So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 366 Hei Yang: Entering the Soaring Realm, overthrowing the brutal rule of the Five Elements

Chapter 366 Hei Yang: Entering the Traveling Realm, overthrowing the brutal rule of the Five Elements Sect, and kidnapping the suzerain Hongli is...

"Look, this is a blind spot, a place that is usually overlooked..."

The master explained to Kong Yuqing earnestly, helping her familiarize herself with and accumulate work experience.

"But now we can see that everything here is intact for the time being, and by observing the fluctuations and fluctuations of the space ripples, we can judge its current stable condition..."

"Look, like this one, the space layer is smooth, and the surface has..."

Master pointed to that place, and gave an example: "This is a very standard normal phenomenon in space. You can write it down, and then we will compare it all the way, and you will find the difference...Huh? Yuqing? Yuqing?"

The master turned to look at Kong Yuqing who seemed to be distracted, and frowned and reminded: "What are you thinking?"

"Ah? Ah!"

Kong Yuqing suddenly came back to his senses, quickly bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master, I was wrong, I shouldn't, um..."

In a daze, Kong Yuqing seemed to have returned to the days when he first learned Taoism and practiced hard under the master's door. Hundreds of years have passed.

"Specially listen to the lecture."

Master stretched out his index finger and swung it down suddenly. The invisible air flow condensed and tapped on Kong Yuqing's head lightly.

"It's not an example."

"oh oh!"

Kong Yuqing nodded quickly, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, but his eyes turned aside, and he gritted his teeth secretly.

The two guys, Heiyang Hongli, specially opened up the supernatural powers to her, and gave her "access rights", and only blocked Master Kong Yuqing alone, so that she could see and hear each other's actions and words.

It's just that Kong Yuqing didn't feel how good it was at all!
She saw that Heiyang Hongli was holding hands, looking at each other with a bright smile.

One touches that head for a while, pokes that face for a while, that is an intimacy.

She is working hard to familiarize herself with the work process here, so where are you two talking about me?
The fist is hard and the blood pressure is high.

But in fact, Kong Yuqing really wronged the two of them this time.

At this time, Heiyang Hongli was also listening to the lecture, while observing the surrounding environment, and then discussing various serious solutions.

As for their actions, um, there is no way, they always get along like this, don't they?
To put it affectionately, I like the smile in your eyes when you look at me.

Sand sculptures are a bit called sand sculptures, and I can't help but want to laugh when I see you so funny.

In short, being together will make them feel very happy and comfortable, and they will be in a state of joy almost every moment.

This may be the meaning of "like", and with the addition of "responsibility", it becomes "love".

【Hongli: Did you hear that part just now? Senior Kong Yuqing’s master said that the space in front is relatively weak. Do you understand what I mean? 】

[Hei Yang: I understand, when I invade the roaming world, I can try to break through this space and rush in, overthrow the tyrannical rule of the Five Elements Sect, arrest the suzerain Hongli and go home as a wife to warm the bed! 】

[Hongli: Grass, what kind of extraterrestrial demon are you, so weird...]

Hongli poked Heiyang's cheek, and looked up at him speechlessly.

[Hongli: Seriously, don't add drama to yourself here, Hongli doesn't need to be arrested, she will come and deliver it to her door. 】

[Hei Yang: Hey hey, you're serious, right? 】

[Hei Yang: Seriously, the more I wander around, the more confident I become. 】

[Hei Yang: I am [-]% sure now, even if we are unfortunately caught out, we can go back successfully. 】

[Hong Li: Huh?Only [-]%?What about the remaining [-]%? 】

[Hei Yang: Quite a lot, okay sister, think about how panicked we were before, the situation has obviously improved a lot now. 】

[Hei Yang: Besides, I’ve always been conservative, so [-]% is a conservative estimate, okay?

Since the phantom of this space barrier can shuttle freely, there is no difference between rounding and we can shuttle freely. 】

【Hongli: Well, that's what you said...】

[Hongli: When we think it's time, let's try to see if we can let the whole body move freely, so the problem will be solved, right? 】

【Hei Yang: What time do you mean? 】

[Hongli: Church Xiaohuo supernatural powers, all the arrangements are completed, about the seventh or eighth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, when it is about to be sent away...]

