So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 444 You ask me what progress has been made?i started to be my own friend

Chapter 444 You ask me what progress has been made?i started to be my own friend

Yangli's house, bedroom.

In the room, Hong Li was sitting cross-legged on the bed with both arms and a displeased expression on his face, almost writing the words "I'm not easy to mess with" on it.

On the side, Hei Yang said something with a flattering smile on his face. He blindly walked around behind the other party, stretched out his hands to beat the other party's back and shoulders.

"Oh my, what's the matter, don't you think it's very interesting?"

Heiyang helped Hongli to beat his back, and explained with a sneer: "Think about the problem from a different angle, understand the truth from a different angle, and face life in a different mood!"


Hongli snorted coldly, turned her head and glanced at Heiyang, unwilling to say anything more.

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

On the one hand, Heiyang saw Hongli showing such an expression, and finally couldn't help but smile on Hongli's serious face, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ahahahaha, I can't, I'm sorry, I can't help it, hahaha, don't show this expression, or I can't help it!"


A row of black lines were drawn across Hong Li's head, and she let out a sigh of relief, looking hopeless.

"I don't understand, so why did things become what they are now?"

"Oh, oh, don't be confused, don't be anxious, because I am in the dark, so you will not be able to escape the established fate after all."

Heiyang snorted, sat next to Hongli, stretched out and rubbed the other person's head, and said with a smile: "Oh, oh, relax, treat it normally!

There are only zero or countless times of this kind of thing, you will be able to get used to it soon, believe in your ability to bear it, hehe! "

"Don't even think about it! I won't give in!"

Hong Li turned her head, annoyed Hei Yang and announced viciously to Hei Yang. She immediately moved to the corner of the wall and pulled the big pillow to cover herself, with a look of preferring death to surrender.

"It's impossible to get used to this kind of thing no matter how you think about it. If you don't try to succeed, I won't be fooled by you!"

"Hey, before you say that, let's take a look at your own situation, okay?"

Hei Yang looked at Hongli proudly, and said with a chuckle, "You think you've already reached this point, do you still have the ability to resist?"

"Jade and stone are shattered!"

Hongli looked resentful.

"Good, good, courageous, bold."

Hei Yang smiled and clapped his hands, and gradually approached Hongli step by step, with a malicious smile on his face.

"But the more you resist, the more excited I get, ho ho ho ho, can you still dance?"

"Hey, I warn you not to mess around!"

With a horrified expression on Hongli's face, she gritted her teeth and said threateningly: "As the saying goes, keep a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, the feng shui turns, who will be spared!
If you don't give your buddy face now, wait until your buddy recovers, you will be finished! "

"It's a joke, after I made this plan, I never thought that I would be able to live afterwards!"

Heiyang smiled freely, looking like a desperado.

"That's why. I should go back to my book before recovering!

As for what will happen in the future, that is what Hong Li needs to worry about in the future. What does it have to do with me, Heiyang now! "

"Besides, you said it too."

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li, sneered and said, "We'll meet each other in the future, we must follow the order!"

"Damn it, I've said so much, you just remember this sentence, right?"

"TchtchttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTtTtTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeCause Of Me, Take Care Of Yourself First!"

Heiyang gave a ferocious smile, and rushed towards the opponent with all his teeth and claws.

"Let me show you what despair is. This wave is called empathy!"

"Think about your size!"

Hongli was filled with grief: "Don't hit me!"


Under the quilt, Hongli stuck her head out tremblingly, her eyes stared at the ceiling blankly.

Beside the bed, Heiyang was holding a stick of glutinous rice candy between his fingers, smoking it deeply.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

Hongli's face was full of grief and indignation, with tears in her eyes.

"It's simply too much..."

"Huh, Kacha..."

Hei Yang bit off a piece of the glutinous rice candy stick, and expressed emotion: "Master is so cute...don't worry, I will take responsibility!"

"You are in charge of your ****"

Hong Li sent a telegram quickly.

And the next moment, both of them were silent again.

There was silence in the house, and at this moment, silence is better than sound.

