So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 364 Always envious of other people's lives is equivalent to destroying one's own h

Chapter 364 Always envious of other people's lives is equivalent to destroying one's own happiness

Following Kong Yuqing's narration, Heiyang Hongli also gradually understood the situation of the outside world.

As Kong Yuqing said, the two gasped in horror, made "hissing", "ha" and "hissing" sounds, and hugged each other in fear.

"Hey, I said you two..."

Kong Yuqing looked at the two huddled together amusedly, and couldn't help saying: "The relationship is really close."

"Of course, whoever we don't kiss."

Hongli shrank back into Heiyang's arms, and said with fear on her face, "I thought the outside world might be scary, but I never thought it would be this scary!"

"Indeed, there are no entertainment items, no spring, summer, autumn and winter, no sun and stars, no gourmet food, no..."

Heiyang felt the tip of his tongue hurt, and it took him a long time to realize that he had been biting it.

Listening to Kong Yuqing's "future working environment", the two felt that their lives were gloomy.

Although it was already midsummer, Hei Yang felt his heart was so cold that his hair was creeping.

In front of this cold real world, only the red glass in his arms still has some warmth.

"I can't come back for tens of thousands of years, I will die!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but mourned and said: "We both have an old man and a young man, and we can't take care of ourselves well. We are two wastes. They definitely won't be able to save the world. Can we invite someone else to be wise?"

"How is this possible? If we don't work together and help each other in the same boat, there will be no bright future in the travel industry!"

Kong Yuqing sighed and looked at Heiyang Hongli.

"I know, I know, after living here for two months, I can roughly understand your attachment to your hometown and your reluctance to leave.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility!
If you don't stand up for this kind of thing, I won't stand up.

If those predecessors were like us, and had the idea of ​​escaping at the beginning, where would we be today. "

"But the seniors of the family have lived for hundreds of years, and the worst thing is that they only need to think about this kind of problem after decades. The two of us are not yet 20!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but said quietly: "Do we have to face this kind of thing at our age?
If this is the case, maybe neither of us can see Xiaohuo grow up, and we can't even guarantee the childhood of our own children. I can't accept this kind of situation! "

"That's true, but then I can't help it, you guys should think of another way..."

Kong Yuqing spread his hands, expressing that he had not learned more relevant knowledge from his seniors.

"After all, I haven't seen anyone who can practice so fast like you."

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean you don't have it!"

Hongli sneered subconsciously.

"Ah, ok, ok..."

Kong Yuqing smiled indifferently, and suddenly showed a longing expression.

"That, that, let me see the blue sky and white clouds in the roaming world, hurry up, please, let me see again!"

"Ah, looking at you like this, I can imagine how pitiful it is over there..."

Hong Li felt a sense of sadness for the death of a rabbit, as if she saw her future self.

After thinking about it, she pointed the camera at the sky, and the transparent barrier prevents radiation and does not prevent the scenery.

"Is that okay?"

Hongli asked aloud.

"Cocoa, it's great, it's great!"

Kong Yuqing nodded quickly, staring straight at the blue sky and white clouds without blinking, as if she wanted to see the flowers.

In the travel world, she doesn't think there are any unusual things at all, but in her eyes now, it seems to be the source of spirit and the root of motivation.

"That's great, the blue sky and white clouds in the roaming world..."

Kong Yuqing fell into intoxication: "I really want to be blown by that gentle wind again..."

"Our communication fee here burns a top-quality spirit stone, which is interesting enough."

Heiyang then said something, rolled to the other side of the bed with Hongli in his arms, and whispered: "What should we do now?
When we don't know much about the outside situation before, it must be scary to guess, so we must first understand.

Now that we've figured it out, it's really scary.Then what to do? "

"What else can I do?"

Hong Li couldn't help but asked back: "Could it be that Hei Yang is willing to live such a life? It's too scary!"

"Of course, if you want to..."

After a pause, Hongli curled her lips and whispered, "I will definitely be with you, no matter where you go, but you have to make me happy when the time comes..."

"Ah, the key point is that this matter is not easy to push!"

