So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 414 This chapter has been sterilized, please rest assured to eat——

Chapter 414 This chapter has been sterilized, please rest assured to eat——

Warm, vibrating, familiar ceiling.

Hongli opened her eyes in a daze, and what she saw was a familiar handsome face.

The hot breath hit the face, and the lost memories began to slowly return, Hongli twitched instinctively, and her eyelids twitched wildly.

"Sure enough, I knew that Yao Qingkong's method was not going to work..."

Hong Li muttered softly, and found that she was still being held in Hei Yang's arms.

And there is no distance from the other party, uh, it seems that it is more than zero distance cough cough...

"Well, ah this..."

Hongli instantly turned into a circle of eyes, her little toe pushed hard on the bed, trying to struggle out of Heiyang's arms to hug her sister.

"Drink uh—"

Hongli gritted her teeth and struggled twice, her legs stretched out, then her body softened, and she couldn't escape after all.

"No, you bastard, what are you doing with your arms so hard while you're asleep!"

Hongli let out a sigh of relief, and looked at Heiyang speechlessly. She originally wanted to get up quietly without disturbing him, but in the end, he didn't give him the chance...

"But then again, is it already daylight?"

Hong Li muttered something softly, Yu Guangming glanced out of the window, and through the cracks in the curtains, several bright lights made her squint her eyes.

"This can't be, it's already high in the sun, it's almost ten o'clock or eleven o'clock..."

"Huh, there's no other way..."

Hongli sighed, yawned, and adjusted her position in Heiyang's arms, changing to a more comfortable position.

She closed her eyes, her face was peaceful, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she smiled with a contented expression.

"Hey, I can't help it, I just want to get up early, it's Heiyang who won't let me get up, it can't be my fault, oh, I'm sleepy..."

Hongli emptied her mind, grabbed Heiyang like an octopus, chose to continue sleeping, and lost consciousness again in less than two minutes, with small flowers sprouting on her head, sleeping soundly.



Heiyang opened his eyes in a daze, adjusted to the light jumping in front of his eyes, curled his fingers subconsciously twice, and the touch was smooth and smooth.


Heiyang came to his senses, feeling the softness in his chest, his slight breath scratching his neck, like a cat's paw scratching his heart.

He lowered his head to look at Xiao Li in his arms. Hei Yang pressed one hand on the white and tender back, and the other hand on, uh, not much to say...


Heiyang yawned, stretched himself, and hugged his daughter-in-law tightly, turned his head to look out of the window, and muttered, "Is it dawn? What time is it? Ten o'clock? Eleven o'clock, or it's already noon ?”


Heiyang was dazed in a daze, unable to fully wake up.

After staring blankly for a while, he looked down at Hongli again, kissed the girl's smooth face, and closed his eyes again.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoli hasn't woken up yet, so I'll continue to sleep well..."

With a happy smile on the corner of Heiyang's mouth, he fell asleep again with a satisfied face.


"La la la, la la la~"

Xiaohuo hummed a song and walked to the door of the house, turned his head to look at the corner in the distance, and shouted with a smile: "Grandpa, go back, I have arrived home safely, there is no need to send it away!"

On the other side of the street, Hei Muguang smiled and waved his hands without saying anything.

But judging from that posture, it should be watching Xiaohuo enter the house before preparing to leave.

In fact, he originally wanted to send Xiao Huo into the house, but the child politely refused,
Xiao Huo patted his chest to assure that there was nothing wrong with him and he could go home by himself.

After all, if she could encounter danger in Five Color City, it would be too outrageous.

You must know that she is strong in her own right, and at the same time with outstanding talent, she is often stuffed with a bunch of natural talents and earthly treasures by her parents.

High-grade pills, high-level animal meat and various high-grade materials to aid in cultivation, a lot of things that are not very useful to Heiyang Hongli but are practical but very precious, almost made her, a one-year-old little flamingo, A little over-nourished.

Not to mention the various self-defense props and signal transmitters that Heiyang Hongli stuffed on Xiaohuo's body.

Let's just put it this way, as long as Xiaohuo doesn't leave the roaming world, Heiyang Hongli can arrive in an instant when encountering danger.

However, in order to prevent grandparents from worrying about whether they have reached home safely and thus thinking wildly, Xiao Huo obediently let them pick him up.

She doesn't find it troublesome. On the contrary, she really likes the feeling of being cared for by her family and elders.

As for the reason why grandpa Hei Muguang was not allowed to send her to the house, Xiao Huo had his own ideas.

"After all, at this time, Mom and Dad are probably still sleeping..."

