So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 390 ≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡ヽノ

Chapter 390 ≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ(;一_一)
"Oh, there's nothing I can do about it!"

Huo Le sighed, let Heiyang Hongli sit down, and found a seat for herself, sighing with sorrow.

"Say one thousand, say ten thousand, am I afraid that something will happen to Xiaoyun?"

Huo Le stretched out a finger, and said solemnly: "Think about it, this time it comes from a secret world outside the roaming world, who knows what terrifying things will be inside!

What if this is an accident?Xiaoyun folded her in, so how can I live? "

Elder Huo Le said with a sad face: "Hongli! Hongling! Hei Xiaohuo! Now Xiaoyun is the only seedling left, so it can't be like this anymore!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli revealed half-moon eyes.

"I remember the last time Xiaoyun came to our house to play, she ran out when you were seriously ill and unconscious in bed, elder, and you couldn't stop her.

Why did you change your temper now?Don't hide her in the sect anymore, send her directly to us, right? "

"Hey, isn't it the same situation? One moment, another moment, it was one situation, and now it's another situation!"

Elder Huo Le said with a helpless expression: "Don't think that it's because I don't want to let go and protect Xiao Yun too well but hurt her or something. I have already reflected on this after Xiao Li's incident last time!"


Hong Li frowned: "So what? Where is the improvement?

I was not allowed to go to the sea area before, but Xiaoyun was not allowed to go to the Fragment Secret Realm this time. Is there any difference?

Don't you know that you made a mistake, so you will do it again next time?You thought you were me and Heiyang! "

"No, no, there are still differences!"

Huo Le brought up a stack of papers from under the table, and explained: "Since the last time, I have carefully studied the distribution of the strength of the disciples in the sect and the ladder of comprehensive abilities, and made a relatively complete chart.

In this way, I have a new reason to stop Xiaoyun, ah no, I mean this way I have a standard enough judgment to assess whether I have done something wrong! "

Huo Le spread out the top piece of paper, on which was a classic hexagonal statistical comparison chart.

"Look, the above six points are state, supernatural power, xinxing, survivability, combat ability, and exploration experience.

There are a total of six evaluations, the first is realm, this time the minimum requirement is the foundation stage, Xiaoyun has indeed passed, and she is also very good in terms of supernatural powers.

Not to mention the combat ability, she was born with a keen talent for combat that surpassed ordinary people, which belongs to the world of travel...

But I don't need to say more about the exploration experience, Xiaoyun's exploration experience is still zero so far. "

"Wow, you have the nerve to say that!"

Hong Li couldn't help complaining for Xing Yun.

"It's like you need to have work experience before looking for a job. If you don't have work experience, you won't get a job. Aren't you bullying honest people?"

"If you don't give me a chance, if Xiaoyun can't take the first step, she will never take the second step!"

Hongli looked serious, she really wanted her best sister to grow up.

"But if you, Elder Huo Le, give Xiaoyun a chance to show herself, do you know that she won't be able to make a big splash?"

"No, when it comes to blockbusters, I remembered."

Hongli paused, then stretched out her finger and said, "Xiaoyun was the number one in the ring before, which means she also fought in the ring like I did before.

And Xiaoyun's gold content is higher this time, because this is a competition among the younger generation of sects in the entire cultivation world!

With such a result, Xiaoyun is not qualified, who can be qualified?Brother Bu Tian? "

(Hong Butian: ???)

"Uh, the group arena can't be generalized, who knows if letting her take the first step will cause her to fall on the first step..."

Huo Le muttered something in a low voice, coughed twice, and pointed to the next place.

"There is also mentality, mentality, Xiaoli, you also know that Xiaoyun is easily excited when encountering things, and she is also easy to trust others. If you have a heart, you must..."

"There must be no problem with Xinxing!"

Hongli snorted softly, and spoke for her best friend again.

"Xiaoyun stood at the end of the ring with all her strength at the beginning. How dare you say that Xiaoyun has no mentality?"

"Uh, but this survivability..."

Elder Huo Le shrank his neck.

"It's a joke, the Fire Immortal's supernatural powers can be used to heal injuries, but you told me that I can't survive.

