So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 415 It’s okay to kill time by yourself, but you’ll be angry as long as others take up your t

"Well, Heiyang, look over there."

Hong Li suddenly made a sound, pointing at a place with a strange expression.


Heiyang turned his head to look curiously.

"Where? What's the matter?"

"Hei Xiaolong, your brother, next to him."

Hong Li paused and said: "Did you see it?"

"What do you see?"

Hei Yang scratched his head in confusion.

"Wow, are you blind?"

Hongli couldn't help pointing angrily at the distance, behind Hei Xiaolong, a little girl was watching there: "Woman! The one next to your brother!"

"Oh roar?"

Heiyang was stunned for a moment, suddenly became interested, and said with surprise: "Don't tell me I really didn't pay attention, but now I see that there is a little girl who is willing to stand beside Xiaolong..."

"Look, you still don't accept me when I say you are blind."

Hongli spread her hands, revealing her half-moon eyes, and complained: "But what is it that "there is a little girl who is willing to stand beside Hei Xiaolong"...

Look at your tone, as if he is some dirty thing...

If he knows that you say that about him, will he never want to play with you again?hey-hey……"

"Uh, that's not the case, I don't have any other intentions, okay, you bitch who sticks to words."

Hei Yang muttered: "In the previous court, you were the kind of treacherous official who persecuted Zhongliang."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hongli rolled her eyes, and asked, "Don't say that there are some of them, how do you evaluate them?"

"How else can I comment, I don't know Xiaolong's friends."

Hei Yang said disapprovingly: "It's their freedom to make friends!
As for me, I already have you, so I don't care much about other little girls, okay?

Didn't you see that I didn't react all of a sudden just now? This is the subconscious automatic filter. "

"Tch, do you think you can make me forget what you scolded me just now by saying a few cute words?"

Hongli glanced at Heiyang, and stretched her hand into the snack bag but it was empty.


Hong Li frowned, held the snack bag and shook it upside down twice, and found that it was gone, curled her lips, and took another bag from the side.


Opening the package, Hongli continued to eat, while complaining to Heiyang: "You just called me a treacherous minister, heh!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang rubbed his head and smiled to ease the embarrassment.

"Hahahaha, do you still remember, it happened so early..."

"Ah, yes, yes, just a few paragraphs ago, it's really early."

Hongli stretched out her hand to grab Heiyang's cheek, pinching it in a quiet tone.

"Smelly Heiyang, watch me tear your mouth off, heh!"

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Heiyang didn't resist, and said miserably: "Poor Heiyang, was played by Hongli in the applause."

"Hmph, you deserve it."

Hongli snorted triumphantly, thought for a while, and simply dragged Heiyang down, letting him fall headfirst on her lap, rubbing her hands against Heiyang's head.

"You know how powerful I am! Hahaha!"


With his head resting on his smooth, white, tender and elastic thighs, Heiyang squinted his eyes and muttered: "Got it, got it, it's really amazing..."

"Hum, it's good to know."

The corner of Hongli's mouth raised, triumphantly.

"I hope you can be like this in the future, understanding your humble... position at home?

Alas! ! ?What kind of expression do you have!How weird! "

"Ah, it's nothing..."

Heiyang muttered: "I am very guilty and repentant, can't you see it?"

"Come, I'm not blind yet!"

Hong Li said viciously: "Get up from your lap, damn it!"

"I have sinned deeply, and I need to repent."

Heiyang sighed and said: "Continue to punish me, Lord Hongli!"

"You are so meow..."

Hongli glared at Heiyang angrily, sighed, and lightly hammered Heiyang on the head.

"Whatever you want, you, I don't even bother to talk about you..."



"So what do you say?"

Hong Li still couldn't help asking: "Your brother, aren't you going to say something?"

"Aha? Didn't I already express my shock?"

Hei Yang said faintly: "What if he's okay? What if he's just an ordinary friend?

So what if you're a good friend, do you still want to sue?

Sue what?Sue him for getting too close to other girls?
But don't forget how close we two have been together over the years..."

"Ah this..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses and smiled embarrassingly.

"That's right, hahaha..."

Hongli waved her hand, and said with a shy smile, "I'm just curious!"

"Hmph, gossip."

Hei Yang closed his eyes, and said leisurely: "Today is the 31st, tomorrow is the [-]st, and the day after tomorrow is your birthday.

There are so many people here, it is estimated that they will not be able to leave on your birthday. Now it is all right, and many acquaintances will come to celebrate your birthday. "


Hong Li frowned, curled her lips and said, "I don't want many people to come on my birthday!
The big event that will be held on me in this life, the wedding is enough, as for other things..."

