So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 398 It is said that the comment area opened in January, but I don’t know if it’s true or not

Chapter 398 It is said that the comment area will open in November, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.

Qing Lianlian ran into her sister's house, opened the door, her voice was crying.

"Auntie is late, you can't leave already, woo woo woo..."


Hei Yang, who was feeding his daughter, was taken aback for a moment, looked at the aunt who suddenly appeared at the door, and stopped in mid-air with the hand holding the dried fish and reaching towards Xiao Huo.

"It's Aunt Lianlian..."


Xiaohuo stretched out his head, and took the small dried fish in his father's hand into his mouth.

Feeling the delicacy while eating, I couldn't help squinting those shining eyes with a look of enjoyment.

"Hello, auntie, do you want Xiaohuo?"

Xiao Huo poked his head out from behind his father, and greeted him with a smile.

"Auntie, what are you doing there, come here quickly!"


Seeing that everyone was there, especially the birthday star Xiaoyang who hadn't left yet, Qing Lianlian breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled, and responded: "Of course, my aunt and grandma want to be on fire!
Quickly let my aunt to see if Xiao Huo looks more beautiful! "

She walked up to Xiao Huo in a few steps, opened her arms, and wanted to hug Xiao Huo from the chair with a smile.

In the end, he failed because he was not much taller than Xiaohuo, but was gently hugged into his arms by Xiaohuo, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh, little fire!"

Qing Lianlian staggered, was accidentally pulled into Xiao Huo's arms, and sat on her two calves.

"Xiaohuo! Let go of my aunt!"

"Haha, Xiaohuo, don't, don't!"

Xiao Huo smiled and hugged Qing Lianlian tightly.

"Grandma, please stay here with Little Huo!"

"Damn, if you want to hug, I will hug you!"

Qing Lianlian struggled a few times, but failed, sighed, and gave up resisting.

"Forget it, it's all the same, it's all the same..."


Xiao Huo smiled into crescent moons.

It's amazing to say that, among the relatives that Heiyang Hongli's family frequents, Qing Lianlian is the closest to Xiaohuo in age.

Coupled with the fact that there is not much difference in mental age, Xiaohuo is usually the most clingy to this little aunt.

For grandma and grandma, Xiaohuo is more like an elder.

As for his aunt, Xiao Huo can easily regard her as a good friend of the same age, and there will not be so much age gap between them.

As for Qing Lianlian, she also loves this little granddaughter very much, she is cute and has a sweet mouth.

And Xiao Huo is one of the very few children among relatives who really treat her as an elder.

There are two other ones, Heiyang Hongli, they also honestly see Qing Lianlian as their aunt.

As for the children of other relatives, well, they are obviously younger than her, but they just treat her like a child.

"Xiaoyang, happy birthday!"

Don't think about those things, Qing Lianlian looked at Hei Yang, smiled and blessed.

"In addition, Xiao Huo asked my aunt to take out the presents in the bag..."

Qing Lianlian smiled, took out a cute little hat from her small bag and handed it to Heiyang.

"Does Xiaoyang like it? Auntie took a long time to choose this one. It must be cute when you wear it!"

"Thank you, auntie, for your trouble!"

Hei Yang happily accepted the gift, studied it, put it on his head, and turned to look at Hongli Xingyun.

"Xiaoli, Xiaoli, look at me, look at me, do you look good?"

"It's no use asking me."

Hong Li turned her face away, and said quietly: "My aesthetics have long followed your appearance.

Even if you have three noses and seven eyes, I think you are the most handsome in the world, do you believe it? "

"Hey, don't say it as if I have polluted you mentally."

Heiyang showed his dead fish eyes, and said speechlessly, "And what kind of strange creature am I, with three noses?"

"Then how do I know?"

Hongli spread her hands.

"If you have to ask, my answer is that you are beautiful."

"walk slowly."

Heiyang waved his hand, pressed the hat on his head, turned to look at Qing Lianlian, and said with a smile: "Thank you again, auntie, Xiaoli likes it very much."

"Hey, don't worry if you like me."

Qing Lianlian smiled, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head and looked around, and said curiously: "By the way, where is your mother, Xiaoyang?
Where did my sister go, won't you come out to see me when I come? "

"Ah, mom..."

Heiyang Youyou explained: "Dad was drunk, and Mom hugged him into the bedroom.

It was probably stuffed into the bed for him, and he probably slept until tomorrow. "

As soon as Heiyang finished speaking, Qing Yiyi walked into the door while muttering, and waved to Qing Lianlian.

