So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 459 Ouyang Dachui Dugu 2 Dog Duanmu Cuihua Murong dog left Nangong Tieniu Shangguan Fugui

Although Hongli was extremely proud, she wished she could run to her daughter now, hold her in her arms and kiss her hard.

But in front of other parents, she still maintained her calmness as a parent of outstanding students.

She was saying things like, "Ah, my girl is nothing more than that", "Such praise will make that girl too proud", "Everyone praises her for everything she has", but in reality she couldn't stop smiling.

Not only that, the scheming girl Hongli knew that the more she said this, the more Xingyun would say more of Xiaohuo's advantages, in order to refute Hongli's view that "my Xiaohuo is just average".

Well, she is using this method to make the other party praise her daughter even harder!

Xiaoli doesn’t understand what Versailles is~
It’s just a mother’s pride in her children!

Xiaoyun likes to talk, and she likes to listen, which is very reasonable!

Quickly tell me another five yuan.JPG
As for the contemptuous look in her husband's eyes...

Hey, that’s nothing!
Hong Li was despised by Hei Yang for more than a day or two, she has long been used to it!
This guy Hei Yang sometimes does things that make Hongli look like he's "blind", who doesn't know who he is!
Isn’t this how a young couple lives?

It was like lifting up her skirt with both hands to show her disgust...

Ahem, no, no, it’s like one side dislikes each other and the other side relies on each other!

Deep in love, money, rice, oil and salt are all romance!
If he really disliked her, why would he hold her hand so tightly?It's just that your mouth is too honest!

It is said that because the personalities are too similar, every time he speaks ill of Hei Yang, Hong Li has the illusion that he is scolding himself.

She was obviously talking about Hei Yang, but she accidentally discovered that these words could also be used to describe herself... Bah, bah, bah!

What are you thinking about!

She, the eldest lady Hongli, is so frank and outspoken that the upright Hei Yang is far inferior to her!


Hei Yang watched Hong Li happily chattering to Xing Yun. Although there was no evidence, he suspected that this girl was speaking ill of him in her heart again.

Despite the fact that the other person didn't even look here, he looked complacent and didn't care about his surroundings.

But Hei Yang knew that Hong Li had at least [-]% of his attention focused on him all year round.

He could clearly feel Hong Li's mental power coming from all directions, tightly surrounding him and wrapping him in dozens of layers...

It is estimated that even if a female mosquito shows a tendency to approach the black sun, it will be evaporated at the speed of a glass of light...

In other words, Hei Yang is Hong Li's good father, he always likes to seduce this girl and doesn't care about her.

If someone else was entangled with such a strong possessiveness, they would not go crazy...

Hei Yang hummed in his heart, completely unaware that he and Hong Li treated each other in the same way.

Well, Hong Li is wrapped in hundreds of layers of black sun spiritual power...

Well, Heiyang Hongli admitted that they seemed to have some extremes.

But not only do they not dislike each other's behavior, they actually like it!

Maybe in the eyes of some people, this is a pathological possessiveness.

But in Heiyang Hongli's understanding, this means that she is cared for and valued by the other party, and instead has a sweet feeling of being cared for.

Even if one day suddenly there is no thick layer of spiritual power wrapped around it, it will make people feel very insecure!

It's like covering yourself up with a quilt after watching a horror movie alone at home, or like the habit of wearing a coat and a mask to wrap yourself tightly when going out...

Obviously, from the perspective of normal mental health, Hei Yang Hongli is actually a child with some "not normal" problems.

But this is not surprising, and they don't feel anything bad. After all, they have been "not very sociable" since they were young.

As I said before, the two of them are too sensitive, and their hair will explode if they are slightly stimulated, so they habitually build up their inner walls to be impregnable and shut out the world.

Close family members can enter the "living room" that is close to the center of their hearts, but the only ones who can enter the "bedroom" and embrace each other to sleep are each other.

Wrapping the other person with mental power is never meant to monitor him, but to give him an early warning and thereby protect him.

It was like two naive children getting into a cardboard box, digging a few holes in the box back to back, and watching their surroundings.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Safety... There is a light in front of you to the right that looks a bit suspicious, please pay attention."

"Understood... the air in front of you feels a bit dangerous, don't take it lightly."

"I know……"

This kind of mental state can hardly be called healthy. Part of the reason for their lazy personalities is that they waste too much energy on this aspect.

Of course, a little mental internal friction cannot conceal their nature as lazy dogs!

Although I didn’t do anything today, I still worked hard on myself.JPG
Congratulations to myself for surviving another safe and healthy day.JPG
It can only be said that, in the words of Hongli's aunt Hongling, it is a good thing that these two guys with the same condition went in both directions, otherwise it would not be of any benefit to society.

However, the young couple firmly refused to admit Hongling's statement.

Ask around in Wuse City, who knows them and doesn't know that they are the most harmless?

It's obviously a romantic love story between an innocent boy and an innocent girl's childhood sweetheart!

