So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 430 No matter what time, always look ahead, full of hope will be invincible

Chapter 430 No matter what time, always look ahead, full of hope will be invincible

"Okay, okay, actually, having said so much, what I mean is very simple."

Yao Qingkong stretched out his hand to hold Hongli's hand, looked at Xiaohuo, and said with a smile: "I just want our family to come and go more in the future.

When the time comes to let the children grow up, play with Xiaohuo and the others more, make friends to take care of each other and help each other.

Since she was young, she intentionally guided the child to play with good-natured children. By then, there should not be so many people in her circle of friends who want to spoil her! "

"Ah? What did you say? Say it again? Did I hear you right? You're kidding me!"

Hongli looked at Yao Qingkong in surprise, pointed to herself and hummed: "You know, I, Hongli!
The following is the most typical example of being misled by a bad child when I was a child!

I think back then I was also a well-behaved, cute and quiet little girl!
You still think that my child can take care of your child?What a joke! "

"Xiaohuo knows!"

Xiao Huo couldn't help but raised his hand with a smile and rushed to answer: "The person my mother said was wronging my mother is my father, right? Xiao Huo guessed right!"

"Only you girl knows a lot."

Hongli turned her head and couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Oh, what, you two are childhood sweethearts, okay? What do you mean being spoiled!"

Yao Qingkong looked at Hongli with disdain.

"You, this is a typical case of being cheap and being good!
When I was young, I met a good boy who could be entrusted to me for the rest of my life, and the families on both sides didn't mind your association.

You couples who grew up together, do you know how many people are envious of you? "


Yao Qingkong glared at Hongli, and resentfully said: "If Zisheng and I could have your conditions, we wouldn't have encountered so many obstacles back then!"

"Ah, who can say for sure about this kind of thing?"

Hongli spread her hands and looked at Xiaohuo.

"If you really want it, then do as you please.

I just want to remind you, lest you blame our children for causing damage to your children or something.

But in the end, it's up to Xiaohuo in the end.

As parents, we don't want to force our child to play with whoever, at most we want to keep her away from those bad boys with evil intentions. "

"Oh, Xiao Huo is fine!"

Xiao Huo smiled and turned to look at the little baby and said: "If the little sister is willing to play with Xiao Huo in the future, Xiao Huo will definitely protect her and prevent her from being bad!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Huo smiled embarrassedly and said: "Actually, Xiao Huo has always wanted to have a younger brother and sister, so Xiao Huo is also a sister!"

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, this was the first time she had heard Xiao Huo say such a thing, she smiled and said: "This is better, it happens that Xiao Huo can play with his little sister."


Yao Qingkong looked at Xiaohuo, then at Hongli, and suddenly smiled and said, "Hey? If Xiaohuo wants a younger brother or sister, he can ask your parents to give you one!"

"Ah this! It's unnecessary!"

Hongli's complexion changed, and she waved her hands quickly.

"You also know that Heiyang and I usually can't take care of ourselves well.

Take care of another child, I'm afraid something will happen to us! "

Hong Li danced and explained.

"Besides, if there are more children, we won't be able to treat Xiaohuo wholeheartedly like we are now. That would be unfair to Xiaohuo!"

After a pause, Hong Li nodded affirmatively again and emphasized: "Yes, that's right! That's it!"

"real or fake?"

Yao Qingkong looked at Hongli suspiciously, as if she didn't believe her reasons.

"Ha! Of course it's true! How can it be false?"

Hongli said affirmatively.


Xiao Huo was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at Hong Li, couldn't help but waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, Xiao Huo won't mind!

Mom and Dad don't have to feel embarrassed about this kind of thing! "

After a pause, Xiao Huo patted his chest triumphantly and said: "Xiao Huo is a big sister, so a big sister should lead by example and be a role model!"

"Hey, don't be so generous in this kind of thing!"

Hong Li's eyes were dimmed, a black line was drawn across her head, she pulled Xiao Huo aside and said earnestly: "You are still young, you don't know what you are talking about, you don't understand the horror of having a second child, you can do nothing wrong by listening to your mother... ..."

"Ah, no, no, mother is not a second child!"

Xiao Huo smiled and pointed to himself: "Xiao Huo came out of the shell, it was an egg! Then there was a baby..."

"Ah, don't pay too much attention to this kind of biological matter, this is not the key point."