The picture freezes, the world famous painting: "Afterwards"



Hongli tore the famous painting into pieces, poked her head out, and looked at Heiyang viciously.

"Okay, you are satisfied, now, immediately, immediately, change me back!"

"Oh, oh, don't panic, it's set for 48 hours."

Heiyang smiled triumphantly, ate all the glutinous rice candy in his hand, and turned to look at Hongli with a smile.

"How long has it been? Don't worry, there is still a lot of time. Let's take our time, can't we?"


Hongli's expression froze, her pupils slowly constricted.

"You won't want more, no, don't..."

"Why not?"

Heiyang looked at Hongli with a grin.

"I have been with you for so long before, now let you accompany me, are you going to be so unfeeling?
No way, no way, no one is so indifferent, can't even agree to such a small request from your partner? "

"Ah this..."

Hong Li's expression froze.

"Well, what I said makes sense?"

Heiyang smiled and whispered in Hongli's ear.


Hongli's expression was complicated and tangled, and then changed for a while.

"You, you, me, but this, this shouldn't be..."

"Well, if you don't want to, forget it."

Heiyang sighed, took out the knowledge transmitter and coughed, took out the instrument, and handed it to the other party.

"After all, I love you so much, why would I force you to do something you don't like?

Harm, yes, I was too self-willed, I didn't consider your feelings, it's all my fault.

Come on, here, put everything back the way it was and put an end to my wishful thinking! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang with a lonely expression, her heart trembled.


"What's the matter, hurry up."

Hei Yang frowned, and urged: "Don't wait for me to change my mind, three, two..."

"Ha, hoo!"

Hongli took a deep breath, showing a complex expression on her face, and taking another deep breath, she turned into a resolute expression again.

"One to zero point nine, zero point eight..."

Heiyang was still counting down.

"Hurry up, if you don't make a decision now, it will be too late later."


Hong Li was silent for a moment, relaxed her body, sighed, and lay on the bed with her head up, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

"Forget it, forget it, whatever you like, it doesn't matter, destroy it, get tired, do whatever you want..."

"Oh roar?"

Heiyang frowned, looked at Hongli again, and confirmed: "Are you sure? This is what you said, don't you want to change it?"

"Don't change it, don't change it, you meow, I really am, what the hell..."

Hongli was incoherent for a while, and then sighed again.

"Damn, I'm the only one who is so used to you..."

"Hey, of course I know."

Heiyang smiled, moved to Hongli's side, stretched out two hands to grab the other's cheeks, and said with a smile: "It's because you are the best, hehehe...

Whether you act like a baby or not, the problem doesn't lie with me at all, okay, it's because you are too kind to me, that's why you always indulge me. "

"Oh, as long as you know."

Hong Limin turned to Heiyang, showing dead fish eyes, and said: "Just bully me like this all day long. When will I tell your parents what happened, and let them punish you severely."

"Damn it, it's okay to sue and die!"

Hei Yang showed half-moon eyes: "But having said that, how are you going to tell your parents that I designed to deceive your body?"

"Grass, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I be so stupid to say that, we are husband and wife, okay!"

Hong Li couldn't help complaining: "Of course I'm avoiding the serious and taking the light. I said that you bullied me and so on, but specifically how and where you bullied me, don't you need to be so careful?"

"Well, if it really doesn't work..."

Hongli groaned, and stretched out a finger.

"I can also make up some crimes for you, such as smashing my head against the wall, cutting my back with a kitchen knife, or..."

"What the hell, shameless old thief, shut up!"

Heiyang's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but interrupt Hongli's words directly, and said viciously: "It's okay for you to come to me for nothing, and you still put these scary accusations on me, because I'm afraid that I won't die soon enough. Bar!"

"Hey, hey, I'm not, art processing!"

Hongli waved her hands, and quibbled with a sneer.

"You can't let me tell the truth, why don't we both have shame?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's expression froze: "It seems, yes, it seems that I really can't say it..."

Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other, and skipped the topic tacitly.

"Cough, that..."

Hei Yang smiled and said: "By the way, did you just say that you let me do whatever I want? Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient?"