Hei Yang sighed and said: "If some insidious and evil villain forces want to capture us as laborers, or want to persecute us or something.

In the worst case, we just do it directly, fight if you can't fight, surrender if you can't, and send it if you don't accept the surrender. There's nothing to say.

But this time the situation is different, it belongs to my own business.

This is not considered moral kidnapping, but helping the world is equivalent to helping ourselves, as well as our relatives and friends in the world, this job cannot be pushed away! "

"Ah, I know, it's not bad to be on duty once in a while, I understand that."

Hongli sighed dejectedly: "But you won't be allowed to go home for dinner after get off work, what is this, it's too much!
If only I could come back anytime! "

"Remember those two passes?"

Heiyang muttered quietly.

"Maybe try it with that."

"Ha, of course."

Hongli nodded slightly up and down, and said quietly: "Didn't we use that as a backup method, after all, the uncertainty is a bit big..."

"But now there is no need to die!"

Heiyang sighed, stretched out a finger, and planned: "Find a time, and ask Senior Kong Yuqing to meet up inside and outside the world barrier.

We try to see if we can go out with this and come back with this.

If it works, then the problem can be solved, and we can rest easy. "

"Well, but what if it doesn't work?"

Hongli questioned her soul: "What if nothing works, or there is only a one-time use opportunity, and we are trapped outside?"

"No way, you always have to take some risks!

It's a big deal to be trapped outside and find a way to come back. As long as we are together, there will always be a way. "

Hei Yang shook his head helplessly, looked at Hong Li, and asked for her opinion: "Or, Xiao Li, do you have any good ideas?"

"Well, that's what I said, you have to take a certain risk..."

Hongli pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Heiyang.

"But I don't want to try it so early, I have to tell my parents, or leave a message or something.

There is also Xiaohuo, you must teach Xiaohuo those supernatural powers before the test, otherwise what should she do if she is bullied when we are not at home? "

"Ah this..."

Heiyang blinked his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Xiao Li, when you say that, you suddenly feel so sad, it feels like the two of us are explaining the funeral."

"Isn't that just an account of the funeral!"

Hongli sighed, suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the communication mirror, and muttered: "But before we leave, we can hand over the communication mirror to Xiaohuo.

If we're stuck outside, at least we can keep in touch with home, I don't want to be like nothing, that would be terrible! "

"Oh, by the way, there are also counterclockwise and clockwise props."

Hong Li stretched out a finger, and said seriously: "One of them can turn back time regionally, it should be regarded as a trial and error opportunity.

In this way, we are a little more sure that we will not be trapped outside. "

"And still more."

The more Hong Li talked, the more she spoke, and she added: "Didn't it mean that now is the critical moment, which has caused many weak holes in the world. Look at them, don't they just come back from the outside?
Maybe we can not use so many props, and we can also find loopholes to come back. Today is different from the past! "

"Oh ho, hearing what you said, Xiao Li, it seems that the situation has suddenly become brighter and more optimistic."

Heiyang's mood gradually recovered, and he realized a problem.

"The most important thing is that we can get in touch with the outside world, and with the cooperation of senior people outside, we have plenty of time to study this issue."

"That's right, that's what I want to say!"

Hongli nodded again and again, and suddenly turned back to the communication mirror, revealing her face from the screen.

"Senior Kong Yuqing, senior Kong Yuqing, wait a minute!"


Kong Yuqing paused, then reluctantly looked away, looked at Hongli, and asked in doubt, "What's wrong?"

"That, that, that is to say..."

Hongli's eyes sparkled, and she looked expectant and said, "Can you please scold me?"

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"No, you..."

Kong Yuqing looked confused, and she said with a complicated expression: "Well, why is this, why do I want to scold you?"

"Oh, don't worry about it so much!"

Hongli couldn't help urging: "Quickly scold me, quickly scold me!"

Kong Yuqing: "..."


Kong Yuqing reminded in a low voice: "If you have any special hobbies, you can go to your husband, not to me, um..."

"Crazy, right?"

Hong Li's eyes lit up and said: "You just wanted to call me crazy, didn't you! Say it quickly! Say those two words!"

