So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 386 It doesn't take much courage to leave home, only the Zhang family needs...

Chapter 386 It doesn't take a lot of courage to leave home, it takes a lot of courage to go home...

To everyone's surprise, Heiyang Hongli's small class was much more effective than expected.

It would be even better if the two teachers didn't occasionally fight in class!

However, because the number of students has increased, Heiyang Hongli can only slow down a little on the basis of teaching Xiaohuo at the beginning.

As for these supernatural powers, Xiaohuo, the "veteran foundation building period", would need a lot of time to fully understand them, let alone the group of friends around him.

Obviously, this is a long and ongoing process.

Heiyang Hongli was destined to spare a little time every day to teach them in the days to come.

Of course, because the young couple wants to ensure that they get enough sleep and rest time, in their planned schedule, there is no class in the morning!
The afternoon class starts at around [-]:[-] and ends at [-]:[-] in the evening. This is the precious time that Heiyang Hongli reluctantly spared, and it really touched the model couple in the travel industry.

It feels unreasonable not to give them some pennants or something, okay!

What's worth mentioning is that in order to perfectly match the class schedules of Heiyang Hongli and the two guys, Heiyang Hongli's schedule in the underworld directly distorted the schedule of Hei Huihongqiao and the others, which is indeed a sin.

However, sometimes if you go early or leave late when the weather is bad, you can catch the direct-sale meal in the Wuxingzong canteen of Yangli's house, which can be regarded as a good fortune for the two little girls.

To be honest, looking at the leisurely life of these two guys every day, the two girls, especially Hei Hui, would have fallen with them if Hong Qiao hadn't pulled them along.

Sometimes, it only takes a few small steps to destroy a good child, but it is very difficult to become a good child, which is very touching!
Of course, Heiyang Hongli restrained herself a little because she was afraid that her parents would bring Yangli's parents to Men Xingshi to question her.

At least they don't eat during class, that's a big improvement!

Next, try to improve the bad habit of quarreling in class and turning into fighting!
However, according to the information obtained by Heiyang Hongli, it is less than half a month before the entrance of that fragment is integrated into it.

At that time, Brother Butian and the others will have to pack up their things and leave, and then they just need to send these two little girls to the black boat of the Five Elements Sect to sell, Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The most reassuring thing is that their family Xiao Huo, this child was able to learn Nirvana under such harsh conditions before.

Now, in this kind of "children-oriented" classroom, Xiaohuo should not be too relaxed, and even felt that his parents were speaking too slowly.

It's like a hardcore high-level player who is used to playing the abyss hell mode, and suddenly came to the easy mode of Novice Village. What kind of knowledge points are like mowing grass and killing people!
As the saying goes, learning the new by reviewing the past, Heiyang Hongli was not careful in teaching that "teaching and learning will help each other", and her understanding of supernatural powers has improved a lot, and she has been promoted to the fourth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Regarding this, Heiyang Hongli was already numb, after all, they had expected it long ago.

For the sake of their precious daughter, Xiaohuo, and for the safety of Brother Butian and the others, they really sacrificed too much, and who knows the bitter tears in their hearts!

Ah, maybe someone said at this time: You only have more than four hours a day, why are you crying?
This statement is wrong, after all, Heiyang Hongli loves each other as a young couple, so they are usually busier, so I can't understand it!

After all, they have already done a good job of time management, and it didn't affect the formal teaching anyway, so it's no problem at all!

Well, of course, sometimes it's a little problematic...

For example, occasionally for a few days, when Heiyang Hongli gets up later and Hei Huihong Qiao comes earlier, some bad situations will happen, and the impact on the young people is immeasurable!
Cough cough, for example...


Hei Hui looked at his cousin's face curiously, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, why is there a straight character on your face, uh, missing two strokes?"

"Kids, don't ask too many questions!"

Heiyang scrubbed his face with black lines, and the dead fish eyes showed no anxiety.

"Ask is Hongli's task, heh!
What the hell, what kind of pen does Gou Hongli use! "

Another example...


Hong Qiao looked at her sister's hair and praised: "Sister, your double ponytails look really good today, it's eye-catching!"

"Hahaha, thank you, why do I only feel that my eyes are dark."

Hong Li's tone was merciless, and she tried her best to untie her ponytail.

"It's just Hei Yang's mission, there's nothing to say, heh!"

Another example...

"Huh? Brother, why are you blindfolded?"

Hei Hui worried: "Did your eyes hurt?"

"There are too many crimes in the world that I can't bear to witness..."

