So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 400 Everyone is a wise man when watching from the sidelines. How can there be time to think

Chapter 400 Everyone is a wise man when watching from the sidelines. How can there be time to think too much when something really happens?

"It's so quiet, where are you?"

Hongli looked around curiously, and couldn't help complaining: "There is no one in this huge sect!
It doesn't matter if there is no one in the sect, not even a gatekeeper.

This person came here and stole the gate from them, and no one probably found out. "

"It's probably just you. If you sneak into the Yao Wangzong, just steal a door."

Heiyang rolled his eyes redly, and hummed, "If it were me, I would definitely have stolen the steps too."

"It's probably just you. This kind of thing is compared to me."

Hongli gave Heiyang a white look, and Xingyun explained with a smile: "After all, the formation has a self-warning function.

If you just rely on the naked eye to see, if you go to stand guard, you may paralyze yourself with a false sense of security. "

"Oh ho, I said so."

Heiyang suddenly realized: "Just now, I felt like someone was sneaking at me. I have stacked several layers of formations, right?"

"Hahaha, aren't you surprised?"

Xingyun smiled and said: "When I first came here some time ago, I also vaguely felt it, but when I was told, I was shocked!"

"It was a real shock."

Hongli nodded, retracted the phantom that came back from a certain direction in the distance, and said with a sigh of relief: "If you don't tell me that you are a friendly army, you will almost kill me by mistake."

Xingyun: "???"

"It's broken, what should I do if I have killed myself by mistake?"

Hei Yang frowned, and thought: "Why don't you just let the phantom manipulate the other party to rebel, so that the other party can't explain why even if he is reasonable..."

Xingyun: "???"

"Hey, what, what!"

Xingyun was a little panicked.

"Tsk tsk, Xiaoyun, ignore him."

Hongli glared at Heiyang, and said speechlessly: "This bastard is just as courageous as me, and younger than you. If he really wants to do something wrong, he is more panicked than you."

"Ah this..."

Xingyun frowned, and suddenly realized that if she continued to stay with sister Hongli and brother Heiyang, her slow mind might be completely useless.

After all, a sister Hongli is already terrifying, and a brother Heiyang...

Immediately, Xiao Huo, who was able to survive in this environment for a long time and was able to do a job with ease, became more and more popular in Xing Yun's heart.

"That, Miss Hongli..."

Xingyun decided to take over the topic and make things easier.

She pointed to a certain direction and said: "Over there, there is a small bamboo forest over there, Senior Yao is resting in a small room in the bamboo forest.

There are sound-proof arrays, high-frequency energy wave isolation arrays, and air-purifying arrays..."

"There are always people who use the name of the formation to make rumors."

Heiyang murmured in a low voice: "Whenever I wait, I'll make a random formation, and then directly set it to automatically take care of the Heiyang red glass formation or something."

"It is forbidden to change the world view from the setting."

Hongli showed her dead fish eyes and turned towards Heiyang.

"It is also forbidden to make up settings with the skin of the world view."

"Hey, you are also a winner, okay?"

Heiyang gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, rubbing Hongli's head indiscriminately.

"Is there any benefit in reporting me, huh?"

"Ah, Heiyang is shameless, he just does it if he can't say it, poor Hongli is being played with in the applause, ahhh..."

Hongli was held up by Heiyang for five minutes before being dragged away by Xingyun to escape from the clutches of the demon.

A few people wandered around Yaowang Zongli slowly, but found that after walking for a long time, no one came out to pay attention to them, just like visiting some public park.

But there are always exceptions to everything, although the disciples of the Yaowang Sect don't care much about who comes into the sect.

But a certain former head of the Five Elements Sect cares more about the sect's every move than the disciples of the Yaowang Sect's own sect.

Heiyang Hongli had already seen it with the phantom, and that guy Yinzisheng was in the guard room of the Yaowangzong's formation, watching Yaowangzong's every move with wide eyes.

And not long after Heiyang Hongli and the other "high-energy creatures" arrived, Yin Zisheng appeared in front of them.

"I said, you can say hello in advance next time you come..."

Yin Zisheng looked at Heiyang Hongli helplessly, and said with a sigh of relief: "The perception of the formation suddenly told me that there are multiple cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage entering the Medicine King Sect, and I was almost scared to death."

"Heh, when you were the suzerain, you didn't care as much for the Five Elements Sect as you do for the Medicine King Sect now."

Hong Li, the current suzerain of the Five Elements Sect, commented sharply on Yinzi Shengdao: "Understood, I will call and tell Elder Huo Le that Elder Yinzi Sheng has entered into the Yaowang Sect.

Tell Elder Huo Le to stop thinking that the senior brother can come back, the senior brother has already been captured by a beautiful woman. "

"Ah this..."

Yin Zisheng covered his face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and explained: "I can't help it, let me ask whose wife is pregnant and about to give birth, who would not be nervous?"

"I'm in a panic right now!"

Yin Zisheng's eyes were like copper bells, and he said solemnly: "Anything that may endanger Qingkong needs to be eliminated and destroyed!"

"Well, I don't understand."

Xingyun smiled embarrassedly.

