So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 389 Those Who Don't Know Pain Can't Understand True Peace!

Chapter 389 Those Who Don't Know Pain Can't Understand True Peace!
"Well, even if you are in the Nascent Soul stage, you can't accept your age when you get older, you always feel chilly behind..."

Huole shivered, he had just returned to Zongli, and he hadn't had time to enter the secret realm of Huobu's small world yet, but he should not be cold when he returned home!

Huo Le flew to the secret realm of the Ministry of Fire, took a deep breath, took out the elder's token, tapped the barrier in front of him lightly, and returned to the Ministry of Fire easily.

Suddenly, a wave of heat hit the surface, causing Huo Le to squint her eyes comfortably.

Although the temperature in the fire department was not so high that people could bear it, it was similar to the usual summer.

But compared with the cold wind on the top of Wuxing Mountain outside, it must be too warm here.

As far as the eyes could see, it was crimson. Except for the disciples of the fire department, the rest of them would feel impetuous if they kept looking at this color, and might be driven crazy for a long time.

This is also the reason why they require those named disciples to go to the qi training period and enter the Tao before they can come up.

Because if they are not in the Qi training period, even if they are allowed to come in, they will not be able to stand this kind of environment, and they will soon fail and retreat, so it is better not to suffer this crime.

Don't talk about tempering the will, tempering the will is something that people are only qualified to do after they have reached the qi training period. "Training" if you don't enter the Tao is pure injustice.

It is equivalent to: ah, I skydive without opening the parachute, bungee jumping without tethering, I want to challenge my weakness.

If that's the case, then I can't say...

The fire department is like this, high temperature and easy to make people feel anxious, you need to learn to control your anger.

Except for a small island in the water department, the rest is full of water. There are water-proof arrays in the buildings, and people have to learn to avoid water.

There is no house in Kibe, and it is full of trees and flowers. If you want to live in a house, you can either build a matchbox or build a tree house yourself.

If it really doesn’t work, you can put some firewood and hay on the branches to build a nest, and no one will say anything about you.

The Tubu is underground, so if you want to go out, you have to learn how to escape from the soil, or raise the Tubu spirit beast, just like the little flamingo flying down the mountain from the Huobu.

As for Jinbu, uh, the aura there coughs and coughs, no, it’s because if you inhale too much metallic aura during normal practice, if you don’t deal with it properly, it may damage your meridians.

If you think about it this way, the five divisions of the Five Elements Sect are better than the Fire Division. The flat land, spacious house, and no toxins in the air have allowed Hongli to persist for so long.

If another Department of the Five Elements threw Hongli there, she thought that even if she wasn't driven crazy, she would still have to hug Heiyang and cry loudly after seeing him.

But if she went to another department, she wouldn't even be able to save Heiyang back then!

After such a long time, every time Hong Li thinks about that time, she still feels scared, and then subconsciously hugs Hei Yang tightly beside her, that time was simply too scary!
How should I put it, thank Xiaohuo, thank the Ministry of Fire, thank Five Elements, thank Five Colors City, thank parents, thank Aoyoujie, thank fate...

We must always be grateful for life and cherish the hard-won present.

That's why Heiyang Hongli decided not to waste these days, but to use them to quietly experience the beauty of enjoying the world cough...

Besides, Elder Huo Le returned to the familiar place of the Zongmen, and when he heard the familiar conversations and laughter of the Zongmen's disciples not far away, he couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Xiaoyang, Xiaoli and the others are right in saying that everything is as good as home.

Hey, Five Elements Sect is his home!

Returning to the hut at home, closing the door, Huo Le lay down peacefully on the bed, put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and rested peacefully.


Drops of sweat dripped from Huo Le's forehead.

Beads of sweat ran down his cheeks and wet his beard.

"dong dong dong"

The heart beats fast and the blood flows faster.

Huo Le suddenly opened his eyes, revealing bloodshot eyes.

He jumped to the corner of the house and looked around warily.

Ever since he shivered outside and felt the cold, he had the feeling that something unclean was staring at him.

Quickly and panicked, he pretended to be nonchalant and ran home. He circled two big circles around the fire department, ran to places with many people, ran to places with few people, and ran to his own home.

I pretended to be dead when I got home, but the feeling of being targeted didn't disappear, but became stronger.


Elder Huo Le's voice was calm and trembling, and he yelled at the empty house with a serious face: "Come out, I saw you, don't hide!"


"You're still so stubborn?!"

Huo Le's eyes widened and he let out an angry cry.

"I, Huo Le, are not in vain. If you have the ability, let's live a couple of rounds!"

