So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 407 A comfortable relationship between people can be kept silent all the time, or can be tal

"Miss Hongli!"

Xingyun looked at Hongli with a little grievance and sadness, pouted and said, "Grandpa Huo Le is hiding it from me, and you are hiding it from me too!"

"Ah, this, I don't have it, you can't talk nonsense!"

Hong Li quickly denied and shook her head, she said with a look of grievance: "We were going to tell you, but for this matter, we followed the communication signal to confront Elder Huo Le face to face!
We argued based on reason, but he relied on the old to sell the old, arrogant and domineering, saying that he just couldn't let you know.

At that time, Heiyang and I were so angry that we fainted seven or eight times, and we pinched people with coal tongs, and then we managed to come back to life.

Eventually, we finally got him to let go and let us tell you about it.

But he threatened us with all kinds of threats and lures, and imposed a condition.

He said he will tell you after our birthdays, otherwise he will make us never see the sun tomorrow..."

"Hey! It's not right at all!"

Elder Huo Le was so angry at the other end of the Lingshi screen that his mouth was crooked and his eyes slanted, and he couldn't help but said: "What the hell is it to rely on the old and sell the old to be arrogant and domineering, to threaten and lure you! Don't slander the old man casually!"

"Look at you."

Hong Li exclaimed, pointing to Elder Huo Le: "You're relying on the old to sell the old again! He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

Elder Huo Le: "..."


Xingyun's face was ignorant, she looked left at Sister Hongli, then at Elder Huo Le, and couldn't help whispering: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!"

Hong Li stretched out her arms to embrace Hei Yang, and patted him.

"If you don't believe me, ask Brother Heiyang, if what I said is true!"

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

Hei Yang hurriedly said: "Xiao Li is right, there is no false element!"

Xingyun: "It's really like this!"

Huo Le: "..."

Elder Huo Le's eyes darkened.


After a lot of coaxing, deceit and promises, Elder Huo Le managed to get past Xing Yun, let her put this matter aside for the time being, and went to find Little Quack.

Elder Huo Le, on the other hand, had a dark face, looking at the melon-eating husband and wife duo with unsatisfactory expressions, he couldn't help but itch his teeth with hatred.

"You two..."

"What happened to us?"

Heiyang Hongli turned her head at the same time, revealing dead fish eyes.

Huo Le: "..."

"You two are so wonderful, so real, so real!"

Elder Huo Le gritted his teeth with a smile and said, "So, let's get down to business now, I'm ready to go..."

"Huh? Have you left yet?"

Hongli frowned: "This efficiency is really not good!"

"That can't be helped, the final coordination work is left to us."

Elder Huo Le looked helpless: "For example, if I send a text message to inform you, the brothers and sisters of the other sects will also go to contact their fellow practitioners in the cultivation world to inform them of this and let them come together.

But don't look at us just getting ready to leave now, at least the Five Elements Sect is not far from your place, in comparison, it will take a long time for the sects in many places to come here, after all the distance is far away..."


After a pause, Huo Le sighed and said: "There is no way, after all, the incident happened suddenly, this is also the fastest efficiency...

Although the Nascent Soul stage can already comprehend some laws of space, not everyone is like the two of you, who can travel tens of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.

If I lie at home, I will come to the Five Elements Sect to bully me, an old man..."

"Ah, hehehe..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other with a smile, and said embarrassedly: "You are too flattering, it makes both of us feel embarrassed, hehehe..."

"I didn't mean to praise you!"

Elder Huo Le couldn't help complaining loudly.

"Okay, if it's okay, we'll set off, and we'll arrive later..."

"Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Hongli suddenly thought of something, she called to Elder Huo Le, and said curiously: "Speaking of which, Elder Huo Le, you have studied the teleportation array for so long, can't you use the teleportation array to carry people to move in space?
If you can use the teleportation array, won't you be able to gather soon? "

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he showed a hesitant expression.

"In this case, in fact, according to the theory and my many tests, I found that the teleportation array can already support the transmission of creatures in and out.

I used the teleportation array to try to teleport a few small fish, and they all passed the test successfully and appeared at the teleportation target..."

Hongli: "Little fish: 6"

Elder Huo Le: "..."

"Don't interrupt my train of thought."

Elder Huo Le couldn't help complaining, and explained: "But because no one has really tried it so far, so I'm not sure yet, if I enter rashly, I always feel a little unsafe.

I was thinking about whether to wait until some time to refine a mechanism puppet as an external avatar, and try to let it experience it. "

"Oh hoo!"

With a raised tone of voice, Hong Li pointed at Elder Huo Le, and said with a deep expression, "Actually, you don't know Elder Huo Le yet!
You are the incarnation of the organ puppet refined by the former Elder Huo, but you forgot!

