So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 403 There Are Two Roads In The Forest, You Can Only Take One Forever, Missing The Other

Chapter 403 There Are Two Roads In The Forest, You Can Only Take One Forever, Missing The Other

"Aren't you finished!"

Hongli said angrily, "I came to visit you, so you treat me like this!"

"Hahaha, yes, I'm sorry, hahaha..."

Yao Qingkong smiled and waved her hands, trying to calm down and calm down. Looking at Hongli's angry look, she still felt that she needed to comfort her.

"That's it..."

Yao Qingkong spoke quietly.


Hongli turned her head, with a displeased expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you, don't panic, it's just a small problem."

Yao Qingkong laughed and said: "Being suppressed for a while doesn't mean anything, just treat it with a normal heart and accumulate strength secretly.

Maybe in a few years, when the day comes, when the two of you are a little older, your situation will be reversed, and then the other party will see that your legs are weak, hehehe..."


A bunch of question marks popped out of Hongli's head, she opened her mouth slightly, and wanted to yell at Yao Qingkong, a shameless person, but she still hesitated to speak.

She thought about it, and asked in a low voice with some hesitation: "Really? Didn't lie to me? Can I really fight back?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Yao Qing gave Hongli a blank look, and said quietly: "I've never been ashamed as you..."

"But I suddenly realized that if it was you..."

Yao Qingkong grinned.

"Maybe I won't be able to turn over in a few decades, and maybe I will cry and resign myself to my fate and call my husband to spare me!"

Hongli: "???"

Are you looking for something?Hongli's breath trembled coldly.


While Hongli and Yao Qingkong were chattering in the room, outside the room, the battle of dignity between the two men had reached the most intense level.

A rope was pulled apart, dividing a large open space into two. Heiyang and Yinzisheng each occupied one side, looking coldly at each other from afar.

At first glance, there is nothing superfluous on the open space, and the empty years are quiet and beautiful.

However, if there are high-level practitioners, or monks who have practiced magic eyes and other magical powers, if they look up, they will be horrified to find that this place is no longer a place for people to stay.

The complex and deep arrays are overlapping and closely arranged, and the densely packed cores of the arrays cover each other and protect each other.

Numerous magic circles enveloped this place, and huge spiritual power slowly flowed along the circle of the magic circle to hide the breath.

Just wait for the minefield to be touched, and the formation will be activated instantly, completely sealing off this space.

The main competition between Heiyang and Yinzisheng this time is the defensive formation used for protection. It seems that there is only passive defense, which does not sound very scary.

But who stipulated that defensive formations can only be foolishly motionless and wait for the attack to come?

Magic formation, trapping formation, killing formation, as long as it can shatter the enemy's conspiracy before it invades, then it is an absolutely excellent defensive formation.

Of course, although both Heiyang and Yinzisheng had a little bit of private goods, but after all, it was a defensive and protective formation competition, so everyone deliberately restrained themselves.

Both sides tacitly did not put too many illegal magic circles, so as not to hurt the harmony.

The so-called practice is not fighting and killing, but the sophistication of the world. If you look down and see you, maybe you will need it in the future. How bad it is to have a deadlock in the relationship, cough cough...

In short, between these two people's constant finding faults, one after another indestructible formations completely locked this space.

No matter who it is, as long as it breaks into this area, it will be noticed instantly. The formation is automatically activated by the circulation of spiritual energy in the air, so that the opponent has no possibility of advancing half a step!

Or be more ruthless and wait for the opponent to approach before opening the formation. It is not a problem to shut down an ordinary Nascent Soul for a hundred years or so!

The array in this area is almost at the point where there is nothing to add. If there are more, the energy response in this space will be too large, and it will collapse and destroy the space by itself.

Therefore, when the two reached this level, they finally stopped, stood on each other's territory, turned their heads to look at each other's arrangement, and made disdainful voices.

"Come on, don't just watch and don't talk."

Heiyang sneered: "The arrangement on my side has been completed, you can come over and try to break the formation.

As long as you can successfully break through one-third of my arrangement, I am willing to admit defeat, how about it?

how?Could it be that you don't have the confidence to crack my defensive array? "

The corners of Heiyang's mouth curled up, his hands spread out, and he said indifferently: "Skill cracking, brute force cracking, or any other cracking method, you can try it.

There are no restrictions on my side, as long as you can break the formation, it is your means.

