So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 416 When learning is not mandatory, it is fun and fun...  

"Hey, hello!"

Elder Huo Le looked at Heiyang Hongli's back as he walked farther and farther away, and couldn't help feeling panicked.

These two want to lead the team into the Fragment Secret Realm?
This is a bit, too outrageous!

Elder Huo Le is not worried about Heiyang Hongli, but...

Well, he was just a little worried about those two guys.

Huo Le felt that he should not worry about their safety, after all, their cultivation was solid, and their personalities...

Elder Huo Le felt that something had happened to him, and it was not certain that something would happen to them.

What he was really worried about was the group of disciples led by Heiyang Hongli!

Thinking of the unreliable behavior of these two frequent nervous convulsions, Huo Le felt terrified, afraid that something would happen to those disciples, and Heiyang Hongli would take them to the mountains of swords and seas of fire.

At that time, there will be nothing wrong with the couple, but the disciples will count as one, and they will all be included in it!

After all, those two may not be able to take care of themselves, let them take care of others...

Huo Le's eyelids twitched suddenly. He heard the gossip that the two had their daughters to take care of them at home.

In this way, after entering the secret realm and coming out again...

A picture appeared in Huo Le's mind.

Heiyang Hongli held hands as if nothing had happened, and walked out talking and laughing.

At the back, a group of disciples with missing arms and legs and covered in bandages supported each other and limped out.

As a result, one staggered and fell to the ground, struggled to climb two steps, raised his head with difficulty, stared at Elder Huo Le with questioning eyes, and asked him why he was so irresponsible and let these two lead the team.

Then the disciple rolled his eyes, kicked his legs, and died without a word...


Elder Huo Le shuddered, and regardless of his fatigue, he straightened up and ran after Heiyang and Hongli.

"Wait, wait, Xiaoli Xiaoyang, don't be impulsive."

Elder Huo Le pleaded: "If you have something to say, please speak up, don't make your disciples sacrifice!"

"I don't understand what Elder Huo Le are talking about."

Heiyang Hongli looked at Elder Huo Le who was standing in front of her, she was silent for a moment, then walked around him tacitly, and continued to move forward.

"No, why are you so active all of a sudden!"

Huo Le couldn't help but continue chasing Heiyang Hongli, and said beside them: "Don't you two like to be lazy, uh, rest?

What happened today, you suddenly have to be the leader of the team? "

"Ha, Elder, you also know that the two of us don't want to work?"

Hei Yang said faintly: "Don't you feel ashamed when we are forced to do it ourselves?"

"That's it."

Hongli snorted and said, "Today I will help you solve all the problems, and then I will go back to where I should go overnight, hello, hello, hello everyone."


Beads of sweat streaked across Elder Huo Le's head, and he couldn't help complaining, "Is that why we annoy you?"

"It's not."

Hei Yang paused, and replied: "This is only a secondary condition."


Hongli snorted, and replied: "The main thing is that if the fragment stays in the sky for one more day, we won't be safe here for one more day.

For you, Elder Huole, if you knew that there was something floating and crumbling above the Five Elements Sect that could directly crush the sect, would you be able to sleep well? "


Elder Huo Le was speechless, but he still did not give up and said: "We can still wait..."

"Okay, okay, you don't need to worry about the elder, you should be happy."

As Heiyang Hongli said, sensing the aura of all the practitioners, ignoring Elder Huo Le's expression, she took a deep breath.

"Be careful not to affect Yao Qingkong."

Hongli reminded.


Heiyang gave Hongli a reassuring look, his anger sank to his dantian, and his voice suddenly changed.

"Infinite Sword Sect, Five Elements Sect, Medicine King Sect, all disciples who signed up for the secret realm, gather in the square!"

"Wait, wait a minute?!"

Elder Huo Le suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Hei Yang's voice, his blood pressure rose sharply.

The other party used his Huo Le voice!

"Hey, you're impersonating me!"

Elder Huo Le couldn't help defending his rights and said: "This is an act of violating my right of reputation, very immoral!"

"Ah lah?"

Hei Yang turned his head to look at Elder Huo Le, and said innocently: "Elder Huo Le, what are you talking about?

Isn’t it just that the weather has turned cold and dry recently, which caused me to catch a cold and my throat is hoarse, so my voice is a little hoarse and low. Is there any problem? "

"That's it!"

Hong Li echoed: "My Heiyang speaks in his own voice, Elder Huo Le, why are you so anxious?