Now is the time to use you, hurry up and stand in the teleportation array to test it yourself! "

Huo Le: "..."

"I go in, and then the teleportation array malfunctions, and if the chaos in the space directly hangs me..."

Huo Le murmured gloomyly, "I'll splatter all the blood on you two if you die!"

Hongli: "?!


"no no."

Heiyang widened his eyes, pointed at Hongli, and pointed at himself.

"What Hongli said has nothing to do with me, don't splash blood on me!"

"Hey, Hei Yang, what do you mean!"

Hongli was not happy anymore, she turned her head to look at Heiyang, put her hands on her hips, stared and said: "Hongli is none of your business, right? You're starting to cut with me, right?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang spread his hands innocently: "Otherwise? Then what should I do?"

"Damn it, you still ask me!"

Hongli stretched out her fingers and snorted softly: "We are two as one, advancing together and retreating together. If I am unlucky, you will be unlucky too. If you are lucky, I will be lucky too..."


"Etc., etc……"

Heiyang raised his hand and asked, "How do I feel, you made money in both cases?"

"how come!"

Hongli pointed at herself righteously, and said seriously: "I am your daughter-in-law, your wife!
What is the relationship between us, that is honey and oil, and we are intimate. If I make money, doesn't it mean you make money?

Think about it, if you are unlucky, doesn't that mean I am unlucky?You are my dearest family!So I'm already unlucky, so I don't have to be really unlucky again.

And if I am not unlucky, it means that you are not unlucky either. If the two phases cancel each other out, aren't we all lucky? "

Hongli's words were precise.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's brain went down for a moment.


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said quietly: "Then, if you are splattered with blood, doesn't it mean that I am splattered with blood, because we are the closest family members, so I have already been splattered with blood, so I don't need to be splattered with blood again." splashed.

And at this time, I was not spattered by blood, which in turn means that you were not spattered by blood, and the combination of the two means that neither of us was spattered by blood! "

Hongli: "???"

"Fuck, you're playing a rascal, right?"

Hongli couldn't help but hammered Heiyang's chest.

"Ha, you also know that this is a rascal."

Heiyang clenched Hongli's fist with his backhand and held it in his hand. The latter struggled twice, sighed, gave up resistance, and let Heiyang hold his little hand.

"That, I said..."

Hong Li turned her head to look at Elder Huo Le helplessly, and said quietly: "Why don't you choose the day and hit the sun, you guys try the teleportation array, and we are here to show you?"

"Indeed, if the teleportation array is available, we can save a lot of time."

Hei Yang nodded in agreement: "Besides, it's not always possible to find it, we're helping to watch it!

If the failure is just a turbulent flow in space, we are still sure to rescue you in time.

In addition, in other cases, at least two more of our strength, more success rate and safety guarantee! "

"Well, this..."

Elder Huo Le frowned, feeling a little moved.

What Heiyang Hongli said makes sense!
"I think it works!"

Elder Huo Le nodded, and said in response: "Just do it like this!"


Elder Huo Le led people to prepare, while Heiyang Hongli came to the competition venue of Heiyang Yinzisheng.

Raising his head to perceive the still violent energy fluctuations above, Hei Yang curled his lips and said in a low voice: "I'll tell you, are there any magic circles around those magic circles that specialize in repairing magic circles? Little boy, fight with me, exhausted You can't come out either..."

"Heiyang, you are really..."

Hong Li looked at the sky expressionlessly, and Yin Zisheng was still struggling hard in the formation.

She already knew the cause and effect, and now she just wants to say...

"Well done, Hei Yang!"

Hongli patted Heiyang proudly, with a smug look on her face.

"To win honor for our family, I have more face on my face!
What else can Yao Qingkong say now, my man is the best! "

"Ahahaha, Xiao Li won the award, Xiao Li won the award, oh ho ho ho..."


Heiyang Hongli stood shoulder to shoulder, hands on hips, and laughed with their heads up to the sky.

"Ahahahaha! Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

"Ah this..."

Xingyun, who was feeding the quack fruit, turned her head to look, and then saw the two laughing guys with their hands on their hips, with a few black lines drawn across their heads.

"That, brother Heiyang, sister Hongli..."

Xingyun pointed at it, and murmured in a low voice: "I said, shouldn't I rescue Senior Yinzisheng first, he is still suffering inside..."


Heiyang Hongli's laughter stopped abruptly, and the two looked at each other.

"That's right..."

Hongli nodded, stretched out her finger and said, "We still need him to work as a tool man to help search for debris..."

"Uh, then I'll get him out..."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes, and couldn't help but said quietly: "But I'm afraid that after going in, that guy will see me with red eyes, and then come over to greet me with a weapon."

