So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 365 This feeling is like listening to the strong wind and heavy rain outside while covering

Chapter 365 This feeling is like listening to the strong wind and heavy rain outside while covering your head under the covers

Kong Yuqing's expression changed slightly, he felt something cool on the back of his neck, his forehead darkened, and he turned around to look.

Specter: "~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"


Heiyang Hongli clapped her hands happily, feeling that a certain "small map" that was originally completely black was suddenly lit up by her teammate Specter.

"Oh, is this the outside world?"

The phantom was in a trance for a while, and turned into a red glass appearance, while the other phantom beside him was successfully logged in from another place by Heiyang.

"Wait a minute, I'll log in again a few times to try the network connection status..."

The specter of Heiyang flickered several times in a row, and finally turned into Heiyang again.

And in the courtyard of Yangli's house, Heiyang opened and closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and acted like a quiet and handsome man.

"Okay, I've tried it!"

Heiyang told the exciting good news.

"This part of consciousness can shuttle between world barriers!"


Hongli's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked, "Did you lie to me?"

"Ha, you can always trust Hei Yang, okay?"

Hei Yang spread his hands: "Why don't you try it, you'll know if you try it?"

"That's right, wait for me..."

Hongli suddenly realized, nodded, and her figure froze.

The next moment, in the courtyard of Yangli's house, Hongli suddenly sat up in a dying illness, stared, fell down again, and sat up again...


The small fire on the side finished its first stage of operation, temporarily controlled the nirvana supernatural power, and was about to continue, subconsciously glanced at parents, and then glanced again...

I saw my mother doing sit-ups crazily there, Xiao Huo's eyelids twitched slightly, she turned her head away, ahem, it's not a big problem, I'm used to it.

Xiao Huo continued to practice hard.

"Oh hoo, yes, really!"

Outside the territory, the phantom flickered and turned into Hongli again. She put her hips on her hips and laughed loudly: "Grandma, I can come and go whenever I want, what can you do to me!"

"Hey Hey hey……"

Kong Yuqing on the side couldn't help knocking on the table, sighed and said: "Well, this is my home now anyway, don't come and leave whenever you want.

Let's go to the world of travel, whether it is in the mortal world or in the world of cultivation, it is illegal to break into a house without permission. "

"Ah, ah, hehe..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment, smiled embarrassedly and touched her head, looked at Kong Yuqing, waved her hand and said, "We meet again, senior Kong Yuqing, thank you very much this time."

"What are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything, but I should thank you all."

Kong Yuqing spread his hands, with emotion on his face, and said softly: "I thought that I would never see the appearance of Aoyou World again for many years, and I would never see the acquaintances from the original world.

That's great, even if I can only look at it twice, ask a few words, even if I can't go back, I'm already very satisfied! "

"You don't understand that."

Hei Yang shook his head and laughed, and couldn't help explaining: "Without external emotional perception coordinates, the two of us can't use supernatural powers.

It is of great help to us to be able to come here to check out spots in advance, of course thank you. "

"Hmm, that's it."

Hong Li looked at Kong Yuqing and sighed: "Staying in this kind of environment is too tortured, it's not that I don't want to contribute to the world.

But since there is a break, why can't you go home from get off work?

Hmph, the three-hour work efficiency brought about by a proper combination of work and rest is more than the long-term fatigue, fishing, staying up late and working overtime!hateful! "

"Then I can't help it."

Kong Yuqing smiled helplessly and didn't complain.

"Seniors have come here like this, how can I hold back?"

"In fact, some seniors tried to use space power to penetrate the barrier and wanted to go back and have a look, but those methods undoubtedly failed."

Kong Yuqing explained: "The force of space acts on the barriers of the world, and there is hardly a slight ripple, as if it does not exist at all.

I think, this should be the stability maintenance of the world itself at work. "

"It's the first time I've seen a supernatural power like yours that can directly penetrate the barriers of the world. It feels like another great supernatural power that I can't learn."

Kong Yuqing lowered his head, pulled out his sword from the side, and stroked it lightly.

She said quietly: "At the beginning I was too stupid, so I chose to learn swordsmanship. I don't need to think too much, just keep moving forward, but now..."

"Too stupid."

Hongli said quietly: "Referring to the former suzerain of Wuliangjianmen, you really know how to joke."


