So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 399 Let's see, let me just say, it will open in January.

Chapter 399 Let's see, let me just say, it will open in November.


Lan Yuying walked into the room helplessly, arranging some messy clothes while walking.

"Xiaochen, next time he drinks like this outside the house, I won't care about him, really."

"Tsk tsk, what happened to Yu Ying?"

Qing Yiyi looked at Lan Yuying with great interest, tsk-tsk said: "Are you fighting with your husband? How do you say, did you win?"

"Yiyi, don't make trouble, the children are here."

Lan Yuying waved her hands helplessly, and sighed, "It's nothing, just Xiaochen is drunk.

Didn't you ask me to stuff him in your empty house? I threw him on the bed, thinking about covering him with a quilt.

As a result, this guy saw me in a daze, thinking that I was in his own home..."

After a pause, Lan Yuying helplessly spread her hands and smiled, and sighed, "I can't say too much.

What else can I do, my husband, spoil me. "

"Pfft hahaha..."

Qing Yiyi laughed heartlessly.

"I said, why haven't you come back yet? I thought you just carried him home."

"Come on, I'm not stupid."

Lan Yuying gave Qing Yiyi a white look, and couldn't help complaining: "Although our two houses are close, I'm afraid that my head will be caught by the door, so I'm thinking of taking him back now, it will exhaust me to death."


Qing Yiyi looked at her good sister who had always been quiet, and complained about her husband in a helpless tone, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing the "good sister" gloating, Lan Yuying curled her lips.

She turned her head to look at Heiyang Hongli, who was chirping and giggling with her head close to her head, and reminded, "Xiaoyang, don't become like them in the future!"

"Okay mom! I know!"

Hei Yang quickly agreed, he grabbed Hong Li's neck, put his head together, and smiled obediently at the two mothers.

"Xiao Li will supervise me, don't worry!"


Hongli smiled obediently and echoed again and again.

"I will supervise, I will supervise."

"That's good."

Lan Yuying breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her thumbs and praised: "The young couple must continue to love each other like this!"

"Yeah, yes, yes! Hahaha..."

Heiyang Hongli nodded and smiled repeatedly.

[Hongli: Something bad happened to my Yang, Xiaoyun was still watching from the side, I'm afraid the image of my wise and mighty big sister is about to collapse. 】

[Hei Yang: Don't be afraid of Xiaoli, you don't have a heroic image, especially in front of me, where did you have an image? 】

[Hongli: That's different, we still have to show some face in front of others. 】

[Hongli: Do you know what a husband and wife are? ! 】

【Hong Li: In the past, we could embarrass ourselves and watch jokes secretly, but it's different now! 】

[Hong Li: Husband and wife, if you both prosper and lose, you lose face. If I lose face, I will lose face to Hei Yang, and vice versa! 】

[Hei Yang: It's broken, so doesn't that mean I've already lost my face? 】

[Hongli: Hurrah. 】

[Hei Yang: Madam, don't panic, look at your husband's operation and change the topic! 】

[Hongli: Huh?Pikayang, no matter how much you generate electricity, it is useless. 】

[Hei Yang: Climb! 】

[Hongli: Woohoo, just climb, I will climb, I am the best at climbing, woooooo...]

【Black Sun: ... 】

"Cough, that."

Hei Yang coughed twice, looked at his mother, changed the subject seriously, and said, "Mom, what kind of elixir, look at my father.

You tell my dad, eat what you should eat, and practice is the same, the body is the most important thing.

Why wait until you are old to eat, can you not get old, isn't it good? "

"Indeed, indeed."

Hongli nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I see."

Qing Yiyi stretched her waist, turned her head to look at Lianlian, raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you say, bro, they will pick you up later, or do you mean to have dinner here?"

"Ah, um..."

Qing Lianlian froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled and hugged the little flamingo in her arms.

"Can I go home with a little fire?"

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying: "No way!"

Heiyang Hongli: "As you wish."


Qing Lianlian smiled slightly, a question mark popped out of her head.


Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying turned their heads to look at Heiyang Hongli, with sharp eyes and an unkind expression.

"Cough cough..."

Heiyang Hongli turned his head away and whistled.


Xiao Huo covered his chest with his wings with a heartbroken face.

"Mom and Dad, you..."

"Be good, baby, Xiaohuo, my granddaughter, don't cry, don't cry."

Qing Yiyi walked over with a distressed face, snatched Xiao Huo from her sister's arms, and gently stroked her little head.

"Grandma will teach those two guys a lesson for you, okay?"


It was only then that Qing Lianlian came to her senses, and stretched out her hands reluctantly to hug Xiaohuo.

