So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 446 May you be less afraid of being alone than others, and may you be moved by yourself when

Chapter 446 May you be less afraid of being alone than others, and may you be moved by yourself when you talk about it in the future
Item: Space-time small cross-country cosmic type
Quality: red

Function: Can drive forward in the void outside the boundary, beautiful and practical, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, can pass through 99.993% of the terrain of the universe without barriers, a necessary travel tool for home travel, come for a self-driving tour that you can walk away...

Introduction: The first [-] viewers who call in during the event will have the opportunity to win a wonderful... (cross out)

Introduction: I will never be tempted by small gifts to spend a lot of money next time, woo woo woo...

Ten percent new, it was discovered before it was used, and then it was taught a lesson, woo woo woo...

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli looked at each other, and seemed to see the entanglement of resentment in the introduction...

"Ah this..."

Hongli looked suspiciously at the little off-road that hadn't been released from the box, and couldn't help but said, "I always feel like you opened someone's relic..."

"If you can talk, talk more!"

Heiyang rolled a glance at Hongli, showing dead fish eyes, and turned to Xiaoxue, and hummed softly.

"However, it is also of red quality. Didn't you say that red is powerful just now, and now I also drive it, what should I say?"

"Yes, this is indeed a bit outrageous..."

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang, her gaze was dim.

"It must be the god of luck who recognized the wrong person, and was rubbed by this guy!"

"Ah bah, god of luck, how could it be impossible to tell who is who!"

Hei Yang resolutely refused to admit it, he said triumphantly: "I said, it is my own luck that is very strong.

Usually don't expose easily, just because you are afraid of hurting your fragile self-esteem! "


Hong Li showed half-moon eyes, speechless.

"I originally wanted to keep this matter hidden, but it's a pity..."

Hei Yang sighed and said: "It's a pity that I didn't expect to show weakness again and again, but what I got in return was not a step back, but various blows and ridicules.

I had no choice but to be forced to show my skills a little bit, and it turned out to be like this! "

When Hei Yang said this, he sighed with "helplessness".

"I knew that the matter of my unbelievable luck could not be concealed and exposed in the end!"

"Come on, it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse..."

Hong Li snorted, looked at the other party with disdain and said, "Look at your ignorant fuss!"

"Tchtch, I just don't know what's wrong, what's wrong?"

Heiyang rolled his big eyes, hummed and said, "It seems like you know a lot more than me!"

"If you really want to say it..."

Heiyang paused, and looked at Hongli with a funny expression.

"There are people who haven't seen the snow-capped mountains and the sea. I won't say who they are, they know who they are, hehe..."

"whispering sound."

Hongli snorted lightly, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Hey, okay, okay, didn't you tell me, when we have a chance, let's go together."

Heiyang chuckled, and stretched out his arms to embrace Hongli.

"Not only to go to the snowy mountains and the sea, but now we also have cars, and then we will drive to the universe to see the stars and the sea!"

"Heh, when you plan, you're always full of passion and flamboyance."

Hongli twisted her body uncomfortably, rolled her eyes and said, "I've already predicted it.

At that time, we either have no time or are too lazy to go, and we will definitely procrastinate and procrastinate, and the plan will not catch up with the changes. "

"Ah, don't tell the truth..."

Heiyang laughed awkwardly.

"What if when our heads get hot, we will go on a trip as soon as we say it?"

"That's really awesome."

Hongli complained, shook her head helplessly, and stretched out her hand to open her gift box, red light overflowed.

"As expected, played normally."

Hong Li nodded, but Hei Yang on one side had resentful eyes.

"Damn, why didn't I have such good luck when I was wearing that body..."

"Tsk tsk, someone seems to have slipped the tongue for a while, just now he said that he was very lucky, and this has changed again?"


The two bickered and turned to look at the item.

Item: Infinity Navigator
Quality: red

Function: It can locate and navigate any position defined above the fuzzy concept, enter the navigation mode after positioning, guide the user, and plan the route...

Introduction: Please don't ask where the 100 billion lost yesterday went, you have never had so much money from the beginning to the end!


Hei Yang touched his chin.


Hongli frowned.


Hei Yang thoughtfully said: "Why do I feel, this is like a pendant on the small off-road vehicle I drove? It just lacks a navigation..."

