So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 443 We are always concerned about missing too much, but we must also pay attention to how mu

"It's really troublesome, hehe."

Hongli put the empty rice bowl back into the teleportation array, clapped her hands, and happily returned to the bedroom, kicked off her shoes, and flew towards Heiyang.

"Oh, your cutie fell from the sky..."


Heiyang moved his body expressionlessly, turned and rolled sideways, and moved to the other side, letting Hongli throw his face on the empty bed and bury his face in the pillow.


Hong Li let out a few unexplained beeping sounds, then rolled her body, still rolling into Hei Yang's arms, hugged him with both hands and legs, and smiled.

"You want to run, right? There's no way!"

"Oh, okay, okay, you can't run away."

Heiyang picked up the strands of hair on Hongli's forehead, and kissed the other person's forehead lightly, making Hongli in his arms twist happily like a maggot.

"Hey, don't move, don't move."

Hei Yang patted Hongli on the back, and said helplessly, "My buddy is holding it, why twist it, if you twist it again, you will lose your mind."

"Hey hey hey..."

Hongli smirked twice, hehe said: "Whatever, who called you Heiyang, hehe..."

"Tsk tsk."

Hei Yang patted Hong Li on the head, didn't say anything more on this topic, but changed the subject and said: "Who was calling you just now?"

"Brother Butian."

Hongli shook her head, revealing her little face buried in Heiyang's arms, raised her head and smiled at Heiyang, showing a funny expression.

"guess what?"


Heiyang frowned, waiting for Hongli to speak.

"He, he will come back with Zhao Zhuji during the Chinese New Year."

Hong Li didn't hold back Hei Yang's appetite, and said with a smile: "They said, they will come back for the Chinese New Year, to meet the parents!


Hei Yang sucked in a mouthful of red glass, and couldn't help complaining: "That's why I can't think about it!
Let me tell you, Brother Butian and the others are practicing the sect anyway, so they don't come back very easily, and they don't have to come back just during the Chinese New Year to get married or something. "

After a pause, Hei Yangdi muttered: "If you want me to say, just find a normal day, meet your parents or something, that's enough.

Seeing this relative and that relative, how troublesome! "

"Ha, you're sensible now, aren't you?"

Hong Li revealed half-moon eyes, and joked: "Who was the one who invited people to this and that when they got married?

I still have the face to say, I guess Brother Butian just watched our wedding and was stimulated, thinking that it can't be too bad or something, so you want this? "

"Good guy, this is incomparable."

Hei Yang frowned and said: "Our situation is different, and feelings should be unique to everyone. Wedding blessings are important, but feelings are the key point.

Even if there is no one to bless, can it affect a pair of people who really love each other? "

"How do you know that people don't take care of both ends?"

Hongli asked rhetorically: "If you have the time and patience to do this, and think about the chain reaction that will be triggered afterwards, it's not impossible, right?

Some people just like to be lively and lively, which is not the same as us.

What if Brother Butian likes to communicate with those relatives and enjoys it? "...

"Well, that's right, subconsciously substituting my character into Brother Bu Tian..."

Hei Yang was stunned for a moment, recovered, thought and analyzed: "If the other party can handle it, then this decision seems quite normal.

But I'm afraid that he won't be able to handle it, and I will be exhausted to death, and I will not be satisfied in the end, leaving regrets in my life, which is not very good. "

"That's right."

Hearing Hei Yang's reminder, Hongli also frowned and thought for a while, she was not sure: "How about we tell him about this?
Remind him in advance, so that if he persists again, he won't blame us? "

"That's a way."

Hei Yang nodded thoughtfully, then suddenly thought of something, and added: "I'll tell them when they come back, don't rush to talk about it in the communication, do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, this..."

Hongli frowned: "How?"

"Brother Butian hasn't come yet, telling him now, isn't it purely persuading him to quit.

At that time, no matter whether Brother Butian comes or not, he will regret it and feel that his decision-making has been influenced. At that time, we will be chattering in people's ears, and we will become special war criminals.

But when Brother Butian comes, we will tell him that there are many more paths in front of him, and what he chooses by then has nothing to do with us. "

"Hmm, indeed."

Hei Yang nodded, as if he agreed with most of what Hong Li said.

