So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 427 Shanyue is lonely, but she doesn't see me.The galaxy is dim, but I haven't see

Chapter 427 Shanyue is lonely, but she doesn't see me.The galaxy is dim, but I haven't seen you.

"Ahem, okay, okay."

Hong Li clapped her hands, looked at Xiao Huo and said, "Then we will formally..."

"Xiao Li."

Heiyang interrupted Hongli's speech.


Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang with a confused face.

"On the mouth."

Heiyang sighed, and reached out to help Hongli wipe the milk stains from the corner of her mouth: "Okay, it's all right."

"Ah this..."

Hongli blushed slightly, smiled, patted Heiyang on the back for praise, and turned to look at Xiaohuo again.

"Well, okay, let's continue, where did I just say?"

"Mother hasn't said anything yet."

Xiaohuo showed half-moon eyes, and muttered quietly.

"Ah this..."

Hongli coughed: "Hahaha, of course I know!
Well, very good, it seems that Xiao Huo is listening carefully and can pass the test of mother..."

"Excessive indulgence has the following hazards. If you hit it, it means that you need to restrain yourself."

Heiyang muttered on the side: "First, memory decline..."

"Climb, climb! Heiyang, can you die!"

Hongli glared at Heiyang viciously, with a look of anger turning into anger: "No temperance! No temperance! It doesn't matter, Nascent Soul Stage Daxiu doesn't care!"


Hei Yang stretched out his second finger: "Grumpy, irritable and easy to get angry."

Hongli: "..."

"Hei Yang shut up."


"Shut up, dog!"

"comes out often……"

"Husband shut up."

"Okay my wife."

Heiyang smiled, walked aside with his arms crossed, and looked at Hongli with a smile, as if please start your performance.


Hongli curled her lips, turned her head to look at Xiaohuo again.

"Well, well, let's continue, we have just talked about...

Hey, where did I just talk about? "


Heiyang couldn't hold back.


However, no matter what, it was impossible for Hongli to admit that her memory loss was due to that kind of thing, she was simply angry by Heiyang, okay?
Adjust the status back, Hongli.Finally started her teaching.

"Well, very good, what I'm going to teach you today is supernatural powers."

After a pause, Hong Li chuckled and said, "The embodiment of the devil's mind and supernatural power is most of the time in the form of a ghost without wisdom.

They are loyal, shuttle freely, and can discover those who are malicious to you for the first time.

So we want to teach you this supernatural power, so that you can distinguish the malice and good intentions of others when you come to society. "

After a pause, Hongli revealed dead fish eyes, and looked at Heiyang with a teasing face.

"It's just like your mother and I. Back then, we were innocent and didn't know the dangers in the world. We fell into your father's trap early on, and ended up being cheated by him for the rest of our lives."


Hei Yang showed a funny face, and said with a smile: "If Xiaoli is deceived by others, I don't feel at ease, so I have to deceive myself.

Should it be said that fortunately she didn't have magical powers at that time? "


Hongli clicked her lips, patted Heiyang's chest, gave him a blank look, and cursed with a smile: "You're really a big villain..."

"Ahem, but Xiaohuo, don't think that all liars outside can be like your father."

Hongli put on a serious expression again, looked at Xiaohuo, and reminded: "We are a special case."

"Indeed, not everyone can encounter Heiyang like your mother."

Hei Yang nodded, stretched out his hand to rub Hong Li's head, and said with a hum: "Your mother got a good deal by meeting me, okay?"


Xiaohuo looked curiously.

"Is what Dad said true?"

Xiao Huo paused, then said with a smile: "After all, Mom is so beautiful, it's more like Dad picked up a big bargain."

"Hey, you girl, you still don't believe what your father said, do you?"

Hei Yang rubbed the displeased Hong Li's head, and hummed, "Yes, your mother is pretty, so aren't your father and I handsome?

But there are a few who can follow her temper like me, tsk tsk.

So speaking of it, I still think she took advantage of me! "


Xiaohuo scratched his head: "Is that the case?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask your mother."

Heiyang patted Xiaoli on the head lightly, and said with a heck, "Xiaoli asked you! Say it yourself, who is taking advantage of whom?"

"Ah, ah, yes, yes."

Hong Li curled her lips, and gave Hei Yang an annoyed look.

"I took advantage of my husband, okay, are you satisfied?"


