So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 445 It’s True That The World Is Big, But You Are Not Small

Chapter 445 It’s True That The World Is Big, But You Are Not Small
"Hong Li" opened the gift box, and before the contents were exposed, "Hei Yang" on one side couldn't help but poke his head out curiously.

"Oh! It's not golden light!?"

Heiyang's eyes lit up and he waved his fist.

"Okay, win!"

"Win your head!"

Hongli couldn't help reaching out to knock on the opponent's head, but she couldn't reach it all at once.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang looked at the little hand in front of him, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Well, I'm really sorry that the arms are a little short, hehe~"


Hongli was silent for a moment, then raised her head to look at Heiyang, her eyes were dim.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's expression froze, he let out a "tch", and obediently lowered his head.

"Humph, that's about the same."

Hongli pressed her hand on Heiyang's head as she wished, nodded in satisfaction, and opened the gift box completely, revealing the contents inside.

"Let's see if you win or not."

"Hey, what's so good about this, I can't afford to lose, right..."

Heiyang turned his head to look
Item: Qiankun Ruyi

Quality: red

Function: Make good wishes to it, turn it into a boost to move forward, and consume it after successful use.

Introduction: Ruyi Ruyi, according to my heart, quickly appear!


Heiyang frowned, realizing that things were not that simple.

"This is, a new level, above gold?"

"Hmm, how should I say it?"

Hongli spread her hands proudly.

"I'm used to it, I can't help it, it's expected."


Heiyang gritted his teeth and looked at Hongli.

"You are so shameless, print the card on the spot!"

"Qiuuuuu, someone can't afford to lose."

Hongli laughed.

"I don't want to bet, but I just ask how you are, is it better than your broken () spring water?"

"Ha, I haven't tried it yet, who knows!"

Heiyang still wanted to quibble on the verge of dying, so he stretched out his hand to take Ruyi and looked it up, with a searching expression on his face.

"Speaking of which, how should this be used? Is it the meaning of making a wish?"

"Well, I don't quite understand."

Hongli didn't stop Heiyang from taking Ruyi away, but just studied with him on the sidelines.

"how to say……"

Hongli shook her head and said: "I don't think so, you see, this is a wish, something like a blessing.

We usually wish others a smooth journey and make progress every day, but we don’t wish others to rule the world, right…”

"Ha, why not, can't you use words such as wishing you all your wishes come true, all the best, twice the result with half the effort, and instant success?"

Heiyang looked at Hongli with a disdainful expression, and hummed, "I don't have any culture, it's terrible!"


Hongli showed half-moon eyes, stretched out her hand and said, "Then please start your performance."

"Ha, just come."

Heiyang snorted and proudly picked up Ruyi.

"Wish me more money, less anger, all wishes come true, and all the best!"

... ... nothing happened.

Hei Yang: "..."


Hongli couldn't help but look away from her snickering.

"Damn, how could this be!"

Heiyang gritted his teeth and waved Ruyi again.

"Let me have boundless magical powers, dominate the world, and do whatever I want, according to my wish, quickly manifest!"

... ... nothing happened.

Hei Yang: "..."


"Hey, it's enough to laugh once, it's impolite to laugh again!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli angrily.

"What, you really are the unlucky little bastard who opened a counterfeit, otherwise how could this happen!"

"Oh, people can't do it, don't blame the uneven road."

Hongli rolled her eyes, and reached out to take Ruyi.

"I've said it all, since it's a wish, let's make some real wishes!"

Hongli guessed: "Maybe it needs sincerity to be effective?"


Heiyang frowned.

"But I really mean it!"

"I've said it all, people can't do it, don't blame the uneven road."

Hongli laughed.

"I'll come first, um, I wish us and our family and friends good health, a long life, a happy mood, a healthy life, and happiness forever!"

"Well, then add me."

Hei Yang raised his hand and said, "I wish family and friends a happy union, happiness and harmony, and happiness and happiness forever!"

"Your nonsense is about the same as mine."

Hongli couldn't help complaining.

"Hei cough cough, Hong Li shut up!"

Heiyang glared at Hongli.

"I advise you not to be so smart, it's rare to be confused!"

"whispering sound."

Hongli rolled her eyes, too lazy to pay attention to the other party.

After the two said their respective blessings, Ruyi trembled slightly, turned into Bulling Bulling and dissipated in the air, successfully using it.

