So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 431 In my own small world, guarding simple security and happiness, living a life without sur

Chapter 431 In my own small world, guarding simple security and happiness, living a life without surprise or disturbance

Now that he has decided to invite Xiao Huo back, even if Heiyang Hongli is afraid of being scolded, he has to go through this.

The big deal is to pick up the child and run away while the parents are not paying attention, ahem, it seems that there is something wrong with the scene...

But that's not the point, the point is that Heiyang Hongli hasn't stepped out of the gate yet!

"Hurry up, sister, all the flowers I've been waiting for are gone."

Hei Yang was reclining on the sofa in the living room, watching Hong Li pat her face in front of the mirror of the dressing table, he wondered why Hong Li didn't usually wear makeup?

Why does taking a few more shots like this make the face appear more porcelain and the skin less likely to loosen?
But the monks of Nascent Soul Mirror don't have to worry about this...

But if he really wants to do this, it's not that he can't do it for him...

Heiyang's mind flashed a picture of himself scratching his ears with red glass, and he couldn't help but tremble suddenly, secretly laughing in his heart.

"Oh, dear Heiyang, don't be so impatient!"

Hongli smiled and waved her hands, not realizing that a certain guy was bullying her in her imagination, she explained: "Didn't you say that Xiaohuo likes to stay in their parents' house?
In this case, there is no need for us to go in such a hurry, right?

Wouldn't it be nice to let Xiaohuo play there for a while? "


Hongli paused, and said with a confident look: "I haven't gone out for so long, I must adjust my state before going out, so as to adapt to the difficult environment outside!"

"Oh, then you can get used to it slowly."

Heiyang frowned, stood up, put on a coat, and was about to walk out the door.

"Let Master Hongli get used to it at home, anyway, I'm going."

"Fuck, don't! Don't mention it!"

Hongli was startled, and "whoosh" ran to Heiyang, and hugged him by the waist.

"Heiyang, why do you have the heart to leave me alone at home?!"

Hongli raised her small face and looked at Heiyang with aggrieved expression.

"Heiyang, don't you know that if you leave me more than 30 meters, I will die suddenly on the spot!"

"Hey, don't blindly add settings to yourself!"

Hei Yang touched Hongli's head with a speechless face, and couldn't help but complain: "Let me see how you died so suddenly?"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched for a moment, and then quickly changed into a smile.

"Oh, husband, you know that people can't do without you!"


Heiyang gasped, and couldn't help shivering.

"Old, wife, don't do this, I, I'm afraid!"

"Tch, am I not cute?"

Hongli curled her lips, and hummed with displeasure on her face: "No one else can see me like this, so you are the only one, Heiyang! This is your exclusive privilege!"

"Well, it's true to say that..."

Heiyang paused, put down the red glass on his body, took her hand and opened the door.

"Forget it, don't care about that much, let's go."

Heiyang pulled Hongli out of the house, frowned and looked up at the distant sky.


Heiyang looked at the falling stars in the sky, raised his brows, and asked in surprise: "It's snowing?"


Hongli froze for a moment, then raised her head to follow Heiyang's line of sight.


"It's been another year."

Heiyang sighed with emotion, but didn't say much.

But Hongli understood what her husband meant.

When it snowed the year before last, they were involved in the conspiracy of the weasel, and then the two got engaged in a daze, and Hongli was caught in the Five Elements sect in a daze, and was kicked out of the familiar life for more than ten years by various coincidences. , Stumbled into the practice world.

When it snowed last year, Heiyang "rescued" her back, returned to her hometown, built her current home, and started their cohabitation life.

After that, their lives are on the right track of their dreams.

Even if there were some accidents, they were harmless. In this year, they also completed their long-awaited wedding and officially became husband and wife. They gave everything to each other and agreed to be together in the future.

And in a blink of an eye, it was snowing again, announcing the passing of another year.

"It's been another year with you."

Hongli smiled slightly, tiptoed gently kissed Heiyang on the face, and then, without waiting for Heiyang to say anything, took him by the hand and led him to the outside, as if it was another person who was unwilling to go out just now Same!
Judging from the traces on the ground, the snow should have just fallen not long ago, but it took less than 5 minutes for Heiyang Hongli to go out and walk to her parents' house. The original fine snow turned into the size of goose feather catkins. It snowed heavily.

Heiyang Hongli has long been used to this.

The weather in Wuse City is quite special, that is, there is almost no light rain and light snow in bursts.