What's the matter?Anyone with a voice similar to yours is violating your right of reputation, immoral, right? "

After a pause, Hongli changed her tone, pointed to Heiyang, and hummed: "Then my Heiyang still has two eyes, a nose and a mouth!

The location of the distribution of the facial features is roughly similar to yours, does it also violate your reputation? "

Huo Le: "???"

"No, no, what is this all about! You, you are not, you are secretly changing concepts!"

Elder Huo Le was dumbfounded.

And not long after Heiyang's voice fell, a number of disciples rushed out from the buildings in all directions and gathered here together.

"Haha! It's finally time for me to show my talents!"

Hei Xiaolong took the lead, and laughed wildly triumphantly: "This time, I will prove it to the master in the trial of the secret realm. What does it mean to be reborn? Farewell for three days, let's see it with admiration!"

Hmph, I'm no longer the little rookie who held him back!
Look at me being the first to arrive at the assembly point, as a good start to my achievements in this trial..."

Before Hei Xiaolong could finish his sentence, a shadow flashed beside him. Xingyun stood on Gaga's body, holding a long knife lightly on his waist with one hand, and his eyes were piercing.

"Quack! Let's speed up and get to the designated location!

This time, he must not be secretly left behind by Elder Huo Le again!
If you want to do it, do your best, I am number one! "

"Don't think about it!!!"

Zhao Zhuji followed closely behind her, holding a red buttock by her arm like flying a kite, and dragging it to float behind her.

"This time, you must not let the Five Elements Sect take the lead!
We Wuliangjianmen disciples are not easy to mess with! "

"Ah, that's right—"

Hong Butian who was being dragged behind shouted sadly: "But before that, Zhuji, can you put me down first and let me go by myself, my arm is going to break, it's broken——"

Under the leadership of a few guys, the atmosphere of the whole gathering has become a lot of turmoil, and everyone is aroused to be competitive, and they are scrambling to go here.

Watching them compete with each other, Heiyang Hongli showed emotion.

"After all, I am old. I am not as daring as these young people, full of vitality and passion."

Hei Yang sighed: "Winning to win or lose is almost completely unfamiliar to me now."


Hong Li glanced at Hei Yang, and couldn't help but said: "Who made the formation arrangement for the competition with others the day before yesterday?
The day before yesterday, I just fought to the death with Yin Zisheng, but today is another way of saying it, isn't it, it's really fickle, Hei Yang. "

"Freeze said."

Hei Yang patted Hongli on the shoulder, humming: "Am I fighting for myself? I was fighting for you!

I don't have to prove that your vision is better than her Yao Qingkong's! "


Hei Yang said dissatisfied: "What do you mean fighting to the death?

Don't you see that I'm completely crushing?The mere silver saint was knocked to the ground by me and had to surrender! "

"Ah, yes, yes, you are the best."

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, and clapped her hands together as encouragement.

"Hey, can you be more sincere?"

Heiyang was speechless.

"Ah~ Master Heiyang is so powerful~"

Hong Li raised her head and looked at Hei Yang with "Bling Bling" eyes, with a look of admiration: "Is this okay?"


Heiyang was amused by Hongli's expression: "You, I am so happy, what kind of expression!"

"Hmph, I'm just asking if you're afraid."

Hongli proudly put her hands on her hips.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid."


Huo Le: "..."

Not long after, all the disciples had gathered in front of Heiyang Hongli Huole and the others.

Everyone first focused their attention on Elder Huo Le with a slumped face, and then instinctively attracted attention by Hei Yang Hong Li.

"Huh? Brother Heiyang!!!"

Hei Xiaolong, a little fan of Heiyang, was still the first to call out.

He came to Heiyang in two or three steps, grasping Heiyang's hand with both hands, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, Brother Heiyang, I couldn't come back for your birthday the day before yesterday.

I originally wanted to sneak out, but failed, and was tied up by that big villain Master, who tied me up for half an hour! "

As soon as Hei Xiaolong opened his mouth, he poured bitter water, crying and chirping: "Happy birthday, Brother Heiyang, although it's already late, woo woo woo..."

"Ah, it's alright, alright..."

Hei Yang patted Hei Xiaolong's head helplessly, then raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Huh? Growing taller again? It's only been three months since we last met, right?"


Hearing about the height problem, Hongli became alert instantly. She was about to say hello to Xingyun, but suddenly turned her head to look at Hei Xiaolong.

She looked at Hei Xiaolong incredulously, and then keenly realized that something was wrong!
"Really, you dwarf, how is it possible, you are directly, directly taller than me, how is it possible!"

"Ah, what a dwarf, Miss Hongli..."