Heiyang took off the blindfold, hehe said: "Don't ask too much, Hongli's mission..."

"Ah this?"

For example...

"Wow, sister, your clothes today are so cute!"

Hong Qiao looked at Hong Li with bright eyes.

"Did Brother Heiyang make it for you himself? How wonderful!"

"It's true that he did it, it's pretty good..."

Hong Li looked at the maid outfit on her body, took a deep breath, and rubbed the center of her brows.

"Master cough cough, Heiyang's mission is abominable!"

Of course, the same will happen...

"Brother Heiyang? What are you doing here?"

Hei Hui blinked her big pure eyes, watching her cousin Hei Yang, with both hands bound by two iron rings, ruthlessly smashing the boulders in the yard.

"Huchi, Huchi, don't ask, mission, mission!"

Heiyang slammed the handcuffs hard, and couldn't help shouting: "Gou Hongli, where the hell did you get the thousand-year-old black iron, I'm so fucking ****"

This situation...

"Wow, Sister Hongli has such a beautiful headgear!"

"Ah, yeah..."

Hong Li looked at the cat ears on her head in the mirror, expressionless.

"I'm the mission expert hahaha grass!"

"Actually, your sister is still a bit short..."

Hei Yang appeared out of nowhere, and whispered softly, "It's a little bit worse than what I imagined..."


Hong Qiao tilted her head, unable to understand what it meant, but Hong Li, who was sitting in front of the mirror, had already picked up the spear behind the door and shot towards Hei Yang.

"Dog Heiyang! Go to hell! Try saying one more sentence!"

"Oh, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm just in a hurry! I won't give in to that broken tail, don't even think about it!"

"Hey, but next week is my birthday Xiaoli, didn't you feel guilty for not giving me a good birthday last year?"

"I don't want my conscience anymore! I don't feel guilty anymore! If you really say that, I will have my birthday next week, and we will die together, you bastard!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Heiyang walks around the pillar.

"Go die die die!"

Hong Li followed closely behind and chased after him.

That day they had an hour of class in the evening, and in the evening, Hei Huihong Qiao had dinner!
Oh, yes, there was another time, something seemed wrong, but I couldn't see anything wrong...

"Sister Hongli, good afternoon!"

Hong Qiao waved her hand to greet Hong Li.


The latter was unresponsive.


A question mark popped out of Hong Qiao's head, and she shouted again: "Sister Hongli, good afternoon! Sister Hongli! Sister Hongli?"


Hongli froze for a moment, pointed at herself, and asked uncertainly, "Call me?"


Hong Qiao also froze for a moment: "Otherwise?"

"oh oh!"

Hongli quickly smiled and waved her hands: "Good afternoon, good afternoon!"

"Oh, I said short hair is convenient!"

In front of the mirror, Heiyang combed his hair easily, hummed a little tune and stretched his legs.

"Did Brother Heiyang encounter any happy things?"

Hei Hui poked his head curiously and asked, "Tell me too?"

"Ah? Ah!"

Heiyang waved his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh, no, no, I'm just plain happy, hehehe..."

"Don't be too busy to be happy."

A small hand suddenly reached out, grabbed Heiyang and walked towards the bedroom.

"Sorry, wait a minute."

Hongli snorted and said, "I have something to deal with, we'll be right back."

"Eh? Eh? Eh?"

Hei Yang looked reluctant to be dragged into the house.

"No, I haven't played enough, damn it!"

Then wait for the two of them to come out, and the feeling of something wrong will disappear...

Weird, um, really weird!
But as I said before, except for very rare cases, this young couple really didn't delay teaching much, so they don't need to care about other things so much, that's not the key, is it?

"Listen up, everyone. Don't think it's hard to learn supernatural powers now, but after you learn it, it's your own knowledge, and it will be of great help in the future!"

Hongli will give you an example on the spot.

"Sit down and practice this trick, there are many wonderful uses, for example, let me demonstrate it to everyone."

Under the eyes of everyone, Hongli disappeared in place, and the next moment her voice sounded behind Heiyang.

"For example, you can use it to kick Heiyang's ass hard!"


Heiyang's face didn't change color, and he didn't turn his head, he grabbed it with his backhand.

"Ah this..."

Hongli looked at the leg held by Heiyang and smiled awkwardly.

"Occasionally there will be times when the horse stumbles..."


Hong Li pulled her legs back with all her strength, looked at Hei Yang's increasingly dangerous eyes, smiled slightly, turned her head and ran away.