Regardless of rain, snow or even hail, once it starts to fall, it can't stop, and it must become a torrential rain or heavy snow.


Sitting under the eaves, Xiao Huo looked up at the snowflakes in the sky with his small face in a daze. He was wrapped tightly in clothes, scarves and a beautiful hat.

In the room behind, a warm stove was lit, and a pot of water was quietly burning on the fire, adding a bit of warmth to the room.

Of course, in fact, whether it is the wind and snow outside, the warmth in the house, or the coat he is wearing, it has almost no effect on the surface temperature of the small fire.

After all, to put it an exaggeration, with the temperature of a small fire away from the fire, letting her put her hand into the stove is like freezing people.

But wearing these clothes warms the heart.

The spiritual chicken and the rooster walked in front of the small fire with their heads held high, followed by a group of chicks, not knowing what they wanted to do with their children.

Xiaohuo's mind gradually emptied, and some strange thoughts popped up from time to time.

This feeling of being in a daze is not bad, but my parents sometimes suddenly look at each other without saying a word, as if they were in a cold war.

In fact, it was just that the two of them suddenly didn't bother to talk, and they felt very cold and aloof.

Well, but when it comes to mom and dad, when will the two of them be like Xiaoyue and Xiaori, giving birth to a row of younger siblings to follow her?
Xiaohuo couldn't help but giggle when she thought of herself as the eldest sister, holding her head up and leading a group of younger siblings.

But parents always feel that Xiaohuo already has a child, and it would be unfair to Xiaohuo to have more children, because they can no longer treat Xiaohuo wholeheartedly like before.

But Xiao Huo didn't want to be fooled by his parents like this. In order to encourage them, he ran from home to grandma's house for several days.

Just thinking that after they are not surrounded by their own interference, maybe an impulse will...

"Xiaohuo, let's have lunch!"

Grandma's words suddenly pulled Xiao Huo out of his fantasy.

"Okay! Here we come!"

Xiaohuo turned his head and smiled and waved in response.

"Wait, it doesn't look like I'm responding!"

Xiaohuo was startled suddenly, a smile froze on his face.

This familiar voice...

She turned her head suddenly, surprised and delighted: "Mom and Dad?"

"Hey, does Xiao Huo miss her mother?"

Hong Li smiled and hugged Xiao Huo, and kissed Xiao Huo on the face.

"Well, I don't know if Xiao Huo misses Mom, but Mom really misses Xiao Huo, you little traitor!"

"And me."

Hei Yang added dissatisfiedly: "Why do you only talk about mom and not dad? How can dad satisfy you..."


Xiao Huo didn't say anything, just kept giggling.

"small fire?"

Qing Yiyi's suspicious voice came from the room again, followed by footsteps.

"Strange, why haven't you come yet, Xiaohuo, can you hear grandma?
But then again, did I hear some familiar voices. "

Qing Yiyi came to the door, looking at Heiyang Hongli who covered her face with a small fire, she couldn't help showing her half-moon eyes, she leaned against the door frame with folded arms, and said faintly: "Yo, rare guest, you two are finally willing to leave Your mansion has come out, have you taken care of our little humble house?"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang Hongli's mouth twitched.

"Mom, don't be so sly about us!"

Hei Yang couldn't help muttering.

"Hmph, yin and yang are weird, I haven't hit you kid yet."

Qing Yiyi shook the spoon in her hand, flaunting her strength and said: "Let you take a good start and lead Xiaoli to be positive together, and this is the end?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang couldn't help muttering: "Why do you let me take the lead? Can't Hongli take the lead? It's her who led me to the bad!"

"Ha ha."

Qing Yiyi chuckled, looked at Hongli who was smiling cutely, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Xiaoli, don't hold back, just do whatever you want."


Hongli nodded with a smile, gently put down Xiaohuo in her arms, turned around and jumped up, and punched Heiyang's head wildly.

"Damn, hate, hate, who are you talking about!"

"Hey, Hongli turned against you, hey, stop for me, wow, mom, look at her..."

"It's useless for you to call mom."

Qing Yiyi rolled her eyes, led Xiao Huo and turned her head towards the house.

"Who made you older than Xiaoli? If you don't set an example, who will set an example?"

"Huh? When did I become older than her? I'm obviously only three days older than her!"

"That's big too!"

"Ah this..."

"OK OK."

Qing Yiyi said quietly: "Come in, it's a piece of cake to add the two of you to the cooking."

"Ah, hahaha, how embarrassing this is."

Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, and the two followed their mother into the house holding hands.

36 tricks for parents, this is a bitter trick!
Mom, this level is considered a success!
And Dad's words...

As long as mom nods, dad won't dare to say anything, hehe...


After enjoying a delicious lunch, Heiyang Hongli returned home with a small fire.

At this time, there was already thick snow outside, but because of the existence of the protective cover, Heiyang Hongli's house seemed to be covered by snow, but the yard was still the same, without any trace of snow.

"Xiao Huo wants to play a snowball fight!"

Xiaohuo turned to look at his parents and said, "How about turning off the protective cover and letting the snow in?"


Heiyang Hongli was stunned for a while, and at the same time raised her head to look at the sky, thought about it quietly, and turned her head to look at Xiaohuo together.

"It's going to be cold!"

"And you have to clear the snow afterward!"

"Then Xiao Huo will go to the door to play."

Xiaohuo snorted softly, turned around and was about to go outside, muttering in his mouth: "I want to call Aunt Lianlian to come over and play together.

But besides Aunt Lianlian, who else can have a snowball fight with Xiaohuo...

Little sister Yin Muqiu is too young to play with Xiao Huo.

Well, grandma, grandma and the others would want to come..."


Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, and then at the surrounding yard.

"Small fire, small fire."

Heiyang Hongli suddenly called out to stop Xiao Huo, and ran to her daughter in a few steps.

"You wait a moment!"


Xiao Huo paused, turned his head and showed a bright smile.

"Mom and Dad still want to play with Xiaohuo at home, right?

Hehe, I knew my parents still love Xiaohuo very much! "


Heiyang Hongli bent down, touched Xiaohuo's head with a smile, and explained: "No, we'll talk about the snowball fight later, after all, it's still snowing outside, isn't it?

When the snow stops, we will have another snow fight.Now mom and dad play other games with Xiaohuo, okay? "


Xiaohuo's expression disappeared, and Xiaohuo's eyes said bitterly: "Xiaohuo doesn't want to play the game of lying on the sofa together in a daze and see who breaks first, and also doesn't want to play the game of seeing who falls asleep first.

I don't want to play the game of who can stay up late the best, and I don't want to play the game of seeing who can last the longest without eating..."

"Ahem, that little fire, little fire, please stop for a while."

The corner of Heiyang Hongli's mouth twitched, seeing that Xiaohuo was about to expose their dark history, the two hurriedly stopped them.

"Ah, the last few times I was just playing with the fire buddy, just kidding!"

Heiyang laughed awkwardly.

"Right, otherwise, how could we come up with such a tasteless game?"

Hong Li also had a sneer on her face.

"Mom and Dad just want to take this opportunity to sleep and be lazy."

Xiaohuo said sharply.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli's smile froze again.

"Ahem, that, it's different this time!"

Heiyang smiled sheepishly, stretched out a hand and swore: "I guarantee that, this time it's definitely something new, it's not some boring game!"

"Yeah, that's right, Xiaohuo is resting for a while now, let's get it out and show it to Xiaohuo..."

Hongli quickly added: "Even if you don't trust your father, you should trust your mother, right?"

"Hey, Hong Li, what do you mean?"

Hei Yang couldn't help protesting behind the other party.

"Oh, shut up, smelly dog!"

Hong Li turned her head and gave Hei Yang a white look, and temporarily comforted the young man.

Under Xiaohuo's curious eyes, the two walked to the corner, leaning their heads there and chatting.

"First of all the extremely hot or extremely hot stone."

Hongli whispered, "Isn't it possible to adjust the temperature? Let's use it as a source of heat."

"Hmm, I have to dig a big hole in a while, or dig two or more?"

Hei Yang nodded in agreement.

"Then the bottom is treated like this, and then this..."

"Well, yes, that's how it will be at that time. It's best if you succeed, and if you fail, you can use a little bit of fire to improve."

"As expected of you, Teacher Hongli, you can talk so lightly when opening and hanging."

"Ah, is there any evidence? If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense!"


In just a few words, the thoughts of the two of them were revealed. They wanted to stay in their own yard... the whole hot spring!
The extremely hot and extremely cold rocks that the brothers and sisters of the Five Elements School left for them to adjust the temperature can just be used at this time.

Then, after some minor repairs by the two of them, such as engraving a little bit of formation, their vision will be realized.

Heiyang Hongli had wanted to do this for a long time.

If they don't believe it, this won't attract Xiao Huo?
(End of this chapter)

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