So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 379 There is no response in this chapter, you choose: close this chapterwait

This time, the communication with Kong Yuqing was not like it took a long time to get through as before. On the contrary, as soon as Heiyang Hongli dialed, the other side answered the communication.

"You guys think of me again!"

Kong Yuqing looked like an abandoned boudoir and resentful woman, looking at Heiyang Hongli on the other side of the screen, couldn't help but shiver.

"There has been no movement for so long, and I wonder if I really contacted you, or if I just imagined it before."

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Hong Li quickly took over the conversation, and said with a chuckle: "We are all imagined by you.

You have been tortured crazy by the lonely environment of the outside world, all fakes are fake?LOL! "

Hongli was forced to silence by Heiyang's strong hand, who looked at Kong Yuqing with a speechless face, and couldn't help complaining impulsively.

"Senior Kong Yuqing, you are also the master of the sect after all, and you are older than Elder Huo Le and the others, so you don't need to have such an expression.

Show off your majesty and majesty as the suzerain of the sect, the temperament of the superior, and the power of life and death in one hand..."

Ah this..."

Kong Yuqing froze for a moment, then quickly waved his hands and shook his head, looking eager.

"The point is not this, although I really want you to take me to see the scenery of the travel world again, but there are more important things to tell you now!"

"Oh roar?"

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, and Hongli helped Heiyang speak out.

"It's a coincidence, isn't it, we both have questions to ask you!"


Kong Yuqing frowned.

"Then I suppose we might be talking about the same thing?"


Hongli nodded with a serious expression.

"Maybe it's just one thing...hey!"

"Riddler dies!"

Heiyang knocked on Hongli's head, and couldn't help but said: "Say it directly!"

"Tchtchtch, Heiyang, you are only capable of bullying Hongli."

Hong Li curled her lips, and punched Heiyang's chest back, then looked at the communication screen, and said straight to the point: "Not long ago, there was a sudden vibration in the roaming world.

Not only our house, but even the Five Elements Sect and the small secret realm can feel it through the space.

Now that we're all dumbfounded about what's going on, do you have any clues over there? "

Hongli looked at Kong Yuqing suspiciously.

"Did everyone outside accidentally let in a big monster or something?

Or maybe we are about to finish playing, and the travel industry is about to disband, and now we should hurry up and wait for death? "

"Ah this..."

The corner of Kong Yuqing's mouth twitched.

"How could you..."

"I guessed right!"

Hongli took a deep breath, showing a sad expression.

"It's okay, tell me boldly, I can accept it, even if I can't accept it, I will try to accept it!"

"After all, luck in misfortune..."

Hong Li turned her head and threw herself into Hei Yang's arms, crying, "At least I can post it with Hei Yang, woo woo woo..."

"Xiao Li..."

Hei Yang patted Hongli on the back, with tears in his eyes: "I don't want to send it!"


Hongli's crying stopped suddenly, she leaned back sideways, distanced herself, and looked at Heiyang with displeasure.


"Hey, what do you mean, Dog Heiyang?"

"What do you mean?"

Hei Yang had a subtle expression.

"You still want me to tell you?!"

Hong Li's eyes widened, and she couldn't help shouting: "I even said that I would die with you!

Shouldn't you promise to live together and die together next, and then move me to the ground? "

"Ah this..."

With an innocent face, Hei Yang said truthfully, "But I really don't want to die."

"Nonsense! Who wants to die!"

Hongli clenched her fist fiercely, stretched it out in front of Heiyang and waved it.

"But when it's really time to cool off together, you're going to leave me for a walk, right?"

"Ah, I didn't..."

Heiyang showed his half-moon eyes, but was interrupted by Hongli when he wanted to explain.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more!"

Hongli snorted softly, turned her head away, and said angrily: "I've already seen through your dog Heiyang.

You unfeeling, treacherous, ungrateful guy, you can't live through this day, hum! "

"Ah, I don't want to send it, doesn't it mean that I don't want you to send it, do I want to live together? Obviously you misunderstood..."

"Huh? Are you still wronged?"

"Ah, don't feel wronged, don't feel wronged."

Heiyang sighed, looked at Hongli whose back was turned to him, and beat her on the back in a good voice and said: "Then Xiaoli, I was wrong, okay, how can you forgive me?"


Hongli raised her voice.


Heiyang nodded repeatedly.

"Hmph, die with me!"