"After all, I'm not married and have a family. This kind of thing is still too far away for me."

"Hmm, I don't understand either."

Hongli spread her hands and hummed: "After all, I don't have a wife, so I will never understand your mood."

"Hmm, I can't understand plus one."

Hei Yang echoed: "After all, my wife is not pregnant, so I can't relate to your feelings."


"How many of you..."

Yin Zisheng said speechlessly: "Are you here to visit Qingkong, or are you here to make trouble..."



Xingyun and Hongli trotted over with the fruits to see that Yao Qingkong was gone, leaving Heiyang Yinzisheng and even Gaga waiting outside.

Listening to the sound of surprise and joy coming from the cabin, it was obvious that Yao Qingkong was surprised by Hongli's arrival.

And because Yao Qingkong is inconvenient, Hongli is also very good at keeping her sense of proportion and not jumping too far. The voices of the three talking and laughing came from the room.

It sounded quite harmonious, which made Heiyang and Yinzisheng who were squatting outside heaved a sigh of relief, as long as they don't fight, eh!

"How about it?"

Yinzisheng looked at Heiyang, suddenly smiled and asked, "How do you feel now?"


Heiyang turned his head, he was helping Quack on his shoulder to adjust his posture, so that Quack could lean on his shoulder more comfortably.

Hearing Yin Zisheng's sudden opening at this time, Hei Yang scratched his head in doubt.

"How does it feel? What's the matter?"

"Ah, I mean..."

Yin Zisheng laughed and said, "How does it feel to be newly married?
From being single, I have a loved one and a home. "


Hei Yang came to his senses and said with a smile: "I must be very happy.

However, I was never alone. "

Hei Yang looked up at the sky, and said with a slight smile: "Before we got married, Xiaoli has been by my side all the time.

Becoming a family does not necessarily require any wedding ceremony, it is just a summary of our past relationship, so that the future relationship will be smoother. "

"Is that so..."

Yin Zisheng shook his head and said with a broken smile: "Unfortunately, Qingkong and I don't have the enviable childhood relationship that you have, we just met by chance.

Before meeting, I always felt a little lonely.

I respect and fear Master, and I dare not speak nonsense in front of the old man.

To my senior brothers and sisters, they respect me too much, and I have to show the so-called majesty of my seniors and be cautious in my words and deeds.

So if I really want to say it, the thing that can make me open up and talk about everything is from the time when I met Qingkong. "

"It's true. As a partner, Xiaoli's meaning to me is irreplaceable. It is the ultimate spiritual fit."

Hei Yang said softly: "Of course, without the support of my parents, I might have been defeated by the world before I met Xiaoli."

"Blood relative..."

Yin Zisheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "For me, that is already a long time ago, so long ago that it is blurred."

"Feel sorry……"

"It's okay, most of us used to be like this."

Yin Zisheng waved his hand and interrupted Heiyang's apology with a smile.

"Our era was not as happy as you are now, and at that time the major sects in the practice world had not yet been fully integrated.

There are even monsters haunting our human territory. It was many years ago.

Although there are occasional accidents now, it is much safer than then.

It's not just me, Shuiran, Huole, and Muling, all of us, in order to protect the villagers in our hometown, went up the mountain and practiced with Master.

As a result, I got the ability to drive away all the monsters, the world is peaceful, and my parents can't see it.

As for Xiuxiu, when Master picked her up, he had never met her parents, so we brothers and sisters are very close to Xiuxiu.

At first, I thought this little girl was pitiful, but gradually I fell in love with this lively little sister, haha.

As for the tulou, the boy in the tulou is different from us.

The boy's parents are still there, and now the two old people are still in the canteen of Zongli, healthy and full of energy.

The kid went out to drill in the ground every three days, looking for this talent and that earth treasure everywhere to be filial to the two old people and keep them in good physical condition.

I heard that that kid is now dating Junior Sister Mu Ling, good guy, this kid can directly open a Tiancaidibao plantation, and produce and sell it himself. "


Yin Zisheng paused for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, and said embarrassedly: "Look at me, I'm talking too far away.

I always like to chat with people about the old shit, and gossip about my parents..."

"It's okay, I like to listen to the stories told by the elders. The stories of the elders are all personal experiences, life experiences."

Hei Yang imagined: "When Xiaoli and I get older, it will definitely be like this, and we can talk for a long time...

The life of a teenager can talk so much, and we will really have endless things to talk about every day. "

"You said..."

Yin Zisheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Suddenly, I feel that I am very old. Obviously, in my impression, I have only been newly married for a short time, and I have just become a father."

"Like I always say."

Hei Yang said casually: "There is always a discrepancy between mental age and actual age."

"That's right, after talking so much, I actually just want to say..."

Yinzi Shengyu said earnestly: "Cherish it, cherish every day you spend and everyone around you.

I didn't quite understand it before, but as I got older and experienced that kind of heart-wrenching parting with Qing Kong, I really understood this sentence..."

"Fortunately, I already feel quite deeply about that statement."

Scenes from the past appeared in front of Heiyang's eyes, and he rejoiced again: "Thank you for the fortune in the world, allowing me to meet with happiness."