Heiyang raised his brows: "If your attitude is not correct, start over!"

"Black! Yang!"

Hongli said angrily: "Although you are very good, but I always let your temper go, pamper you!"

"Hey, that's true."

Hei Yang smiled and said: "I really took advantage of it!

It is really lucky to have such a cute and beautiful daughter-in-law who can always understand me and accompany me crazy and make troubles with me.

Well, we are a family that takes advantage of each other! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli froze in anger, blushed, coughed twice, turned her head away, and hummed: "This, this is not bad.

Well, I am also, very happy to meet you.

Well, I'm actually not that happy anymore, I'm generally happy!

Well, well, it is indeed a little more happy than usual, you, me, you..."


Hongli's little face became redder as she spoke, and finally couldn't hold back a smirk, and stretched out her arms to embrace Heiyang, Xiaoyou complained: "Really, I'm an old husband and wife, and I still talk like this, love talk...

It's still in front of the child, so I'm embarrassed..."

"Hey, let's not say whether they are old couples or not."

Hei Yang smiled and said, "However, every day with you is like a new day!"


Hongli covered half of her face in embarrassment, but immediately laughed and hugged Heiyang and said: "Okay, okay, indeed!

The two of us are that golden partner, that day made the earth, that golden man and jade woman, that bastard..."

"Xiao Li."

Hei Yang couldn't help interrupting him.

"Ah? Ah!"

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, but she immediately came to her senses.

"Oh yes, it seems that the pair in the back is not a good word, hehe..."


"Cough cough."

After adjusting her emotional state a little, Hongli continued: "Actually, the magic power seems to be the one that has contributed the most to me and your father.

Because of the frequent use, our proficiency with this supernatural power is vaguely higher than other supernatural powers.

So it will definitely be more handy to teach you, and you will be able to learn it soon, so don't worry at all. "

"Well, that's it."

Hei Yang nodded, affirming Hong Li's statement, and said faintly: "She even wanted Mo Xin to bring her a glass...

It is said that it has made great contributions, but in fact it is to let others act like cows and horses.

It's a pity that Mo Xin has no wisdom. If he had, he would probably have given up on it long ago. "


Hong Li gave Hei Yang a blank look, although what he said was true, it also made her very upset.

Taking a deep breath, Hongli kept admonishing herself in her heart: I am the elder, and the elder must give way to the little boy Heiyang.

Yes, Hei Yang is a younger brother, a son, a...

Huh, don't be angry, don't care about the kid, give him some face in front of the kid, hehe.

Under Heiyang's strange eyes, he watched Hongli's complexion change back and forth in various ways.

Angry, unhappy, calm, relieved, and at the end he returned to a smiling face, and Hei Yang, who was watching beside him, had a question mark on his face.

What's wrong with her eldest daughter?
After thinking about it, Hei Yang felt that the most reasonable explanation should be that the girl secretly scolded herself in her heart again, letting go of her spiritual victory!

Although both of Heiyang Hongli's demon hearts have released their authority, they will not be triggered by each other.

But they have been together for so many years, and one look can almost see through each other's thoughts.

"Ahem, although your father has said a lot of nonsense, there is one thing he said is not bad."

Hongli paused, and whispered: "One very important point, the phantoms produced by the demonic powers are not intelligent, so there will be no complaints or passive strikes, you should remember this little fire.

Don't let your practice go astray, it would be too troublesome if you become obsessed and don't know it stupidly. "

"You think other children are like you, they are so stupid in everything."

Heiyang didn't hurt Hongli for a while, but he felt frustrated.

Hongli rolled her eyes.

"Please pay attention to Mr. Heiyang, we are now teachers, teaching work, and educating future generations.

Therefore, whether it is important or not, as long as it is a knowledge point, it should be explained clearly and clearly.

Only in this way can one be regarded as a qualified teacher.

Otherwise, if you think you know it, your child should know it, and if you know it, your child should too.

Otherwise, if one does not teach the other, what kind of teacher is it? "


Heiyang bowed his head in remorse and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Teacher Hongli, I was too proud and arrogant, and said wild words, please don't take it to heart, woo woo woo..."

"Hey, good boy."

Hongli raised her hand and rubbed the head of the black dog, with a generous expression on her face.

"It's a good boy who knows his mistakes and can correct them! Don't make mistakes next time!"

"Do not."