Maybe they do have a little more inner drama, but it doesn't hurt, okay?
The result sounded so unpleasant in Aunt Hongling's mouth, ha!
There are many couples who are more outrageous and crooked than them, right?

But Hei Yang Hongli also understood that it was normal for an older leftover woman like her aunt who was still single not to understand their love for each other.

Just be a little considerate of her and don't expose her scars. As long as Auntie is happy!
To put it bluntly, even if they have a two-way disease, it will only affect the other person, and nothing will be cured!

After all, my aunt is still so pitiful that she doesn’t even have a target for the disease, tsk tsk...

So my aunt really said such harsh words because she was jealous of the love between the couple!
Hong Ling, who was inexplicably sympathized with and labeled as a leftover woman:? ? ?

Two young mothers on the side were still discussing the topic of their children.

Xingyun praised Xiao Huo from beginning to end, and then the topic turned to his own Gaga.

"That, Miss Hongli..."

Xingyun looked a little confused and said, "When Gaga grows up, what kind of cool name should he give him?"

"Huh? What's the name?"

Hongli looked at Xiaoli Huohe who was held by Xingyun in confusion: "Isn't Gaga just Gaga?
Haven't you already chosen a name? Why do you suddenly want to change it? "

"Oh, no, you misunderstood Sister Hongli."

Xingyun quickly explained: "Dad told me that the name Gaga is more like a nickname for relatives and elders, just like when I was a kid, my dad called me smile, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah and ah," the name "Gaga" is more like a nickname for relatives and elders.

I mean, when Gaga grows up and introduces himself to others, he will need a more suitable name, right? "

"Oh roar?"

Hongli grabbed the keyword and looked at Xingyun with a funny expression: "Xiaoxiao? What's Xiaoyun's nickname?"

"Ah? Sister Hongli, what did you say?"

Xingyun looked confused: "Why can't I understand?"

Hongli repeated it again in a faint tone: "Xiaoxiao~Xiaoxiao~"

"Sister Hongli, I don't understand what you're saying...Ahhh, I'm still really ashamed!"

Xingyun couldn't hold back after all, and broke through her defense instantly.

She originally wanted to fool around by pretending that nothing happened!
But the honest girl has almost zero talent in disguising herself. She couldn't help but blush when the sinister and cunning Hong Li used a slightly weird accent.

"Don't laugh at me, Sister Hongli!"

Xingyun said pitifully: "Please!"

Little Gaga is still here!

"No way, how could I laugh at you, Xiaoyun?"

Hongli smiled like a flower, but refused to admit it.

"I just think Xiaoyun's nickname is very cute and nice!"

"No matter how cute or nice it sounds, it's still embarrassing!"

Xingyun pouted and asked a little shyly: "Don't Sister Hongli feel embarrassed when her nickname is called in public?"

"Ah? Me..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment. Before she could think of what to say, Hei Yang next to her answered for her first.

"Actually, her nickname is Xiaoli." Hei Yang explained in a faint tone: "We have always called her that since we were little."

Well, in other words, until now, Hei Yang and his elders still call Hong Li by his nickname.

"Ah, it seems true."

Hongli came back to her senses, because she was always called that way, but she didn't even think about what her nickname was.

"Hei Yang has always called me that.

My parents and other relatives and elders also called me this when I was young..."


A question mark popped up on Xingyun's head.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, are you disappointed?"

Hongli was amused by Xiaoyun's cute and confused expression: "I don't have any dark history for you to catch in this area~"

"Ah? Why is this!"

Xingyun's face fell: "I thought I could hear some little secrets from Sister Hongli's childhood."

"Well, as expected, Xiaoyun is just Xiaoyun. Even if he suddenly has some tricks, he is still so naive."

Hongli started to sneer: "I wanted to counterattack, but I didn't expect that I don't even have a nickname that makes people embarrassed, oh ho ho—"

Hongli laughed like a villain.

Don't let small wins lead to losses.JPG
"Damn it, should I say that I am worthy of being Sister Hongli? She is still so powerful..."

Xingyun looked in awe, took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and said resolutely: "Wait, Sister Hongli, one day, I will definitely catch up with you!"

"Then let me appreciate your feeble struggle."

Hongli snorted, with a defiant expression on her face: "You dare to challenge me, you are very brave.

However, this is the only thing worthy of praise for you. "

"I won't give up!"

Xingyun's eyes burned with fighting spirit.

"Stop it, don't get angry for no reason."

Hei Yang looked at the unpredictable expression on Hong Li's face, showing his dead fish eyes, and stretched out his fingers to knock the seeds on Hong Li's little head: "You're still pretending, right? Just be normal!"

And Xiaoyun, don’t just believe whatever she says. If you had believed in this girl Hongli, you would have made a mistake every year! "


Hong Li was knocked out of the "big boss mode behind the scenes" by Hei Yang's finger, and she glared at Hei Yang unhappily: "I'm warning you, stinky Hei Yang, not to slander the great Lord Hong Li at will.