How about it, do you dare to give it a try? "

"Oh, are you afraid I'm afraid?"

Yin Zisheng also looked confident, and taunted confidently: "Don't just let me crack yours, you also crack mine?

Why, wouldn't it be because I saw my method, became flustered, and knew that I had no way to crack it, so I changed the topic to my magic circle? "

"Oh, a joke!"

Hei Yang couldn't help laughing again and again.

"Who gave you the confidence to make me laugh so much? I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold back a strike. After all, young people can strike neither light nor heavy.

If I dismantle your magic circle to pieces, I'm afraid I'm not going to hit your fragile self-esteem!

I don't want you to lose too badly, but it's ridiculous to think that I'm afraid of you! "

"Hmph, I don't have much ability, but my tone is not small."

Yin Zisheng sneered again and again: "I'll give you one last chance, if you admit defeat now, you'll lose half, and you'll be able to save some face in front of your own wife later.

Otherwise, if someone sees you crying for a while, I'm afraid they will say that I bully a lot of teenage children. "

"Where is it, it's better that others don't say that I bully the old man." Hei Yang retorted.

"Ha ha!"


The two looked directly at each other, both with a confident and confident look, and expressions that did not take each other seriously.

"How to say?"

Hei Yang said indifferently: "You first? Respect the old man!"

"Don't don't."

Yinzisheng said indifferently: "It's better to love the young."

"After I make a move first, I'm afraid that your confidence will collapse and you won't have a chance to make a move."

"Coincidentally, I thought so too!"



Heiyang and Yinzisheng crossed their arms and raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

At this time, under the calm appearance of both sides...

Hei Yang: Hastily, let’s discuss each other, wouldn’t it be great? Everyone’s friendship comes first and competition comes second. What the hell are you doing!

Hei Yang: Such a complicated formation, my eyes are blurred, I'm afraid I can solve it, right?

Hei Yang: Damn it, be calm, don’t panic, don’t panic, if you’re afraid, you lose half the battle, you have to show a calmness that makes the other party doubt themselves, and keep a poker face at all times!

Heiyang: Xiaoli, give me strength!
Yinzisheng: What the hell, is this kid really eighteen years old?This is eighteen years old? !
Yinzisheng: What are you doing with this thing? If you have the ability, you might as well just go and replace our Five Elements School with a large mountain guard formation.

Yinzisheng: What is this? Is this an emerging idea of ​​formation in the new era? Damn, I know all these magic circuits, but how can they become like this when they are entangled together!
Yinzisheng: Damn it, as the older party, I'm older than the other party by a fraction of the age, I can't show my timidity and be looked down upon by this little devil...

Yinzisheng: Behind him is love, behind him is a child, there is no way to retreat!

Hei Yang: Heh, you forced me to do this, supernatural powers, don't be confused!

Yinzisheng: Damn it, why is this kid's eyes glowing red, he has an ominous premonition...

Yinzisheng: You want me to admit defeat, no way!Look at mine, five elements analysis method!



Heiyang and Yinzisheng are in a confrontation.


"So, for you, certain skills are very useful, and they are the key to turning defeat into victory and taking the initiative..."

Yao Qingkong painstakingly kept on imparting "experience" guidance.

She nodded at Hongli's small face in the air, and nodded while frowning.

"Look, you have to learn to make full use of your own advantages, such as your tender face, you look cute when you don't speak..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Hongli couldn't help but subconsciously moved back, with her hands guarding her chest, curled up her head, and asked, "What do you want to do in this tone! What kind of tender face, what's so cute, it's not like you at all." Does it matter?
No matter how cute it is, it belongs to my Heiyang family, don't even think about it! "

"It does not make sense……"

Yao Qing gave Hongli a blank look, and explained: "Look, what I mean is, you can probably be regarded as that kind of cute..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Hongli raised her eyebrows, crossed her hands over her head, straightened her back, raised her head, and said confidently: "What is cute style? This is a proper sexy Yujie style..."

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

The untimely laughter sounded again, and a well appeared on Hongli's forehead.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

Hongli gritted her teeth and said in embarrassment: "Why are you like this, is it difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Yao Qingkong waved her hands with a smile, rolled her eyes again, and suddenly burst out laughing again.


Hongli's expression gradually disappeared, her hands were twisted together, her joints were moving, and she said in a bad voice: "I think there must be a duel between us..."