Who can survive?Hei Xiaolong's supernatural power of ice or something?Is it okay to freeze yourself to keep fresh? "

(Hei Xiaolong: ???)

"Hey, little glass."

Heiyang tugged on Hongli's cuff, and muttered in a low voice: "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself!

It is not a good habit to speak ill of others behind their backs! "

"I'm not telling the truth..."

Under Heiyang's serious expression, Hongli's voice became smaller and smaller, she curled her lips, and said obediently: "I know Heiyang, I was wrong.

Can I apologize to them next time we meet? "

"Uh, what I mean is that next time you can just say bad things about them in person. It's boring to say behind their backs that they can't hear you."

"So that's it! I've been taught!"

Hongli suddenly realized and nodded, turned her head to look at Elder Huole who was still about to explain something, snorted softly, pressed the piece of paper and grabbed it in her hand.

"Hey, what are you doing, Xiaoli?"

Huo Le hurriedly tried to stop Hong Li's movements.

"That's the judging rule that I sorted out for a long time. It's very important. I'll use it later..."


A fire was born from Hong Li's hand, and burned the paper completely.

She turned her head to look at Elder Huo Le, and frowned.

"Ah, Elder Huo Le, what did you just say? I didn't catch it, can you say it again?"


The corner of Huo Le's mouth twitched slightly, and he beeped softly: "Actually, I want to say that it's okay if you burn it, because I made many copies."

Hongli: "..."

"Where are your many shares!"

Hongli rolled up her sleeves and said with a vicious expression, "I'll go and understand them all."

"Hey, don't, don't!"

Huo Le hurriedly dissuaded him: "Don't make trouble with a bunch of dead things!
What is the use of a pile of paper? It is used to record things. Even if you burn those, the knowledge is still in my mind. Is it okay if I get it out again? "

"Oh, I see, that's how it is!"

Hong Li turned around and punched Elder Huo Le, the strong wind came and blew Elder Huo Le's beard.

"If you don't compete with dead things, they are living things, that is to say, just solve it fundamentally!

As long as you deal with Elder Huo Le, those knowledge will not be spread, right? "

"Wrong, quickly remove your fist, I am afraid of the old man."

"whispering sound."

Hong Li curled her lips and tapped lightly on the table with her fingers.

"Anyway, I don't agree with Elder Huo Le's way!"

Hongli said softly: "Believe it or not, I'll go back and tell Xiaoyun right now, let him know what your plan is!"

"do not!"

Huo Le quickly shook her head and waved her hands: "The secret realm is too unknown and dangerous!"

"How do you say, doesn't it mean that there is no life in it?"

After a long time, Hei Yang finally said something, and raised his own doubts: "There are no living things, so there are only "ownerless things", just take it casually?
Oh, Elder Huo Le, please don’t tell me that our sect in the cultivation world will stab in the back and fight civil wars.

Then pretend to be an accident and do a deadly murder to seize treasure or something! "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Regarding this point, Huo Le shook his head resolutely and said: "We, the official sects in the cultivation world, can guarantee the character of the disciples!

The key is that the rules of the travel industry itself do not allow the kind of guy who has done too many bad things to develop.

As long as you do things that endanger the world, it will be much more difficult for you to absorb the aura in the world!

Even if it is the Tianmen group who took advantage of their luck, wouldn't they be backlashed in the end!
So don't worry about targeting each other on this point, it is absolutely impossible to happen, at most it is normal competition. "

"As for the danger I said..."

Elder Huo Le paused for a moment, then shook his head and explained: "Secret realm doesn't mean it's not dangerous if there are no living things in it!

Like its own environment, normal creatures can no longer survive, who knows what's going on inside! "

"Toxic gas swamp? Tropical rainforest? Island in the sky?"

Heiyang asked curiously.

"If you ask me, I don't know. I don't know where the secret realm is opened until that day is confirmed."

Huo Le spread her hands: "Also, if the aura or some special elements are too active.

It may give birth to a special existence that has no life breath, but can act according to instinct.

For example, what kind of puppets, or what kind of elemental incarnation, may turn into danger and suddenly appear by your side..."