Especially in front of the innocent Xiaoyun, if you make up rumors at will, she will take it seriously! "

"Ah, yes, yes, can I just shut up?"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, gently took out the hand holding Hong Li, stretched out his arm to wrap around his wife's waist, and chose to save face for his wife and not say anything more.

"Humph, that's pretty much it... Well, don't trust Hei Yang about that Xiaoyun!"

Just as Hong Li was about to show off her "I guess you know the truth" expression, her eyes flashed, and when she regained consciousness, Hei Yang hugged her into his arms, her expression froze.

Her brain was working rapidly, and her expression returned to normal after 0.07 seconds. She changed her hand to hold the communication spirit stone, and naturally moved the lens of the communication spirit stone upward, exposing only her upper body, and then continued to talk to Xingyun with a smile. Words come.

The entire process took no more than half a second, and the moment of confusion when speaking seemed to be just a normal pause. Xingyun, who was chatting while shopping, didn't even notice that Sister Hongli's expression had stiffened just now.

"Don't believe Heiyang's lies!"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang with a dark expression as usual: "He is the big liar who really cannot be trusted!

The last victim who believed in him was named Hongli, and he already paid a heavy price! "

"Oh, don't be joking, Sister Hongli."

Xingyun didn't know the darkness of Sister Hongli, who only showed her upper body in the camera. She waved her hand with a smile: "Sister Hongli and Brother Heiyang, you are obviously very good people, how could you lie to me!"

"Oh, blind!"

Although Xiaoyun's trust made Hongli very happy, she was still a little angry about Xingyun's gullible character.

What if one day someone is looking at her and the innocent girl suffers a big loss?
No, just thinking about it makes my blood pressure high. Xiaoyun must develop a sense of prevention in this regard!
"Then just now Hei Yang said I lied to you, and I said Hei Yang lied to you. How do you explain it?"

Hong Li sneered: "This means that at least one of us has lied to you, doesn't it?"

"Ah this..."

Xingyun blinked, showing a confused expression, thinking about what Sister Hongli said, her brain gradually became confused.

"Well, if Sister Hongli didn't lie to me, it means that Brother Heiyang lied to me. If Brother Heiyang didn't lie to me...

No, no, it’s a mess, what’s going on..."

"Yes, yes, what's going on?"

Hong Li smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Xing Yun's eyes wandering around, knowing that she had successfully diverted the other party's attention.

In this way, she was no longer nervous, twisted her body, and changed into a comfortable position in Hei Yang's arms, letting him hold her in his arms and walk slowly down the street.

"Xiaoyun? Xiaoyun? Xiaoyun, can you hear me? Why are you so stunned? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

Hongli looked concerned and advised: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't understand..."

"Sorry, Sister Hongli, wait for me to smooth it out!"

Xingyun interrupted Hongli's words in a deep voice, and the movement of smoothing the feathers slowly stopped. His brows were furrowed, and his face was full of solemnity.

"First of all, Sister Hongli will definitely not lie to me. If this happens..."

"Hey, don't be in a hurry, Xiaoyun, think about it slowly."

Hongli smiled slightly: "Come on!"


On the side, Hei Yang looked at him quietly, with a black line drawn on his head.

[Hei Yang: It’s so bad, my Li, it’s so nice to fool such an innocent girl! 】

[Hei Yang: Touch your conscience, won’t it hurt? 】

[Hongli: Ha, the best thing you can do is just your conscience!I'm embarrassed to expose you! 】

[Heiyang: Hehe...]

[Hongli: Don’t think that I don’t know what bad ideas you have in mind. 】

[Hongli: You just saw that I deliberately pretended to be calm in front of Xiaoyun, so you hugged me suddenly because you wanted to see me embarrassed in front of Xiaoyun! 】

[Heiyang: Woohoo, how could Xiaoli’s wife miss me like this? 】

[Hei Yang: I can't help hugging you, of course because - I like you so much! 】

[Hongli: Oh, you big-headed devil, don’t think you can make me happy and get away with it by saying this! ! ! 】

Hong Li snorted softly and tried her best to resist Hei Yang's sugar-coated bullets. She closed her eyes and hit the opponent's chest backward with her little head to express her dissatisfaction.

She is not the kind of silly girl who can be fooled by just saying sweet words - although she is indeed very happy to hear Hei Yang's words!

She, Hongli, is ruthless!
[Heiyang: Xiaoli is the cutest!Xiaoli is the gentlest! 】

Black Sun is launching a sugar-coated attack.

[Hongli: Ahem...]

Hong Li glanced around with some guilt.

[Hongli: Well, I already hugged you anyway...]

[Hei Yang: Huh? 】

[Hongli: What I mean is, actually you can hold me tighter...]

[Heiyang:! ! ! 】

[Hongli: Hey, hey, you’re using too much force!Dog Heiyang, are you going to strangle me to death? 】

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