Hongli explained to Xiaohuo helplessly, Yao Qingkong looked at them with interest, grabbed Hongli's arm, tugged at her shoulder, made her turn her head, and said with a smile: " Actually, I think you should consider our suggestion."


Hongli turned her head to reveal dead fish eyes, and said with a displeased face: "You said you want me to want it, and you are not my husband!

On this kind of matter, I still want to listen to Heiyang, and Heiyang thinks the same as me, okay? "

Hongli crossed her hands, shook her head at Yao Qingkong, and said firmly, "No!"

"Ah? Are you so resolute in rejecting..."

Yao Qingkong sighed helplessly, and said with a look of pity: "I was thinking about waiting for your family to have a baby, to make a baby kiss for the two children, and then let them play together, just like you A childhood sweetheart like Xiaoyang..."

"Huh? You're kidding me."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help complaining: "First of all, young people in our traveling world advocate free love, and parents don't have the right to interfere with their emotional lives too much!
Marriage with fingertips, betrothal dolls and so on, I want them to be together without even seeing them!
You play this is the ancient dross thinking of the old era, you should get rid of it as soon as possible, and stop thinking about so many things.

Secondly, how can you be sure that I must be a boy the first time?What if it's a girl too? "

Hongli questioned her soul.

"What's wrong with girls? Who said girls can't make doll kisses with you?"

Yao Qingkong couldn't help but retorted.

"Ah this..."

Hong Li looked at the other party in shock, and after thinking about it, she knew that this kind of thing was very difficult to happen.

She couldn't help confirming in a low voice: "Then what if there is a boy?
"Hmph, isn't this the end of the line? That's right!"

A smile appeared on Yao Qingkong's face, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Isn't that just right?"

"Ah, this kind of thing, let's talk about it later, let's talk about it later!"

Hongli laughed twice, suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but take a leisurely look at Yao Qingkong, pulled her daughter over, and frowned slightly.

"But having said that, it's actually possible to have a baby kiss with a child who has not yet been born.

Then why not choose small fire?Is it my little fire that makes you look down on me? "

Yao Qingkong: "Ah, that makes sense..."


Xiao Huo was stunned and at a loss.


Hongli and Yao Qingkong were chatting in the room, while Xiaohuo was bouncing around.

After staying for about half an hour, they got up to say goodbye.

Before parting, Heiyang Hongli's family promised Yao Qingkong and Yinzisheng's family that when their children set up a banquet, they would come over to enjoy the meal, and then turned and left.

It's just that on the way back, Hei Yang saw Hong Li's absent-minded appearance, and couldn't help but feel curious.

Under his persecution, Hong Li honestly explained what she was thinking.

And knowing that Hong Li was actually worrying about the child, Hei Yang was still a little surprised.

But just like what Hong Li said, Hei Yang didn't care too much about this aspect.

A few words dispelled the other party's doubts, which made the other party breathe a sigh of relief again, asking is to see fate.

If Xiaohuo really feels lonely, it's not impossible to give her a companion.

But after they still think about solving the problems after crossing the catastrophe, they will look at their mood to consider and decide these things.

In the following days, Heiyang and Hongli continued to play, sleep, make noise, eat and drink like nothing happened.

Occasionally, I go to see my parents sweeping the fallen leaves in the yard for them, but they are all done by cheating.

No, how can practitioners be called cheating?
This is called applying what you have learned!Yes, apply what you have learned!
In addition, Elder Huo Le, who was talking about confirming the progress of the fusion of laws, then disappeared as if he disappeared from the world, finally called back to communicate.

It is said that after the other party's multi-level and multi-faceted and meticulous investigation, it has been confirmed that the roaming world has indeed successfully digested those laws.

Regarding this, Hongli and Heiyang only felt that Elder Huo Le had said nonsense. After all, they had told each other long ago, but the other party didn't believe it, so they had to investigate. Same conclusion as before.

But in order to save face for Elder Huo Le, Heiyang Hongli didn't say much.

From another point of view, there is a sense of security in the travel world with a mother-like elder like Huo Le who is responsible for the management and control.

However, after being active for a period of time, as the weather gradually turned cold, Heiyang Hongli returned to her nature again, lying in bed every day, reading, sleeping, eating, serious fights and unscrupulous fights.

This kind of life continued until the end of the year in November, when Heiyang Hongli was ordered by his parents' deadly communication to get up and move around, and he couldn't continue to leave it there to ferment.