"Well, happiness doesn't come easily!"

Yin Zisheng nodded, and warned: "You must protect your loved one well, don't learn from me, and almost lose her."

"Well, I will."

Hei Yang nodded, looked around, saw a bunch of formations in the sky of Yaowangzong relying on the mutual generation of five elements, couldn't help laughing and teasing: "Like you, it seems that you have protected this place very well now! "

"That is!"

Yin Zisheng patted his chest, and proudly said: "Look carefully and study hard, if I activate all these formations, you will definitely be frightened by my protection of Qingkong!"

"Tsk tsk, almost done."

Heiyang frowned, and couldn't help but said: "If you saw how much I protect Xiaoli, you wouldn't say that.

If I let you know how many layers of protection my Xiaoli has, you might not be able to tell who will scare whom! "


Yin Zisheng frowned, and the atmosphere in the air suddenly changed.

"Are you serious?"

"Heh, do you still need to be serious?"

Heiyang clicked his lips and pointed to several places.

"If you don't believe me, look, there, there, and there, there are so many dead spots, you don't have to check for leaks and fill in vacancies?
Believe it or not, if I bring people to invade, I will destroy this formation in two or three blows? "

"you sure?"

Yin Zisheng narrowed his eyes: "Are you going to fight me?"

"Oh, don't you believe me?"

Hei Yang pointed his finger, snorted softly: "If I were to arrange it, there would definitely not be so many gaps, you and I would break it in just two or three casual strokes."

"It's a good thing for young people to have self-confidence. I also admit that you and your wife are geniuses..."

Yin Zisheng made a faint sound.

"But it's not good to be overconfident. I'm afraid I want to repeat my mistakes..."

"Hey, don't be unconvinced when you say you, there is a priority in hearing the truth, and the master is the teacher. It's boring if you use your age to suppress me."

Heiyang paused for a moment, and said a little dissatisfied: "How about, you and I will each set aside an open space next to the Yaowangzong, and use the formations to make gestures?"

"Oh roar?"

Yin Zisheng raised his eyebrows and said, "It's interesting..."


"Don't worry, quack, it will be resolved soon, and it won't take too much time!"

"Indeed, half a minute is more than enough to break the opponent's formation!"


The girls in the house didn't know about the childish ghost competition between the two men outside the house.


While peeling the oranges, Hong Li frowned and said, "Did you hear, what's going on outside?"

"It's probably Zisheng who has nothing to do, so let's make trouble with Xiaoyang."

Yao Qingkong was lying on the bed, talking and laughing at Yanyan.

"He is like this, at such an advanced age, he still has the heart of a child.

I'm going to be a father, and I don't know how to teach my children by example. "

"This is nothing."

Hongli waved her hand, comfortingly said: "Heiyang and I are so crotchless, don't we become parents?
Looking at it now, isn't Xiaohuo living happily? "

"Hey, human cubs are still more vulnerable..."

Yao Qingkong said helplessly: "Besides, you still have elders in your family to help, the two of us are just crossing the river by feeling for the stones."

"That's true..."

Hongli paused, thought for a while and didn't say anything, just handed over half of the orange on the phone.

"Here, the oranges we bought for you, how about a taste?"

"Thank you, but I'll do it myself."

Yao Qingkong wanted to take it subconsciously, but suddenly saw a malicious smile flashing in Hongli's eyes, slightly vigilant, raised her head and picked up a new orange.

"I haven't lost the ability to take care of myself yet. It's still in the Nascent Soul Stage, isn't it?"

"Tsk, forget it if you don't eat."

Hong Li curled her lips, secretly regretting in her heart, and quickly adjusted her mood, leading the topic to another direction.

"How do you feel now?"

Hongli looked at Yao Qingkong.

The latter touched his belly with a smile, showing some kindness on his face, and said cheerfully, "I feel that it's coming soon, and I'll see this little guy soon."

"That's fine."

Hongli nodded while eating oranges, and said casually: "If you were born with a big queen, this child would have the same birthday as the great Hongli.

In this case, the child may grow up to be as lively and lovely as me. "

"The day after tomorrow..."

Yao Qingkong nodded thoughtfully.

"Understood, I will hold on that day, and let the child not come out on that day, otherwise half of his life will be ruined, and the child will lose directly at the starting line."

Hongli: "???"

"Hey, hey, what do you mean!"

Hong Li's expression froze, and she said angrily, "Is it scary to have the same birthday as me? Just fire the map cannon randomly, right?
Just wait, I'm going to gather my friends who were born on August [-], and come and condemn you together! "

"Ah this..."

Yao Qingkong showed half-moon eyes and cleared her throat.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I'm just targeting you. Kidnapping people is not allowed."


Hong Li chuckled, her eyes glowed red, and she looked at Yao Qingkong.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? If you want to know, I can tell you."

"Don't worry about it."

Yao Qing gave Hongli a blank look, and hummed, "I like boys and girls alike, they are all my children."

"That's right."

Hongli nodded, stretched out her finger and said, "But if you know, then you can prepare clothes and toys in advance..."


Hongli: "???"

"What's happening outside?"

"Ghost knows..."

(End of this chapter)

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