So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 426 The watch drawn on the hand has not been moved, but it has taken away childhood time

Chapter 426 The watch drawn on the hand has not been moved, but it has taken away childhood time

"Ha, wake up early in the morning, success!"

Under the quilt, Hongli sat up startled in a dying illness.

She looked at the gray sky outside the window with a smug expression.

"As expected of Hongli, as long as you want to do it, you can still do it!"

"Ah, wake up and wake up, why is the dog barking..."

Heiyang lay on the side, looked at Hongli speechlessly, yawned, reached out and grabbed the quilt and lifted it up, covering the big white dazzling body of his daughter-in-law, and muttered: "Don't freeze!"


Hongli froze for a moment, hugged the quilt on her chest, came back to her senses, turned her head to look at Heiyang, showed a funny expression, and smiled.


Heiyang glared at Hongli.

"What's the matter, our family rules are so strict, you are not allowed to laugh anymore? Hehe."

Hongli looked at Heiyang with a honeyed smile.

"Oh, you are blushing, let me be healthy!"

"Come on, why did I blush?"

Heiyang rolled his eyes, waved his hands in displeasure and said, "Really, what happened in the morning!"

"Hey, whoever is sick, I'll be fine."

Hongli smiled and said: "It's someone, is he full of yellow trash now?"


Heiyang showed his half-moon eyes, and said bitterly: "You know why you are asking, right?"


Hongli smiled slightly, leaned over slightly, approached Heiyang, blinked and asked, "Do I look good, husband Heiyang?"

"Ah, yes, yes, it looks good, you'd better look at it."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli faintly, and muttered, "Xiaoli, keep dancing, it's early in the morning, be careful not to burn yourself!"

"Hey hey."

Hong Li had a shy face, and "accidentally" let the quilt slide down a little, her fragrant shoulders were half exposed, she licked her lips lightly, and smiled shyly at Heiyang: "Husband Heiyang~~"


Heiyang gasped, hugged Hongli into his arms amidst Hongli's exclamation, and buried him under the blanket for a while.

"Damn girl, I think you have lived enough!"

"Ah, don't, don't, it's wrong, it's wrong, ah!"



Hongli poked her head out of the bed with a messy face, with an expression of the rest of her life after a catastrophe.

"To survive..."

"Heh, if I hadn't agreed to teach Xiaohuo today, I wouldn't have let you go so easily."

Hei Yang also poked his head out of the bed, put his chin on the pillow, and turned to Hongli who was on the side, speechless: "It's you who jumped at me and mocked me, and you're the one who loved me for a second. It's really a bit of a serious illness."

"Tch, I like to tease you like this, you hit me?"

Hongli snorted softly, and muttered: "As for the second cowardly thing, just wait, sooner or later, Hong will stand up and sing!

At that time, it's you who shout, ah, sister Li, don't want it, sister Li, stop it! "

"just you."

Hei Yang looked disdainful.

"Thirty years of bed east, thirty years of bed west, don't bully young women into poverty!"

Hongli snorted softly: "It's just Heiyang, but... ah!"

Hongli couldn't help shivering, looked at Heiyang with a face of shame, stretched out her hand and pulled out a big hand from under the quilt: "I speak well, what are you fumbling about, Heiyang Stinking rogue!"

"Tch, that's what I like, you hit me?"

Heiyang snorted softly and looked at Hongli.

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, just point it this way, I want to hug you."

"Hey, if you want to hug me, I'll give you a hug?"

Hongli curled her lips, and moved her body towards Heiyang while her mouth was stiff, and was embraced by the other party.


Hongli raised her small face, gave Heiyang a white look, and curled her lips pretending to be disdainful.


With nephrite in his arms, Heiyang smiled, turned over, let Hongli rest on his arms, and the two looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"Speaking of which, don't you want to get up..."

Hongli lay expressionlessly in Heiyang's arms.

"Come on, Xiao Huo's breath is not at home, it's not like you can't sense it."

Heiyang complained in a faint voice: "It's said to be early in the morning, but it's actually already eight or nine o'clock.

I guess Xiaohuo ran out for breakfast and hasn't come back yet. "

"Tch, isn't eight or nine in the morning? Isn't it early in the morning?"

Hongli retorted dissatisfied, and said quietly: "But that girl Xiaohuo is also.

Obviously there is a small teleportation array at home that connects with the Five Elements Sect canteen, and she still has to go out to eat. "

"Ha, how can the food of the Five Elements School compare to that made by my mother?"

Hei Yang snorted and reckoned: "She probably ran to her grandma or grandma's house."