Hongli snorted softly: "In this way, I will forgive you!"


A row of question marks appeared on Heiyang's head.

"Then I'm going to die right now?"

"Don't go, it's too late, I can't catch up!"

Hongli pouted.

"Anyway, I'm not happy, so please coax me!"

"Okay, okay, coax you, good little glass, don't be angry."

"Well, I forgive you!"

Kong Yuqing: "..."

Seeing the two hugging each other, Kong Yuqing took a deep breath and looked around.

"Where is the place to hang up the communication, I'll look for it..."

"Ahem, don't be angry!"

Heiyang Hongli's face changed instantly, from laughing to serious, the two sat up cross-legged and looked into the mirror.

"You say, we listen."

"It's almost there."

Kong Yuqing sighed, and explained: "You guessed it right, if nothing else happens, the vibration in the roaming world is indeed because of us."


Heiyang Hongli was startled.

"Don't panic, it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing."

Kong Yuqing waved his hand, pointed to the distance and explained: "Because we are getting closer and closer to the target point, the direction of movement is gradually fixed, and the obstacles we encounter on this road are also beginning to increase.

It is obviously unrealistic to want to control the roaming world to detour every time, that will forcefully increase the distance several times.

Therefore, when encountering such small obstacles, we just eliminate them directly.

After all, those are just lifeless fragments of the world. It may be a new world that is being formed by natural gathering, or it may be that some world has broken and drifted over.


Not long ago, we encountered another obstacle, but this time the obstacle was a bit too big. "

Kong Yuqing paused, stretched out a finger, and said in a deep voice: "It's as big as one-tenth of the roaming world!

Don't think that one tenth is nothing, because our travel world itself is not small.

For example, have you come into contact with space barriers in the roaming world before? "

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, nodded, and said at the same time: "I have seen it."

"Ha, I haven't seen it before, after all, ordinary Nascent Souls..."

Kong Yuqing was half-speaking, but suddenly fell silent, her expression lost control for a while, and she squeezed out an unnatural smile for a long time.

"That, it's good, it's good, I've seen it..."

Heiyang Hongli: "Huh?"

"Ahem, let's continue talking about a full tenth of the travel world."

Kong Yuqing vowed never to engage in any interactive Q&A with these two guys again, she said directly in one breath: "So after many discussions with everyone, we chose to integrate this piece of debris into the roaming world and let my hometown absorb it , which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

But you also know that we, who are more than one meter long, can't go back to the roaming world in a normal way.

So if you want to integrate this large piece of debris into the travel world, you have to let it use the law to assimilate the space and integrate it.

So the current situation is that the large piece of debris is rubbing against the hollow area between the world wall and the outer world, and it is not known when it will be able to enter. "

Heiyang Hongli: "???"

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you two have! I'm telling the truth, okay?"

Kong Yuqing saw Heiyang Hongli looking at her with contempt, and a well popped out of her head.

"In short, that's it. It's in the fusion period now. When the roaming world "chews" and "digests" that fragment, it will be done.

At that time, we will have more resources and territories in the roaming world, which will also increase the success rate of the final sprint, bah bah, we will definitely succeed! "


Heiyang raised his hand and asked, "So those movements are merging that fragment?"

"Hmm, it should be, after all, we can't feel anything outside..."

Kong Yuqing nodded: "I guess, it should be something that I choked on while "eating", and it only shook twice, which is a normal phenomenon.

After all, people still choke when eating, and the current movement is already very gentle for the fusion of world fragments.

Hearing that there is nothing serious in the travel world, I am relieved, it proves that everyone's handling outside is not in vain! "

"Uh, then..."

Hongli also raised her hand and asked curiously, "How long does it take to fuse?"

"Ah, who knows."

Kong Yuqing spread his hands, looking indifferent.

"Whether it's a few months, or decades, or hundreds of years, after all, except for the seniors who assembled the roaming world back then, we have never tried similar fusion, and we all follow the instructions left by our ancestors. Make it."

"Hey, this is too risky!"

Hongli couldn't help but said: "Let's not talk about what to do if there is an accident and danger, just the occasional shock for decades or hundreds of years will make people uncomfortable.


For example, some fine engineering, or some dangerous work, may cause accidents if you shiver! "


Hei Yang also echoed with a worried look on his face: "Don't talk about that, it's not uncommon for people to choke to death while eating.

Or if you eat half of it and find that everyone's rules can't be followed, and then spit it out, will it hurt the whole world! "

"Yes, will you spit us out as well!"