"Students, look quickly, the acceleration effect of the supernatural power is used at this time, hahahaha, help, help, black sun, I was wrong!!!"


Seeing Hong Li jumping up and down in the room being chased and killed by Hei Yang, everyone couldn't help but draw a row of black lines across their heads.


On the other side of the screen, Zhao Zhuji looked at the two men running wildly, with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

"Is this what marriage should look like?

If that's the case, then I think we should break up, I don't really want to get married..."

"Ah, don't, don't!"

Hong Butian hastily raised his hand to swear.

"The two of them are really that kind, very special, very special, very rare cases, really you believe me!"

"Ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji looked suspicious, with question marks all over his head!


"Well, yes, yes, yes, ah, yes!"

Clutching another communication spirit stone in her hand, Hong Li turned her head to look at the crowd, nodded and said, "I have confirmed with Elder Huo Le that the formal integration will begin in about fifteen days, and then we can prepare to go..."

"Is that so..."

Hong Butian at the other end nodded thoughtfully, and couldn't help complaining: "By the way, why didn't we notify here?"

"Ha, are you comparing the news channel of Wuliangjianmen with me?"

Hong Li immediately gave the whole thing a laugh.

"I'm the great suzerain of the Five Elements Holy Land, and I know the latest news over there as soon as possible. Well, how can you compare me to the Wuliang Sword Sect!"

Hong Li spread her hands, and added casually: "But you probably will have an announcement soon."

Hongli looked at the communication screen on the other side of the spirit stone in her hand, the communication hadn't been hung up yet, but the screen on the other side was empty.

Elder Huo Le just informed the various units to pay attention to the specific time.

And not long after Hongli's voice fell, a voice rang in Zhao Zhuji's ear.

"Zhuji, come here as a teacher, I have some things to explain..."

"Ah! Master, come here!"

Zhao Zhuji apologized to Heiyang Hongli and everyone, got up and left temporarily.

"It should be a matter of explaining the specific date."

Hong Butian watched Zhao Zhuji's back disappear into the distance, nodded and guessed.

"Look, look, I told you."

Hongli looked smug.

"It doesn't matter."

Hei Yang, who was lying dead on the sofa, said weakly: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, we are already past the age of the next dungeon."

"One thing to say."

Hong Li nodded and agreed: "Indeed!"

"And us!"

Hei Hui raised her hand with a smile and said, "It has nothing to do with us!"

"Just know that it has nothing to do with us!"

Hong Qiao on the side teased Hei Hui, and reminded: "Your study progress is already at the bottom, hurry up and study hard!"

"Ah, but I've worked really hard!"

Hearing the old lady Hong Qiao's words, Hei Hui suddenly became discouraged and said, "But if you don't understand, you don't understand, it feels like you started to explain poetry before teaching me how to read.

This should be after learning the basics after entering the sect, right? "


Hei Yang corrected the other party and said: "Even if you enter the sect, if you practice step by step, Jin Dan could not learn this level of knowledge before.

After all, some of the cultivation systems of your sister Hongli and I are still slightly different from the Five Elements System of the Five Elements Sect. In this regard, Huihui, you should be on par with that guy Xiaolong. "

"Ah, I want to learn from Xiao Longzi..."

Hei Hui showed a helpless expression, her impression of her cousin was still "a brat who can cause more trouble than me".

Even when her cousin and sister-in-law got married, she also met Hei Xiaolong, and found that he had indeed grown a little bit, but it was only a little bit, and he was still a bear within a bear.

"Damn it, you actually want to learn from him! The world is really impermanent, the big intestines wrap the small intestines..."

Hei Hui sighed, and whispered: "My parents usually let me study with Qiao Qiao, but after they found out that I was studying here a few days ago, they asked me to study with you guys.

Turning around, I feel that I have become the one with the lowest status. "

"That's right, you're a sister within a sister."

Heiyang chuckled and said heartily.

"Tchtchtch, brother, just hurt me."

Hei Hui spread her hands and said quietly: "When it's your birthday in a few days, Xiao Longzi and Miss Xiaoqi won't be able to come back to celebrate your birthday with you.

At that time, apart from sister-in-law and uncles and aunts, among the brothers and sisters, only me, the younger sister, will accompany you!

You don't know how to treat me better! "

"Tch, Xiaoli, Xiaohuo and my parents are enough for me."

Hei Yang gave Hei Hui a disdainful look.

"Brothers and sisters? Oh, I don't know you well!"

Hei Hui: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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