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Heiyang leaned over, patted Hongli on the head, and said speechlessly, "Don't go crazy here!"

"Wow, I asked her to scold me, not Heiyang you!"

Hongli looked at Heiyang with a resentful expression: "What's the use of scolding me?"

"Do you want to start the fourth plan?"

Heiyang frowned.

"What do you think?"

Hongli spread her hands, revealing dead fish eyes.

"The difficulty in carrying out our plan before is that there are no people of our own outside!

It's all right now, there are acquaintances outside, cooperate with a wave, isn't it all right? "

"Huh, then you have to explain it clearly to others anyway!"

Heiyang pinched Hongli's little face.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry, let me do it."


Hong Li nodded obediently, and moved her body back: "Husband, please."


Hei Yang nodded, looked at Kong Yuqing, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Well, I'm sorry, Xiaoli didn't explain clearly to you just now, the matter is like this."

Heiyang explained in detail: "The two of us have the supernatural ability to perceive maliciousness.

Want to see if you can perceive the outside world through your maliciousness? "

"Well, there is another saying..."

Kong Yuqing scratched his head and couldn't help but said, "But cursing someone with a purpose is not necessarily malicious, right?"

"Whether it's malicious or not!"

Hongli moved her head and beeped softly: "You think this judgment is fair and just, but it's actually our two ideals of freedom.

As long as we feel that your behavior is malicious, the magical power will be triggered automatically.

In fact, we can try to let the supernatural powers work on you now, but just to be on the safe side, we need a stable coordinate. "

"Ah, it sounds so complicated..."

Kong Yuqing had a strange look on her face. She had been practicing swords for so many years, and she had never heard of such a strange supernatural power.

Do you need to ask others to scold you?What's wrong?
"Etc., etc……"

Kong Yuqing suddenly realized something, she looked at Heiyang Hongli suspiciously, and couldn't help but said: "You guys can't practice this kind of supernatural power just to get revenge on everyone who whispered bad things about you behind your back, you shouldn't be so narrow-minded Bar?"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli was taken aback for a moment, then looked away with a guilty expression.

"Contradict me, you two!"

Kong Yuqing couldn't help but cover his face, these two children looked quite cute, except for those somewhat disobedient eyes...

"But, but I don't know how to swear!"

The corner of Kong Yuqing's mouth twitched, and he beeped softly: "Do you count as narrow-minded? Are you two narrow-minded?"

"This is a fact!"

Hongli retorted: "I admit it, indeed!"

Kong Yuqing: "..."

"Ahem, well, it doesn't matter if you don't."

Heiyang coughed twice, pulled Hongli over, and threw it in front of her.

"Come on, Hongli, teach senior a lesson!"

"Ha, Heiyang, you are sensible."

Hongli showed a smug expression and looked at Kong Yuqing with a funny face.

"Are you ready, Senior Kong Yuqing?"

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"What, why..."

Kong Yuqing was a little dazed: "Wait, what are you two talking about, what do you want to do?"

"Ahem, the following content is not aimed at anyone!"

Hongli took a deep breath: "**************"

Kong Yuqing: "???"

"Have you learned?"

Hongli sank to her dantian to collect her energy, and smiled sweetly.

Kong Yuqing: "..."

Kong Yuqing didn't say a word, but Moying suddenly sensed a strong resentment coming from a distance.


Hongli pulled out the Hongli card and threw it towards the sky.

"It's up to you, go, Little Red Devil!"

"Hey, wait, take this with you."

Heiyang pulled out the same specter, threw it to the sky and said: "Follow the bah bah, I mean keep pace, rush out of the roaming world, come on!"

"Yes, come on!"

Heiyang Hongli looked up and watched the two phantoms gradually fly away, twirling and disappearing into the distance, she folded her hands sincerely, it's up to you two.

"Well, this pair is not so much a husband and wife..."

In the communication mirror of the heavens that was placed aside, Kong Yuqing looked at the two people who acted like gods with a expressionless face, and couldn't help complaining: "Isn't it true that they have changed each other..."

She can think of the most suitable couple, and that's probably it...

Kong Yuqing sighed, and wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly felt a little cold around him.


(End of this chapter)

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