Xiao Huo opened the door with the key given by his parents, walked into the courtyard and let the door lock automatically, and walked into the house muttering in a low voice.

"If grandparents see it, Mom and Dad will definitely have to be disciplined again..."

Xiao Huo sighed, pushed open the living room door, and found that there was no one there.

She casually put the things in her hand on the table, picked up a bag of milk to drink, turned her head to look at the closed bedroom door of her parents, thought for a while, and knocked on the door lightly.

"Mom and Dad? Are you there?"


No one answered.

"Mom and Dad! Get up quickly, the sun is drying your ass!"


No one answered.

"Ah! Mom and Dad, there are thieves in our house, come out and catch the thieves!"


No one answered.


Xiaohuo showed dead fish eyes and sighed.

"Mom and Dad!"

Xiaohuo hummed: "It's time to eat, I brought you lunch from grandparents!"


The bedroom door was pulled open, and Heiyang Hongli, who quickly put on his clothes, rushed out excitedly.

"Where's the food? Where is it?"

"Food rice, dry rice! People are like iron, rice is like steel!"


Xiao Huo looked at his parents with a strange expression, pointed to the table, shrugged, turned his head and walked towards his own room.


Heiyang Hongli unwrapped the cloth bag, took out a few big steamed buns and hot food from the basket, grabbed the chopsticks, and ate happily.

"Huh, delicious!"

Hongli narrowed her eyes into crescents, and said with a smile: "No matter how high-end the ingredients of Zongmen's food are, I feel that it is still not as good as the food made by my mother."

"One thing to say, indeed."

Hei Yang nodded, and praised casually: "Xiao Huo is really a filial daughter, and she doesn't love this child in vain."

"That is, that is, it doesn't matter whose daughter it is."

Hongli nodded with a smile, paused, and was a little puzzled.

"But isn't there something wrong with the way she looked at us just now?"


Hei Yang said casually: "Maybe she is curious about why her mother has a tail..."

Hongli: "???"

Hongli: "!!!"

Hongli: "×××××××"

Hongli: "hgfghvgugv"

At that moment, the universe exploded in the eyes of Daoist Hongli, the chaos collapsed, the universe was reversed, and the laws trembled.


Hongli disappeared instantly.

Five minutes later, Hongli walked out of the room with a face full of grief and indignation.

Heiyang glanced at her with some guilt, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.


Hong Li's teeth were so ground that they sparked, she took out a banana from the fruit bowl on one side, and cut off her wrist.

"Ah! I'm dead! Let me die! Don't let anyone stop me!"


Heiyang turned his head to look at Hongli slashing his wrist with a banana in grief and indignation, almost spitting the rice out of his nostrils.

"Xiaoli, you..."

Hei Yang couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling.

"It is recommended to perform a noodle hanging."

"Black Sun!!!"

Hongli turned her head abruptly, came to Heiyang in an instant, pressed a banana against the other's throat, and said with a vicious expression: "You are the chief culprit, you have the nerve to say, you should die for me first!"

"Ahaha, this, this..."

Heiyang laughed awkwardly: "Xiao Li, calm down, calm down, that, this..."

"How about this?"

Hongli exerted a little force on her hand, and pressed the banana against the opponent's Adam's apple, and said with contempt: "If you have nothing to say, then die in peace!"

"Hey, don't, don't, I, I..."

"Ha, it's too late, time is up! Die Heiyang!"


Heiyang let out a miserable scream, and then fell silent.


Hongli got up with a face of relief, looked at Heiyang's miserable state, and clapped her hands.

"If you don't believe me, look up, who will the heavens spare, hum, an eye for an eye!"

Hongli turned her head suddenly, and saw the flustered little eyes peeping through the crack of the door, grinning ferociously.

"It's you next, Little Huo!"


Xiaohuo's eyes widened suddenly, seeing the mother flying towards him, and the father dying tragically on the sofa, he turned around and jumped out of the window to escape to the backyard.

"Wow, Mom, please spare me. Xiao Huo doesn't know anything, hasn't seen anything, so he won't tell you about killing Dad!"

"It's useless! I'd rather kill the mistake than let it go!"

Hongli followed closely behind: "You can't stay anymore! Obediently stop and don't run away!"




In the living room, Hei Yang quietly raised his eyelids on the sofa, and saw that the room was empty, showing dead fish eyes.

He reached out to take out the banana that was forcibly fed into his mouth by Mou Li, and stretched out his hand to peel it.

"Xiao Huo is still too honest, ahh..."