[Hei Yang: Understood, it refers to the time before school starts to make up homework, and mother frantically organizes before going home, right? 】

[Hongli: Hey, you know how to compare. 】

[Hongli: Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel much more comfortable, and it seems that I can continue to be lazy again.

Anyway, we now have found a remedy for us in the future.

If there are still problems at that time, it will be our fault in the future, but we can't blame us now. 】

[Hei Yang: Indeed! 】

After Heiyang Hongli figured this out, he instantly relaxed.

Seeing Kong Yuqing seriously studying with his master at this time, it was like a guy who was admitted in advance and his classmates were still struggling to pass the exam.

Of course, if you have a good attitude, you can feel that you have already sent it in advance, and you can also feel this way.

Thinking of this, Heiyang Hongli gained the motivation to laugh again.

Under Kong Yuqing's horrified eyes, the two ran to her master's side and danced with their teeth and claws.


The corners of Kong Yuqing's mouth opened and closed, but he kept his mouth shut, warning the two of them not to mess around.

What are you-you-doing-doing?


Heiyang Hongli paused for a moment, leaned close to Kong Yuqing, her voice blocked her master, and whispered, "What's wrong, you look so ugly?"


Kong Yuqing widened her eyes and asked her what's wrong?
Aren't you two trying to pick things up?

"Oh, it's okay..."

Hongli said cautiously: "We just try to make sure he really doesn't notice our existence."


Kong Yuqing gave the two a helpless look, don't worry, I really can't see it, she still knows a little about her old master.

Besides, isn't she there to cover for the two of them!

As long as Heiyang Hongli didn't go up and attack the old man, he would definitely not be discovered.

However, Heiyang Hongli wanted to help Kong Yuqing.

"I can't find trouble!"

Hei Yang explained in a low voice: "Then the two of us will sneak out to the front space and make a hole, and create an accident if there is no accident, and use it as your entrance exam!"

"That's right, rest assured and leave it to us!"

Hong Li said with a confident face: "We have experience in doing bad things, especially when it comes to sabotage. We can also buy one and get one free, and we can make a hole and get a hole..."


The corner of Kong Yuqing's mouth twitched and gave the two of them a look. If she did this again, she would call someone to arrest these two guys who endangered world peace.

"Okay, okay, if you don't want it, you don't want it. We went for a walk, and we released the supernatural powers in a while. If there is something to do, contact us by communication."

Kong Yuqing: "..."

"Ah, I forgot that you can't initiate communication on your own..."

Hong Li was taken aback, and suddenly thought of this, Hei Yang at the side patted her, and said leisurely: "It's not a big problem, it will be fine when we go back and send a message to report her safety."

"You prodigal man, what we burn are top-quality spirit stones for energy..."

"Ah yes yes yes..."

Heiyang Hongli walked away hand in hand, leaving only Master Kong Yuqing and Kong Yuqing.

The latter looked suspiciously at the direction in which Heiyang Hongli left, fearing that they might cause some trouble.

But what kind of bad intentions could the two cuties of Heiyang Hongli have, right?
The two of them don't like to cause trouble to others, eh!
They kept moving in one direction, wanting to see if the barrier on the other side of the world would be different.

As a result, it was found that almost every distance, there would be people from the roaming world who had passed the catastrophe period stationed there to stand guard, with a serious look, which gave Heiyang Hongli a sense of security.

"Wow, it's terrible to have to stand guard so seriously for so many years, and there is no slack in the past for so many years..."

Hongli looked at the famous senior in awe, and couldn't help saying: "I definitely can't."

"But if you think about it, you are guarding your own family, descendants, and your own home..."

Heiyang asked quietly.

"That's okay if you don't."

Hongli sighed, and continued to set off with Heiyang.

They ran into the female elder of the red family who helped repair the space barrier again. She seemed to be resting now. She was lying on a couch with her eyes closed peacefully on a piece of gravel the size of the living room. It's not good to bother people.

As for the glue-like repair materials that the other party used before, Heiyang Hongli also figured out how they came from listening to Master Kong Yuqing's narration.

There are also some seniors who are relaying in the void to explore those broken world fragments or collapsed small worlds, and then recycle them, and they become like that...