"How about something else?"

Heiyang asked curiously.

"Too many people will be very uncomfortable! There is no need to ask!"

Hong Li snorted and snapped her fingers.

"Parents, mothers-in-law, father-in-law, husband, daughter, and me are enough for me.

If Xiaoyun Gaga, Huihui, Qiaoqiao and the others come, I will also welcome them. As for how many people there are, hehe, it doesn't feel like a birthday if there are too many people. "

After a pause, Hongli added: "At least it doesn't look like it to me.

I am used to having your birthday, and only you. "

"Well, that's what I said."

The corners of Heiyang's mouth slightly raised, one hand stretched out to hook Hongli's chin, and said with a smile: "Then why don't you bring them to play together, just our family's head office?"


Hongli nodded, pointed to the distance, and said viciously: "It's better to be on my birthday, what kind of practitioners, secret realms, world fragments, what should I do now, don't leave here to disturb us!
Even if the seal is stable and the risk is small, we can sleep soundly when we think of a dangerous piece of world shards that is about to move around the city of five colors!Really! "


Heiyang reminded: "Didn't we sleep soundly this morning?"

"You have to lift the bar for me, don't you?"

Hongli gave Heiyang a white look, and said with a hum: "That doesn't count, that belongs to unnatural falling asleep, and I don't even know when I fell asleep."


Heiyang paused, then took out a piece of spirit stone from his body and handed it to Hongli, humming: "I have a photo of you sleeping with a faint cough, take a look?"

"Good guy, you're still secretly taking pictures of me, aren't you!"

Hongli's eyes widened, she took the spirit stone, and the spirit power was activated, and her pupils shrank sharply.

"This, who is this, this!"

Hongli couldn't help trembling and said, "Why do you look so similar to me!"

"Nonsense, who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

Hei Yang snorted and said, "Isn't it cute?"

"This, this, this..."

Hongli flipped through several sheets, her face flushed more and more, until she saw the last sheet, her face was blushing, she slightly exerted force on her hands.



The spirit stone turned into powder and dust in Hong Li's hands, and was burned up by the fire of Nirvana.

"This is a cute ghost! It's a shame!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and hammered Heiyang with her fist, and said angrily, "You dare to do such a thing while I'm sleeping, you deserve to die! You really deserve to die!"

"Ah, what a pity."

Heiyang watched the Lingshi disappear in Hongli's hands, and sighed.

Although he had already guessed that this would be the result, Hei Yang was still somewhat regretful.

"How about not respecting the fruits of other people's labor at all?"

Heiyang said confidently: "At that time, you agreed to it. Take a look at several of them and you still pose like scissorhands to me!"

"I'll fuck your scissorhands!"

Hongli pinched Heiyang's neck with both hands, gnashing her teeth.

"Whoa, damn it, eat me with a deadly scissorhand!"

"Wrong wrong."

Hei Yang hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, please forgive me."



For a whole day, Heiyang Hongli watched people coming and going in the distance from the roof of her house, and the two of them were silently in a daze.

At around six o'clock in the evening, they went back to the living room to buy a set meal of the Five Elements School, and went back to the bedroom to sleep after dinner.

It wasn't until the next day that Heiyang Hongli walked to the formation place refreshed, and saw Elder Huo Le and the others all with dark circles under their eyes, they were stunned.

"What's the matter? Is this being beaten?"

Hei Yang looked at Wang Zong of the Five Elements Sect and the elders of Wuliang Jianmen, all of them looked sluggish, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"Did you get into a fight?"

"You guys just got into a fight!"

Veins popped out of Elder Huo Le's head, and he couldn't help but groan.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli was startled, and couldn't help asking: "How do you know that we fought over the last pack of snacks last night?!"

"Monitor our husband and wife, right?!"

Hongli's eyes widened, and she hugged Heiyang in horror.

"Honey, I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoli."

Heiyang touched Hongli's head and comforted him, "Let me be afraid first."

"You guys, hell, forget it..."

Huo Le raised her finger and pointed at the two actors, sighed, and looked like she had no energy to quarrel, turned her head and walked aside, sat down on a rock, and rubbed between her brows to relieve fatigue.

"Uh, so what's going on here?"

Heiyang Hongli looked at the elders who were sitting or lying all over the ground, without the appearance of a Nascent Soul stage boss, and couldn't help asking.

"How dare you say..."

Yin Zisheng, who was lying on the side, glanced at Heiyang feebly, and couldn't help cursing: "Especially you, you know what you did, what the hell are you, what the hell is me, huh..."