"Hey, wait, wait!"

Heiyang stared wide-eyed at the sudden disappearance of Ruyi who was so big.

"No, no, what, it's gone?"

"Isn't it normal to be gone?"

Hong Li, who was lying on her side, complained helplessly: "Didn't I just say that!

If it is successful, it will be consumed, which proves that we have successfully used it. Don't you have eyes? "

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

Hei Yang nodded quickly, pointed to his face and said, "I'm blind, I don't have eyes, there's nothing I can do, that's all, alas..."

"Grass, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, right?"

A well popped out of Hongli's head.

"Wrong, it means Sang scolding Sang."

Heiyang smiled triumphantly.


Hongli took a deep breath, and said viciously: "Since this is the case, then I won't pretend anymore!"


Heiyang raised his eyebrows.

"How to say?"

"Actually, I'm mentally disabled!"

Hongli pointed at the melon seeds on her head and said, "There's a big problem here!"


A black line was drawn across Heiyang's head.

"That's the way to play!"

Heiyang's eyes were piercing.

"Then I will accompany you to the end!"

"Heh! Just because a piece of trash like me is worthy of going against Lord Heiyang?"

Hongli pointed at herself with disdain.

"I advise myself to admit defeat quickly, so as not to cry and embarrass myself when the time comes."

"Hahaha, what a joke, in front of you, Lord Hongli, I am like the light of a firefly, compared to Haoyue, it is far different!"

Hei Yang looked annoyed: "Am I also worthy to compete with Master Hongli? No, I am not worthy, I am too arrogant!"

"No, no, plankton like me in the sewer can only rely on the brilliance of Lord Heiyang to survive. Without you, the only light in my world will go out!"

"No, no, you, Master Hongli, are rare and peerless beauties in the world, with a peerless beauty!"

Heiyang covered his eyes with his sleeve.

"Wooooow, I really want to be Miss Hongli's dog, but Miss Hongli said she likes cats, but I'm just a mouse..."

"Damn it, shut up quickly, I, a shameless old thief, how can I afford this kind of praise!"

"Ah, I know that Master Hongli is good, but I don't proclaim her divine name and greatness. How despicable and shameless!"



Heiyang Hongli faced each other with wide eyes, staring fiercely at each other, getting closer and closer, closer and closer.

Suddenly, Heiyang suddenly stretched out an arm, wrapped around the back of Hongli's head, and kissed him amidst the other's terrified expression.

"Well, what the hell are you..."



Hong Li collapsed to the ground with a flushed face, panting heavily.

On the other side, Hei Yang put his hands on his hips and looked at Hongli in astonishment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"You wow you ****!"

Hong Li raised a middle finger.

"No, no, that..."

Heiyang looked at Hongli with sparkling eyes, and there was an unkind smile on his face.

"Really, really, it turned out to be really cute!
Wow wow, how can you be so cute, no wonder no wonder, now I can understand you. "

Heiyang took a deep breath, stretched out his arms to hug Hongli, and hugged her into his arms.

"Well, I'll forgive you for those days and nights when you were in a coma. It's not your fault. After all, it would be more ruthless for me, cough cough...

I mean, how could Hei Yang be able to endure such a cute little Hongli! "

"My goodness……"

Hongli's head was resting on Heiyang's shoulder and was hugged in his arms, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

"This must be a nightmare, why isn't it over..."

"Hey, hey, what a nightmare, I don't know you yet!"

Heiyang chuckled, and patted Hongli's little head.

"On the surface, he looks scared, but in fact he is also scared.

But the more this happened, the more excited I felt that my heart stopped suddenly!Hehehe..."

"Hey, are you just telling your dirty thoughts through other people's mouths?"

Hongli couldn't help but spit out.

"Sure enough, I knew that I was too kind to you before, so I should step up my efforts..."

"Yes, yes."

Heiyang patted Hongli with a grin and said, "Increase your strength! I understand!"

"Hey, I'm not talking about increasing the intensity now, what do you know!"

Hongli's pupils trembled, and she put her hands in front of her body.

"Don't, don't make fun of me..."

"Hehehe, now I know I'm afraid."

Heiyang grinned and tugged at Hongli's face.

"Now it's your turn to experience what it means to be cruel~"

"Don't think about it!!!"