Hei Xiaolong scratched his head helplessly, stretched out a finger, and argued: "You didn't pay attention to me when you married Brother Heiyang.

I was already taller than you at that time, in fact, I have grown to this height in the last year, almost twenty centimeters in a few months. "


Hong Li's eyes widened and she fell into petrification.

"A few months, twenty centimeters? What a fairy tale!"

Hongli squatted behind Heiyang, drawing circles unwillingly.

"What, damn it, who cares, maybe I can grow taller..."

"Ah this."

Heiyang looked at Hongli helplessly, and comforted him: "Okay, okay, Xiaoli, don't be sad, I like you at your height."


Hongli stood up suddenly, hugged Heiyang, and said emotionally: "Heiyang, you are the best!"


This time he switched to Hei Xiaolong Shihua, he lowered his head and murmured at his legs.

"So Brother Heiyang doesn't like this kind of height? I understand, I'm going to cut off a section of this damn leg, which makes me hate by Brother Heiyang... Ah!"

Hei Xiaolong gritted his teeth and rubbed his head, looked at Heiyang aggrievedly, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Heiyang, why did you hit me!"

"You have the nerve to say it."

Hei Yang gave this brat Hei Xiaolong a white look.

"Why are you pretending to be coquettish with me here? Go back quickly, stand in line, and don't go crazy!"


Hei Xiaolong sighed, and stood obediently in the team.

"and many more."

Zhao Zhuji couldn't help looking at Elder Huo Le, raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, Elder, the leader of our Wuliangjian Sect, hasn't come yet?"

"Ah, speaking of which, Master and the others didn't come either."

Hei Xiaolong came to his senses, looked at Heiyang Hongli curiously, scratched his head and said, "And Heiyang, Sister Hongli also appeared here, did you also sign up for this event?"

As soon as Hei Xiaolong finished speaking, there were exclamations from the crowd.

Most of them here are disciples of Wuliangjianmen and Wuxingzong Yaowangzong, and they have hardly seen Heiyang Hongli, and they have heard of their notorious reputation.

"Ah? Don't be kidding! These two are also coming to participate?"

"What should we do? The two Nascent Soul Stages will go off in person. If they stand still, we have no chance of winning."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's not a fight. We're just searching for resources and laws this time. Remember what the elders told us to help the world integrate."

"I know, I know, it's a great achievement, it can add a lot of credits..."

"What are credits?"

"Don't you have a credit system in Wuliangjianmen?"

"Coincidentally, our Five Elements Sect doesn't have one either."

"It's broken, our medicine king Zongcheng is a special case!"


The crowd suddenly fell into a commotion. Some were shocked by Heiyang Hongli's sudden participation, some were chatting and talking suddenly turned upside down, some took the opportunity to gossip secretly, and some were thinking about what to eat later.

"OK OK."

Hei Yang clapped his hands, exchanged glances with Hong Li, and nodded.

"Well, everyone, please be quiet first, because there are some minor problems."

Hei Yang stretched out his fingers and explained: "Because your physical education teacher bah bah, I mean, your elders suddenly fell ill collectively, so this class is bah, so this activity is led by Teacher Hongli and me. You play."

Everyone: "??!"

"and many more?"

Elder Huo Le widened his eyes and pointed at himself.

"When did I fall ill?"


Heiyang Hongli looked at Elder Huo Le together, with a bad expression on his face, as if the old man would send you to the hospital if he said more, cough cough...

Huo Le: "..."

"It turned out to be so?"

"It turned out that the elders were sick, so it was replaced by these two, let me tell you!"

"However, the elders are all high-level monks, how could they suddenly get sick together, and the illness is so serious, I suspect there is something in it..."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, Ming 8 wants to be spicy?!"

"That's right, as long as you understand it!"

"People, sometimes you have to be a little confused, you know?"

"Ah, oh, thank you, brother, I have been taught."

"Well, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing good about it..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at the people below with a black line on his face, turned his head to look at Elder Huo Le, and explained: "Other things, we will explain it slowly after we enter the secret realm, let's adapt accordingly.

Let's take all of these away first, you wait outside, watch this place, we will be back soon.

Of course, if something really happens, you can crush this spirit stone, and we will be able to arrive..."

"Hey, wait..."

Elder Huo Le took a piece of Lingshi in a daze, and wanted to say something more.

"Let's go!"

Heiyang Hongli raised his head, and a gray mist surged, engulfing all the disciples.

When Huole's vision returned to normal, there was no one around.

"Ah this..."

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