So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 380 You must stop the water group and go to code immediately!How can you be so procrastinati

"It's weird..."

In the northwest of the Five Elements Mountain Range, Huo Le frowned and felt her surroundings.

He didn't let it go up, down, left, right, or right, but he couldn't find out what went wrong. There were no obvious signs of damage in any direction, which made him a little confused.


Huo Le frowned, he planned to continue to explore further away, and if he didn't find anything, he would come back to see if he missed anything.

"Maybe in the direction where other brothers and sisters are."

Huo Le comforted herself, and just as she was about to move on, the communication spirit stone rang again.

Huo Le was taken aback, thinking that the other senior brothers and sisters could not solve some problems, so they contacted him for help.

In the end, what Huo Le saw was the familiar number labeled "Sovereign", two pairs of dead fish eyes instinctively appeared in his mind, and after thinking about it, he chose to connect.

"Hey, let me say Xiaoli and Xiaoyang, do you husband and wife really regard me as an exclusive operator?"

Before the picture was displayed, Huo Le couldn't help complaining helplessly: "Obviously I am the older one, and you are still young.

Why do I always have the feeling that you are retired and I am busier than you? "

"Hey, Elder, do you think it's easy to live in this world..."

Hei Yang's pair of dead fish eyes appeared in the picture, and he couldn't help but retort: ​​"We must think of the best in everything.

You see, although Xiaoli and I gained comfort, we lost the motivation to move forward, and even our childhood martial arts training was wasted.Is this okay?This is not good!

Elder, although you have lost a lot of time to rest, you have improved your experience and exercised your abilities. Isn't that great?

So, don't always stare at the good side of others, always stare at the bad side of yourself.

There is nothing perfect in the world. When the moon is full, it will lose water and when it is full, it will overflow! "

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought: "Xiaoyang, what you said makes some sense..."

"That's for sure."

While holding the red glass, Hei Yang hummed proudly and said, "Have you learned it yet?"

"Well, taught."

Elder Huo Le always felt that these words were weird, but he couldn't refute them all at once.

"Eh, no."

Elder Huo Le came back to his senses, and couldn't help but said: "I want to ask if there is anything wrong with calling me, I'm still busy looking..."

"Ah, that's why I called the newsletter."

Hei Yang told the truth, since Hong Li wasn't around to answer the conversation, he didn't even have the desire to talk nonsense.

"Someone is looking for you."


A question mark appeared on Elder Huo Le's head.

"You know? Who wants to find me again?"

"Ah, well, tell yourself."

Heiyang yawned, pointed the communication spirit stone at the communication mirror, and adjusted the position so that they could not shine on him.

Hei Yang looked at it, felt the same, stretched his waist, and stopped talking to Elder Huo Le, but chose to look down at his daughter-in-law Hong Li in a daze.

Compared to explaining what's there and what's not to Elder Huo Le, Hei Yang feels that looking at his little Li like this is more interesting, after all, his little Xiangxiang is soft and soft...

On the other side, upon hearing Hei Yang's words, Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, then looked back and was stunned for a moment: "Kong Yuqing...Master?"

On the screen of the communication mirror, two people appeared next to Kong Yuqing, one was her master, and the other was a golden-haired young man in his twenties.

When Huo Le saw the golden retriever, his eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't help crying out.

"Master? Is it you? Huh?"

"Ah, let me see..."

The golden retriever rubbed the center of his brows, narrowed his eyes, looked old-fashioned, looked at the picture in front of him, and couldn't help but wondered: "It seems that it really looks like the roaming world, can you really see the inside of the house?"

"I didn't expect that we couldn't go back, but the children in the family came here first."

When Master Kong Yuqing saw the scene in front of him, his eyes also brightened.

"Sure enough, there are talented people from generation to generation. Let me just say, there are so many people in my traveling world, it should have been a long time ago that there are one or two talented and extraordinary people!"


Kong Yuqing asked weakly: "After cultivating to the Ninth Layer of the Nascent Soul and successfully crossing the catastrophe, isn't it considered an extraordinary talent? You can't pick one out of a hundred thousand miles..."