"Lian Lian is here, hey, they bought so many things at home, they didn't finish eating, so take whatever you want."


Qing Lianlian nodded, paused, and looked at Qing Yiyi with resentful eyes.

"Sister, I just heard from Xiaoyang that my brother-in-law went to drink again?"

"You don't have to confess me."

Heiyang beeped softly to protest, although no one paid any attention to him.

"It's okay, it's okay, I agreed this time."

Qing Yiyi waved her hand, braided her hair again, and couldn't help complaining: "It's just that I talked too happily, I forgot about them, and I got drunk like this again.

But it's okay, your brother-in-law is not the kind of guy who gets drunk and messes around, he just falls asleep like a pig, he's quiet when he's drunk..."

"But speaking of pigs..."

Qing Yiyi's voice paused, and she couldn't help complaining: "Your brother-in-law is also, he feels heavier again, it's too lazy to drink all day long.

People are not yet forty years old, this big belly has risen, and it is really tiring to drag him back. "


Hei Yang couldn't help but chuckle slightly, and interjected curiously: "Big belly, shouldn't it?

Didn't I take some pills for my dad and tell my parents about the Qi refining method?
There should be no such thing as inability to digest fat accumulation, right? "

"Heh, you don't need to think about it. You can tell that he doesn't study hard. There is not much progress in this little time."

Qing Yiyi took it for granted, and said speechlessly: "He is not willing to take those pills of yours, so he has to keep them.

It is said that it is a waste to eat now, and eat it when you are old and in poor health. "

"Ah this?"

Hei Yang was dumbfounded.

"Come on, your mother, I didn't coax you."

Qing Yiyi paused, narrowed her eyes, looked at her son, and said carefully, "I said Xiaoyang, you don't want to learn from your father.

Don't let me see that when you are in your thirties, you also become a stinky uncle like your father. At that time, I will kill my mother righteously. "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang showed his half-moon eyes, and said with a sneer: "Well, how come, you are overthinking.

Let’s put it this way, it’s still in the Nascent Soul stage, body management is still possible, uncle or something, it has nothing to do with me..."

"Don't worry Mom!"

Hongli raised her hand and said with a smile: "I will supervise him, and I will definitely not let him be lazy and degenerate!"

"Ha, Xiaoli, if you say that, Mom will feel relieved."

Qing Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, put her head on one hand, and said helplessly: "I think back then, Mu Guang was also a handsome and handsome guy, but he was turned into a pig by the years.

It's not that he's not handsome anymore, after all, he's mature and has a mature charm, but he could have been more handsome..."

"Yes, yes!"

Hongli patted her chest and promised with a smile: "I will definitely let Heiyang do more housework and exercise more, and strive to be the handsome boy he is now after hundreds of years and thousands of years have passed!"

"Mom likes to hear you say that, Xiaoli."

Qing Yiyi smiled: "I'm afraid that this child will go crazy when he becomes a family, leaves his parents, and has no one to supervise him."


Hongli smiled sheepishly.


Heiyang snorted lightly, and looked at Hongli with slight disdain.

Mere Hongli, still want to supervise her?What a joke!
"Mom, Heiyang stared at me."

Hongli raised her hand to complain.


Qing Yiyi's expression turned cold, and she turned to look at Heiyang.


"Ah, don't listen to Xiaoli's nonsense, hahaha."

Heiyang was sweating on his forehead, and waved his hands mockingly.

"Just now, my throat was uncomfortable, and I just coughed..."


Qing Yiyi looked suspicious.


Hei Yang looked solemn.


Qing Yiyi nodded and hummed, "I believe you for now."

"Mom is wise!"

Heiyang heaved a sigh of relief, his heart crazily pricked Hongli's little person, and when he rolled his eyes at Hongli, he found that she was snickering, and immediately became even angrier.

[Hei Yang: Wait until you get home to see how I deal with you! 】

[Hei Yang: If mom can protect you in the first year of junior high school, can she still protect you in the fifteenth year?hum! 】

【Hong Li: Ah, this...】

[Hongli: Yangyang don't want it! 】

[Hongli: The day after tomorrow is still someone's birthday! 】

[Hongli: Do you want me to spend my birthday with a psychological shadow! 】

[Hei Yang: Heh, it's only three days, I can afford to wait. 】

[Hei Yang: Once your birthday is over, I'll put you in a sack and fill it with cement...]

[Hongli: Grass, what is the meal of decapitation. 】

Heiyang Hongli confronted each other across the air.


"So let me say, sister, you are too used to my brother-in-law."