Hongli took a breath: "It's scary!"


Kong Yuqing smiled helplessly and waved his hands.

"I don't really understand this kind of thing."

"Then let me understand!"

Faced with this kind of thing related to the world where his family and parents lived, Heiyang Hongli and the others really didn't dare to gamble.

"Senior Kong Yuqing, you can ask those seniors who are more senior and stronger. They have experienced so many things and must know more."

Heiyang Hongli made suggestions to Kong Yuqing. In their eyes, the older a person is, the more he knows.

Just like when my parents seemed omnipotent and omniscient when I was young, now I always think of them first when encountering things.

And if parents don't know, they can communicate with Elder Huo Le and the others. If Elder Huo Le and the others don't know, it's the same as communicating with the older Kong Yuqing.

Don't think this method is a bit silly, but their troubles and problems can be solved almost every time.

As long as people who live a long time are not wasting their time, they usually have a lot of knowledge, so Heiyang Hongli respects even those elders who are not very familiar with them.

However, Kong Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and she asked curiously: "Don't you want to hide the fact that you can communicate with the outside world?"

"Huh? When did we want to hide it?"

A string of question marks popped out of Heiyang Hongli's head.

"Uh, I guessed it!"

Kong Yuqing smiled awkwardly, and argued: "Think about it, this is not something ordinary people can do. If too many people know about it..."

"So what?"

Hei Yang said speechlessly: "The outside world is full of seniors and ancestors of the same world. We have been guarding outside for so many years before we were born. If you don't believe them, who do you trust?"

"That's it."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and said quietly: "Just like your senior Kong Yuqing, we didn't know each other very well before, right?"


Hong Li stroked her chin, frowned and stared at Kong Yuqing, carefully scrutinizing her and said, "Let me take a closer look, are you some kind of extraterrestrial demon in disguise?

Was it true that senior Kong Yuqing was eaten alive or something right after he left?

Well, ascension is a big conspiracy, yes, the more you think about it, the more reasonable it becomes..."

Kong Yuqing: "..."

"Cough, that..."

Heiyang coughed twice, and reminded Hongli: "Xiaoli, this is a light-hearted and happy story. There are not so many conspiracy theories. Your style of painting has strayed to the next universe!"

"Oh, why? Who said that? How do you know?"

Hong Liyun turned to Heiyang with a suspicious expression on his face and said, "Is there any evidence? I think you, Heiyang, seem to be pretending..."

"Ahem, that, wait a minute."

Heiyang exposed dead fish eyes, turned the communication mirror over and put it aside, Kong Yuqing's vision went dark.



Kong Yuqing blinked and listened carefully.

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do, I'm warning you, the extraterrestrial demon, I, ahh, Heiyang, I was wrong, don't, don't...

Black sun!husband!good husband!good brother!father!

Don't, don't, don't..."


Hearing the howl of a certain guy over there, Kong Yuqing shivered, covering her ears to keep quiet, she was kind enough to not hear such a sad sound.

When the screen turned on again, Kong Yuqing only saw Hei Yang appearing on the screen.


Kong Yuqing cautiously probed: "Hongli, she..."


Heiyang moved the mirror calmly, and saw Hongli lying on the bed looking at Heiyang with red eyes and grief.

"Heiyang, you wait!"

Hong Li gritted her teeth and said, "I'll tell you when you're done, I'm really angry, I can't coax you anymore! I don't want to talk to you all day today!"

"Hey, you're the one who jumped on my face first this time, okay?"

Hei Yang was speechless: "Shouldn't you be coaxing me? Shouldn't you be coaxing me? Not coaxing me?"

"I coax you? I'll bite you to death!"

Hongli snorted softly, hugged Heiyang, lay on her side with her head on Heiyang's thigh, closed her eyes, and said angrily: "Punish you and solve the problem by yourself!
I'm going to rest, I hope you have solved this problem when I wake up, hum! "

"Tsk tsk..."

Heiyang clicked his lips, touched Hongli's head, smiled helplessly, and looked at Kong Yuqing.

"So, looking for one or two old seniors?"


Kong Yuqing came back to her senses, she couldn't understand the way Heiyang Hongli got along with each other, she shook her head, not thinking so much, she looked at Heiyang and nodded.

"In this case, I have a few candidates in mind, let's discuss..."

So lazy, how can you become a fairy

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