So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 387 Sometimes the so-called brilliant life is more like a prisoner of desire

Chapter 387 Sometimes the so-called brilliant life is more like a prisoner of desire

"so what?"

Hongli poked her head over from the side, and looked curiously at Heiyang.

"Hei Yang, how do you plan to celebrate your birthday? Do you want me to prepare something for you?"

After a pause, Hongli crossed her hands, and said with a determined face: "Of course, a tail is absolutely impossible, don't even think about it, I won't do it even if you kill me!"

"Hey, if you don't do it, don't do it, I never forced you to do something..."

Hei Yang glanced at Hong Li, and asked back, "What about little Li, it's your birthday after my birthday, what do you want?"


Hongli was stunned for a moment, and tentatively said: "How about changing it again? In this case, the tail will be fine!"


Heiyang showed dead fish eyes.

"Go dream you!"

"Heh, you weren't as tough as you were back then, didn't you succeed in the end?"

The corners of Hong Li's mouth raised, she looked at Hei Yang with a bad face, and said with a chuckle: "It's a long time, my Yang, maybe one day you will fall on my hands again, oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!

There are only zero or countless times of this kind of thing, so just accept your fate obediently! "

"I always feel that this sentence is more appropriate for me."

Hei Yang looked at Hei Hui and Hong Qiao, who were foolish beside him, speechlessly, and asked, "How would you rate your sister Hongli?"


Hong Qiao smiled sheepishly: "I can't say."

"Ah this..."

Although Heihui almost caught up with Mouyun and was stunned, she still had a strong desire to survive.

"I don't comment either!"

"whispering sound."

Hei Yang curled his lips, looking bored.

He didn't intend to ask Xiao Huo, although Hei Yang didn't think he was qualified enough to survive in society, but the other party knew the skills of family survival very well, and she always only played against the wind.

"Okay, okay, just kidding."

Hongli smiled and waved her hands, and said solemnly: "Actually, there is nothing to say!
Just like in previous years, in my case, it's over if everyone gathers together to have a lively meal. "


Hei Yang paused, nodded in agreement and said, "That's right."

Ever since Heiyang Hongli was out of the "baby" stage in the eyes of her parents after she was ten years old, their birthdays were not as grand as they were when they were young.

After cooking longevity noodles and so on, everyone gathered around the table to laugh and laugh, and it was considered as their birthdays.

Heiyang Hongli was also very happy, feeling that it was very convenient and trouble-free, and they also liked the atmosphere of the two being together, and they could also enjoy their birthday happily.

Last year, Heiyang Hongli was not at home, and there was no family reunion for the first birthday.

Heiyang's birthday was simply missed, Hongli invited friends to set up a table in the restaurant, and Hongli got drunk.

Because the family was not around at that time, Heiyang had a meal with great fanfare in order to let Hongli wash away some of his longing, and at the same time to celebrate that they were finally together.

But in Five Colors City, they only need to have a happy meal with their families, which is the best birthday present.

Heiyang Hongli has always been like this, even if she is too lazy to move and eat after getting married, she still remembers to send herself home to show her parents, let them know how her baby is doing during this time, joking Laugh as always.

Family love is like this, it is the most tenacious, because the parents are there, there is always a source, and the kindness of nurturing is hard to repay in a lifetime.

But it is also the most vulnerable, because the side facing relatives is always undefended, and it will hurt each other if you are not careful.

There may be exceptions, but mostly so.

"And, more importantly, in August, those seasonal fruits will come..."

Hongli held Heiyang's hands with sparkling eyes, and said a little happily: "Mom will buy a lot of fruit, and aunt and the others will also give away..."

"Hiss, indeed."

Heiyang held Hongli's hands with his backhand, and his eyes were also shining.

"Apple, pear, grape, jujube, pomegranate, peach, pineapple, banana..."

But before Heiyang Hongli could say anything, the communication spirit stone suddenly lit up.


Hong Li looked at the classic caller, Elder Huo Le, and couldn't help complaining: "We just discussed food here, Elder Huo, he came here just after smelling it, right..."

"Ha, good afternoon, Xiaoyang Xiaoli!"

Elder Huo Le jumped out of the screen, smiling enthusiastically.

"How have you been recently?"

"Well, it's good, it's good in every sense..."

Hong Li responded, squinting her eyes and looking at Elder Huo Le, always feeling that something must be wrong with him being so enthusiastic!

"I said, Elder Huo Le, what are you planning?"

Hongli said with a vigilant face: "We have already said it last time!
We won't go to the fragmented space, you lead the team and it's over. "

"Ahahaha, I misunderstood my misunderstanding."

Elder Huo Le smiled and waved his hands.

"Don't worry, that's not what I'm going to say this time."