"makes sense……"

Hongli muttered, and wanted to continue to say something, when suddenly the communication spirit stone placed by the bed rang.


Hei Yang followed the voice and frowned: "Who is it?"


Hongli answered casually, connected to the communication, and said directly: "Crooked? What's wrong, girl?"

"Aha, I picked it up in seconds."

Sitting on the bed at grandma's house, Xiao Huo was swinging her legs slowly, looking at her parents who were wrapped in a quilt and showing their heads in the picture, and said hello with a smile.

"How long has Mom and Dad been awake?"

Xiaohuo asked with concern: "Have you had breakfast?"

"Ah, no."

Hongli sighed.

"We don't look like we've eaten."

On the one hand, Heiyang smiled helplessly and took over the conversation.

"Has Xiao Huo eaten?"

"Hey, I've already eaten, don't worry about the small fire."

Xiao Huo smiled and looked at the grandma who was reading at the table in the room, and when she saw the latter's gaze shifted over, she smiled.

“Grandma’s breakfast is delicious!”

"Ah this..."

The sound of Heiyang Hongli sucking saliva came from the screen.

"Do you want Xiao Huo to bring it to us?!"

Heiyang Hongli looked forward to it, imagining the food cooked by her mother in her mind, as if she could already smell the aroma.


Xiaohuo opened his mouth slightly, caught a glimpse of his grandma's gesture, paused, and smiled embarrassedly: "Well, I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, Xiaohuo has already eaten all of it, and I'm full, there's not even a little bit left. Down!"

Heiyang Hongli: "!!!"

"Do not----"

Hongli let out a mournful cry, revealing a look of lovelessness.

"It hurts, it hurts too much."

Heiyang looked pained and covered his heart.

"What are you calling over there?"

Lan Yuying walked to Xiaohuo, her voice was transmitted from the communication spirit stone to Heiyang Hongli, and she said faintly: "Let me see, who is still stuck in bed at this hour?

I can't afford to sleep until this point, such a slob, still want to have breakfast? "

"Ah, mom?!"

Heiyang Hongli was startled when she heard Lan Yuying's voice, just like a mouse hearing a cat meowing.


Lan Yuying's voice came from over there, and she snorted softly, "Didn't you think that I would catch you two slobs in this way at this time!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli's expression froze, showing two heads, and said with a sneer, "Well, I really didn't expect it..."


Lan Yuying snorted softly, and Heiyang Hongli was so frightened that she dared not speak.

"I've said it over and over again, but I just don't listen!
Maybe you have cultivation bases and don't care about going to bed early and getting up early to affect your body or something.

But you must know that going to bed early and getting up early not only affects us physically, but also affects our spirit.

People who are sunny and those who are listless all day have different temperaments. "

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, you are right, we feel ashamed, I am really sorry..."

"Hehe, do you still want to have breakfast?"

"Don't dare, we two lazy dogs don't deserve to have breakfast, woo woo woo..."

Heiyang Hongli is pitifully weak and helpless.


Seeing the expressions of the two, Lan Yuying couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Lan Yuying has watched these two guys pretending to be pitiful for more than ten years, but she still couldn't help laughing again and again.

It may not be enough to see it in more than ten years.

Lan Yuying shook her head helplessly and smiled, left the screen, came back with a basket after a while, waved her hand and said, "Okay, okay, stop pretending.

Xiao Huo's share is finished, and the two of you are still there. Let Xiao Huo take it back for you later. "


Heiyang Hongli cheered: "Long live mother! Long live long live long live long live!"

"Okay, okay, you two."

Lan Yuying rolled her eyes, and left the screen with a helpless smile.

"Ha, I called to see if my parents are awake, and now I have seen them."

Xiao Huo smiled and waved his hands and said: "Then, parents, let's do this, Xiao Huo will go back in a while, just wait at home, hehe."

"If you have a daughter like this, what more can your parents ask for!"

Heiyang Hongli was moved.

"Ah, I heard that you are going to teach Xiao Huo what supernatural power to practice today?"

Lan Yuying's voice came from outside the screen.

"Then you two should be ready to teach me seriously in advance, don't be perfunctory and fool things, or if I find out, hehe!"

"Ah this."

Heiyang Hongli quickly reassured: "Don't worry, Mom!
How can we not be careful when teaching Xiaohuo?

The quality of teaching will be guaranteed, no problem at all! "

"In fact, long before this, we have already taught Xiaohuo several supernatural powers."

Hongli added: "Xiao Huo has learned well and is very proficient in using it, which is enough to show that our teaching ability is still very good!"


Hei Yang echoed: "We are old teachers who already have rich teaching experience, and the teaching this time must be smoother than before."