And seeing that senior from the Hong family, that is to say, this place is not far from the gap in their original space.

Although they couldn't see the inside clearly from the outside of the world barrier, they still found the original space by virtue of their perception of the fluctuating breath of the familiar space.

According to the space stability judgment method described by Master Kong Yuqing, they found that the repaired space was still stable, and it was not even seen that it had been damaged at all.


Hong Li leaned over to the space barrier, and said with a malicious expression: "Hey, Aoyoujie, you don't want the two of us to break the space barrier again, do you?"

Traveling World: "..."

"What weird speech..."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, picked her up, leaned over by himself, and said arrogantly: "Hey, do you know me well?

That's right, criminals will always come back to the scene again, now recognize it!

Back then, if we could break you once, we could break you a second time, a third time, or even more...

So you listen to me well, and those who are sensible will extend the vacation for the two of us for hundreds of years, and get rid of the talent training plan.

We don't take advantage of you either. When the time comes, we will consciously come to work, so it's okay, right? "


Hongli echoed: "We Yangli are here to be fair, and I warn you not to bully honest people just like that, just because we are good babies!

Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. If you make an honest person anxious, you won't even have a chance to admit your mistake, okay! "

Traveling World: "..."


Heiyang Hongli circled the world, saying that it was a circle, but in fact it was the ghosts and the others who were working.

Later, the two of them simply returned to consciousness directly, lying on the bed and sharing the sight of others, and carried out cloud travel.

And after a complete observation, Heiyang Hongli also had an idea, the success rate of solving the target rose to [-]%, and the remaining [-]% was to be conservative to give it face!
Temporarily "removing" a major crisis, Heiyang Hongli can finally start to enjoy the time spent with his family with peace of mind.

Then the two of them lay on the bed in the yard for two weeks, just watching Xiaohuo practice there.

Until one day, Hongli pouted and tugged at Heiyang's sleeves, and glanced into the room with a coy look.

Then they put away the beds in the small courtyard, went into the house to rest, um, rest!

The child's mastery of supernatural powers has been perfected, and it is only a matter of time before he learns the supernatural powers of Nirvana. Parents should learn to let go!
These days, having enlightened parents who are as caring as Heiyang Hongli is really a blessing for the child, um, a blessing!

Until five days later, Xiao Huo successfully learned Nirvana.

She was about to announce the good news to her parents, when her grandma and grandma came, it was double happiness for Xiao Huo.

She excitedly opened the door for the elders, and only then did she know their purpose for coming.

"It's been a long time since I saw you and your parents. We are afraid that they will die in the house."

Qing Yiyi rolled her eyes, spread her hands and said: "No, let's take them out for a walk, to ventilate, to let off steam, and to change our mood.

The two of them belong to the small spinning top type children. If you don't whip with a small whip, you won't spin it yourself. "

"Huh, I thought that after they got married, they could worry less."

Lan Yuying shook her head and sighed, "As a result, it's even more memorable if you don't see it in front of your eyes."

"That's right, it makes us like the kind of parents who refuse to let go and have to tie their children."

Qing Yiyi said speechlessly: "As long as they don't have this personality, my heart is bigger than anyone else."

"Well, how can I say..."

Lan Yuying stretched out a finger and said metaphorically: "Those children who are doted on by their parents want to break free from independence but cannot achieve it. It's like locking a child in a cage and only allowing him to move within a fixed range. No outside world is allowed to come. Anything is easily accessible to children."

"And our words belong to the kind of..."

Qing Yiyi turned her wrist and said metaphorically: "We opened the door of the cage and asked the two little ancestors to go out for a stroll. They said, ah, don't go, it's so dangerous outside, if you don't have enough food, you won't sleep well.

Then the two of us were cruel and smashed the cage for them, thinking that they would have to go out and learn to be independent and mature now, right?

As a result, the two of them backhandedly collected materials to make a stronger cage and locked themselves in it! "

"Ahahaha, this..."

Xiaohuo wanted to argue and explain to his parents, and to say something nice for them, but he didn't know how to say it after thinking about it for a long time.

She could only smile awkwardly, walked to the door of her parents' bedroom, and knocked gently on the door.

"Mom and Dad, are you sleeping, grandma and grandma are here, wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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