"Oh roar?"

Hong Li frowned, curiously asked: "Explain?"

"Ahem, actually there's not much to say."

Elder Huo Le smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Well, Xiaoyang Xiaoli, will your birthday be in a few days?"


Heiyang let out a sigh, poked his head over, and said with a vigilant face: "Elder Huo Le, how do you know?"


Hong Li's eyes widened, and she said in shock, "Elder Huo Le, you actually investigated us behind your back!

Have you already acted like this in order to plot against us! "

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, why don't you investigate? It's so ugly. Is my old man that kind of person!"

Elder Huo Le drew a row of black lines across his head, and hurriedly explained to prove his innocence.

"Originally, I didn't know about this matter, but first I heard from Senior Brother Shui Ran that Xiaolong wanted to come back to celebrate Xiaoyang's birthday.

Then I heard Xiao Xingyun say that her sister Hongli's birthday is coming soon.

I only found out it was your birthday after listening to the two of them, but there is no investigation without investigation! "

"Xiaolong Ji's date is always available."

Heiyang nodded, still a little moved.

"I have to think about his birthday for a while."


Hongli paused and asked, "So what should I say? What about after that?"


Elder Huo Le smiled and waved his hands.

"Xiaolong must have been rejected, he just went back a few months ago, and he has to go back again, how can he be so impetuous in practice.

He will hold up the banner of the Ministry of Water in the future, even if he can't be as calm as Senior Brother Shui, he can't be too unreliable, right? "

"That's true."

Hei Yang nodded in agreement, smiled and said, "Help tell Xiaolong that if you accept it, you can practice well in the Five Elements Sect."

"Ha, alright, I'll bring you the message."

Huo Le smiled and changed the subject.

"But, Brother Shuiran didn't agree with Xiaolong, so I'm different..."


A question mark popped out of Heiyang Hongli's head.

"How to say?"

"Ahem, as we all know, Elder Huo Le, I have always been gentle and soft-tempered, understanding and caring for my disciples, taking care of my disciples' emotions."

Huo Le laughed and said: "So although Xiaolong can't go, if Xiao Xingyun wants to celebrate your birthday, I have no reason to refuse."


Hong Li frowned, and muttered softly.

"Peaceful, soft-tempered, considerate, take care of the disciple's emotions..."

"what happened?"

Elder Huo Le's smile stiffened, and he couldn't help but ask, "Is there any problem?"

"Ah, ahem, nothing, nothing."

Hongli waved her hands with half-moon eyes, and quickly changed the subject.

"So elder, just say what you want to say, let's stop here and make all these twists and turns."

"Oh, oh, I don't have any twists and turns."

Elder Huo Le paused, then returned to smiling.

"I'm just calling to tell you about this, so that you can know in advance.

Well, you guys have fun, have a good time, hehe, ah, I'm dead, see you later! "

"toot toot"

The screen suddenly went black.

Hei Yang: "???"

Hongli: "???"


Hong Li looked at the communication spirit stone in her hand with a question mark, and couldn't help asking: "What does this mean? Heiyang, what do you think?"


Hei Yang froze for a moment, rubbed his chin and analyzed: "According to my analysis, there must be something strange in it!"

"Indeed, Elder Huo Le suddenly looked strange."

Hongli nodded, and whispered, "He laughed so creepy just now!"

"Don't do that, it will hurt to hear that he is an old man."

"Oh, I'm not belittling Elder Huo Le, I was really laughing out loud just now."

Hong Li stretched out a finger, and said quietly: "That feeling, that sense of déjà vu, is like..."

"The bad old man has no good intentions?"

Heiyang asked curiously.

"Ha, this is what you said, it came out of your mouth, not me!"

Hongli pointed loudly at Heiyang.

"I heard that, everyone has seen it, it's all bad things Hei Yang said!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Huihong Qiao on one side showed half-moon eyes, and Xiao Huo looked down at the notes without changing his expression, looking like a well-behaved reading child who doesn't hear anything outside the window.

"He's good at buttoning hats."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and looked at Hongli.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these things.

Go and clean up the house that Xiaoyun lived in before, otherwise when someone comes over, there will be no place to live.

If the hospitality is not good, Mom and Dad will talk about us again. "

"Oh, oh, don't worry! Why are you so nervous?"

Hongli waved her hands, and said indifferently: "Anyway, Xiaoyun won't come until some time later, just take a moment to tidy up, don't be in such a hurry..."

"Sister Hongli——Brother Heiyang——"

Before Hongli finished speaking, a familiar voice came from outside.

"Open the door, I'm here to play with you!"




Hongli blinked her eyes, and looked at Heiyang with a bewildered expression.

