So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 352 Changing sophistication, obliterating childlike innocence, giving up ideals and acceptin

Chapter 352 Changing sophistication, obliterating childlike innocence, giving up ideals and accepting unideal reality, is growing up?
"Ah, yes, of course."

Hongli nodded affirmatively, pointed at herself, and said triumphantly: "I, Hongli, husband Heiyang, hahahahaha!"

"Whoa whoa! So touching!"

Xingyun wiped the corners of his eyes, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "Do you still remember our "take down the black sun, happy life" team back then?

Back then, the team consisted of me, Xingyun, you, Sister Hongli, and Xiaohuo, the three of us.

As a result, now, you are Brother Heiyang's wife, Xiaohuo is your daughter, and you are still three, only me is missing..."

"God, only you are missing..."

A tic-tac-toe popped out of Hongli's head, and she couldn't help but correct herself: "How many times have I said it, taking Heiyang and living a happy life is for me, and the protagonist is me, Hongli, okay?"

"Hey, then sister Hongli has already won Brother Heiyang now."

Xingyun sighed: "I really envy sister Hongli, she has already fulfilled her life goal at a young age, but I am still on the way."

"Ah, if you set your goals in life as low as mine, you can accomplish them too, ahem..."

Hongli smiled mischievously and scratched her cheek.

"How should I say, um, this matter?"

"this matter?"

Xingyun looked forward to it: "What, what is it?"

"Of course Heiyang has already taken me down, bah, I took it down, hahahaha!"

"Good job, Miss Hongli!"

Xingyun gave a thumbs up and nodded, suddenly thought of something, and counted with his fingers.

"Well, but, Miss Hongli, you have been married to Brother Heiyang for about a month, right?

So what have you been doing for the past month or so? "

"Well, let me guess..."

Xingyun stroked her chin, thinking carefully, suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Ha, I got it! It must be a very romantic date, such as flowers before and under the moon, candlelight dinners, pavilions..."

"Right, right!"

Xingyun said triumphantly: "It must be like this!"

"Ah, there are not so many venues unlocked for the time being..."


"Ahem, I mean..."

Hongli coughed twice, and laughed again and again: "That's it, Xiaoyun's guess is really accurate, and he got it right at the first guess. It's really you!"

"Hey, thank you, thank you..."

Xingyun smiled embarrassedly.

"Then what exactly happened?"

"Kids shouldn't inquire about it, don't inquire about it!"

Hongli said quietly: "Be careful that one day there will be an extra sack under the frozen lake in the Ministry of Water..."

Xingyun: "..."

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to inquire about about this kind of thing, it's meaningless at all."

Hongli spread her hands, looking like someone who came here: "How can you be as relaxed and romantic as you imagined after getting married?

Marriage means the end of romance, and the daily necessities of daily necessities, such as food, rice, oil, salt and vinegar, children’s house bills, are the normal state of life.

If you can endure it, it is a very ordinary and warm life, but if you cannot endure it, it is torture, understand? "

"So, don't look at Sister Hongli, I am so happy to be married now, and you also imagine that you will find your own love right away, that is wrong!"

Hong Li said earnestly, earnestly entrusting: "You have to know, not everyone can find their own black sun like me!"

"Ah, so..."

Xingyun nodded thoughtfully, and asked curiously, "Sister Hongli, are you worrying about daily necessities?"

"That's not true, we were almost hungry this morning, and the roof was broken, so it took a long time for the black sun to repair it."

Hongli showed a pitiful look.

"And me, my clothes are worn out and I'm not willing to buy new ones. I can only dig out old clothes to make a living. Just imagine!"

"how come!"

Xingyun turned pale with shock: "How long has it been? Sister Hongli, have you fallen to this level?"

"Yes, yes, this is the horror of marriage!"

Hongli nodded affirmatively.

Xiaoyun, don't blame me for lying in good faith. When you grow up, you will know that I am doing you for you so that you can concentrate on cultivation!I'm so gentle, I cried to death!
Besides, what she Hongli said is also correct, isn't what she said all happened in the real world, it's just that she abbreviated it a little while avoiding the important things, and changed it a little bit!

"That's just too scary!"

Xingyun looked scared, and persuaded in a low voice: "Then sister Hongli, why don't you leave, how happy you were before..."

"Bold and trick people!"

Hongli's eyelids twitched, she quickly shook her head left and right, seeing that Heiyang suddenly appeared beside her, she took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and whispered: "Sister, you want me to die!