Huo Le quietly stretched his fingers into his pocket, as long as he pressed the emergency call, his brothers and sisters would come over, and then tricked the other party into showing up, using a righteous gang fight against him!

The plan died before it even started.

Huo Le felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little strange.

The flickering lights, the cool wind blowing in his ears, it seemed that someone was fanning him with a fan!

Huo Le frowned, as if something was wrong, he turned his head slowly, and saw a dark mass holding his fan and slapping him non-stop.

There is also the side of the Lingshi light switch, there is a group of black shadows that have been sitting there, pressing the button to turn off the light and turn on the light...

"You guys..."

Huo Le frowned more and more tightly, until the two shadows turned into human figures, revealing Heiyang Hongli's familiar face.

Heiyang held a fan in his hand and fanned him, Hongli pressed the button with his fingers like a ghost, and the two looked at Elder Huole expressionlessly, and grinned: "Hey!!!"

Huo Le: "???"

Huo Le: "!!!"

Huo Le: "..."

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli! I knew it was your fault!"

Veins popped up on Elder Huo Le's forehead. He pointed at the two phantoms with a defiant face, and complained, "From outside the mountain gate to following me now, what on earth are you trying to do!"

"How else..."

Hei Yang curled his lips and said, "I'm scaring you."

"Heh, what did you say, you already knew it was us, right after the fact..."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes, and said quietly: "You must know that we can still be scared like this?"

"Who, who was frightened like this, what happened!"

Huo Le coughed twice, turned her head away, straightened her hair and beard, and then looked at Heiyang Hongli with an angry look on her face.

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli, you guys are going too far. Don't you feel a pang of conscience if you frighten an old man like this!"

"Ha ha……"

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and said quietly: "As the saying goes, don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

"Then you guess."

Heiyang hehe said: "Why don't I hug Xiaoli at home and hold her high? I have nothing to do and came up with the idea to find you?"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le's expression froze, he looked cautiously at Hei Yang, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to kiss and hug me?"

Heiyang blinked and smiled slightly.

"Elder Huo Le, go to hell! Exile and exile!!!"

"Heiyang, calm down, you are a murderer who broke the law!!!"

Huo Le: "..."

Hongli struggled to hold Heiyang back, and coaxed Heiyang for a long time.

"Okay, good, good, good, don't be angry, don't be afraid, Hei Yang is good, Hei Yang is good..."

Heiyang rubbed the center of his brows, walked aside to face the wall, and knocked his head against the wall.

"Xiao Li, I can't do it anymore. I've been traumatized psychologically. Elder Huo Le is too, too disgusting..."

"Ah, Hei Yang, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will seek justice for you."

Hongli patted Heiyang's back distressedly, turned her head to look at Elder Huo Le with an angry face, stretched out her hand and rolled up the cuffs made of black mist, and asked viciously: "Hey! Elder Huo Le, what is your intention! Doing such a gesture will destroy my family's Heiyang Dao heart!"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le looked away guiltily, and muttered softly, "Aren't I going to relieve the tense atmosphere just now?"

"Huh? Hei Yang has been relieved of his psychological barrier by you!"

Hongli took a deep breath, pulled Heiyang aside, stretched out his hand into a knife, closed one eye and gestured: "Well, part of Heiyang's consciousness, and the consciousness of the phantom.

As long as you transfer the horror in Heiyang's consciousness to the phantom, it should be fine..."


Taking a deep breath, Hongli's eyes flashed, her demon heart was activated, and the knife in her hand slashed fiercely at Heiyang.

"Look at me, Xiaoli's holy cut to save her husband!"


The black mist that made up the black sun was split into two halves, and then separated and gathered together again, part of it turned back to the original black sun, but the color was slightly lighter.

And the other part turned into a cloud of black mist, which was the automatic operation instinctive consciousness body of the phantom shadow supernatural power.


Heiyang shook his head, looked around in confusion, looked at Hongli and couldn't help asking: "What happened, Xiaoli? I seemed to be distracted just now?"

"Ah, hahaha, nothing happened!"

Hongli hugged Heiyang with a smile on her face, and comforted her: "You accidentally fell into a coma due to hypoglycemia just now, and I only woke up after kissing you."

"God, hypoglycemia, don't use the words I speak all day long without learning it!"

As expected, Hei Yang's attention was diverted, but he looked at a group of black shadows that were constantly bumping into the wall, and a question mark appeared on his head.

"Uh, how did the phantom get separated from this body?"

Hei Yang looked down at his misty hands, which had become a little paler in color, and then at the phantom hitting the wall, a series of question marks popped out of his head.

"Also, what's wrong with Phantom? Is the system malfunctioning?