"Who do you think is worse than you here? Are there few people here?"

"Ah, it's okay..."

"Are you talking across the world? It's amazing..."

The golden retriever murmured, showing a reminiscing expression.

"I think it should have been nearly ten thousand years since we set out in the world of travel, and I have not yet ascended in the world.

At that time, I could meet many other worlds next to the roaming world, and by chance, I had contact with the great gods of other worlds, and it was quite lively at that time...

However, in recent years, the distance from the border is getting closer and closer, and the worlds that can be encountered are becoming less and less. "

With a lot of emotion in his heart, Jin Mao turned his head to look at Kong Yuqing, and asked seriously: "Girl, who did you tell about this?"


Kong Yuqing was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hands and said, "There aren't too many, it's just you two, should I inform the other seniors..."

"Don't buy it yet."

Master Kong Yuqing shook his head.

"If you spread the news rashly, there will be chaos."

"Indeed, you need to pay attention to this point, but you can't make trouble because of this kind of thing."

The golden retriever nodded in agreement, showing a dignified expression.

"Although I don't know how to do it, I guess it should not be easy to contact us once.

Maybe it's because of this fusion, and those little ghosts who were accidentally put in before, that we contacted us because we were really devastated and had no choice. "

"That's right, if you want to achieve this level, you must have paid a big price. It's normal to even overdraw your cultivation base and life..."

Master Kong Yuqing shook his head and said, "For such a precious opportunity, it's better to tell them the important information first."

"Well, let me see..."

The golden-haired young man turned his head to look at the screen, frowned and said, "If we talk directly, can we hear it over there? Can I start talking now?"

"Ah, yes!"

Kong Yuqing quickly said: "Of course!"

"So that's how it is..."

Elder Huo Le heard the conversation on the other side, and was naturally surprised that Xiaoyang Xiaoli was able to contact the outside world and talk so clearly. …

After the surprise, all that remained in his heart was deep emotion and surprise.

"It's really Master, he's an old man, he hasn't changed at all..."

The image of Mohu in his memory gradually became clear, and the corners of Elder Huo Le's eyes were wet with tears, and he was about to speak to recognize each other: "Master..."

"Well, that is to say..."

The golden retriever pointed to the screen curiously and asked, "Is this old man the one responsible for receiving the information?"

"Ah this!"

The corner of Kong Yuqing's eyes twitched, and he looked along the fingers of the golden-haired youth, and saw Elder Huo Le who seemed to have been petrified.


Huo Le pointed to herself with a gray face, and said with trembling lips, "Old, old man?"

"Pfft, hahahaha..."

The golden retriever couldn't help laughing out loud, and said happily, "It's really you, Huole, hahaha...

I'm kidding, I still don't recognize you, but you are really getting old. "

"Huh, Master..."

Huo Le felt relieved, landed on a mountain, walked to a boulder with two steps and sat down cross-legged, looking at the familiar golden hair with a want to cry and laugh, couldn't help but sigh: "Master, you are still so young , not getting old at all..."

"Ham, it's just like that. I still look like this, but I'm really old..."

The golden retriever waved his hand, looked at Huo Le who was much older than he remembered, and sighed: "I wanted to ask how the family was doing.

But seeing that your spirit is not bad, I suddenly feel that there is no need to ask, let's just talk about the business. "

"Ah ha ha……"

Huo Le didn't know what to say, she nodded repeatedly and said, "You, tell me, I'm listening, I'm listening!"

"Well, listen up, here's the thing..."

Master Huo Le's face turned serious, and he told the other party the reason of the matter.

Master Huo Le probably felt that this kind of communication must have a time limit, and he didn't talk too much nonsense. In just a few words, he quickly explained the digestion problems of fragments blocking the way, integrating into the world, connecting laws, and the world's self-improvement .

Seeing the efficiency of the old man's speech, Kong Yuqing on the side was full of shame, thinking that it took him so long to finish speaking just now, it was really inconvenient.