If my husband passed by suddenly and heard me talking about divorce with you, I would really die! "

"Brother Heiyang is actually that kind of person!"

Xingyun looked shocked, she turned her head and was about to go out: "Sister Hongli, don't be afraid, I will send rescuers to rescue you from the clutches of the devil, and then..."

"Stop stop! Please don't!"

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched, and she confessed directly: "Okay, okay, I did some artistic processing just now, I admit it.

I am not suffering at all now, and I am even extremely happy. I don't know what daily necessities are.

I love Heiyang very much, and Heiyang loves me very much. We had a very happy life.

So please don't disturb our peaceful life, please! "

"Sister Hongli, if you are about to be threatened, you just blink."

Hongli: "..."

"Sister Hongli will cough twice if she is threatened!"

Hongli: "..."

"Wow, okay, sister Hongli, you lied to me again!"

"Ahem, hahaha, just kidding, just kidding, but..."

Hongli smiled awkwardly, but still stretched out a finger to emphasize: "But there is still one thing I said is true.

You have to take it to heart, just be careful about falling in love, to be precise, use more brains in interpersonal communication, don't be so easily deceived, you know?
I'm afraid that what I said is too strict, and it seems too domineering.

The words are too loose, and you can't listen,

It's the only way to make it memorable for you. "

Hongli sighed, and turned to Xingyun: "It's only because I care about you that I raise this question with you again and again. I wouldn't bother to answer it for someone else."

"Oh okay……"

Xingyun nodded, keeping Hongli's words in mind.

However, the two didn't have much time to chat, because Xingyun's afternoon practice schedule was almost up.

She needs to arrive at the secret room ten minutes in advance, then quickly enter the state, after an afternoon of assiduous practice, and then go back to the house to pick up Gaga to have dinner together.

After dinner, Gaga went to bed, and she continued to stay up late to practice, went to bed at four, woke up at six, and started a new day of struggle again.

Although Hongli called Xingyun's schedule the top ten tortures in the roaming world.

But she also has to admit that people who can make their own schedules and ask for them on time are really fierce, amazing!

Hongli hung up Xingyun's communication, and dialed Yao Qingkong backhandedly.

"Hello? Love stewardess, I have something to discuss with you, huh? You are still in the Yaowangzong, so I'm sorry to bother you, hang up...

Hey, why do you like to inquire about this kind of thing so much? It's not like you haven't been married before. Why do you ask me?
Nonsense, of course, they must be married in the bridal chamber.

I feel, ah, it did hurt a little at first, but it’s not worth mentioning, I’m Hongli, hahaha!
Nonsense, don't speculate about me maliciously, I didn't cry out of fright!

Be careful, I will let the ghost send you a lawyer cough cough, be careful, I will let the ghost beat you!
Um?You are due next month, yes, congratulations, congratulations!

Okay, okay, if you are still here in Wuse City, our family will definitely visit you.

I?I don't know if you ask me, our family doesn't have this plan.

The fatherly love and motherly love of the two of us can be given to Xiaohuo, and there is one more to avoid conflicts.Well, that's it, hang up. "

"Uh, not in the Five Elements Sect..."

Hongli thought for a while, then dialed the communication again.

"Crooked? Sister Jinxiu? Ah, yes, I'm Hongli!

ha?What does it mean not to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and I, Hongli, have to find you when I have something to do?

You look down on our friendship too much! "

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something."

While wiping the knife in his hand, Jin Xiu replied, "Just tell me, I will do it for you."

"Happy! Just wait for your words! Listen to me..."

"Ah, I'm a little full..."

Heiyang drank the last of the milk, patted his stomach, and immediately used spiritual power to decompose most of the food into energy.

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't allow you to be digested with dignity. It's my fault. I won't buy so many next time."

Hei Yang muttered something in a low voice, tidied up the table, and tidied up the things beside the bed by the way.

Put away the bottle of dragon bone wine that "I don't know who, anyway, Hei Yang doesn't know" drank most of it, and walked out of the room.

The first time Hei Yang walked out of the room, he saw Hong Li squatting in the corner gesticulating something, and couldn't help but have a question mark on his head.

"Little Li, what are you doing?"

"Ah. Not doing anything, just doing a little experiment..."

Hongli stood up, giggled, and jumped towards Heiyang, who caught him firmly and hugged him in his arms.

Heiyang hugged her and sat on the sofa by the window, slowly put her down, and went straight to the point: "How do you think we should treat the matter of ascension?"

