So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 408 If you want to criticize and point out the scenery for 4 weeks, you must first climb to

"What am I..."

Hei Yang looked at Yinzisheng who was about to kill him with a toothache on his face, and couldn't help but said: "If you really don't believe me and want to be here, then I'll leave."


Yin Zisheng frowned, and snorted softly: "Want to escape!?"

Hei Yang: "..."


Heiyang smiled awkwardly, and patiently explained: "This time I'm real, Heiyang who is like a fake, please give me some trust!"

"Oh, that's good!"

Yin Zisheng raised his long sword and sneered repeatedly.

"Let me poke a few holes first, and then I'll know if it's real or not. Look at the trick, Five Elements Gengjin!"

The next moment, the sky full of sword light filled with murderous aura wrapped around the black sun, and the aura of Gengjin surged, unstoppable!

The long sword was fast, stabbing at Heiyang's chest, and the strike was fast and ruthless. It seemed that Yin Zisheng had been tricked a little bit badly just now.

"Hey, hey, wait!"

Heiyang Tongkong shrank, quickly dodged, waved his hands and explained: "Listen to me and tell you carefully, don't do anything, I have a way to explain to you!"

"Hmph, I don't have time to mess around with you here!"

The Silver Sage came after him with a long sword in his hand, his voice was full of anger.

"Who knows what tricks you have to try to harm me!"

"No, I, hey, you..."

Heiyang dodged again.

"You're going too far! The rabbit bites when it's in a hurry!"

"Excessive? There are even more excessive ones!"

A cold light flashed in Yin Zisheng's eyes, and he gently tossed the long sword in his hand upwards.

In a flash, the long sword changed into five handles representing gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five long swords formed a circle, and then a huge silver sword light slammed towards Heiyang: "Look at the trick, the five saints will kill!"

"Wait, why do I seem to have heard of your trick somewhere?"

Heiyang gritted his teeth and drew out the long sword at his waist, waved his hands to meet the blocker, and couldn't help but complain: "I copied someone else's move name!"

"Stop talking nonsense, die for me!"

"Die you big-headed ghost!"



Hongli looked up at the sky with her head up and set up an awning, she frowned and said, "What's the matter with Heiyang, why hasn't he come out yet?"



In a secret space, Heiyang and Yinzisheng fell out together. This is how they fought in the magic circle of Heiyang, and accidentally stepped on the teleportation circle.

"You are a phantom? Can you go in with me?"

Yin Zisheng looked at the gloomy Heiyang in front of him with a surprised face, and a possibility came to his mind.

"Could it be that you are..."

"Heh, have you finally reacted?"

Hei Yang grinned and wiped his face, returning to his sunny appearance. He was relieved when he heard that Yin Zisheng had finally noticed something was wrong.

"That's right, just as you thought."

Heiyang smiled triumphantly, pointing to himself triumphantly: "I am..."

"Could it be that you are the evolution of the phantom array just now?!"

Yin Zisheng was facing the enemy, he changed his hands to hold the sword, and said solemnly: "The mind is so vicious, as expected, let me release a weak one first to make me numb, so that you, an upgraded version, can take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack. "...

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right, don't you be afraid, I'm the upgrade of the phantom array just now... Wait?"

Hei Yang's expression froze and he came to his senses.

A question mark popped out of his head, and he couldn't help complaining loudly: "What are you thinking! What the hell are you, the phantom array!"

"Oh, sophistry is useless."

Yin Zisheng yelled and charged up again.

"Hurry up and kill me!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"See you later."

Taking a deep breath, Heiyang disappeared in front of Yinzisheng expressionlessly.

"Just stay inside and calm down for a while, and I'll let you out when you think it through."

Heiyang's voice floated in the magic circle, leaving behind Yinzi Shengyi, who frowned belatedly when he saw the sudden emptiness in front of him.

"Really gone? No way, could it be..."

Yin Zisheng's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.


"what happened?"

Outside, Hong Li curiously turned her head to look at Hei Yang who suddenly appeared beside her, and found that the other party had a stinky face, so she couldn't help asking curiously: "Did you suffer?"

"That's not true, it's just..."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes, raised his head, pinched the seal with his fingers, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"He still wants to continue playing for a while, so I'll help him."


Heiyang sneered.