As a result, Xiao Huo was hugged by Qing Yiyi at chest height, so Qing Lianlian could only wander around her sister, trying to jump up to snatch Xiao Huo, and then was suppressed by her sister holding her head with one hand.

"And grandma."

Lan Yuying also came over at this time, and while comforting Xiao Huo, she said, "Grandma will also teach you a lesson for those two guys who don't care about children."

"And me, and me!"

Qing Lianlian also hastily raised her hand to express her attitude.

"Aunt and grandma will teach them a lesson for you too!"


Heiyang Hongli's smiling face gradually became stiff, and the hands that were held together trembled slightly.

"Grandma, grandma, aunt..."

Xiao Huo looked around, surrounded by elders, feeling warm in his heart, thumping and turning back into a little girl, hugging Qing Yiyi and crying.

"Wooooow, it's great to have you here."

"Hey, baby, don't cry, don't cry..."

"Xiao Huo, smile, smile!"

"Sure enough, those two guys are doing a lot of evil!"

Heiyang Hongli: "..."

Cold sweat gradually flowed from his forehead.

As a filial daughter, Xiao Huo will definitely not say who bullied her, but everyone knows it.

A few eyes that looked like laser rays ran around on Heiyang Hongli, as if they were going to make blood holes in them in the next moment.


Xingyun and Gaga finished the last piece of pastry on the plate in front of them, turned to look at everyone curiously, and scratched their heads.


Xingyun raised her hand and said politely: "Aunt Qing, Aunt Lan, Brother Heiyang, Sister Hongli, and Xiaohuo.

Gaga and I will go to see Senior Yao again later, so, a little sorry, we plan to leave first.

However, I will come to bother you again when Sister Hongli is on her birthday! "


Qing Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look.

"Isn't Xiaoyun here for dinner?"

"Yes, it's okay to leave after dinner."

Lan Yuying agreed, and with Hong Xiaochen's sleeping appearance, she must have dinner at her in-law's place.

"Xiao Yun, don't be in a hurry, right?"

"Hey hey, it's okay, it's okay."

Xingyun waved her hand, stood up, reached out to take the coat hanging by the door, and said with a smile, "If I don't go now, I will always think about it."

"Well, that's fine."

Qing Yiyi smiled helplessly, nodded, and was about to say something when Heiyang Hongli suddenly jumped up.

"Let's go see Xiaoyun off!"

Heiyang Hongli was fully dressed in an instant, and amidst Xingyun's exclamation, one of them raised their heads and the other lifted her to the door.

Hei Yang: "By the way, let's send it to her destination!"

Hongli: "By the way, let's go in and stay for a while!"

Hei Yang: "By the way, let's take care of it again!"

Hongli: "We'll be back by dinner later!"

Heiyang Hongli: "See you later, mom!"

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Qing Yiyi waved her hand, and couldn't help but said: "You guys come here and decorate some fruit before you go, empty hands are nothing..."

Hei Yang: "Got it!"

Hong Li: "Don't bother Mom!"

Heiyang Hongli: "Let's prepare gifts ourselves!"

"Huh? Wait..."

Qing Yiyi watched Heiyang Hongli carrying Xingyun and ran away without a trace, she couldn't help covering her face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"These two children..."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.


"Help! Help!"

"Quack! Quack!"

"Abduction and trafficking of children! Kidnapping!"

"Quack quack!"

Xingyun and Gaga shouted for help as they struggled, but were carried away by Heiyang Hongli trotting all the way, passing by a fruit stand and temporarily stopping.

"Well, weigh us a few catties, that, that, and that, each weighing three catties..."

"Okay, wait a minute!"

After taking the weighed fruit and putting it into the storage bag, the two lifted Xingyun Quack again and did not put it down until they ran outside the city.

"Ahh! Why are you here again!"

"Quack quack!"

"Brother Heiyang, sister Hongli, let me go, I will leave!"



Outside the city, Xingyun covered her dizzy head, staggered a few times, then stood firm and turned around.

"Brother Heiyang! Sister Hongli!"

Xingyun looked at Heiyang Hongli with an aggrieved face, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing!"

"Cough, that..."

Heiyang smiled mischievously, and looked at Hongli.

[Hei Yang: Hurry up!your little sister!You explain! 】

[Hong Li: Heh. 】

Hongli gave Heiyang a blank look, sighed, and walked up to the wronged Xingyun helplessly, touched her little head, and said softly: "Well, I'm sorry, Xiaoyun, actually, it's all about you, Heiyang. Brother forced me to do this!"

Xingyun: "?"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Hey! Goblin, stop talking nonsense!"

Hei Yang strode up behind Hong Li, pinched the back of the other's neck and silenced her.


Hongli shuddered, her expression froze, and she didn't dare to move anymore.


Xingyun turned her head in a daze, and looked at the two of them.

