want to do?!"

Hei Yang looked vigilant.

"Try it! Good husband~"

"Damn it, since you begged me so much..."

Hei Yang pressed one hand on it, and said speechlessly, "Is that so?"

"Ha, indeed."

Hong Li pressed her palm impatiently.

[Detect attempt to perform soul work]

[Supernatural power judgment failed]

[Forcibly terminated soul work]

[It is detected that the soul operation object is a contract object]

[Enter the exclusive channel, connecting...]

【Soul exchange...】

[Soul homework successful! 】

[The exchange experience time is: 5 minutes, please recharge for extension. 】


Hei Yang only felt his eyes blur for a while, and his perspective suddenly became a little different.

Looking at the little hand pressed on the soul exchanger, Heiyang said in a familiar lazy voice: "Let me guess, are we already a waste glass now?"


Hongli looked at "herself" in her arms with a strange look.


Hongli slapped "herself" on the head.

"What are you doing?"

Hei Yang couldn't help cursing: "You're sick, it's you."

"Oh, oh, anyway, it's not me who is in pain now."

Hongli laughed loudly: "Master wanted to try this a long time ago!"

"More than ten years, more than ten years!"

Hong Li looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Master finally seized this strong body, and the next step is to rule the entire continent, jie jie jie jie..."

"Don't laugh so treacherously with my voice."

Heiyang popped a well on his head, shaking his head, and said faintly: "This long hair feels different."

"Don't talk about those who have something or nothing."

Hongli chuckled: "Let me have a good time first!"

"and many more!"

Heiyang looked terrified: "Naughty beast, what are you doing!"

"Ha, today is different from the past."

Hong Li grabbed "myself" by the waist, and switched the latter's position: "Hei Yang, oh, no, Hei Xiaoli, accept my revenge from Hong Xiaoyang! Watch me swell your ass!"

"Hey, you have something wrong!"

Heiyang kicked his legs wildly, trying to escape: "How many times have I said this, this is your own body."

"I don't care, I don't care, anyway, take the move!"

[Ding, the trial period is over, I look forward to your recharge, welcome to try next time~]

Hong Xiaoyang: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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