"Ahem, don't stop, hahaha..."

Yao Qingkong waved her hand with a smile, and said seriously: "I'm serious, I think you should really try to use your strengths.

Since you are already cute, then try to dress up appropriately in this respect, bring out your cuteness to the extreme, and you will definitely be able to grab his heart..."

"Uh, if you hold your heart, it feels a bit too advanced for us..."

Hongli imagined the scene in her mind: cutting open Heiyang's chest, gently stroking his heart under his shy eyes, watching his little face gradually turn red, and then coughing...

"No, no, no."

Hongli shook her head, got rid of the strange thoughts that suddenly came into her head, re-imagined the picture Yao Qingkong said, and dressed up more cutely?
Uh, put on a pink and pink skirt, tie a big bow, and then pack it up and send it to Heiyang, bah bah...

"Bah bah bah!"

Hongli said angrily: "What is this kind of thing!

Still clutching his heart, I'm afraid my whole body will be tightly gripped! "

"What did you say to teach me to turn defeat into victory, teach me counterattack skills..."

Hong Li couldn't help complaining: "But this is obviously a death-defying technique of yours, okay!
What's the difference between this and sprinkling yourself with spices and bringing firewood and running in front of monsters!

It's like provocation, or the kind of provocation that has no desire to survive..."

"If that's the case..."

Hong Li dragged her hands under her chin, her little face went from pale to red and then to pale, her eyes gradually lost focus, and she said in a trembling voice: "I will definitely die a miserable death, I will definitely die a miserable death!
At that time, even begging for mercy may not be useful, wait, there may be black eyes before begging for mercy, or be forced to do something that I dare not do..."


Hongli didn't dare to continue thinking about it, she turned her head and gritted her teeth to look at Yao Qingkong.

"You actually harbor evil intentions in such a way that you want to kill me, you are really a vicious woman!"

"Don't fix these things!"

Yao Qingkong snorted softly, and asked triumphantly: "I'll just ask you, just ask you if my method can make you more attractive in front of him!"


Hongli couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and complained: "You can also attract me to punch you with a middle finger in front of me, these principles are the same, okay?"

"Well, that's what I said..."

Yao Qingkong nodded thoughtfully, but she still couldn't help insisting: "But in this way, won't you be able to consume him faster, so maybe the day when you turn defeat into victory will come earlier ..."

"Huh? Are you kidding me, sister!"

Hongli couldn't help protesting: "Will I really be able to live until that day comes!

His blood goes and comes back, but my little life never comes back, right?
What limit one-for-one?It may not be possible to change it! "

"Oh, well, at least this is a way, isn't it?"

Yao Qingkong said with a sneer: "Nothing can be 100% successful.

As the saying goes, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, one tends to go to the mountains of tigers.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

Live to death, break and stand!
Heaven is about to send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first work hard on their hearts and minds, and work hard on their muscles and bones.

Do not erupt in silence, but perish in silence.

If the sky wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy..."

"I will let you perish first!"

Hongli made a gesture to strangle Yao Qingkong to death.

"Ahem, calm down, calm down, I am a vulnerable group now!"

Yao Qingkong sneered and gently stopped Hongli, after all the latter was just pretending.

"Well, in fact, besides this trick, I have another trick!"


Hong Li showed dead fish eyes, looking hopeless.

"Another good idea to kill me?"

"Of course! Cough cough, no, I mean, you believe me, this time is definitely a good idea!"

Yao Qingkong was full of smiles. Recently, as the due date was getting closer, in order not to let Zisheng get nervous, she didn't dare to go this way, and she didn't dare to go that way. She was almost bored in the room all the time. , and now I can finally be happier.

If Hongli knew what the other party was thinking, she would definitely feel that this guy was in the midst of blessings and didn't know how to be blessed. If she could lie in the house all day and have Heiyang take care of her in every possible way, that would be a lot of fun!
Besides, in what age, communication spirit stones have begun to be promoted within a certain range in the practice world, and if you have nothing to do, you can either play with your husband, or use the communication to disturb the people.

There are so many things that I can't finish it, I just lie there, I don't want to do anything, and I mutter about being bored.

There is nothing to do, a small quilt is covered, a smirk is in a daze, this is called leisure!

Boring: Too much to do.

Leisurely: Do nothing.

cough cough...

(End of this chapter)

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