So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 388 Fortunately, both the husband and wife are not in very good mental condition, otherwise

Chapter 388 Fortunately, the husband and wife are not in very good mental condition, otherwise they would not be able to keep up with each other!
"What's wrong? Sister Hongli, did something happen?"

Seeing Hongli's confused face, Xingyun tilted her head and pointed at herself.

"Is there something wrong with me? Huh?"

"Ah, that..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed twice, took off the question mark on her head and hid it behind her back, and waved her hands as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, it's all right, it's all right!

Xiaoyun, keep eating, keep eating, leave me alone, hahahaha..."


Xingyun frowned, then smiled suddenly, lowered his head and continued to eat the food.

"Alright Miss Hongli!"


Hongli let out a long breath, glanced quietly at the girls who were all eating, turned over and got off the sofa and sneaked, squatting and using the table to cover herself and moved to Heiyang's side.

"Hey, Yoko!"

Hongli tugged on Heiyang's trouser legs, and whispered: "Come here, I have something to do!"


Heiyang looked down at Hongli who was squatting and looking up at him, and instinctively and subconsciously put his hand on Hongli's head, curling her hairy head.

"What's the matter, do you want to be patted on the head?"

"Hey, what are you talking about!"

Hongli reached out and grabbed Heiyang's arm to stop his claws from committing crimes, and glared at Heiyang viciously.

"It's really something, come here, head or something, wait for no one to do whatever you want..."


Heiyang showed half-moon eyes, stood up, and looked at Hongli who was beeping softly with a speechless face.

【Hei Yang: So, why don't you just talk to me like this? 】

【Hei Yang: Why do you have to crawl over so hard? 】

[Hongli: Ah, you just climbed, I moved here! 】

【Hei Yang: So you forgot about this thing? 】

[Hong Li: I want you to take care of it! 】

[Hei Yang: Hey, you have a bad temper, call me a few more times? 】

[Hongli: Grass, dog! 】

[Hongli: You still have the face to say it, don't you? 】

[Hongli: Originally, according to the tacit understanding between us, if I look over, you will know what to do.

Originally, you were supposed to come here in a hurry, but in the end, I had to come to you by myself!

Instead of reflecting on yourself, your kid is mocking me instead? 】

【Heiyang: Ah this...】

[Hongli: Ah, what, what! 】

[Hongli: Let me tell you, Heiyang, you've got a big deal, you've got a big deal! 】

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, what's wrong with me! 】

[Hei Yang: Give me a look, of course I can guess what you want to do!But you didn't give it either! 】

[Hongli: Wow, you're making progress, don't you, and want to know what I mean, and want me to give you a look, all the good things are taken up by you, right? 】

[Heiyang: ? ? ? 】

Heiyang blinked, took off the three question marks on his head and placed them on top of Hongli's head.

[Hei Yang: I think you have a problem! 】

[Hong Li: Okay, okay, don't worry about it so much, just follow me! 】

Hongli took Heiyang's hand, slipped into the bedroom in small steps, closed the door, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, very good, successfully escaped from the scene!"

"I bet they all saw you."

Heiyang hehe said: "If you really want to sneak in, you could have used Shenyin directly, but you have to do this, right?"

"Wow, you still said that I have a hot temper, and your aggressiveness is not low every day, okay?"

Hongli couldn't help complaining: "You can't be a little gentler to me, like a warm-hearted husband who dotes on his wife or something. Where did that black sun go when he cooked me breakfast a few days ago?"

Hei Yang: "Jie jie jie jie, that Hei Yang has already been killed by me!"

Hongli: "No—the black sun a few days ago—"

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing Hongli's exaggerated expression, Heiyang didn't hold back his laughter.

He waved his hand and said solemnly: "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, stop making trouble.

You get down to business, I listen, what happened? "

"Didn't you hear that just now?"

Hongli frowned, and said mysteriously, "Xiaoyun, she doesn't know about world fragments!"

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Hei Yang spread his hands, and said leisurely: "How strange, there are so many people in the roaming world who don't know about this, isn't it strange that Xing Yun doesn't know?"

"Of course it's strange!"

Hongli couldn't help rebutting Hei Yang, she analyzed: "Think about it, who is Xiaoyun, she is now the eldest sister of the disciples of the Ministry of Fire, and an excellent disciple trained by Elder Huo Le as his successor.

