So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 460 Social fear is not necessarily fear of others, but sometimes fear of not being perfect e

Chapter 460 Social fear is not necessarily fear of others, but sometimes fear of oneself... not being perfect enough

[Hongli: Oh, that’s almost enough. 】

[Hongli: There are so many people on the street, I’m sorry. 】

[Heiyang: Hey, Xiaoli, my Xiaoli, soft and fragrant...]


Hongli's eyelids twitched.

Whose pervert has escaped! ?
ah?Is it from her Hongli family?That’s okay!
It’s weird if nothing happens!
How could it be okay!Something is wrong!

[Hongli: Team member Heiyang, are you awake? 】

[Hei Yang: So tender... Ahem, I'm very awake! 】

[Hong Li: Humph, pervert, a hooligan on the street! 】

[Hei Yang: Just act like a hooligan, just act like a hooligan, just a little bit~]

[Hongli: ? 】

[Hei Yang: Ahem, believe me, my account was hacked just now! 】

[Hongli: I will only believe it if you eat my brain! 】

[Hei Yang: Wife, please calm down, this is just a joke! 】

[Hongli: You are so angry at me. You will cry when you make me angry! 】

[Hei Yang: It’s nothing, how could I bear to be angry with my Xiaoli! 】

[Hei Yang: Don’t get too excited. We haven’t done anything outrageous right now, right? 】

[Hei Yang: When you came here, you were all hung up on me!It's no big deal and no one will say anything. 】

[Hongli: Ah, this, that, that is different. My parents were here when I came. I subconsciously thought we were still children...]

[Heiyang: How young is the child?You didn't kiss me like this when you were fifteen or sixteen. 】

[Hongli: That’s the reserve of a girl!When I was fifteen or sixteen, I already liked you so much in my heart! 】

[Hongli: Really, you have to let people say it, right? The heartless Hei Yang...]

Hong Li's face grew hot, and she turned her head to give Hei Yang the back of her head in protest.

This guy Hei Yang obviously knew why she was shy, so he just deliberately teased her.

How can it be the same when you come and when you go back?

When I came, my parents blocked all the greetings from the neighbors. They just had to follow behind me and laugh.

Now it's just the two of them, and everyone around them greets them with, "Isn't this the couple from Xiaoyang's family, bala bala?" "Isn't this Xiaoli and that couple from her family, bala bala?", and then "Let's go for a walk together" and "Let's come out to play." "The couple has a good relationship" and the like.

I always feel a little overwhelmed when I encounter this kind of red glass, and I don’t know how to answer.

I don’t know whether it was because the two of them felt shy when everyone started talking about them together, or because most of the people who asked questions were elders who had watched them grow up, and they were afraid of being suddenly asked, "When are you going to have a few fat babies?" Boy" and the like.

Hong Li also knew in her heart that although the atmosphere in Five Color City was more conservative than the other world that Hei Yang had told her, the streets would not be filled with kissing couples.

But for men and women who are already together, they don't mind at all if someone holds hands or holds each other's waist on the street. After all, this is a symbol of husband and wife's love.

If the couple walked on the road eight feet apart without looking at each other, then everyone would find it strange!

Naturally, her relationship with Hei Yang has not been a secret for a long time, and everyone who knows her knows that they are together.

Of course, Five Color City is an above-average-sized city no matter how you say it. Even those who grew up here are unlikely to be familiar with everyone in the city.

What's more, Hei Yang Hongli is still the kind of sociophobic and autistic character who never takes the initiative to communicate with strangers, and even fewer people know them.

In fact, for more than ten years before this, most people around them had always had the impression of them as "I have heard that there seems to be this person, but I don't know the details." Their sense of existence was not very high.

Even after killing that yellow-skinned boy, the two of them just walked away and lived only in rumors.

But who asked Hei Yang Hongli and the others to throw themselves a grand wedding that shocked the whole city on their wedding day?
On that special day, Hei Yang Hongli directly filled up the sense of presence that had been lacking in the past ten years, and performed a "formalism" to make people who knew them before or didn't know them. , everyone knows that with such a loving couple who love each other deeply, that grand wedding also left a deep impression in everyone's mind.

The consequence is that even if Hei Yang Hongli has been living in seclusion for a year after getting married, a bunch of people will still take the initiative to say hello to them when they go out.

Most of them are not familiar to Heiyang Hongli, but they are relatives, friends, neighbors, aunts and uncles...