"Well, I think it's better to suppress the cultivation base, but..."

Hong Li paused, rubbing the center of her brows: "Why do I feel that many Dao laws have been drilled into my head, trying to improve my strength..."

"Ah? Do you have it too?"

Heiyang was stunned for a moment, he thought this was a normal phenomenon just after breaking through.

The two turned on the saver, opened the specific progress bar, and then fell into a sluggish state.

[Your contract object (Heiyang/Hongli) has received the favor of the gold-level world, and the law of the great way is being received, and it has been synchronized. 】

[Your contract object (Heiyang/Hongli) has obtained gold-level spiritual affinity, and the world's spiritual power is being received, and it has been synchronized. 】

[Aoyoujie marks the contract object as the world's outstanding cultivator, and is conducting a talent training plan...]

Heiyang Hongli: "???"

"Hey, hey, what does this mean, what does it mean!"

Hongli's eyes widened, and she looked at Heiyang with a question mark on her head, who was also ignorant.

"Well, the travel industry is playing tricks on us so that we can get us out early to protect it?"

Heiyang guessed cautiously: "It thinks we are worthy of training in this world?"

"Huh? That is to say..."

Hong Li tilted her head, thinking of the books she was reading: "We have that halo of protagonists on our heads now?

It's just that you can't die no matter what, going out to pick up trash is all magic weapons, and raising a watchdog has the blood of a hidden demon? "

"It feels like..."

Hei Yang nodded, and said figuratively: "For example, when playing games, the blood-increased, injury-resistant, and head-grabbers all run around with the most powerful big daddy, trying to rely on him to lead the audience. "

"What the hell is it that grabs the head?"

"The mere lack of talent, it is the next."

"Climb, the black sun dog thief doesn't deserve to win!"

"Ahem, I made a mistake, what is grabbing the head, I am making up for the damage, do you understand the damage?"

"Ha ha."

Hongli rolled her eyes, and said speechlessly, "Then what should we do now? Are we like the kind of protagonist who can fly the world?"

"Don't be kidding, if there is a world that needs two lazy dogs to fly around, then this world will almost be sent."

"Indeed, we are only eighteen years old and have reached Nascent Soul. There must be many people who are better than us."

"That's right, we just stopped the conspiracy of powerful invaders from the outside world several times, and saved thousands of people in a small way."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"How do we convince the world that we're worthless?"

Heiyang suddenly felt his uncle crawling all over his body, and a creepy feeling came from his heart: "No, it can't, it's not working in the brain, the law, the way, don't come in again!"

"How much do you have..."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, spread her hands and said, "Come on, I thought it was so ruthless.

Isn't it just telling us that the law rotates, as long as I don't use my brain to comprehend it, and don't mobilize my spiritual power to absorb and digest it, what can it do to me? "

"Way, you're just waiting for a slow death, okay..."

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "Even if it is suppressed like this, sooner or later, the realm will be pushed up."

"What should I do?"

Hongli spread her hands helplessly: "This is the only way I can think of."

"If you ask me, we should give up our illusions and get ready to fight!"

Heiyang clenched his fists and looked up at the sky: "Since we have to face it sooner or later, why don't we take the time to find a solution, that's the key!"

"Ah, okay, let me check Miss Hongli's recent schedule..."

Hongli took out a notebook and flipped through it casually.

"Well, very good. According to the schedule, Miss Hongli's itinerary has been fully scheduled for nearly a thousand years, so I will start to solve the problem after a thousand years."

"Ah? Do you still have a plan?"

Heiyang raised his hand and snatched Hongli's small notebook, and opened it to see that it was blank.

"I can write now!"


"Hey, this is too targeted..."

Hong Li couldn't help sighing and said: "People only face this problem when they are hundreds of years old, we are so early in advance.

Is it wrong to improve the realm soon?Good people should be pointed at guns? "

"Okay, okay, stop complaining."

Heiyang patted Hongli's head lightly, smiled and comforted him: "We don't have any solutions, don't we still have the passport, maybe it will be useful?"

"So, we're going to try that with that?"

Hong Li understood what Hei Yang meant, and looked up at him.

"It would be best if it succeeds. If it can't, then think of other ways. It's better than staying here and worrying."

"Hmm, that's the reason, but we don't have to try it right away, let's rest for a few days first!"

"Heh, procrastination again, right?"

"Just say you agree or disagree!"


Hong Li frowned: "So, open a gift box first?"

"good idea!"

(End of this chapter)

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