
Seeing Heiyang's response, Hongli heaved a sigh of relief, and before she could catch her breath, she put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Xiaoli!"

Hei Yang stopped Hongli Xiaoman's waist with one hand, pulled her into his arms, and said affectionately: "I haven't seen you in a few chapters, I miss you so much!"

"God, I haven't seen it for several chapters..."

Hongli couldn't help complaining: "Actually, it's been less than two hours since we left the house..."

"Think about it for two hours, hum."

Heiyang held down Hongli, leaned close to her face, and hummed softly: "Don't mess with it, give us a couple of sips before we talk about it."

"Hey, uh..."

Hongli patted Heiyang pretending to be disgusted, and gave him a blank look.

"Okay, okay, satisfied, now it's time to listen to me and get down to business!"


"Hey, hey, be serious!"

Hongli reprimanded Heiyangdao.


Heiyang's smiling face collapsed, showing a serious expression that met his wife's expectations.

Seeing that Heiyang was so obedient, Hongli nodded in satisfaction, and cleared things up in a few words.

And Hei Yang's expression changed from serious to curious, then to doubt, and finally to serious and nervous.

"That is to say, this thing has lost contact with us?"

Hei Yang's eyes widened: "Then what if it pops out suddenly and hits our yard or something?"


Hongli nodded, raised her hands, and gestured to both sides.

"You think, even if it is a fragment, it must not be small, at least there must be some, this - so big!"

A nervous expression appeared on Hongli's little face, and she couldn't help but said: "Maybe, no, not maybe, it must be bigger than our Five Colors City!

At that time, if we were lucky enough to smash our entire city at once, then..."

Hongli showed a terrified expression, and raised her head to imagine the scene.

"Hiss, neighbors, neighbors, folks, let's cool off together..."

"Ah, luck!"

Heiyang was stunned for a moment, he heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and waved his hands: "That's okay, my parents and I will definitely not be able to hit it, so don't worry."

"You can rest assured, Temiao, right?"

Hongli couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said viciously: "How do I feel, if it really falls, my parents' house will be the first to be smashed! I'm not as lucky as you!"

"Hey, finally admit it."

Heiyang smiled triumphantly, raised a finger, and analyzed: "Wouldn't it be more difficult to hit the father-in-law and mother-in-law's house?"


Hongli tilted her head: "Why? I usually have such bad luck..."

"Yes, yes."

Hei Yang smiled and said: "Think about it, they have raised you for so many years, lived under the same roof as you, and survived tenaciously under the shadow of your bad luck.

Now that you are taken away by me, wouldn't their luck just come from the east!
As for our family, you have me in control, and you can't afford any big storms. "

"What are you..."

Hongli held her breath in her chest, wheezing, staring at Heiyang angrily, trying to say something but couldn't.

"How to say this wave?"...

Hei Yang snorted and said triumphantly, "It's a blast, right?"

"you you……"

Hongli pouted her mouth, her eye circles turned red.

"Heiyang, you bully people! You attack people personally! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Hei Yang's expression froze, a black line across his head.

"Hongli, you are so special, you put it up for me, right! Boil the water!"


Hong Li covered her face with her hands, and whimpered and whimpered, "You are talking nonsense, who pretended, woo woo woo, hateful stinky black sun, hurry up and coax me, I'm crying! woo woo woo..."


Hei Yang said faintly: "Crying, right? Move your hands away, raise your head, let me see if you are crying?"


Hongli woo woo woo: "I'm so sad, you still don't believe me, you still embarrass me, oh woo woo, why is my life so hard, woo woo..."

Hei Yang: "..."

How should I put it, recently he has seen Hongli crying more frequently, and he knows that this guy is not crying like this.

However, compared to this time last year, this guy buried his head in his arms while crying and holding back his laughter. His acting skills have improved, maybe because he has cried a lot and gained experience?

cough cough...

"Well, oh, oh, ok, ok..."

Hei Yang showed a helpless expression, this girl used to want to save face in front of him, but now she can't compete and just plays a rascal.

Probably this is the "negative effect" brought about by getting closer.

Hei Yang kept Hong Li, and begged with a sigh while patting gently: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, it's all my fault.