"Forget it, forget about Brother Butian, pay attention to what I told you, if you don't make mistakes, you win."

Hei Yang shook his head, not thinking about those things.

"Look, nothing was discussed in the end."

Hongli chuckled, and then arched her face into Heiyang's arms.

"Well, if you have the spare time to worry about other people's affairs, why don't you care about me more!"

"Good guy, when did I stop caring about you?"

Heiyang laughed helplessly, feeling a little itchy in his chest, couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you doing?"


Hong Li muttered inarticulately: "I'm smelling the smell of Heiyang, it's very reassuring."



Heiyang turned pale with fright, stretched out his arms and sniffed, then opened the red glass brain and sniffed at the neckline.

"What smell! Can I still smell it?

It shouldn't be, obviously I pay attention to hygiene, um, it doesn't smell..."

"Hey, what are you so excited about?"

Hongli silently grabbed the palm of Heiyang's forehead.

"It doesn't smell like it hasn't been washed clean, um, it's just a very common kind..."

After a pause, Hongli pointed out her finger seriously and explained: "It's like a dog can distinguish family members from strangers through this smell!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched: "Then I am a family member and a stranger?"

"You are my sweetheart."

Hongli replied with a smile, but immediately changed to a serious face the next moment.

"But don't try to trick me, I'm not a dog!"

"Ah this."  …

The plan was seen through, and a guilty conscience flashed in Heiyang's eyes.

But thinking that he hadn't started to act yet, he immediately tore his conscience apart, and looked at Hongli with an unbelievable expression.

"Oh my god, Xiaoli, why do you think so?
Could it be that in your heart, I, Hei Yang, are such a shameless person! "


Hongli nodded repeatedly without hesitation.

"Heiyang is like this, there is no way."

"It's so heart-wrenching."

Hei Yang turned his head away, and said sadly: "Our relationship for many years can't be exchanged for such a trust!"

"It's because I trust you so much that I know that it must be something you will do."

Hongli rolled her eyes, stretched out her arms to correct Heiyang's body, and lay back in his arms again.

"It's okay to lie to buddies, but don't lie to yourself, we are just this kind of people, there is no way, don't have any misconceptions about yourself."


Heiyang was silent for a moment, and then said viciously: "I don't care, I just didn't do it anyway!"

"Tsk tsk, are you a child?"

Hong Li looked at Heiyang with half-moon eyes.

"What's the matter, after learning that Mouli acted like a baby, right?"

"Huh? You know I'm learning from you."

Heiyang hehe said: "Don't lose it, don't you lose it!"

"There's no shame in that."

Hongli snorted and said: "You feel ashamed because if I do the same thing, it will be very cute if I do it, and nine times out of ten it will make Heiyang's heart soften or something, and I can't help but want to pet me more.

But if you do it, it will appear to be aggressive, nine times out of ten it can make people harden their fists, and they can't help but give you two pangpang punches, understand? "


Heiyang frowned: "Double standards, right? The air is shaking, we..."

"Stop, stop, don't mind."

Hong Li hurriedly waved her hand to interrupt Hei Yang's words, and couldn't help complaining: "The problem is the height and shape, okay brother!
Hongli, I'm so petite, Heiyang, you're so tall, don't you think it's against me for you to act like a baby? "

"Huh? Who said that? Nonsense!"

Heiyang frowned, and said in disbelief: "Do you understand what is cuteness in contrast, isn't that what I am?"

"Ouch, don't disgust me, good brother!"

A black line was drawn across Hongli's head, she sighed, pretending to be helpless and said: "Actually, it's not impossible for you to act like a baby naturally, if you want to learn, I can teach you?"


Heiyang froze for a moment, showing an interested expression.

"Oh hoo? How do you say it?"

"Do you want to learn?"

Hongli frowned, stretched out her finger and said: "This is my unique secret book, and I told you because Heiyang, you are my favorite dear husband.

I have made such a big determination to tell you this secret, you have to express it, right? "

"Ah? How do you say that?"

Heiyang froze for a moment, glanced at Hongli uncertainly, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Hey, look at the rogue!"