Qing Lianlian snorted softly, and said: "Every time I say I want to punish, I lift it up heavily and let it fall down gently.

Treating him so well all day might spoil my brother-in-law. "

"I have to say something for my dad."

Heiyang chuckled, raised his hand and said, "My dad is always nice to my mom, and being noisy is life!"

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt!"

Qing Lianlian glared at Hei Yang.

"Wooooow, wrong, wrong..."

With a sad face, Hei Yang floated to Hong Li's side for comfort.

"Actually, Xiao Yang is right."

Qing Yiyi smiled, and said with some embarrassment: "After all, it's not a big mistake...

Mu Guang likes to say that, I knew it when we talked about it, and it hasn't changed a bit in all these years, so it can be considered that the original intention has not changed..."

"Ah, this is also called not changing one's original intention!"

Qing Lianlian was shocked, she remembered, this seemed to be a cough cough...

"Okay, okay, sister, if you say that, just pretend that he hasn't changed his original intention."

Qing Lianlian sighed, waved her small fists, and said with a look of indignation: "But whether it's father or brothers, they say that brother-in-law might want to bully sister anytime.

This kind of thing should be taken precautions before it happens, and take precautions before it happens! "

"Ham, don't listen to what dad and brother say, just believe what they say."

Covering her face with one hand, Qing Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's because Mu Guang married me, so they just don't like him...

This kind of thing, you will understand when you have someone you like in the future. "

When Qing Yiyi said this, she put her hands on her hips and said with a serious face: "At that time, my sister, I will also check with my brother and my father together!
Just like my father and my old buddies treated us back then, we can't let some dubious people lie to our family Lianlian. "

"Ah this..."

Qing Lianlian showed her half-moon eyes.

"The dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon. Is my sister going to double-standard? My brother-in-law didn't satisfy my father and brother at the beginning..."

"who said it."

Qing Yiyi raised her eyebrows.

"Mu Guang passed all the tests, right?"

"Ah this?"

Qing Lianlian showed a shocked expression.

"What's so surprising about this, Mu Guang is already very good."

Qing Yiyi spread her hands and said quietly: "At the beginning, Dad and Brother agreed.

It's just that it's one thing to agree, but it's another thing to dislike him. There is no contradiction. "

"Ah this..."

Qing Lianlian's brain crashed.

"A grown-up's world is really complicated."

There was a voice in my ear.


Qing Lianlian nodded subconsciously, and then reacted instantly, turned her head to look at Xiaohuo, and said emphatically: "Xiaohuo, grandma, I am the adult, okay?"


Xiao Huo shrank back, turned into a little crane, and flew back into Qing Lianlian's arms.

"Yes, yes, my aunt is a little adult!"

"Xiao Huo keeps doing this, and my aunt won't love you anymore."

Qing Lianlian pursed her lips, and gently smoothed the feathers of the little flamingo in her arms.

"Hey, my aunt won't do it."

Xiao Huo smiled, turned over slightly, narrowed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep in Qing Lian Lian's arms with a face of comfort.

Not far away, Heiyang Hongli whispered to each other.

"Did you hear that?"

Hongli tugged at Heiyang's sleeves, and whispered: "My father-in-law wanted to marry my mother-in-law back then, but he passed the test of so many people.

Look at you again, I foolishly followed you, it's really cheap for you. "

"Come on."

Hei Yang snorted and said, "Whoever is the cheapest may not be sure.

Can you be like my mother? If you are half as hardworking as my mother, or half as gentle as your mother-in-law, then I have nothing to say.

Now, hum!How about you give me a test to make up for it now?

We live separately during this time, when will I pass the test, shall we live together again? "

"Grass, don't!"

Hongli stared, quickly grabbed Heiyang's arm, couldn't help but said viciously: "You want me to be separated from you for more than an hour, you want my life! Can I live without you?! "

"Hey, it's good to know."

Hei Yang snickered, stretched out his hand to poke the tip of Hongli's nose, and muttered in a low voice: "We two, whoever is cheaper can't be sure!"


Hongli groaned and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, you just took advantage of me."

"Ha, then you also took advantage of me!"

"So what is it!"

"What are you going to do with me?"

Heiyang Hongli's head got closer and closer, two index fingers poked each other, and they laughed together, couldn't help being happy.


Xingyun, who was eating bitter melon next to him, looked at the two of them with a question mark on his head. Why did these two suddenly start laughing? Is there something funny about it?

Heiyang Hongli: If you don't understand the matters between husband and wife, just ignore them!

Xingyun: ...

(End of this chapter)

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