I'm talking nonsense, Xiao Li, how could you be unlucky, you won't meet me if you are unlucky..."


When Hongli heard that Heiyang had finally come to coax her, the corners of her mouth raised, and she was planning to let him coax him for another seven or eight seconds to be merciful and forgive him, but she suddenly said to her, "If you are unlucky, you will not meet Heiyang" Yes, so she didn't hold back.

"I say!"

Hongli stopped pretending, raised her head, and said viciously: "In the end, those are human words! Are you comforting me or bragging about yourself in disguise! Damn it!"

"Hey, as long as it can make you stop, isn't it a success in consolation?"

Heiyang laughed aloud: "Look, if you don't cry now, doesn't it just prove that my comforting you is not bad?"

"What the hell, I..."

Hongli couldn't help complaining: "You screwed my head off and I didn't cry anymore, believe it or not? This is also a consolation success, right?"

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Hei Yang showed half-moon eyes, and smiled embarrassingly: "How can I, how can I, how could I be willing to screw your head off..."

"Tch, I won't make trouble with you anymore."

Hong Li curled her lips, borrowed the donkey to descend the slope and walked down the steps given by Heiyang, and asked, "What do you think should be done? That world fragment?"

"Then it must be the first to find it."

Heiyang spread his hands helplessly: "You have to know where it is before you can take the next step, right?"

"Well, that's what I said..."

Hongli turned her head and looked around, and sighed: "According to the approximate scope provided by Elder Huo Le, it's not too difficult to search the southwest area, but I don't know if we can finish it before dinner..."

"Good guy, I'm still thinking about dinner!"

Hei Yang couldn't help complaining: "You can fly in the sky with a bowl and chopsticks to eat, no one is stopping you, right?"


Hongli gave Heiyang a white look, and said quietly: "It's your birthday today, I don't need to think about it, I know that there must be longevity noodles waiting for you tonight, and then fly at high speed in the sky to suck noodles, right?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang thought about the picture, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he quickly shook his head, shook off those strange pictures, and suggested a way to Hongli: "Actually, it's not just the two of us, is it?"


Hong Li turned to look at Hei Yang: "How do you say?"

"What do you say?"

Hei Yang spread his hands and pointed to the surroundings: "There are Yao Qingkong and Silver Sages sitting in this branch of the Medicine King Sect here. Even if Senior Yao is inconvenient for her now, there is still a Silver Sage!"

Hei Yang pointed to the distance: "In addition, the lord of the Yaowang Sect is also staying at the branch not far away, and the elders of the Wuliangjian Sect to the southwest are also very close.

In addition, there are Elder Huo Le and the others, and the people led by Elder Huo Le..."

After a pause, Hei Yang said quietly: "You don't think that such a big matter is just for the two of us to handle?"


Hongli was stunned for a moment, Rumeng woke up and said, "That's right!"

"That's right!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and complained: "My good sister, when did you become so diligent and noble, dare to be the first in the world, bravely take on important responsibilities, this year's top ten young people who touched the travel world without you, I don't want to see it."

"Ah, hahaha..."

Hongli knew that she had done something stupid, and said with a sneer, "Isn't it? There were some big problems and difficulties before, and you are the only one by my side!"

"I thought, I thought..."

Hongli suddenly said in a silly way: "I thought it was only the two of us this time, so we already have so many friends..."

"God damn partner, that..."

As soon as Heiyang's words stopped, he and Hongli turned their heads to look at Xingyun who was coming not far away, she ran to Hongli and said, "Sister Hongli, you should slow down, I can't even catch up with you, your Communication Lingshi, Elder Huo Le has not finished speaking, he wants to bring someone over to help..."

"Ah this..."

Hong Li took the communication spirit stone embarrassingly, looked at Elder Huo Le with a complex expression over there, and said with a sneer: "Ha, that, I'm sorry, I'm too anxious..."


Xingyun paused, looked around, looked at Heiyang, and asked curiously: "Brother Heiyang, where's Quack?"

"Ah, him, over there."

Hei Yang pointed not far away: "He was originally serving as a referee for us, but now he is just watching the excitement there.