If you think about Sister Zhuji again, as an excellent disciple, she was notified of the Fragmented World in advance, but Xiaoyun didn't know about it! "

"Uh, is that weird?"

Heiyang blinked his eyes.

"If you don't know, it means Elder Huo Le didn't tell her."

"Ah this..."

Hongli, who was about to fabricate conspiracy theories such as memory tampering, brainwashing, and cognitive shielding concepts, froze, and looked at Heiyang.

"It's that simple?"

"if not?"

Hei Yangyun turned to Hongli: "Why, what else can Xingyun be hijacked on the way, and now it's a fake impostor pretending to be a monster.

The entire Five Elements Sect has fallen. Elder Huo Le just communicated with you to tell you what code information was hidden. At the same time, he especially emphasized the matter of letting Xiao Yun go, just to remind you.

Next, you have to expose the truth of Xingyun's disguise, and then solve the riddle of Elder Huo Le, attack the Five Elements Sect at night and touch Wuxing Mountain in the dark, and rescue Elder Huo Le with a thrilling operation.

Then rescue the dying Elder Huole from the dungeon, and listen to him announce the main plot mission for you, saying that only you who have the suzerain token can do it, let you take back the Five Elements Array, take back the Five Elements Sect or something, right? "


Hongli took a breath, and said with admiration: "As expected of my man, Hongli, this thinking sensitivity is so strong that he can coincide with me..."

"It fits your size!"

Hei Yang stretched out his finger and quickly poked Hongli's brain, and said with a vicious expression: "If you, Hongli, dare to imagine such a plot, you will be either stupid or bad!

It won't be long before we finish work, hide from the sight of some people, and go about our little life quietly.

You insist on talking about this stuff, do you want to make us both tired of millions of words? ! "

"Ah this!"

Hong Li's expression froze, and she said with a sneer: "Well, let Xiao Huo be the protagonist next!

It is called Heiyang Hongli Chuan 2: Little Fire Legend: Fission, and the Five Elements Sect returns to the place of birth! "


Heiyang sighed, sat on the bed, and pointed to his legs.

"Xiao Li, be obedient, come here by yourself."

"Ah, don't, Heiyang..."

Hongli's small face collapsed, and she came over with a face of fear, lay down on Heiyang's lap, closed her eyes and held her head in her hands, and muttered softly, "Heiyang, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, Renren will pass."

Hei Yang sighed, and his complexion instantly turned black.

"2 yes!!! Crack!"


"Legend of Little Fire, right? Crack!"


"Fission Five Elements Sect, right? Crack!"


"The place of birth, right? Crack!"




Heiyang let out a long breath, and sighed: "I feel better!"

"Woooooo, Heiyang, you are not human!"

"whispering sound."

"Wooooow, Heiyang, you dog!"



Hong Li curled her lips, lying on Heiyang with one hand propped up her cheeks, not bothering to get up, said quietly: "So the fact is that Elder Huo Le kept this matter from Xiao Yun."

"Hmm, otherwise."

Hei Yang revealed dead fish eyes, and said with a speechless expression: "Have you forgotten what kind of character he is, back then he didn't want you to take risks at sea even after the group arena.

Changing to Xingyun now, he must be afraid that the other party will rush over with excitement when he finds out, so he hides this matter from him.

At that time, if the secret realm opens on our birthday, Xiaoyun will be secretly concealed.

If it is opened after our birthday, Elder Huo Le can also persuade Xiao Yun to stay here for a few more days.

Just find any reason, say to help Hui Huiqiao and Qiao Qiao's two future junior sisters practice, believe me, as for Xiaoyun, who is innocent and helpful, he will definitely deceive everyone! "


Hongli's eyelids twitched.

"It seems that this is indeed the case..."

Xingyun only became a little smarter after this year's training, and Hongli helped her correct some silly thoughts.

When she first met Xingyun, she didn't even dare to let her go down the mountain alone, for fear that she would be tricked into a pyramid scheme if she turned around.

Maybe by the time Hongli finds Xiaoyun, she has already applied for a bunch of MLM membership cards!
cough cough...

"Look, it makes sense, I have something more reasonable here, listen to it."

Hei Yang stroked his chin, and analyzed seriously: "I even suspect that it was Elder Huo Le who encouraged Xiao Yun to come over early to prepare for your birthday.