In response, Heiyang Hongli could only respond naturally with a smile on her face.

To be honest, if these people have any malicious intentions or other intentions, Heiyang Hongli can easily solve the problem.

But it was really just a normal friendly greeting!
They are really not good at dealing with these head-scratching simple kindnesses!

But in the final analysis, their current situation is also a sin they made during the wedding. Unless they really stay at home, they still have to face this.

This is not a matter of not caring about other people's opinions, but the politeness that their parents have taught them since childhood prevents them from being able to act coldly and pretend not to hear.

So say...

Contacting other people is the most troublesome thing!
Communicating with people is the most troublesome thing!
Human beings are really the most troublesome creatures!
Ahhh, what's the point of annoying so many people? Let's just get rid of them all! (bushi)

Sure enough, they are still not suitable for going out...

As Hei Yang Hongli walked along, even when she was talking to Xing Yun, there were a bunch of people saying hello to them.

The two of them were tiredly dealing with each other, and the girl Xingyun still showed an envious expression.

"Sister Hongli, you are so popular. Many people are saying hello to you. It's amazing to have so many friends!"

That's what the girl said at the time.

To this, Heiyang Hongli can only say that human beings are not pessimistic. They just want to run away with a mask covering their faces.

But when it comes to that girl Xingyun, she seems to be still immersed in Hongli's question of "who cheated whom" and keeps mumbling something.

Looking at the other party's increasingly serious expression, Hei Yang was afraid that this girl would directly turn into a fork in life, and have an "epiphany" or "understand the secrets of the world", and her temperament would change drastically.

I gradually understand everything.JPG
[Heiyang: Hey, Xiaoli, isn’t that girl Xingyun crazy? 】

[Hei Yang: My father is watching over there. Don’t let his children fool you. It will be a disaster if you are found at your door! 】

[Hong Li: Look at your uncontrollable look. Why are you panicking? There is no such thing as being possessed. 】

[Hei Yang: Really? 】

[Hongli: That must be true. You still don’t believe your wife and me? 】

[Hongli: I know Xiaoyun very well. Once she encounters a problem that cannot be solved outside of practice, she will only think about it for 10 minutes at most! 】

[Hongli: If she fails to figure it out within 10 minutes, her brain will automatically clear this redundant memory and return to the previous topic. 】

[Heiyang: Huh?Is there such an operation? 】

[Hongli: To put it simply, simply don’t think about the problems you can’t figure out. Just stick to your original goals and not go astray on the way forward. 】

[Hongli: This is the so-called "innocent heart", but Xiaoyun seems to be more extreme in this regard. 】

[Hei Yang: Does that mean there’s no problem? 】

[Hongli: OK, OK, don’t worry. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see...] "Well..."

Hei Yang looked at the pensive girl in the camera and expressed doubts about this.

But before Hei Yang could question, Xing Yun, who was deep in thought, suddenly raised his head and said with great interest: "Sister Hongli, what do you think of calling Xing Wudi? Isn't it very domineering!

Hey, why is Brother Heiyang looking at me with that expression? "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang blinked his eyes, and his brain shut down for a moment.

This girl actually jumped back into the topic of naming Gaga! ?
"Did you see it? Someone still doesn't believe it!"

Hong Li glanced at Hei Yang provocatively, and said proudly in a volume that only Hei Yang could hear: "I can only say that your delusional behavior of questioning Master Hong Li's words is really ridiculous! Oh ho ho ho ho ho... …”

"whispering sound."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, a little unhappy that he actually let this girl pretend.

But at least outside, he didn't want to undermine his wife too much, otherwise he might be settled when he got home, so he didn't say anything more.

But the arm around Hongli's waist suddenly became a little stronger, pulling her a little deeper into Hei Yang's arms, as if he was trying to rub her into his chest.

Hongli regained consciousness and stabilized her body, knowing that Hei Yang was expressing dissatisfaction through actions, she couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

She was angry that the other party was so petty and suffered more losses on her, so she was eager to get revenge.

Laughing at his angry "revenge" is really childish, like a child playing with his temper.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Hong Li's eyes, but she couldn't think of any resistance.

While indulging Hei Yang's little moves, she pretended that nothing happened and talked to Xing Yun in a calm tone.

"Xing Wudi or something..."

Hongli considered the wording and commented: "I think we should discuss it more and seek Gaga Benhe's opinion. Is it better to be on the safe side?"