At the beginning, Heiyang Hongli wanted to quibble, saying that although she never went out at home, she never stopped exercising.

I run every morning, practice swords, practice guns, etc., and occasionally practice hard, and finally take time to rest.

What he said was sincere and sincere, and he almost believed what Heiyang Hongli said, thinking that he was really hardworking at home.

But after the two of them saw a small shadow looming behind their parents, they could only swallow the bitter fruit with gritted teeth and expressions of grief and indignation.

The hateful traitor, Xiao Huo, was blinded by grandma and grandma's new clothes and scarves, and couldn't resist the temptation, so he sold them out just like that.

But even so, the two of them couldn't give Xiaohuo some parental love education as they wished, otherwise their parents would come over to educate them.

However, the little traitor guessed that he was also guilty, and lived at his grandma's house for a period of time and did not dare to go home.

But in this way, Heiyang Hongli would lose his food.

Yes, there is a teleportation array from the cafeteria in the living room!

But they don't even want to get out of bed, why go to the living room!
Only when you lose it will you know the other party's kindness. From the very beginning, Heiyang Hongli said "little guy, if you dare to come back, I will hang you on the house", let you feel what real malice is.

It doesn't matter if they are slaughtered by their parents afterwards, the two of them vowed to die together with the traitor.

It's just a pity that the backbone of the two lasted for less than a week, and the next thing is: Miss Xiaohuo's first day, miss Xiaohuo's second day, Xiaohuo Xiaohuo, come back soon...


"I said, Heiyang, why don't we admit our mistake and bring Xiaohuo back."

In the bedroom, Hongli was sitting on the head of the bed, reading a book absent-mindedly, and muttering softly at the same time.

"It was because we did it wrong at the beginning, didn't we, why are we competing with children!

Let's apologize and admit our mistakes, it's okay to be sorry, a family doesn't speak two languages...

Hey?But having said that, I remember that we wanted to scare Xiao Huo at the beginning, didn't we really want to do it?

Didn't we often joke like this before?I have never seen Xiaohuo misunderstand it! "

Hongli pondered in confusion.

"What? Do you think I'm competing with children?
Fortunately, you are still her mother, that girl is simply getting colder, and she is getting lazy and doesn't want to move anymore.

We have to take care of us two slobs at home, but when we go to our parents' place, they are little princesses, so they just find an excuse to live with them, you really can't see it, right? "

Heiyang stood by the window with a rag in his hand, and said quietly while cleaning the window: "As long as we pick it up, Xiaohuo will definitely come back with us.

I just didn't dare to see my parents, for fear of being beaten if I went in.

After all, we both patted our chests to promise that we would not be so lazy during this time.

In the end, I was lazy and lied. I used to have to face the wall and think about it at home.

Now that we are too old to punish us, we have to use this kind of "cold violence" to secretly poke us to reflect on ourselves...

Well, I can only say that I understand everything.

It's not like you don't know the character of your parents.

They don't spoil us, but they hardly get really mad..."

"Huh? Didn't your mother really get angry when she chased you for several blocks with a kitchen knife?"

Hongli looked at Heiyang in shock, if that wasn't considered angry, what would it be like to be really angry.

"Here, Xiaoli, don't forget to open any pot and pick up any pot!"

Hei Yang's eyes were blank, and he said helplessly: "Okay, okay, it was indeed that time, which child hasn't made his parents angry?
But didn't you notice that my mother hasn't come to the door with a knife yet?Prove she is not angry! "

"What the hell logic..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang speechlessly, a little curious: "By the way, what have you been doing there just now?"


Heiyang froze for a moment, turned sideways and pointed to the window, with a strange expression on his face.

"You ask this?"

"Eh, what's that look on your face, as if I shouldn't ask?"

Hong Li turned her head to look over, squinted her eyes and saw two handprints on the window, raised her brows and felt a sense of familiarity.

"Why does this handprint feel so familiar?"

"Good guy, I really lost my memory..."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes.

"Look down."


Hongli froze for a moment, lowered her head subconsciously, and then saw her hand.


Hongli frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

look at the windows...

look at hand...

look at the window again...


"When am I?!!"

Hongli's pupils quake.

"Hehe, don't worry, wait until I destroy the evidence."

Heiyang paused, and muttered softly.

"Don't panic, I have a photo, I'll let you take a closer look..."

Hongli: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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