Hong Li twisted and sat up, sitting with her legs crossed in front of Heiyang, crossed her arms and said to Heiyang, looking at Heiyang with shame and indignation, said: "That's not what I said!" …

"Ah this..."

Heiyang waved his hands mockingly: "What are you talking about, I haven't said anything yet!"

"Hmph, there are some words that are left unspoken."

Hongli snorted softly, pointed at Rujian and nodded Heiyang's head, humming: "Your eyes already have a way to kill you, even if I kill you directly, it will be fine.

If you die, it's a great joy, but if I take action, it's punishing the evil and promoting the good. "

"Hey, what the hell are you talking about?"

Hei Yang couldn't help being speechless, he sighed and said, "Then what do you mean, let me pay the tuition?"

"Aha? What tuition fees are paid, and the couple are still talking about money?"

Hongli snorted, reached out and patted Heiyang's shoulder, showing a serious expression.

"Actually, my idea is very simple."

"Appreciate further details."

Hei Yang looked like he was a disciple.


Hongli dragged on for a long time, then hummed: "Actually, I've made up my mind to tell you my secret, which means I'm serious about you, right?"

"That is that is!"

Hei Yang repeatedly nodded and stretched out his hands to praise: "It's such a good way to get a wife, what more can a husband ask for!"

"Hum, it's good to know."

Hongli snorted triumphantly, stretched out another finger, and dangled it.

"Since I'm so serious, shouldn't Hei Yang also show some seriousness?"

"Huh? Like?"

Heiyang asked curiously.

"For example, since I am determined to teach you, then no matter what you do, you have to learn to the end!"

Hongli said confidently: "This is how I deserve my painstaking efforts!"

"Ah, this is it..."

Heiyang's eyes twitched.

"What do I think, I'm sure I'm fine with that."

"Hey, don't rush to agree, save yourself from pushing back and forth when the time comes."

Hongli stretched out her finger and snorted, "During the teaching process, you might feel a little ashamed. Is there really no problem?"

"I won't ask you to learn this if I have a face!"

Heiyang crossed his legs proudly.

"Just let the horse come here!"

"Oh, the young man is very courageous and determined!
Since you are so sincere, I am too embarrassed to let you learn it step by step. It will be too tiring, so it is up to me. "

Hong Li nodded, and reached out to take out something.

"This is a portable knowledge transmitter. Next, as long as you follow what I teach you, you will be able to quickly receive the knowledge I transmitted, and thus master superb skills."

"real or fake?"

Hei Yang was a little suspicious.

"Of course it's true, if you're not good enough, you can find me!"

Hongli packed the ticket and said: "Come on, I'll hide all the treasures here!"

"Well, it looks very sincere."

Heiyang was not sure.

"Of course there is sincerity, be more confident, and remove the look!"

"But I always feel that there is something weird..."

Heiyang frowned, showing some suspicion.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Hongli frowned, and glared at Heiyang unhappily.

"What do you mean, if you don't believe me, can I still cheat you?" …

"Well, I've been tricked a lot..."

Heiyang replied faintly. He carefully looked at the "knowledge transmitter" in front of him, and couldn't help but say, "How do I feel, this looks exactly like that soul exchange device, hey!"

"Oh, don't pay attention to these details."

Hong Li looked strange.

"Because there are not enough art materials, insufficient resources, and low-cost development, we can only use a sticker to represent many things, which is actually far worse!"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Heiyang suddenly realized that it was because of insufficient art resources... what a ghost!



Heiyang's filial piety echoed in Yangli's house.

"If I don't kill you today, I won't eat for three days!"

"Ah, my Yang, why make such a poisonous oath!"

Hongli's exclamation followed.

"Stop for me!"

"It's a fool to stop! Remember that you have already promised me!"

"It's me, you damn guy!"

"Just ask you if it's useful, and it's over! Is it natural for you to act like a baby!"

"I naturally you ****"

"Yeah, I really have no quality."

"Hongli, you********"

"You just said it yourself.

You say: That's it, what's the problem?
I wrote it down for you with the phonogram spirit stone, don't even think about destroying the evidence!

In addition, I myself have heard it and remembered it in my mind, I can't escape you! "

"Then I will destroy the evidence first, and then silence you, so that no one will know..."

"What are you..."

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