Hei Yang nodded in approval: "The former Great Elder of Yao Wangzong still lost to you in the competition arena, in order to show that he lost more reasonably, he has been helping you promote it in recent years.

If you talk about yourself like this, the Great Elder will be sad.


Kong Yuqing looked at the two Nascent Soul Stages in front of him speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining: "It's nothing for others to say, but it's too much for you two!
As for the great elder you mentioned, I remember that he is still in the state of a soul, and went to find their former master of the Medicine King Sect, and I don’t know if he has recovered now. "

"Ah, this recovered."

Hei Yang patted his chest, and said to himself: "Yao Qingkong and the others can't help it, and asked us to help him recover."

"I testify that what Hei Yang said is true."

Hongli raised her hand.

"You guys..."

Kong Yuqing froze for a moment, then shook his head incomprehensibly.

"Before, you two in the Golden Core Realm helped us deal with the intruders in the Transcending Tribulation Period, and now you suddenly contacted me, and you can still chase after them, and you can help people restore their physical bodies...

I finally understand that talents like you should have been thrown out by the traveling world early to shine for the world!

You say you are young, but you only spent one or two years surpassing the achievements of others in hundreds of thousands of years..."

"Wow, I don't want to talk nonsense!"

"That's right, how could you curse us for being thrown out like that!"

Hongli showed a small resentful look in her eyes, and couldn't help but said: "It's a bit of a personal grudge!"

"But since you can come here, let's take a look..."

Heiyang leaned against the wall next to him, and easily passed through the wall, making Kong Yuqing's eyelids twitch.

It wasn't just the wall, but also the reinforcement formation she asked a senior formation master to arrange, and the result was...

Well, it was definitely an illusion just now!
"Hey, Heiyang, don't leave me behind!"

Hongli hurriedly followed and went out.

Kong Yuqing: "???"

Kong Yuqing tilted his head, a row of question marks appeared on his head.

Could it be that what she asked the master to arrange was not a reinforcement circle, but a teleportation circle?
Kong Yuqing touched the wall, frowned, and carefully tapped his head lightly, trying to replicate the operation of the two of them.



Kong Yuqing: "..."



The door was opened, and Kong Yuqing walked out of the room expressionlessly, and saw Heiyang Hongli outside, looking like he had been waiting for a long time.

"what happened?"

Hei Yang wondered, "You look so ugly?"

"Well, is it the syndrome of not wanting to go out?"

Hong Li pinched her chin, analyzing seriously.

"It's the same illness as me and Heiyang..."

"I'm not like you!"

Kong Yuqing popped a small well on his head, and retorted fiercely, not wanting to continue discussing this embarrassing topic, but waved his finger to the distance.

"See, this is the outside of the roaming world, where we usually work."

Kong Yuqing pointed into the distance, and Heiyang Hongli followed her fingers with complicated eyes.

A series of chains hooked the islands, and they criss-crossed here, forming a huge residential community.

A senior monk with extraordinary temperament shuttled among them, carrying out all kinds of work meticulously, just like worker bees in a hive.

It's just that everyone here is a powerful cultivator in the tribulation period.

But looking into the distance, there are some dim lights in the endless darkness.

The faint light flickered from time to time, and it seemed to be blocked by something like a giant hand with long horns and tentacles. It seemed that something had happened, and it made people feel a little apprehensive, for fear that some huge monster would appear in the dark, and the ordinary gravel Devour like a gathering place in one gulp.

It is the fear of the unknown, darkness, giants, etc. from the heart of the creature.

"To be honest, it's the same as when I was taken by my parents to climb a mountain with Heiyang when we were young, and when we got to the top of the mountain and looked down..."

Hongli sighed deeply: "Seeing this kind of scene makes people feel terrified and frightened from the bottom of their hearts."


After a pause, Hongli moved closer to Heiyang, and whispered: "Hold my Heiyang tightly, or I won't feel safe."

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem."

Heiyang calmly touched Hongli's small head, and said leisurely: "Heiyang is also afraid."

"Fortunately, what's here is only a small part of consciousness..."

Hongli let out a long breath, showing a happy expression.

"Fortunately, our bodies are still lying on the big warm bed under the bright sunshine...

This part of consciousness is only a little bit, you can perform a holy cut at any time, and you can recover after a few days of rest, just treat it as a dream~"

"Hey, for you, you can cut and leave at any time, but I will end in person."