What the hell?What was calling just now?Hit a ghost?
"Puff ha ha ha ha."

Heiyang looked at Hongli's cute face, couldn't help laughing, touched Hongli's forehead, and reminded: "Don't be stupid, Teacher Hong, let me help you!"

Hongli: "..."



Xingyun rushed over with tears in her eyes, and hugged Hongli tightly, with a happy face.

"Miss me? Miss me? Miss me?"


Quack flew over from behind Xingyun, circling lively around the crowd.

"Want quack? Wanna quack? Wanna quack?"

"Ah, after thinking about it, I think too much."

Hongli patted Xingyun helplessly on her body, pulling her down.

Seeing the latter's bright smile, Hongli rubbed the center of her brows, and sighed, "What's going on, why did you come here so fast?"

"What came so fast?"

Xingyun scratched her head, stretched out her finger and pointed at herself, proudly said: "Quack and I set off before dawn, and it took us a long time to get there!"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li showed her half-moon eyes, and couldn't help complaining: "Elder Huo, what's the matter with him, why did he leave in the early morning and only communicate in the afternoon? Is the signal delayed so much?"

"Ah? What?"

Xingyun heard Miss Hongli muttering something in a low voice, and asked curiously: "What communication, Miss Hongli?"

"Ah, nothing."

Hongli waved her hand, poked Xingyun's forehead expressionlessly, and said quietly: "That means why didn't you call in advance before you came.

It came so suddenly that I didn't even have time to prepare! "

"Hey, are you surprised? Didn't you expect it? Are you scared?"

Xingyun smiled with a successful plot, and said with a smile: "I just want to come here suddenly and catch Hongli sister off guard, so that I can feel pleasantly surprised!"

"Almost scared me to death..."

Hongli patted Xingyun on the head with a heck, and while leading them into the house, said softly: "Next time remember to say hello in advance, so we can pick you up.

Otherwise, what if we are not at home or sleeping when you come?
Or maybe something happened to you on the way, and we don't even know what to do?
When the time comes, Elder Huo and your father will call us and ask where the child has gone. We are still at a loss as to what the child is, has Xiaoyun been here? "

"Ah this..."

Xingyun scratched her head in embarrassment.

"That does seem kind of bad..."

"It's not a little bad, it's bad."

Hongli said seriously: "Don't do this again next time, remember to tell us before you come, you know?"

"Yeah, got it, got it!"

Xingyun hurriedly nodded like garlic.

Asking Xingyun to sit down, Hongli walked to the "ordering array" and murmured: "I'm leaving early in the morning, I guess I won't be able to eat anything good on the way, what would Xiaoyun want to eat, I remember you used to like to eat... "

"Huh? What what?"

Xingyun hasn't figured out the situation yet, Hongli's efficiency is quite fast this time, and it turns out that what Xingyun eats are niche meals, and there are not many people queuing up at the window.

"Don't do anything else."

Hongli Lingli held a plate of dishes and placed them in front of Xingyun: "Put your stomach first."

"Well, there's also little Quack, I'll give you some sweet potatoes when I go, some food to eat."

Hongli muttered: "There are also Huihui and Qiaoqiao. Although it's not time for dinner, you can't let them eat and let you watch. That's too unqualified to be a brother and sister."

"Oh, it turned out to be Zongli's food."

Xingyun's eyes sparkled, and she couldn't help admiring loudly: "Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang are so amazing, they can eat the food in the cafeteria without going out at home!"

"Hey, not bad."

Heiyang Hongli watched the little girls eating happily, stretching and lying on the sofa, looking like they were enjoying family happiness.

And the Lingshi screen on Hong Butian's side has been closed for a long time, just now Zhao Zhuji dragged Hong Butian to a meeting after returning from her master.

It is said that Wuliangjianmen is going to gather registered disciples to concentrate on special training and explain them, and they are going to prepare before the next dungeon.

"Ah, the comfortable life is back."

Hong Li stretched her waist, showing a happy smile.

"They went to download the copy, we hang up at home, how wonderful!"


Hei Yang agreed, but he was still a little worried.

"Brother Butian, are they really not in danger in the past?"

"Well, under normal circumstances, what we teach is enough. After all, there are elders to protect them."

Hongli yawned, turned her head to look at Xingyun, and asked curiously: "Say, Xiaoyun won't go to the secret realm this time, I thought you would be very active."


Xingyun turned her head to look at Hongli with a confused look on her face.

"What secret realm? Is there such a thing?"


A question mark popped up on Hongli's head, after thinking about it, she changed the way of saying it.

"That is, world space debris?"

"Uh, I have no impression at all, I haven't heard of it!"

Xingyun shook her head honestly.

"Ah this..."

Hong Li frowned, realizing that things were not that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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