"The core of the magic circle, the highest power, the third gear!"


The moment Heiyang used the magic seal, the surrounding spiritual energy frantically poured into the magic circle instantly, driving the airflow and gusts of wind in an instant, the magic circle suddenly lit up, and then the light disappeared.

At this time, the feeling of the entire magic circle is completely different from before.

"Good guy..."

Hongli skillfully stretched out her arms to wrap around Heiyang's shoulders, half of her body hung on Heiyang's neck, revealing her half-moon eyes to look at the magic circle above that gave her a very bad feeling, and asked, "Silver Saint, is he still alive?" inside?"

"Oh, I don't need it if he's not inside."

Heiyang snorted coldly, with a cruel expression on his face, and said with a sinister smile, "Even if I, the person who set up the formation, break it by myself, it will take a lot of effort!"

"Ah this..."


In the magic circle, Yin Zisheng looked at the place where the black sun disappeared, his expression changed many times, cloudy or sunny.

"Could it be, that just now, is it really true..."

A terrifying thought welled up in Yin Zisheng's heart, and then he shook his head hastily.

impossible!Absolutely impossible!
This must be another conspiracy by that little brat who is young and capable of doing bad things!
He definitely wanted to use this method to scare Yin Zisheng, but he was secretly watching his jokes, yes, yes, that's it!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Yin Zisheng forced an ugly smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha grass!"

Yin Zisheng looked around, his eyes widened, his mental power spread, and he searched for the opponent's trace.

"Heiyang! You are not in the magic circle at all! Where are you!"


Yin Zisheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath in annoyance, and then suddenly caught it in his throat and choked it. …

"Ahem, ahem, what the hell is that!"

Yin Zisheng hurriedly turned his head to look to the other side, his eyes widened with horror.

His mental power swept over just now, and a bunch of flying forbidden spirit circles rushed towards him!

And it's not as small as before, the diameter of the magic circle is seven or eight times his height, and there are more than one!
If you are entangled in that kind of forbidden spirit circle, you may not even be able to throw a small flame, and you can only rely on brute force to ram it.

And this is not over yet, from another direction, a bunch of attack circles rushed in, flames, water, and even thunder and lightning jumped and flickered.

A large group of moving formations gathered below, with a gravity formation above their heads...


Yin Zisheng took a breath: "What the hell..."


"Hahahaha, do you know it's wrong!"

Hearing the continuous roaring sound inside, Heiyang seemed to see Yin Zisheng howling in embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Hahahahaha! A mere silver sage, huh! You still want to stab me, but I'm not as good as you!"



Hong Li on the side suddenly turned pale with shock, and turned behind Hei Yang with a concerned face, and couldn't help asking: "He didn't succeed! He must have not!

Damn, I haven't tried it yet, you must protect yourself! "


A series of question marks popped up on Heiyang's head, and he jumped away like an electric shock, the holes in his widened eyes trembling violently.

"What the hell are you thinking, I mean he used a sword to..."

"You can't even use a sword!"

Hongli's face was tense: "Tell me quickly if you have been succeeded! Damn it, it can't be done, where is my gourd that cut the bull's head, let me see..."

"What the hell, I'm talking about fighting!"

Holding the long sword at his waist, Heiyang swung it twice in the air.

"This way, ping ping pong pong, clang, clang, swish, Zeng! The five saints must kill! Xuanjian Chongguang! Let's fight like this!"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, and then felt relieved, heaved a sigh of relief, showed a relieved smile, and hugged Heiyang happily.

"It scared me to death, hehe, I knew that Heiyang, you are the best, and you will definitely protect me like a jade..."

"I didn't say that, what are you thinking!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli in horror, lowered his voice and whispered: "I'm a man!"

"Huh? I know."

Hongli looked up at Heiyang, blinked her eyes, and said with pure eyes: "And then? Is there any problem?"

"It's a big problem!"

Hei Yang's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but said, "Don't do it, isn't this too much..."

"What's the matter! What's the matter!"

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's sleeve, and said with a resentful expression: "Haven't you heard that sentence, and () his () is also ()!"

"Hey, you're here to fill in the blanks!"

A bunch of black lines were drawn across Heiyang's head.

"That's not important, okay!"