"Hmph, he dares!"

Hongli snorted softly, and said, "Yao Qingkong won't be able to help at that time, I'll help Heiyang and you beat him together!"

"Little Li, you are so kind!"

Heiyang was moved to tears.

"With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for!"

"Ha, that is."

Hongli said triumphantly: "Go quickly, I'll help you sweep the formation here."


Hei Yang nodded, and plunged headlong into the net that he had set up.

Hongli crossed her arms and looked up from below, while Xingyun on one side started feeding Xiao Quack again.


"Boom boom boom!"

There was a roaring warning sound when the magic circle was triggered, and the Yinzi Holy Spirit shuttled through it skillfully, with an ethereal figure and agile posture, like a flying butterfly, chic and comfortable, calm and easy.

This is the case if you ignore the pile of magic circles chasing behind him!
"I don't accept it! Lame! Lame! Report!"

Yin Zisheng said loudly: "Why does your formation chase people away! What evil formation! Is there such a formation in the roaming world???"

"Boom boom boom!"

What responded to Yin Zisheng was still an endless roar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Yin Zisheng ran for a while, his body suddenly lightened, and the originally quiet spiritual power in his body suddenly became active again.

"Finally ran out of the range of the Forbidden Spirit Circle?!"

Yin Zisheng's eyes lit up. Fortunately, those magic circles could not chase people like the magic circles behind them.

"Let's not talk about anything else..."

Yin Zisheng turned his head abruptly, looked at the magic circles that were chasing after him, and smiled ferociously.

"Have you had enough trouble! Damn it!"

Yin Zisheng mobilized the spiritual power of the five elements all over his body, and his eyes flickered coldly.

"Watch me kill you all!"

The next moment, the terrifying and majestic five-element spiritual light spewed out, and greeted those magic circles. The elements were reversed and staggered, but in an instant, the magic circles began to tremble and collapse.

"Boom, boom, boom, winter!"

After the continuous loud noises dissipated, there was no trace of that place anymore, only the traces of spiritual energy collisions that subsided slowly, telling the intensity just now.


Yinzisheng let out a triumphant villain laugh: "It depends on whether you dare to fight against me! This is the end of going against my Yinzisheng! Hahahaha!"


"Okay, okay, don't laugh so villainously."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Yin Zisheng, followed by a voice.

"Yinzisheng, the game is stopped, something happened outside, come out with me, I need your help!"

Hei Yang opened his mouth to explain, stretched out his hand and said, "Go, I'll take you out first..."

"Oh! Stop talking nonsense!"

When Yin Zisheng raised his head, a cloud of five-element spiritual light hit him.

"Eat me first and then talk!"

Hei Yang: "?!


Seeing Yin Zisheng suddenly violently hurting people, Heiyang glared, and with a wave of his hand, countless flames were born, attached to the five-element aura, and burned up the spiritual power in it quickly.


Yin Zisheng frowned: "Nirvana fire? There is something, but I'm not..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Heiyang stretched out his hand to make a pause gesture, and complained helplessly: "I didn't take you with me, I told you, something happened outside, so go out with me and talk about it, why is this kid so disobedient!"

"Oh, if something really happens outside, of course I will follow you out."

Yin Zisheng sneered: "But you impostor, don't try to lie to me again!"


Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and immediately came to his senses, showing a somewhat guilty expression, scratching his cheek, and said with a sneer: "Have you seen that combined phantom formation..."

"Oh, that's right, you bastard, it's alright to make counterfeit goods, but you actually made two of them in a row!"

Yinzisheng gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think I, Yinzisheng, are stupid!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang showed half-moon eyes, and couldn't help but said: "I'm telling the truth, you believe me..."

"Shut up, shameless thief!"

Yin Zisheng shouted, and angrily reprimanded: "Next, are you going to lie to me that my wife has given birth, and then wave your hands to create a gray fog, let me in and take me out!

By the time I trusted you and stepped in, I had already discovered that you were teleported to a new trap secret realm, where countless magic circles were already accumulating energy and waiting for me, right? "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang showed a guilty expression, and said with a sneer: "That's right, you don't need to use some tricks, I'm afraid you will see through my phantom array with your determination."

"But you trust me!"

Hei Yang straightened his expression, and said seriously: "I'm really serious this time, your wife didn't give birth, it's because of the recent Fragment Secret Realm!"

"Anyway, take your time."

Heiyang waved his hand to use the other side, and a cloud of gray mist emerged.

"Come on, come on, come in and I'll take you out!"

Yinzisheng: "..."

Yinzisheng looked at Heiyang with the expression of looking at a fool.

Hei Yang: "..."

So lazy, how can you become a fairy

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