Heiyang's voice paused, and said faintly: "I made a mistake, I will do it again next time!"

Hongli: "..."

"Ha! Huo!"

The boy saw his mother take a deep breath, her chest heaving up and down, then her expression gradually became strange, and she turned to look at her father.

"You, what do you want to do!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli warily.

"Hmph, the guy who delays the progress of teaching and disrupts the order of the classroom, isn't he!"

Hongli smiled sinisterly, and looked at Heiyang with malicious intent.


Hongli kicked Heiyang's butt with a flying kick, kicking him onto the sofa.

Then she took out a few iron chains under Heiyang's frightened eyes, tied Heiyang to the sofa, handcuffed his hands behind his back, and finally covered his mouth with tape, and patted him. Clap your hands and you're done.

"Hmm, done."

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang who was "woo woo" and showed a funny face.

"How do you feel? Heiyang, can you still talk?"

【Hei Yang: What are you, what are you, why do I feel something is wrong, you bundle...]

[Heiyang: Hongli, what the hell! ! ! 】

[Hongli: Hehe, come to your senses now!
Well, this is what I saw in your ten tees. 】

【Hei Yang: Wow, you secretly looked at those things again. 】

[Hongli: Ha, why don't you let me go? 】

[Hongli: I've said it all, I should be eligible to read it after I get married, right? 】

【Hei Yang: No, I mean, when will you take a peek?Why don't you take me with you! 】

[Hongli: This, hehehe, usually in the morning when you are not awake, or when I secretly wake up in the middle of the night. 】

[Hongli: Hey, you are not wary of me anyway, as long as I don't leave your arms in the middle of the night, you won't be able to wake up. 】

【Hongli: So I usually hug you and watch secretly, hehe.

Wow, peeking while in your arms, can you imagine that feeling? 】

[Hei Yang: Very exciting? 】

[Hong Li: Haha, that's more than just a thrill, it's just too exciting! 】

[Hong Li: Your face is red and your ears are red, your heart is beating faster, thinking that if you find out, you will definitely be taught a lesson, squeak, cough cough! 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: You will be the king of mouth at this time. When it really arrives, will your performance be half of what you said? 】

【Hong Li: Ah, this...】

Hong Li's expression froze.

[Hei Yang: If you have the ability, don’t meow and shout for help every time! 】

【Hongli: Hey...】

Hongli looked away guiltily.

[Hei Yang: He cooks and loves to play, and he is addicted to love. 】

【Hong Li: Hey hey...】

[Hongli: Cough cough, the question is thirty years old and thirty years old, don't bully young women to be poor! 】

[Hongli: Cough cough, in short, you should stay here and reflect on yourself, the guy who interferes with the progress of the teaching, hum! 】

[Heiyang: Yoyo, don't you need my help this time?Why did you become diligent all of a sudden?It's great! 】

[Hongli: Ha, look at what you said, which mother is not diligent?Which mother is not good? 】

Hongli snorted and smiled confidently, and walked towards Xiaohuo swaggeringly under Heiyang's surprised gaze.

[Hei Yang: That, Xiao Li. 】

[Hongli: Huh? 】

[Hei Yang: Now, you really look like a mother! 】

[Hongli: Haha, of course! 】

[Hei Yang: Great! 】

[Hongli: But it's a pity. 】

[Hei Yang: Huh? 】

[Hongli: It's a pity that I didn't have time to get that ball out, so I can only blame Heiyang for using tape! 】

[Heiyang: ? ? ? 】

[Hei Yang: I take back what I just said, you damn girl! 】

[Hong Li: Hmph, taking it back is invalid. 】

【Black Sun: ... 】


Although the mouth kept talking nonsense, but when Heiyang could only watch from the side and couldn't speak...

Well, not to mention, the teaching efficiency has really improved several times!
(Hei Yang: ...)
(Heiyang: I said this is slander.)
In short, Hong Li, who had officially entered the state, began to explain the supernatural powers, which soon made Xiaohuo a little enlightened, and the experience value of the demonic supernatural powers began to increase slowly.


"In short, the key and difficulty of this supernatural power is how to catch others' malice towards you."

Hongli patiently explained.

"If you can get familiar with Xiaohuo and understand this, then you will not be far from learning this supernatural power..."

 It's the end of November, and the book will be almost finished in December, probably.

(End of this chapter)

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