"Is that so..."

Heiyang Hongli nodded clearly.

"It's really dangerous to say that."

"Yes, yes, I was thinking, let the disciples wait outside first.

After a few of us elders go in to find out the truth, we will decide whether to let the disciples in. "

Elder Huo Le sighed: "After all, our behavior is to help speed up the digestion of the roaming world.

It is already a fast track, if you want to take a shortcut, you may suffer a big loss! "

"That makes sense."

Heiyang Hongli nodded.

"But I still want to tell Xiaoyun!"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes.

"Why do people know about it and hide it from Xiaoyun? If you know it, you are protecting them, but if you don't know it, you think you are isolating them!"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le couldn't help but said: "But..."

"There's nothing to say, Xiaoyun should let her know about this matter, and then make a decision according to her own ideas."

Hongli snorted softly and said, "If it's really that dangerous, don't worry, I will join you in persuading Xiaoyun to avoid the edge temporarily, and she will listen to me."


Hongli sneered suddenly, and said hehe: "If it detects that the degree of danger inside is appropriate, then it would be unreasonable to reject Xiaoyun?"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le had nothing to say.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"tell her."

Hongli said decisively: "It's that simple!"

"But Xiaoyun wants to celebrate your birthday..."

Elder Huo Le murmured in a low voice: "This is what she really wanted to go, and I didn't encourage it much.

If you tell her the news at this time, do you think she can go in and practice wholeheartedly?
In other words, when you celebrate your birthday, you know that Xiaoyun may be in dire straits in the secret realm, so don't you subconsciously worry about it?

The specific opening time may be after your birthday, you can tell her later, not so early. "


Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, looked at Elder Huo Le with some uncertainty and asked, "Are you so sure that the secret realm will not open until after our birthday?"

"Ah, not sure!"

Huo Le showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"It's also possible that it will be opened before your birthday. By the time Xiaoyun celebrates her birthday with you, we will have resolved everything..."

"Good guy, bet your luck with us, right?"

Hongli raised her eyebrows.

"If it's before the birthday, just hide it from Xiaoyun, and if it's after the birthday, let Xiaoyun choose for herself?"

"How about it?"

Elder Huo Le said sincerely: "Is this the head office?

I swear, no matter whether Xiaoyun succeeds or not, I will find a place for her to practice as soon as possible to make up for the good protection I did before. "

He Huo Le, there is also improvement!
"While betting on time, you are also betting on whether the secret realm is dangerous."

Huo Le shook his head and sighed: "There are thousands of uncertainties in the world, and the path of practice is a process of gambling, or everyone's life path is a process of gambling.

A different choice will determine many things, and there will be many different futures.

Maybe many people who should have been seen will never be seen again, and many things that should have been experienced will not be experienced.

Since none of us can convince anyone, let fate decide for itself! "

"Different choices in life determine different futures..."

Hongli Heiyang held hands instinctively, thinking that if the two of them couldn't meet, they couldn't help but be terrified, fortunately, fortunately!
Even if they may have some "better future", they definitely don't want to leave each other.

In other words, the future with each other is the future they want.

Of course, saying this is going too far...

"Ha, gambling on luck or something, Elder Huo Le, you're really overthinking yourself!"

Hongli laughed triumphantly, put her hands on Heiyang's shoulders, and coughed twice.

"Ahem, please allow me to introduce, my husband, Heiyang, his luck is ridiculously high haha!"

"Ahem, Xiaoli, don't stand up the flag so proudly!"

On the contrary, Heiyang did not have Hongli's trust in him, he beeped softly: "If the prediction is wrong afterwards, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"Huh? How did you see that?"

Hongli frowned: "Don't you lack confidence in your own luck?"

"Well, it's not."

Heiyang said faintly: "I'm just too confident in Xiaoli's luck.

When I think that I will be affected by your bad luck, Xiao Li, I still feel a little uneasy. "

Hongli: "..."

"Climb, climb!"

Angrily, Hongli gave Heiyang mist several times, turned her head to look at Elder Huo Le, and said without hesitation, "It's a bet!"

(End of this chapter)

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