However, according to the control variable method, we can probably analyze that the real problem lies in the two guys who like to interrupt and complain.

But regarding how to speed up time fusion, Heiyang Hongli was right in guessing that old seniors are old seniors, and they really have their solution.

As long as you find the spatial location of the debris, and lead people to take away the various mineral resources and the laws contained there, the empty shells left behind will be of little value.

Practitioners move mountains and fill seas, isn't it the ultimate moving company!

Some ordinary low or medium value resources should be used by weaker practitioners, while those involving high-level resources such as laws should be used by higher-level practitioners, it's as simple as that.

In addition, Master Huo Le and the others said that the fragment had long lost its vitality, so when they got there, they said "take it, you can take it", which is equivalent to opening a big treasure chest.

"It's equivalent to helping the world digest what the world can't digest." …

Golden Retriever explained: "After all, the world and creatures are a whole.

As long as the residents recognized by this world, that is, us, can speed up digestion in this way.

When the formal fusion starts and the fragments show up in the wandering world, you can just bring people over and dig directly. "

"Oh, ok, ok!"

Huo Le nodded again and again, appearing to be obedient.

After seeing the master finished speaking, Huo Le paused, and asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Then do you want to inform the other sects in the roaming world?"

When they were still the Five Elements Sect, they could still compete for this site and that resource, even if they fought more restrainedly, they were still fighting.

But the reason why they were able to compete at that time was because according to the rules, the Holy Lands could not compete with them for this kind of food, and if they had meat, they would get other people's soup.

This has always been the rule in the roaming world, to prevent high-level monks from taking all useful things in one go, and leaving no leftovers.

Their ancestors had already experienced the consequences of that, and they never wanted to experience it again.

As for the issue of Huo Le, Master Jin Mao didn't care at all.

He waved his hand and said casually: "You can do whatever you want, just don't delay the integration of the world, otherwise I won't smoke you kid."

"Ah this..."

Huo Le laughed awkwardly. To Master Jin Mao, concepts such as Zongmen were actually not so clear.

It's like saying "I" at home, "our home" when you go out, and "our village" when you arrive in the county.

Master and the others went outside the roaming world, witnessed so much and experienced so much, they already regarded the wandering world as a whole in their hearts.

It's like the feeling of astronauts meeting people on Earth in space. Simply put, it means that their pattern has been magnified!
"After a while, after the fragments have merged into a part, you will probably be able to find its location."

Master Golden Retriever nodded and said, "So, make good preparations during this time. Go and tell your senior brother, let him take someone there."

"Ah this, that..."

Huo Le's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and she said leisurely: "Brother, he, uh..."


Master Jin Mao frowned, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Although the layout was enlarged, he always cared about those six disciples.

"What's wrong with your big brother, what happened to Zisheng?"


The corner of Huo Le's mouth twitched, and he said with a sneer: "Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, senior brother is fine, he..."

"Third Huo!"

Master Golden Retriever frowned.

"Brother, he ran away with the woman!"

Huo Le lowered his head and decisively sold his teammates.


The golden retriever froze.

"This silver saint!"

"Master Mingjian, the five of us tried our best to stop him!"

Huo Le resolutely said: "If you want to kill or cut, if you want to blame, you can blame senior brother, it's all his fault!"


Jin Mao took a deep breath, put two fingers together, and pointed at Huo Le tremblingly, and it took him a long time to utter a word. …

"What about the suzerain now? Water dye?"

"Ah, no."

Huo Le said expressionlessly: "It's, uh, a nineteen-year-old genius girl at the second or third level of the Nascent Soul Stage. She has a proud record of beheading the Nascent Soul Stage when she first entered the Golden Core Stage."

"Aha, that's fine!"

The golden retriever said in surprise: "Isn't this much better than that brat Zisheng? What about her?"


Elder Huo Le smiled awkwardly but politely.

"She ran away with the man."

Master Golden Retriever: "..."

Huo Le: "..."


Hei Yang, who was poking Hongli's face lightly with his finger, raised his head, as if he heard someone calling him?
"Are you finished talking?"