Hongli looked shocked and angry: "I will never give in, absolutely not!"

"Oh, don't worry, it's more interesting if you don't give in."

Heiyang smiled slightly.


Hongli raised a question mark.


Hei Yang paused, touched his head embarrassingly, and said with a smile: "I need to tell you something.

Facing Heiyang, Hongli's instinctive memory has already formatted and shattered the resistance and deleted it..."

Hongli: "???"

"No, it can't be so extreme..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, and she waved her hand begging for mercy.

"Young hero, spare your life, stay alive..."

"See you in the future, I understand!"

"You know shit!"

"Good guy, scold me, right? Scold beautifully, scold hard!"

"What are you..."

Hong Li took a deep breath, changed into a dead fish eye, lay down on the bed, and swayed directly.

"Ah, forget it, do whatever you want, it doesn't matter, it's already...

Anyway, you just wait for me, and when the time is up, watch how I will take revenge on you and it will be over! "

"Hey, what a joke, am I too frightened!"

Heiyang sneered, and turned to the gift box.

"Forgive your life first, and then open these gift boxes."

"Look, this time I opened it and it was useful, but when you opened it, you didn't know what it meant. You couldn't see whether it was effective or not. I don't need to say more about whose luck is better!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli proudly and said, "Prove what? Prove that my account hacking was successful!"

"Heh, don't be too happy too early. You are the only one who steals your account. Do you know how to play?"

Hongli looked disdainful: "Talk to ten thousand, my item level is higher than yours.

I don't know if it has taken effect, it must have taken effect, but our realm is too shallow to feel it. "

"Yo Yo Yo, it's blowing up, right?"

Heiyang Yinyang said strangely: "It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Don't call, what do you know!"

Hong Li gave Hei Yang a white look, and couldn't help but give an example: "Haven't you seen those plots?
The protagonist usually goes shopping at the market stalls, or goes to the auction house to sell things.

There will be a thing that everyone doesn't know what it does, and it feels like a waste, but the auction house is forced by the favor of the person who sent it, or the small vendor wants to sell it in a hurry, so they mark it at a super low price, but everyone still thinks it is worthless. It is even more expensive, whoever buys is stupid, and the result? "

Hongli spread her hands together: "Of course the protagonist is ruthlessly picking up the leak, even if it is a brick, he can transform into something like a creation [remnant], and then glow in the middle and later stages, for The protagonist has made a lot of contributions."


Hongli snorted softly, and concluded: "What does this mean? It means that the more mysterious and incomprehensible something is, the more outrageous it is!"

"Tsk tsk, you know how to pick up leaks."

Heiyang's mouth twitched, revealing half-moon eyes.

"According to what you said, if I find hundreds or eighty Destiny's Children and hold an auction with all kinds of garbage mixed in, they will bid wildly instead?"

"Well, it feels okay..."

After a pause, Hei Yang was surprised by his own thoughts.

"Because I said I wasn't sure. If it might be rubbish, it wouldn't be counted as fraud, and even if it was found to be useless, it wouldn't be seeking revenge.

Moreover, I act as a middleman among a bunch of Destiny's Children to auction off their goods to earn the difference, and finally buy my own things, earning a lot of money..."

"Hey, don't think of him as stupid like you, you bastard, when the time comes he will be spotted by someone at a glance, and when the time comes to trouble you, I'll see what you do!"

Hong Li complained speechlessly.

"Heh, what's so difficult about it?"

Hei Yang waved his hands triumphantly and said, "The next step is of course to run away with money!"

"Ha ha."

Hong Li pointed her middle finger up, showing disdain for Hei Yang's thoughts.

"It's really low-end, that's all your ambition, right? Why don't you just resign?"

"Heh, what do you know, life should be like this, just leave as soon as you say, chic!"

"What a chic escape."

"Ahem, that's not important..."

Heiyang waved his hand.

"Forget it, forget it, don't discuss who is lucky or bad, there are still several, and then open the next one, the next one, this time I will come first."

As he said that, Hei Yang directly opened a gift box, and immediately, red glows flickered in the room.

Heiyang Hongli stared blankly, dumbfounded.


"It's broken, did you succeed in hacking your account?"

"Hey, I think it can be."

"It's your size!!!"

Hongli glared at Heiyang viciously, and looked at the third item together with him.

(End of this chapter)

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