Heiyang took a bite of the banana, and turned to the window, two figures were chasing after each other in the backyard.

"Dad, I have set an example for her, ahhhhhh..."

Heiyang finished eating the bananas, and muttered, "It might be useless for Xiong to pretend to be dead, but it's still useful for Hongli..."

"Tit for tat or something..."

Hei Yang glanced at the banana peel in his hand, and sneered disdainfully.

"That's it?"

Throw the banana peel in the trash.

"It's not far away..."


"Hey, yes, oh, no need, that's what you said, ok, it's all right!"

Hongli hung up the communication spirit stone in her hand, turned her head to Heiyang and said, "Elder Huole and the others said that your magic circle is very troublesome, and they are solving it.

I asked him if he wanted us to help, but he confidently said no, just let us rest at home, and said that it would definitely be resolved within a day at the latest. "

"Ten minutes or so, it will take a day, right..."

Heiyang scratched his head, turned his head and said, "Then what else? What are they busy with?"

"Ah, I heard that those disciples were picked up with a teleportation circle..."

Hong Li stretched out her finger and explained: "It is said that after the formation is broken, I will take them in to explore, which just plays a training effect.

Well, my personal understanding is that the previous exercise plan is restarted, exercise training camp version 2.0 and so on. "


Heiyang frowned, and asked curiously, "Then they've come here now? Have they entered the city?"

"Uh, it seems that you are still overcoming the dizziness and discomfort after teleportation?"

Hong Li frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head again.

"I didn't ask much about this, I'm not sure..."


Heiyang rubbed his chin, turned to look at Hongli.

"In other words, today is a happy free day?"


Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, and the two understood, their eyes lit up.

"In that case, hehe..."


"Look at the excitement! Watch the excitement!"


A large sofa was placed on the roof of Heiyang Hongli's house. The two held snacks in their hands and looked towards the direction of the teleportation array on the outskirts of Wuse City. What they held in their hands was a telescope that they had found out from nowhere.

"Did you see it, did you see it?"

Hongli took a bite of the apple, touched Heiyang with his shoulder, and reminded: "I saw your brother Hei Xiaolong, hahaha, the fool is holding the tree to vomit.

As for that, although the teleportation array is a bit bumpy, it's okay in my estimation. "

"Tsk tsk, who knows."

Hei Yang also saw that guy Hei Xiaolong and smiled.

"Sure enough, this kid was still selected, but Miss Xiaoqi didn't seem to be able to come."

"It's not surprising..."

Hong Li nodded: "After all, Sister Xiaoqi is only in the Qi training period, and she doesn't like to be brave like Brother Bu Tian. Maybe she feels that she has to worry her younger brother when she comes here, so why not just stay in the sect and practice!"


Hei Yang nodded, and muttered: "The two of them seem to have a bad relationship, but they actually hate each other, but um, how should I put it, maybe they hate each other for being weak? They urge each other?"


A frightened expression appeared on Hongli's face.

"It sounds scary to urge each other..."

"Fortunately, the two of us are worse than each other."



Heiyang Hongli heaved a sigh of relief, giggled, freed up a hand to hold each other, and smiled sweetly.

"However, although……"

Hongli's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help complaining: "Holding a telescope in one hand and holding your paw in the other, how can I eat snacks!"


Heiyang hesitated, "I feed you with my feet?"

"Climb, climb, I'll feed you with my feet!"

"It's not impossible..."

"What the hell, hell, restrain yourself, good brother..."

"Listen to you."

Heiyang nodded, and casually threw away the binoculars in his hand.

"Actually, as long as you throw this thing away, you can free your hands. This kind of criminal evidence that came from another dimension while the readers are not paying attention, it is better to destroy it quickly..."

"makes sense."

Hong Li also threw away the binoculars in her hand, her eyes flickering red.

"Anyway, I can't use this thing..."

"Just pretend nothing happened?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? Nothing happened just now!"

"Of course!"

Hei Yang nodded in agreement, and suddenly raised his voice.

"Hey, look, look, brother Butian and sister-in-law Zhuji!"

"This is called sister-in-law, isn't it too fast?"

"Oh, it's a matter of time, oh ho! I got it! I got it! I'm holding hands, brother Butian!"

"Huh? Huh? Huh! Where? Where?"

Hongli hastily shifted her gaze.

"Oh ho, I saw it, hastily, really, a large crowd, in broad daylight..."

"The world is bright and bright, and the audience gathers..."

"Have they developed to such a degree..."

Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, with an expert smile on his face: "Hey hey hey..."

(End of this chapter)

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