"Ahem, that, the situation was more critical just now!"

Heiyang explained with a sneer: "Seeing that we are about to be beaten, it's just that you, Xiaoyun, are so merciful and merciful to save the suffering and save the two of us from the fire and water!"


Xingyun was stunned for a moment, blinked, and pointed to himself.

"I, am I so great?"

"Of course! Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

Heiyang said seriously: "Not only me, but even your sister Hongli thinks so, isn't it Xiaoli?"


Hongli squinted her dead fish eyes, and looked like a dog Heiyang said that I couldn't hear.

"is not it!?"

Heiyang pinched the back of someone's neck slightly with his fingers, Hongli stared and nodded hastily.

"That's right, that's right, that's right! What Hei Yang said is right! Xiaoyun, you believe him!"


Xingyun scratched her head, looked into Hongli's eyes, and muttered in a low voice: "Sister Hongli, if you are threatened, just blink..."


Hongli's eyes lit up, and she was about to blink wildly, when another big hand stretched out to cover her eyes, Hongli's eyes went black.

Hongli: "..."

"That, I..."

Hongli whimpered: "I was not threatened, it was all from the truth, you really believe me!"

"Ah this..."

Xingyun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized.

"That's why! So what brother Heiyang said is true!"

"Yeah yeah……"

Red glass woo woo woo.

"Cough, that..."

Hei Yang calmly moved the palm covering Hong Li's eyes to the latter's head, while coiling Hong Li with straight black hair, he changed the subject with a smile: "That's not important.

Anyway, let's go and visit them, don't waste time on it! "

"Well, that's what I said."

Xingyun nodded, turned around and pointed to that side.

"The new Medicine King Sect is in that direction. Brother Heiyang, sister Hongli, have you been there? It took me a long time to find it."

"Oh, let's go then."

Heiyang let go of the back of a certain Li's neck, Hongli loosened her body, turned around, and punched Heiyang viciously.

"Hoo! Bully me! Bully me! Hei Yang, go to hell!"

"Wrong, wrong, Xiaoli is merciful!"

"Hmph, you know how powerful I am..."


Although the road was noisy, the distance was not too far, and the speed of the crowd was not slow, so they arrived at the Yaowangzong very quickly.

Around the new Yaowangzong, a bunch of defensive formations were added, as well as an enchantment that shielded the breath.

Probably because she was scared by the lesson before, Heiyang Hongli didn't smell the faint scent of medicine until she walked into the medicine king's sect.

As masters of alchemy, the two of them immediately analyzed that it was the smell of the burning refreshment grass, which could improve concentration and make people less sleepy.

It has the same effect as the staying up late pill refined by Heiyang back then.

But the black sun is a strong medicine, and the one here is obviously milder, and it mainly has auxiliary effects.

Compared with the Five Elements Sect or the Wuliang Sword Sect, the biggest feature of the Yaowang Sect is that the thieves here are quiet, as if there are not many living people.

Most of the disciples of the Medicine King Sect are like that, once the door is closed, the windows are closed, and they hide in the small building regardless of their age.

A group of people drilled into the alchemy room, either refining alchemy or researching alchemy recipes, and opened a furnace if they had nothing to do, and only went out to collect herbs when there were not enough medicinal materials.

Usually, everyone plays their own games, and when they meet really interesting recipes, they will get together to discuss with each other, and then go back and continue scrolling.

If it weren't for the strong spiritual power in the sky, Heiyang Hongli would have suspected that he had come to the deep mountains, old forests, and wilderness.

But after all, the Yaowang Sect was originally built in the deep mountains and old forests. Unlike the Five Elements Sect next to the Five Elements City, they prefer to be quiet.

Even though I moved outside of Five Colors City now, my habits are still the same as before.

It's no wonder that they found out and looked at it when they were surrounded by people at the door.

Because of their usual habits, they are all focused on alchemy and have no time to distract others.

Another reason is that both Wuliangjianmen and them belong to the southwest region.

Usually, if there are monsters invading, they should attack Wuliangjianmen.

After all, if you want to invade the Southwest region on a large scale, it's useless to fight the King of Medicine.

Since it is of no great use, it is of no use.

Why bother with them when it's useless?
In the end, I never expected that this group of non-human fellows would really pick on them as soft persimmons in the deep mountains and old forests, and really bully people.

But then again, this place is full of spiritual power and quiet, it is indeed a good place to raise a baby.

No wonder Yao Qingkong and his wife stayed here for so long.

Infinite Sword Gate:

Economy: five stars

Combat power: five-star

Livable: Samsung

Five Elements:
Economy: Four Stars

Combat power: four stars

Livable: four stars

Medicine King Zong:
Economy: five stars

Combat power: two stars

Livable: five stars

that's all!

(End of this chapter)

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