Hong Li turned her head to look at Hei Yang, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and you sneaked over and beat them up?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hei Yang patted Hong Li on the head, and couldn't help but said, "You don't know if I'm going to sleep or not, do you?

Let alone sneaking out, I turn over and get out of bed, you have to wake up, okay? "

"Uh, that's what I said..."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully, she didn't know when, she couldn't fall asleep without hugging Heiyang.

As long as there is any movement from Heiyang, she will definitely wake up in seconds.

She turned her head to look at Yin Zisheng, and couldn't help but said: "Then what's going on with you? This black sun didn't hit you either!

I can guarantee that he never went out in the middle of the night. "

"What, it's that formation. We didn't even think of it before we started to crack it..."

Yin Zisheng gritted his teeth and pointed at Heiyang, and couldn't help but said: "Since someone's heart is broken like this, you are so vicious, you are so vicious!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang suddenly seemed to understand something, turned his head away guiltily, and whistled.

"Who are you pretending to be!"

Yin Zisheng couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

"Cough cough."

Heiyang coughed twice, and said seriously: "This is called respect for the opponent, go all out!"

"Thank you so much, you respect me so much, you think highly of me!"

Yin Zisheng was full of grief and indignation.

"Ah? Huh? Huh?"

Hongli looked left and right, with question marks all over her head.

"No, tell me, tell me what happened!"

Hong Li looked curious, excited and anxious.

"It seems very interesting, Jijiji, I am the king of Jiji! Don't be dumb, tell me!"

"Ah this."

Heiyang waved his hands with a sneer.

"It's okay, it's okay, daughter-in-law, don't listen to their alarmist talk.

Didn't I just add a little more detail to the formation?
They were not careful themselves, and it was me who was tricked? "

"Oh roar?"

There was a flash of surprise in Hongli's eyes.

Based on her understanding of Hei Yang, she immediately guessed what happened.

"Nice to say!"

Yin Zisheng said angrily: "Forbidden Spirit Formation, Moving Formation, Spirit Bullet Formation, and the Automatic Tracking Formation, I won't say more.

As a result, you are still blinded by the five senses, the sound is blocked, the light is isolated, it is randomly generated, and it changes automatically at regular intervals...

What's more amazing is that there is also a fucking self-healing effect, you tell me how you did it, we have already dismantled your broken () formation, how come you are alive again! !

Do you know how it feels to break a formation three times and have different experiences every time?

Half an hour ago, we worked together to open a passage and clear out the entrance to the world fragments. "

Yinzisheng said, pointing to a big dark hole in the sky, which is why Hongli Heiyang ran over.

After all, there is this one near Five Colors City, so they must come over to see the situation.

"Uh, well, self-fix this, I admit..."

Heiyang smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's indeed a bit beyond the standard, because I tried the law of time, ahem..."

Heiyang fell silent.

He and Hong Li stood in the open space, with a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator lying all over the side.

With this situation and this scene, people can't help but feel heroic, and people can't help but step on anyone's head and shout that there is no one who can hit.

Unfortunately, that can only be imagined, after all, Heiyang Hongli is a good boy.

"What should we do now?"

Hei Yang turned his head to look around, and asked, "Where are the disciples you called over?"

"It's not far from the Yaowangzong."

Elder Huo Le said in a low voice: "Let's tell them not to disturb the elders to show their magical powers and wait obediently. Tomorrow at the latest, which is today, will lead a team to explore the secret realm with them."

"Oh ho, that's how it is!"

Heiyang Hongli suddenly realized, and turned to leave.

"Then isn't it time? So you should go into the secret realm, right?

Oh, that's all right, we're leaving now and don't bother you. "


Elder Huo Le breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help waving his hands.

"Do me a favor, inform the disciples, wait, wait until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, we will reply before taking them in."


Hongli couldn't help but said: "You still want to stay here forever?"


Huo Le was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"That is to say..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but asked: "You can't finish solving the problem today? Do you still want a bunch of monks to fiddle around here?"


Elder Huo Le couldn't help but said, "What are you thinking about?

This kind of thing must take a long time, how could it be done in a day.

Don't say that we are still a little bit out of strength now, we need a long-term plan..."


Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, sighed, and turned to Yao Wangzong.

"Stop making long-term plans, you guys rest!"


Elder Huo Le couldn't help but asked, "What do you mean?"

"it means……"

Hongli waved her hand and said, "The two of us led the team for you, and we will solve the problem today."

"Then you leave."

Heiyang added: "World peace."


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