Kong Yuqing couldn't help complaining, "You guys left happily, so what should I do?"

"Hey, under normal circumstances we will definitely not abandon you."

Hongli snorted and said, "I don't know what you are worried about."

"Indeed, unless there are two general circumstances, such as..."

Heiyang stretched out his fingers and gave an example: "Suddenly jumped out a powerful monster that was bigger than the roaming world, grabbed it, stuffed it into its mouth, and ate us and the roaming world together.

In this case, there is not so much difference between being outside and being inside, isn't it? "

"My Heiyang's example has always been fine."

Hongli nodded.

"I see."

Kong Yuqing replied numbly.

"Well, I'm going to find Master to go on another patrol mission, and try to get out of the army as soon as possible..."

Kong Yuqing turned to look at Heiyang Hongli, frowned and said, "What about you? Go back first? Or stay at my house?"


Heiyang Hongli looked at each other and said in unison: "Of course I went with you."

"We came here to investigate the situation, of course we followed you, the person we know best here."

Heiyang Hongli said as it should.


Kong Yuqing showed a troubled expression, she pointed to Heiyang Hongli, and asked: "So, you two are like this, are you going to tell everyone that you are studying how to get in and out?

Or make up a reason that can fool everyone and cover up the two of you?
Otherwise, what else do you want to do? "

"Why must it be exposed?"

Heiyang raised his brows with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hmm, we also don't understand."

Hongli scratched her head: "I'll hide with Heiyang and follow you!"

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"How to hide?"

Kong Yuqing frowned and reminded: "That's the period of crossing the catastrophe..."

"God hidden!"

Heiyang Hongli disappeared in front of Kong Yuqing in an instant.


Kong Yuqing stared wide-eyed, walked up to Heiyang Hongli and groped for a while: "Where is the person? Why did he run away suddenly? I..."

"We're okay."

Heiyang Hongli appeared again, looked at Kong Yuqing, and confirmed: "Have you been concealed from the tribulation period?"


Kong Yuqing took a deep breath of cool air.

"I still think you two should submit yourself to the world and shine for the world."

"Abaaaba can't hear..."

Kong Yuqing: "..."

Kong Yuqing walked forward, and Heiyang Hongli followed behind. Along the way, many seniors greeted her, a newcomer who had just arrived. It must have been a long time since she had such a fresh feeling.

From time to time, an elder would pull her and ask her with a friendly face about the situation in the travel world in recent years, whether her children and grandchildren have any descendants left, and have the people's lives become better?
Faced with these warm greetings, Kong Yuqing couldn't refuse to answer, so he could only respond with a smirk.

Heiyang Hongli on the side was itching to hear it, and wanted to interject a few words but was afraid of being discovered, so he had to give up.

After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, Kong Yuqing finally moved to the room where the master was, but what she saw and heard along the way surprised her to find that those seniors really didn't notice these two.

She also wanted to join those seniors who were good at perceptual detection, and try to see if they could find these two guys, but unfortunately, Heiyang Hongli stopped her, saying that if she sensed them randomly, terrible things would happen.

Don't think that the phantom can only shuttle around, since they have eaten the prejudice of the entire Wuliangjianmen, they are really good at fighting now!
Hearing what they said, Kong Yuqing had no choice but to give up. The master happened to be at home, and when he saw Kong Yuqing coming, he greeted him with a smile.

After hearing that Kong Yuqing came to patrol again, her master showed support.

The same is true of his thinking. The so-called jade is not perfect, and many times of practice can help people mature and progress quickly. He also hopes that Kong Yuqing will quickly become an independent explorer outside the territory, so that he can rest assured.

Kong Yuqing followed the master, and Heiyang Hongli followed them, wandering around outside this area, gradually getting familiar with the environment here.

The environment here is...

Uh, there is no environment!

Except for the gravel island and the hazy world barrier behind him, there was nothing to see, no wonder Kong Yuqing was able to force him into that appearance.

Kong Yuqing and Master are looking for the weak point of the space barrier, and Heiyang Hongli has the same goal as them from a certain angle.

It's just that Kong Yuqing and the others are looking for weak spots to make up for it, and Heiyang Hongli is trying to sneak into the sheepfold to steal chickens...

Cough cough, Heiyang Hongli is to be able to find a place to freely enter and exit, so that their future days will not become as gloomy as Kong Yuqing and the others...


(End of this chapter)

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