Think about it, Xiaoyun came over just as soon as he finished the call, he didn't speak clearly, and he hung up so quickly, what does this mean? "

"What do you mean?"

Hongli blinked.

"It means that Elder Huo Le is pressing the call!"

Hei Yang, who has always been unafraid to speculate on others with the worst malice, rolled his eyes, and stretched out two fingers horizontally, one finger down and one finger up.

"Maybe, Elder Huo Le secretly followed Xing Yun through the clouds all the way, just like this, following in parallel and disjoint, maybe he left when he saw her approaching."

Heiyang set up the awning, looked in the direction of the Five Elements Sect, and fancied: "Perhaps Elder Huo Le was just like an airplane just passing over the Five Colors City..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched: "Elder Huo Le, he is not as crazy as Hei Yang you said!
I remember him back then, he was still very amiable, what you said was too shameless cough cough..."

(Huo Le: Understand it, it happened after meeting someone who said he was going to get married and quit the sect. It caused great psychological trauma to the elderly.)
"Whether it's true or not, don't you know if you call and ask?"

Hei Yang casually took out the other party's communication spirit stone from Hongli's pocket, and directly dialed back the latest communication record.

"Ask him face to face, will we not be able to see if he has lied by then?"


Hongli nodded while dangling her two calves, put her hands on both sides of her eyelids, stretched her eyes wide, opened her supernatural power of no confusion, and hummed softly.

"Under our discerning eyes, all evil will have nowhere to hide!"

"Beep beep..."

"The other party is temporarily unavailable, please try again later"

"The other party is temporarily unavailable, please try again later"

Hongli: "???"


Hei Yang spread his hands and said quietly: "The evil is hidden."

"Ah this..."

Hong Li covered her face with one hand, and suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, I remember that there was no notification sound when I couldn't get through. When was this added?"

"Ghost knows that Elder Huo Le talks about benefiting the common people every day, but how many strange functions have been secretly updated in the end."

Heiyang complained, then paused.

"However, when you say that, I always feel that the sound of this reminder is a bit familiar..."

"Jinxiu's voice."

Hongli pouted.

"When I first heard it, I knew it."

"Ah, it seems to be true."

Heiyang turned to look at Hongli.

"So what's next, how to fix it? He doesn't even answer the communication, and he doesn't call himself."


Hongli frowned in thought, then suddenly stretched out a finger.

"I think we should discuss the fall of the Five Elements Sect. For example, Elder Huo Le couldn't connect to the communication because he was locked in a dungeon. Jin Xiu was forced to record this audio after being scratched by them!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hei Yang hehe said: "You might as well imagine it boldly, for example, Jin Xiu is also a victim on the surface, but actually surrendered and rebelled, the evidence is that the recording is too calm, it doesn't look like she was forced to speak out.

When we rescued her, she first joined our adventure team, and then suddenly turned around midway and put us in a desperate situation. "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

This time, Hongli shook her head resolutely and said, "I know Jin Xiu a little bit, she is not that kind of person.

You can tell by the way she practiced, Jin Xingbaihu, the master of killing, would rather bend than bend, so tough. "

"That's it."

Heiyang nodded.

"Hey, Xiaoli, my fists are quite tough. It happens that you haven't left yet. Let's do it again?"

Hongli: "..."

"Good husband, I was wrong!"

Hong Li resolutely confessed.

"Please don't hurt your lovely little daughter-in-law."

"It's almost there."

Hei Yang sighed and reminded: "Think about it, if the Five Elements Sect really fell, how could you succeed in ordering just now?"


Hongli exclaimed.

"There is poison in the rice! It happened that the two of us didn't eat it, it's so classic, it's too classic, and the next thing is for us to save them..."




Heiyang took a deep breath, his face flushed.

"The mood is smooth again!"


Hongli's face was also rosy, and she said sadly: "Gou Heiyang, I want to break up with you for three minutes, and don't talk to me for the next three minutes!"

"Three minutes is too long, my Ri."

Hei Yang said quietly: "Don't worry, you see, although I did it, but it caused all this, who is the purpose of making our husband and wife turn against each other?
Think about it, we should unite with the outside world, right? "


Hongli was taken aback for a moment, the dog thing seemed to make sense.

That is, the culprit of everything: "Fire! Le! Long! Old!"



Huo Le suddenly shuddered, and whispered: "It's weird, why is it so cold all of a sudden, is it really going to be winter..."

(End of this chapter)

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