"Hmm, I feel the same way."

Hong Li didn't refute this time, and after thinking about it seriously, she nodded again and said, "You're right, if you feel that you cooperate, maybe it can play a big role."


Heiyang chuckled, and together with Hongli took back the items.

"How's it going now?"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang, and said, "I drove red twice, but you only got one, so don't talk about who is lucky?"

"Ha, no way, some people are like this..."

Hongli spread her hands with a sigh.

"No matter how your appearance and identity change, my luck is still as strong as ever!"

"Ah, yes, yes, look at the way you are frightened, it's not over yet, why worry!"

Hei Yang glared at Hong Li viciously, and pressed the fifth treasure chest.

"Look at my third one, come again!"

Heiyang slowly moved away from the treasure box, and watched nervously with Hongli.

Hei Yang: "Honghonghong, give me the quality of red..."

Hongli: "Don't give him, don't give him, don't give him red qualities!"

Under the gaze of the two of them, a faint light radiated from the gift box, making them look astonished.

Item: single-minded knot
Quality: purple

Function: It can link memory and thinking, and resonate with thinking.

Introduction: Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know and I know.

"Ah this."

Heiyang was dumbfounded.

"Pfft, hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter."

Hong Li on one side covered her stomach with a smile, and couldn't help but said in a strange way: "Okay, big red and big purple, it just happens to be Chinese New Year, you know how to exaggerate the atmosphere to win the prize, hahahaha..."

"What are you laughing at, don't laugh!?!"

Heiyang was a little embarrassed, and turned to look at the purple object.

Originally, he thought that purple would be of no use to the two of them now, or in other words, the effect was not too great, but looking at this description...

"Good guy, exchanging bodies is not enough, there is also linking memory and thinking, right?"

Hongli on one side couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


Heiyang's eyes lit up, and it sounded pretty good.

He reached out to take out the single-minded knot, stretched out his hand to pinch one end, and handed the other end to Hongli.

"Come and try!"

Heiyang looked expectant.

At this time, the soul is actually someone from Hongli, but he has always wanted to know all about Hei Yang's past and present life, and wanted to know everything about him.

Now the opportunity is here!

"Good guy, your attitude changes quite quickly!"

Hongli laughed helplessly, seeing the so-called single-minded knot, she directly reached out to pick it up.

His soul is actually Heiyang, but he never resists telling Hongli everything about himself.

The two accompanied each other crazy together, but never really quarreled.

The reason is simple, the sincerity from the heart and the absolute trust between life and death, understanding and trust are stronger than any vows of eternal love!
"Come and see."

Hong Li sighed, stretched out her hand to hold the other end, and muttered: "But those memories of mine don't have any joy at all, and it's boring to watch, and I'm tired after watching it for a long time, let alone watching it. Empathy, that can make people uncomfortable for a long time."

"Ah, ah, you have come out, can I fall in?"

Hei Yang looked confident.

"That's fine."

Hongli sighed, pinched the end of the rope, and muttered, "But I, I gave you everything without reservation..."

"Who is not the same."

Heiyang answered casually.

In this way, the two strands of memory began to link and communicate.


There was a melodious bell ringing in my ear.

Zhen Hongli opened her eyes in a daze, looked at the completely different surroundings, and there were thick stacks of books on the table in front of her, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I am..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, recalling that she reached out to touch the paper on the table and the desk lamp beside her, her eyes were full of excitement.

"Is this the memory of Heiyang..."

The Nascent Soul stage's strong ability to control her own soul allows Hongli to easily perceive that she is only in a memory picture similar to an illusion, and she can escape at any time.

However, Hongli wouldn't do that...

She calmed down a little, stood up and stretched her waist, walked to the window, looked out of the dark window, and found that she was in a building more than ten meters away from the ground, and the sky was sparse with moon and stars.

"It's night..."

Hongli thought about it.

"I also often read books and stay up until midnight..."

Hong Li casually opened a book on the table, her pupils shrank.

"What the hell is this?!"

Groups of densely packed small characters instantly squeezed into Hongli's sight, they squirmed and crawled towards Hongli's face...


Hong Li suddenly covered the book, and patted her chest with lingering fear.

"But I don't watch this kind of stuff in the middle of the night, what is it, Kazakhs..."