"Huh, what nonsense are you talking about..."

Hong Li looked away guiltily, and hummed: "I don't know what you're talking about, I don't understand..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

Hei Yang showed a funny face: "You want to understand, there are some healthy people in my bed, do you want to take a look together?"

"Good health..."

Hong Li looked vigilant, and said with some uncertainty: "Is it your new book?"

"Oh, come on, you'll know it when you see it, it's coming..."

Heiyang chuckled, and lifted the other side of his bed.


"Well, one, two, three...

Hey, six treasure chests, are you going to open them again? "

Hongli was stunned for a moment, looking at the six treasure chests that Heiyang had put out, and then she came back to her senses.

"Hmm, plus your six, we have a total backlog of twelve."

Heiyang nodded, pointed at himself, and smiled.

"Aren't you lucky, boy, aren't you very lucky?

Now I will go to your account to open the treasure chest and steal your luck. "

"What hacking dog..."

There was a row of black lines across Hongli's forehead.

"Well, is there a possibility, I mean possible."

Hongli cautiously reminded someone who was overjoyed: "Luck has nothing to do with the number, but the main reason is the owner of the number?"

"Huh? You said yes?!"

Hei Yang's smile froze, then his face drooped, and he said viciously: "Can't those lucks only recognize this face?"

"Well, okay, okay, I admit that this handsome face is indeed a plus..."

Hongli paused, spread her hands together and said, "But I still feel that you haven't mentioned the real key point.

The so-called krypton does not save Feixuan and does not change his life, even if you hack your account, you can't change someone's "good luck"! "

"You look down on people, don't you?"

Hei Yang slapped the pillow with a slap, and said angrily: "Then see the real chapter!"

"The weather has cleared and the rain has stopped, and you think you can do it again."

Hongli chuckled: "Obviously someone has already conceded defeat before, what is going on now, do you want to play a rematch?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just ask if you can open it?"

Heiyang snorted softly and stretched out two fingers.

"We are now in the seventh realm of the Nascent Soul stage, and there are eighth and ninth realms, so I'm afraid we will have to face some difficult things.

If we open these now, we can make the best use of our resources and increase our strength, right? "

"That's not necessarily the case, some things are not the sooner you get the better..."

Hong Li shook her head, couldn't help but refute, and was about to give an example when Hei Yang grabbed her.

"Okay, okay, I know you are the most knowledgeable, don't argue, just drive and it's over!"

Heiyang snorted.

"Okay, who will come first?"

Hongli nodded and looked at Heiyang.

"I'll come first!"

Heiyang raised his head with a hem, picked up a box with confidence, and opened it violently.


Item: Fountain of Creation
Quality: golden


Healing: regenerate the bones, recast the primordial spirit, reshape the physical body...

Minor: Increase the activity of law fusion by a hundred times, make good fortune endless, improve innate aptitude, increase the speed of practice, and reduce the possibility of becoming obsessed...

Creation: life is complete, Tao follows nature, good fortune is infinite...

Alchemy: ...

Planting: ...


Introduction: Although we advocate saving water, there is no need to drink the water after watering the flowers, let alone water the flowers with the drank water...

Baoquan will create and accumulate a certain amount of spring water by itself every day, and it will continue to grow.

"Oh roar?"

Hongli couldn't help raising her brows when she saw what Heiyang opened.

"Okay, you've got a lot of skills, you, this time the things look good!"

"Huh? What does it mean to look good?"

Hei Yang showed his half-moon eyes, and hummed proudly: "It was really good, hahaha!

Sure enough, in fact, I should be a lucky person, I just didn't take it seriously before! "

"Oh, seriously, it means account hacking, right?"

Hongli looked at Heiyang with disdain, and asked suspiciously, "Is it true that your account was hacked successfully?"

"Hahaha, what hacking, I don't understand, I don't understand, isn't this my own ability, what does it have to do with hacking, hahahaha."

Heiyang directly pretended to be stupid, raised his head and laughed.

"Tch, what's so proud of that."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, grabbed her treasure chest, and exerted a little force.

"Look, let me show you what is destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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