Heiyang looked curiously at Huo Le, as if there was no sound there suddenly?
"Cough, that..."

Huo Le said with an embarrassed smile: "Master, don't leave, old man, let's talk a little more? Huh?"

"No, I get angry when I see you kid!"

The golden retriever snorted softly, turned and walked away.

"Whatever you like, I've gone to fight for the travel industry, and I don't bother to talk to you guys."

"do not!"

Huo Le stretched out Erkang's hand.



Heiyang pulled the communication spirit stone and the communication mirror apart, and put his curious head in the middle.

"So are we done talking?"


In the screen of the communication spirit stone, Huo Le drew circles on the ground, and Hei Yang guessed that it might be the new standby screen set by Elder Huo Le.

He turned his head to look at the communication mirror, and found that the spirit stone inside had disappeared quietly.


The communication screens on both sides go out at the same time.

One side is hung up, and the other side has no energy.


Heiyang scratched his head, judging from the situation, it should be over.

"If it's over, it should be nothing to do with us..."

Heiyang yawned, put away the communication spirit stone and the mirror, and stretched.

"Then, there should be nothing to worry about, I can finally rest..."

Heiyang unfolded the quilt, crawled to his daughter-in-law Xiaoli, and found that she was sound asleep.

He thought for a while, stretched his hands under the other's armpit, dragged Hong Li to the correct position like dragging a corpse, and helped her rest on the pillow.

"Well, not bad."

Heiyang watched Hongli lie back to her original position, and nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Li was sleeping peacefully. At this time, her fair face looked extraordinarily peaceful. Under the long and thick eyelashes, there were supposed to be bright and big eyes.

But Hei Yang usually only sees those big eyes really open when Hong Li gets excited occasionally.

Most of the time she was in that listless look, with dull eyes.

At this time, Hei Yang would curse inwardly, Ma De, who made his daughter-in-law's beautiful eyes into dead fish eyes, what a beast!
Oh, it's me, it's all right...

Probably because of Hei Yang's presence, the girl's breathing was very even and steady.

The small mouth is slightly opened, and the chest rises and falls gently with the breath.

The black skirt had already been replaced by a white vest and gray cropped trousers, tender white arms, and a leg protruding from the trousers.


Heiyang took a breath and looked up at the ceiling. …

Calm down, calm down Mouyang, Xiaoli is already asleep!
Heiyang took a deep breath, lay down on his back, covered the quilt, and stretched out his arms for her.

Well, sleep!

Aoyoujie, the current time, [-]:[-] in the afternoon, ahem...


"La la la la..."

Xiao Huo hummed a song and landed in the small yard of her house, her two calves dangled, she stabilized her body, raised her arms and stretched.

"Successful landing, go home!"


The door was gently pushed open, and as Xiao Huo expected, it was unlocked.

Looking at the quiet living room, Xiao Huo thought that today is not her birthday, so no parents would jump out suddenly and shout surprises. Fortunately, she had the foresight to eat dinner in advance.

Facing his parents' bedroom, Xiaohuo's ears perked up.

Well, I can't hear anything, it's so quiet...


After serious thinking for a few seconds, Xiaohuo nodded, and decided not to disturb Mom and Dad's sleep.

She walked to the door of her mother's study in small steps, opened the door, and the strong smell of books spread across the floor.

First of all, ignore the three shelves of books on the right that my mother won't let me touch, and then ignore the next three rows of books in the seventh to ninth rows...

"Huh, I found it."

Xiao Huo took down a medium-thick book from the top of the bookshelf, looked at the title, found a feather bookmark of his own, and nodded.

High-quality suspense novels, certified by my mother, quality assurance, I only read a little last time, and read more this time.

"Hmm, look at it for a while and practice!"

Xiao Huo happily pushed open the door of her hut, and jumped onto the soft bed.


Xiaohuo is happy holding the book.


Travel time, six fifty in the evening.

The streets of Wusecheng were full of pedestrians taking a walk after dinner, but Yangli's house was completely silent.

The excitement is theirs, the lazy dog ​​wants to sleep...

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