Just now she seemed to have accidentally touched a certain memory bank hidden in the corner of memory by Heiyang, and she was almost fooled by the memory after opening it.

After all, most of the time, Hongli's Nascent Soul-level brain is useless, cough cough, and is in a dormant state, especially when meowing and begging for mercy, cough cough...

"Hei Yang was an ordinary mortal in his previous life!"

This idea came to Hong Li's mind, and she was in awe.

This man, he, is amazing!
"As expected of my man!"

Hongli took a deep breath, concentrated, opened the book again, and mobilized the advanced processor.

"No, I said that I need to understand everything about Heiyang, how could I just fall down here!"



Hei Yang sat on the steps in front of the door, looked at the little kids coming and going with a look of lovelessness, looked up at the pure sky, and couldn't help asking three soul-searching questions.

Who am I, where am I, and what do I do?
Didn't he come to explore Hongli's little secret hidden in the depths, didn't he come to see her memory?
Why did you sit here for so long?

"Could it be, before she was four years old, she was always..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched, he yawned subconsciously, and couldn't help but said, "She can't be so stupid all the time, can she?"

Heiyang raised his head, looked at the sun, rising in the east and setting in the west, his eyes went dark, and he fell asleep.

The next day, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, and my eyes went dark, and I fell asleep.

Day three...

"Grass, where is there any hidden little secret, I'm so stupid, really..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but sighed with his hands on his forehead, and it was exactly as he thought, the girl Hongli had really told Hei Yang everything about her, and explained everything completely.

The only thing left is probably these boring days.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west...

"Well, no..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but yawned again.

"I have to experience how Xiaoli felt back then, and how she lived these years, I have to know..."

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west...


Hong Li abruptly closed the book in her hand.

"Look at the ghost! Look at me! What the hell..."

Hong Li naively thought that just by reading these, she would be able to understand Hei Yang's past and present lives.

But what the hell is she, these, how should I put it...

For the first time in Hong Li's life, she felt like throwing up while reading a book.

Obviously when she was in school, although she was lazy, she still cherished the textbooks.

Those textbooks are still locked in her study!
In Heiyang's memory, Hongli saw that when the other party got a new textbook when he was a child, he was also very happy and treasured the book cover.

That is life's reverence and cherishment of knowledge.

As a result, slowly, without knowing when, it gradually became what it is today...

"Well, am I really reading a book..."

Hongli was lost in thought.

Turn your head to look behind, left and right, in front of you.

On the four walls, there are nearly a hundred certificates of gold glittering.

This was Heiyang's former honor, but in Hong Li's eyes, they were a bit overwhelming.


"Well, it's time for school..."

Hongli opened her eyes in a daze.

"Ah, finally back."

Heiyang looked at Hongli in front of him, and couldn't help but hug her directly.

"Woooooo, Xiaoli, I miss you so much!"

"Ah, Hei Yang..."

Hong Li was startled at first, and then came back to her senses.

But soon she was shocked.

"No, why did I become Hongli!"

"Hey, Xiao Li, what are you talking about?"

Heiyang stretched out a hand and rubbed it on Hongli's head, laughing.

"Aren't you Hongli, Heiyang's daughter-in-law!"

"Ah, that's right, but you, me..."

Hongli's CPU freezes for a moment, and then reacts immediately.

"Black Sun!!!"

Hongli couldn't help but indignantly said: "Despicable, since I secretly exchanged it while I was looking at your memory!!!"

"Ah, it's because you are so fascinated by watching."

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily.

"How can it be called secretly..."

"Wow, you have the nerve to say, what kind of mess have you stuffed into your memory? Damn it, it makes me want to blow up the roaming world with one punch!"

Hongli couldn't help but waved her fist, and added: "Of course, when I said this, no Aoyoujie was harmed, please know."

"Ha, just tell me if it's rich or not."

Hei Yang spread his hands, and hummed: "It's not like you, a few freeze-frame shots of memories from several years are all..."

"Nonsense, so the memory of being with you is all I have!"

Hongli couldn't help curling her lips, turned around and hugged Heiyang, and whispered: "With you, my life has color..."

"Hey, it's really disgusting for Xiaoli to say such words!"

"Climb, climb, shut your mouth if you can't speak, damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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