Let me just say, automatic control is definitely not as smart as manual control, and after a long time, there will always be problems..."

"Come on, at what age are you still manipulating traditional phantoms?"

Hongli rolled her eyes, grabbed Heiyang's arm, tugged, and reminded: "Okay, okay, leave him alone, let him hit the wall for a while!"

Anyway, the phantom was originally responsible for absorbing garbage emotions, and now it happens to be its job!

Thinking of this in Hongli's heart, the slight sense of guilt towards Little Moying disappeared in an instant.

Heiyang is the owner of the phantom, she helps the phantom share the master's worries, the other party should thank her.

But Moying is a smart idiot, so she probably won't thank him for anything, so she just forgives him a lot.

(Moying: Idiots are not human beings, idiots deserve to be bullied by you!)
"Oh, sorry, you are really not human."

Hong Li looked up at the words in the brackets, and said with a displeased face: "Also, who are you, you dare to complain in a foreign language? Believe it or not, I will let Heiyang remake you!"

Specter: "..."


Heiyang still looked at his phantom hesitantly, wanting to reach out and fuse it back into his body.

"I always feel, no, not always, but definitely!
Xiao Li, you must have done something to me just now, cut off a part of my consciousness, right? "

Heiyang frowned, guessing the general situation, after all, he is a veteran of hitting the red glass sap behind the back to erase the opponent's memory, and this method is quite familiar.

"Let me see what kind of consciousness you gave me..."

Heiyang said that he was going to recall the ghostly shadow.

"do not!!!"

Hongli stopped Heiyang, grabbed Heiyang's arms with both hands and pressed down, and said with a serious face: "You will regret it if you merge, I'm all for your own good!"

"Grass, what parents' quotations..."

Hei Yang showed half-moon eyes, curled his lips and said, "But I'm curious, Xiaoli."

"Heh, curiosity killed Yang, why do you think I gave your consciousness away?"

When Hongli said this, her eyes suddenly became dangerous, she grabbed Heiyang's collar, and said viciously: "Could it be that you suspect that there is something in my parting memory that I am sorry for you?

Okay, you black sun, so you miss me like this, you can't live through this day! "

"Ah, no, no, of course not! Xiaoli, why would you think so!"

Heiyang's complexion changed, he waved his hands in panic, turned his head and spit a few mouthfuls of phlegm at the phantom.

"Bah bah, what is it, I don't care about it at all, I don't care about it!"

Heiyang snorted softly, and said firmly: "What Xiaoli divides up is absolutely evil, hateful, dirty, nasty, indescribable, indescribable, and gathers the evil thoughts of all living beings!"

Heiyang reached out and grabbed Hongli's hands, looked affectionately at the bewildered opponent, and said deeply: "Thanks to you, Xiaoli, for saving me from the fire and water, saving the building from falling, and bringing me out of the darkness." Pull out of me, you are the light that illuminates the fog in my life!"

"Ah this..."

Hongli turned her head away, and Mizhi whispered shyly: "Actually, it's not as good as you said, hehe..."

"Xiao Li!"

"Black Sun!"

Heiyang Hongli and Hongli hugged each other, and was moved: "It's great to have you here!"

While looking at Huo Le who was dumbfounded: "..."

The ghost who was spit out twice without doing anything: "..."

Although, although the magical powers of the devil's heart are originally designed to deal with evil thoughts, the pain is too heavy!

The phantom hit the wall harder.

"Okay, the misunderstanding has been resolved."

Heiyang Hongli turned to Elder Huo Le.

"I haven't forgotten what the two of us are here for!"

Heiyang snorted softly, raised his head and pointed at Elder Huo Le.

"You will be the next one, Elder Huo Le!"

"Hmph, I advise you to be honest!"

Hongli threatened: "Otherwise, don't blame us for serving the torture!"

"Ah this..."

Seeing that Heiyang Hongli finally turned the matter over, Huo Le raised his hands in surrender, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I surrender.

What exactly are you thinking, uh, I probably guessed it..."

Huo Le was stunned for a moment, then looked at Heiyang Hongli with a guilty conscience, and beeped softly: "It's not because of me that you hid things about the Fragmented World from Xiao Yun, so you came here!"

"Ha, you really know, you pretend to be confused, don't you?"

"Heh! Elder Huo Le is really a master at pretending to be confused!"

Heiyang Hongli's eyes froze, and at the same time he shouted angrily: "Be honest!"

"Okay, okay, I'll just say it, harm..."

 Book Title: I Enter the Immortal Journey through Taoism

  Recommended words: One talisman travels the world, what do you care about cursing?


(End of this chapter)

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