"That's right!"

Hongli said confidently: "In order for Xiaohuo to adapt to this dangerous society, these are all essential!"


Lan Yuying smiled slightly: "Then it's up to you."

"Guaranteed to complete the order!"



Heiyang Hongli hung up the call, and continued to lie on the corpse lazily.


Hongli kicked Heiyang lightly, and said faintly: "Xiao Huo will be back in a while, you should get up quickly!"

"Huh? Why are you sorry?"

Hei Yang asked back: "If you don't get up, let me get up first?"

"I have a special knack for getting out of bed."

Hongli snorted softly, and muttered: "I can get up in the blink of an eye, very quickly, you don't need to rush me."

"It's a coincidence."

Hei Yang snorted softly: "I also have special skills.

Just taking advantage of the time between Xiaohuo entering the door and knocking on the door, I can get up instantly. "


Hong Li showed dead fish eyes, and said angrily, "You're arguing with me, aren't you?"

"Ha, what's the matter?"

Hei Yang snorted and said, "Want to fight?"

"Oh, I'm not stupid, I'm here to fight with you..."

Hongli rolled her eyes and said, "It's not impossible to get up, you have to promise me a condition, and if you agree, I'll get up."

"Don't make me trade with you!"

Heiyang categorically refused.

Hongli: "..."

"whispering sound."

Hong Li spat unhappily: "You know this is my condition?"

"Could it be something else?"

Heiyang showed a suspicious and vigilant expression.

"You won't give me any new work, will you?"

"Hey, you, can't you listen to what conditions I said first, and then think about it? It's too rude to refuse directly!"

Hongli said angrily.


Hei Yang frowned: "You tell me, I'll listen."

"Hehe, then listen carefully, my conditions..."

Hongli paused, then suddenly took out the body exchange device, and slapped Heiyang on the forehead.

"That's my condition, please cooperate with me obediently! Hahaha..."

"Grass, I knew it! Don't even think about it!"

Heiyang's pupils shrank sharply, and at the very moment, he moved his body, dodged the fatal attack, and reached out to grab Hongli and grab the murder weapon.

But Hongli was extremely stubborn, she was not subdued by Heiyang, and repeatedly attacked and fought back, almost letting Heiyang succeed.

Fortunately, the height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the road is one foot, Heiyang finally succeeded in subduing Hongli, and temporarily confiscated her crime tools.

"Ha, that's it?"

Heiyang pressed Hongli's little head, snorted softly and said, "You really have it? You dare to use force with me, don't you?"

"whispering sound."

Hongli turned her head away in displeasure, before she could say anything, she felt her body being lifted up slowly.

"Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

Hong Li was startled, and Hei Yang's voice came from beside her ear.

"I'll help you get up if you don't want to get up, and watch me put all the clothes on you, can't you still get up?"

"Hey, don't be like this, don't be like this..."

Hong Li tried to struggle, but in the end she couldn't succeed, she was tightly wrapped up and forced to sit up.

"Well, not bad. That's great. Since you got up so early, you will teach Xiao Huo today."

Heiyang looked at Hongli and smiled slightly.


Hong Li paused, her face turned red, and she scolded Hei Yang: "*****"

"Hey, what do you mean, really."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes, and replied unhappily: "It's good to start cursing, right?"


Hong Li's face was expressionless.

"I said, don't you feel that something is wrong?"

"Uh, no, it's pretty good, almost..."

Hei Yang also put on his clothes slowly, seeing that Hong Li looked the same as usual, a few question marks popped up on his head: "What's wrong?"

"Uh, that is, is there a possibility..."

Hong Li ripped off her shirt in shame, and said angrily, "It's worn backwards, you bitch!"

"Cough cough, puff..."

Hei Yang came back to his senses, thankfully he didn't drink any more water, otherwise he would have to choke it out, clasped his hands together, and quickly apologized with a smile: "My, mine, I'll get it back for you..."

"Oh, it's late, you've already pissed me off."

Hongli snorted lightly: "I can't coax you well."

"Ah, what a little glass, what a wife..."


Hongli still wanted to continue to be unreasonable, but suddenly a voice came from outside.

"Mom and Dad, get up and eat."

"Ahem, Heiyang, I forgive you!"

Hongli finished her clothes at the speed of light, and followed Heiyang to rush out.

"Hey, mom and dad, please slow down, you all have a share, so don't grab it!"

"Oh, oh, don't worry, it was indeed done by grandma, can't you see it?"

"That's right, eat quickly, I'm going to teach Xiaohuo supernatural powers after eating!"

"Don't worry, Xiaohuo won't let parents down!"


(End of this chapter)

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