Don't worry, several chess pieces are guarding him there, nothing will go wrong. "

"Huh, that's it..."

Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm relieved..."


"Understood, I understand..."

Hong Li nodded, and suddenly said: "That is to say, except for leaving Jin Xiu to guard the mountain gate, all of you will come here?"


Elder Huo Le nodded, and said, "Besides, there are also elders from Wuliang Sword Sect. Before I informed you, they had already set off, and they probably will arrive soon."

"The elders of Wuliangjianmen..."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully, thinking of watching them and Kong Yuqing besieging the guy who was going through the tribulation period together, and then she and Heiyang had a brief contact with them, it was more reliable.

Apart from being infiltrated for such a long time without noticing it, there is nothing particularly dark about it...

"I can rest assured that."

Hong Li heaved a sigh of relief: "If this is the case, let's do it together, and it is estimated that this area will be covered in a short time."

After a pause, Hong Li looked at Elder Huo Le, who still had an unsightly complexion, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, Elder? Look at your slumped face? Is there anything else you haven't noticed?"

"Uh, no, no, even if you didn't notice it, you have to find the location of the fragment before you know..."

Huo Le was stunned for a moment, her expression was a little unnatural, after thinking about it, she still whispered: "That's right, I'll do it all!"


A string of question marks popped up on Hong Li's head, and she asked curiously, "What's all the tricks?"

"Uh, that's the one..."

Elder Huo Le said with a sneer: "Just now Xiaoyun heard us talking, after you left..."


"Ah, Grandpa Huo Le..."

Xing Yun looked at Huo Le with a dewy face, and his eyes showed a rare light of wisdom: "What fragments, what activities, what alliance with other factions did you talk about with Sister Hongli just now, and what's going on?"

"Uh, this, this..."

Elder Huo Le's heart skipped a beat, cold sweat broke out on his head, and he said guiltily: "Ahaha, that, that, it's a secret of the sect, only the elders and the suzerain can know it!

Xiaoyun, your level of strength is not enough, and it won't do you any good if you find out, hahahaha..."


The wise light in Xingyun's eyes disappeared in an instant, and she said with a cute face, "Really? So that's how it is!"


Xingyun hurriedly apologized: "I misunderstood you Elder Huo Le just now..."

"Ahahaha, it's okay, it's okay..."

Huo Le waved her hands with a "magnanimous" face, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yun is such a well-behaved and sensible child, how could I blame you!"

"Elder Huo Le!!!"

With tears in her eyes, Xingyun said, "You are really kind to me!"

"Ahaha, you are my disciple, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well!"

Elder Huo Le laughed, good guy, there really is him, he is really a clever old man, quick-witted, so he just got away with it!
"Uh, that..."

Yao Qingkong on the side asked curiously: "The activities of world fragments you mentioned are the things that have been spread in the practice world recently, right?"

Huo Le: "!!!"

I'm super, don't!

Xingyun: "???"

"That is to say..."

Yao Qingkong ignored Elder Huole's pleading eyes, stretched out his finger and explained leisurely: "The thing is like this, some time ago, there was a big shock...

It is said that Elder Huo Le got the news from the suzerain of their Five Elements Sect, so in order to increase the feasibility of this matter, he made a big publicity.

He called on all the holy places and the sects that he thought to be capable and led by the Nascent Soul Stage, and organized his disciples to enter the fragmented secret realm to explore when the time came.

Not only can you experience yourself, gain benefits, but also help the world share its worries. Everyone enthusiastically signed up for such a good thing. As long as they are disciples above the foundation stage, almost all of them can participate. I even heard that some sects want to bring Let's go together during the Qi training period..."

After a pause, Yao Qingkong suddenly remembered: "Oh, by the way, it seems to be the top few in your practice circle who don't know the number of young generation competitions, and they seem to be relatives of Hongli Heiyang. , called, forgot, anyway, I remember the surname Hong, oh yes, Hong Butian!"

Yao Qingkong's eyes lit up, she looked at Xingyun, and said curiously: "By the way, Xiaoyun, you were the first in that competition, right? Then you must be the participant of this event?"

Xingyun: "..."

Huo Le: "..."

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