Hongli flicked Heiyang's sleeves, pouted and said: "Oh, oh, we are husband and wife, it's okay! Didn't you let me..."

"Ahem, Xiaoli, calm down, don't talk nonsense!" …

Heiyang was taken aback, and quickly interrupted Hongli's words, and said with a smile: "Let's discuss it slowly when no one is home, okay!"


Hongli pouted a little unwillingly.

"Okay, I'll just listen to you...

Damn it, do you think I'll give up like this, don't sleep too hard at night!hum! "

Hei Yang: "..."

"Red glass, right?"

Heiyang gritted his teeth and replied viciously.

"Believe it or not, I let you sleep to death at night! The kind that only wakes up the next afternoon!"

Hongli: "???"

"It must be like this, Hei Yang!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and said, "Do we have to hurt each other? In this way, we will lose nothing but what else can we gain!"


Heiyang hesitated, and whispered uncertainly: "Happy?"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li's expression froze, showing half-moon eyes, she turned her head away in embarrassment, and smiled sarcastically.

"Although it's not wrong to say that, but for this kind of thing..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, nodded, shook hands to reach a consensus, and grinned.

"Well! Let's talk when we go home! Hehe..."

Hongli poked Heiyang's nose with her finger on tiptoe, and smiled: "Small!"


Hei Yang smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled Hong Li into his arms again: "Elder Huo Le and the others are still alright?"

"He said: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah immediately!"

Hongli took a breath, rolled her eyes and said, "Ghost knows if his horse is also running with the horse on its shoulders."

"Who is the connotation, who is the connotation!"

Heiyang blew cold air on Hongli's neck, and hummed: "Believe it or not, I'll bite you!"

"Ah, it's wrong, wrong, husband, please forgive me."

Hongli shrank her neck, instinctively stretched out her hands to protect her two small ears, and hummed.

"Able to bend and stretch, so is the red glass!"

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang clicked his lips and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Hongli fixed her hair that was blown wildly by the violent airflow, while turning her head to look towards the sky curiously.

She couldn't help but asked: "Speaking of which, the kung fu is still ringing inside right now, when are you going to let him out, won't he suffer any serious injuries inside, right?

If that's the case, it's not easy to explain to other people's wives. When the time comes, we will become sinners if we get angry and make our children angry. "

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Hei Yang waved his hand and explained: "That guy didn't get seriously injured so easily, and I didn't do anything cruel.

Cough cough, at most, some skin trauma, it will be enough to take a couple of pills or something, um, that's it! "


Speaking of this, Hei Yang waved his fist angrily and said: "Everyone is willing to fight and suffer, and we agreed to break the magic circle together, and we all entered voluntarily.

I came out by myself, but he didn't come out. I wanted to rescue him and he blamed me. How could I be the one who was wronged?

Hmph, who made him unable to get out by himself? It's my fault for not being good at learning! "

"Ah this..."...

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and said quietly: "By the way, didn't you come out because of me as a coordinate?"

"Ah, cough cough, this is not the point."

Guiltyly, Hei Yang turned his head away, waved his hands and said, "Besides, I can escape by exile myself, but it just takes a little more effort."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, reached out and took out the communication spirit stone, Elder Huo Le finally called.

"We're done!"

Huole appeared in the screen, and Shuiran and Tulou Muling could be seen beside him.

Heiyang Hongli's gaze was subconsciously attracted by Tulou Muling and the two of them. They hugged each other hand in hand, and they looked like Heiyang Hongli!

"Good guy, tsk tsk, long time no see!"

Hong Li couldn't help saying hello: "Elder Tulou and Elder Muling, you two are actually able to be together, tsk tsk, it's beyond my expectation."

"Ah this..."

Tulou froze for a moment, touched his head in embarrassment and said with a smirk: "Well, hahaha, I didn't think of that, who would have thought of it, just, try to get along, and then, hehe."

"OK OK."

Mu Ling took a look at the smug Tulou, and sighed: "Let's start drawing the teleportation formation, the first batch will come from us elders."

"To map a range that is larger than usual."

Elder Huo Le showed Heiyang Hongli the shape of the formation on the screen.

"This is the improved one, you follow this way, and then we will try to hook it up."

"Okay, received"

Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other, nodded and said, "Let's get started!"

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