"Well, Sister Hongli, what you said makes sense..."

Xing Yun frowned slightly and reflected: "Although I think the name [Xing Wudi] is perfect, but to be on the safe side, I still need to discuss it with my family."

"How about it quack?"

Xingyun smiled and looked at the little crane he was holding in his arms: "Isn't the name your mother gave you a nice one?"

" doesn't sound good!"

Gaga is an honest child who will not lie to her mother and speaks her true thoughts without hesitation.

"Ah this..."

Xingyun's smile solidified.

"Tsk, tsk, I seem to hear a certain Xiaoyun's heartbroken voice..."

When Hongli heard Gaga's answer, she couldn't help but show a funny expression. She also felt that it was not good to laugh at her best friend like this, so she showed some sympathy.

However, she still agrees with Gaga. If you are not satisfied, you have to honestly say it. Otherwise, will you let a name that you are not satisfied with accompany you for the rest of your life?
Moreover, Gaga and Xiaoyun are so close, so if they object directly and honestly, there will be no embarrassment or loss of face.

Xingyun won't be angry because of Gaga's words. It's just a small setback that she has been decisively rejected after thinking about it for a long time, which makes her doubt her life.

"Don't you like it, little Gaga?"

Xingyun sighed heavily, and after calming down, he showed his energetic look again, his eyes full of fighting spirit and said: "Okay! Then cross out this name!

Don’t worry, Mommy will definitely give you a name that is handsome, domineering, and easy to pronounce, giving you a face! "


Little Gaga was a little frightened by his mother's aura and called out weakly. In fact, he thought it was good to have a name that was ordinary and easy to hear. There was no need to have a name that would become the focus of the audience as soon as it was pronounced. level name.

However, Little Gaga is no longer a baby crane. He knew that given his mother's character, any opinions he raised now would probably be of no use and might even be misunderstood and distorted, so he didn't say anything more.

He planned to wait until he got home to tell his grandpa. If there was a reliable grandpa watching over him, he would be able to rest assured...

Xingyun didn't know what little Gaga was thinking. She was still trying to think of another name that sounded more domineering than "Xingwudi".

"Xing Shuaishuai? Xing Shenxian? Xing Qiang?"

Xingyun muttered disaster-level names one after another, and did not forget to ask Hongli for advice.

"Sister Hongli, please help me think about it. What do you think of these names I mentioned?"

"Well, I won't comment anymore."

Hongli's half-moon eyes said: "Lest little Gaga think that his Aunt Hongli is colluding with his mother to bully him..."

"How is that possible!"

Xingyun felt that Sister Hongli had a big misunderstanding of him: "Gaga must also want a handsome and domineering name!
We helped him think of a name together, but it was too late for him to be moved. How could he think we were bullying him? "


Xingyun paused and added: "This will give Sister Hongli some experience in naming your little fire, right?"

"well said!"

Hong Li nodded and agreed with Xing Yun's statement: "But if I don't plan to give Xiao Huo another name, how should you deal with it?"


Xingyun's expression was stunned.

"What's your expression? Are you surprised?"

Hong Li showed her dead eyes, waved her hands and explained calmly: "I have always thought that our Xiaohuo's name is quite good, and I feel that Hei Xiaohuo can definitely be used as a famous name!

This was the name we used when registering her place of birth at the City Lord's Mansion. It doesn't sound wrong, right?

Don’t you think it’s a pretty cute name? It’s very suitable for a cute girl like my Xiaohuo! "

"Ah this..."

Xingyun was shocked and said: "Can it still be like this?"

"Of course, there's nothing to make a fuss about in the first place."

Hong Li paused and gave an example: "Hei Yang's cousin is called Hei Xiaoqi, and his cousin is called Hei Xiaolong.

Although this Xiaoxiao is not as small as the other, it sounds not much different. If others use it, my small fire can naturally use it.

And because there are differences, it won’t mess up the seniority of Heiyang and the others. In recent years, our generations don’t seem to be naming according to seniority habits..."

"It sounds reasonable..."

Xingyun's face flashed, Sister Hongli seemed to really not have to worry about this matter, how could this be?
When I encountered a difficult problem, I wanted to copy Sister Hongli’s answer, but it turned out that Sister Hongli had no intention of doing the question at all!
"What if Sister Hongli has another child in the future?"

Xingyun didn't give up yet: "Can't we use our experience in naming?"

(End of this chapter)

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