So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 476 The coming tomorrow, together with you, we will pursue beauty across the entire universe

Chapter 476 The coming tomorrow, together with you, we will pursue beauty across the entire universe!

"Is it a girl? Pretty good."

Black Xiaolong's cheerful voice came from the communication spirit stone.

"But it's a pity that I was in the sect at that time, and my cultivation had reached a critical point. I couldn't distract him from others, so I couldn't express my congratulations to Brother Hei Yang in person."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. Do you think your Hei Yang brother is someone who cares about this kind of thing?"

Hei Yang leaned on a chair by the wall of the bedroom, waved his hands casually and said, "You are still thinking of sending your greetings to Brother Hei Yang, which makes me very happy. I have received your message."

"Having said that, it's still a bit regretful that I missed the opportunity to congratulate Brother Heiyang."

Hei Xiaolong's face showed a bit of shame, as if he had made some big mistake. It was probably like the feeling that the end of the world was coming, but he missed the last convoy because he slept in.

"Especially, I heard from Hei Hui and the others that there is already a teleportation array directly to their hometown under the mountain gate. It is much more convenient to go back than before. If everything goes well, the trip back and forth will not take much time at all, and it will not delay the practice. or something, but I just didn’t do it!”

Hei Xiaolong raised his head and howled: "I regret it! I hate it! I deserve to die!"

"Okay, okay, it's almost done."

Hei Yang glared with a pair of dead fish eyes and had the foresight to block this sound in advance so that it did not spread too far.

"My second daughter is sleeping. If you wake her up, I'll go over and beat you!"

"Hahaha, let's express some impromptu lyrics!"

Hei Xiaolong rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "Anyway, Brother Hei Yang must have blocked the surrounding sounds. After all, Brother Hei Yang usually likes to think about everything when doing things..."

"The flattery is not very good."

Hei Yang waved his hands and said: "In short, everything is going well at home, whether it's our family or your family, uncles and others are all very good. You don't have to worry about this or that. Just practice yours with peace of mind."

"I contacted you, Brother Heiyang, just after I finished my training!"

Hei Xiaolong said that Brother Hei Yang doesn’t need to worry about his cultivation performance!

"Oh, is it so……"

Hei Yang's eyes looked like he was looking at a kid who "played with his cell phone all day and his parents came back and pretended to do homework for the whole day and wrote random questions and then turned the phone back on and said I was tired all day and couldn't rest anymore."

"Of course, can I still deceive you, Brother Heiyang?"

Hei Xiaolong straightened his body, raised his head slightly, and said with a proud look on his face: "Brother Hei Yang, didn't you realize that my cultivation has improved a lot?"

"Did not see it."

Hei Yang told the truth and said euphemistically: "It doesn't feel as good as my Xiaohuo, well, in every aspect!"

Hei Xiaolong: "..."

"Ahem, um, Brother Heiyang, let's talk about our little niece!"

Hei Xiaolong laughed twice and changed the subject: "Have you thought of a name for your niece? If you don't mind, I can also provide some suggestions..."

"Actually, I've already thought about it."

When Hei Yang talked about his little daughter, his attention was diverted. He said cheerfully: "I plan to call the name Hei Xiaoxue, it sounds nice and is easy to remember."


Hei Xiaolong's eyes widened and he said with a look of disbelief: "Hei, Hei Xiaoxue? You just gave your child such a name?"

"Hmm, what's wrong?"

Hei Yang was a little confused and said, "It's no problem, Xiaoli and I both think it's fine."

"This is a big problem!"

Hei Xiaolong said with a sad look on his face: "With such a simple and casual name, you will ruin your child's future. In the future, children will be embarrassed to say their names when they go out!"

"Hey, hey, what did you say?"

Hong Li appeared out of nowhere, showing her dead fish eyes and said: "Our Xiaoxue has such a nice name, she sounds like a quiet and beautiful girl!

It happened to snow heavily on the day she was born, and it formed a bond with Xiao Huo's name. When others saw the name Hei Xiaohuo and Hei Xiaoxue, they knew that the two must be sisters! "

"Huh? Where did you escape Xiaoxue?"

Hei Yang turned to look at Hong Li curiously. Xiaoxue had been very attached to her parents since she was born. She had to be held by her mother all day long even when she slept. She had to wake up and cry whenever there was any movement.

Hongli had just put the child to sleep for a while, and now she ran out. Aren't you afraid of waking the child up?

"Damn it, don't mention it. I moved covertly and pulled it full, so I didn't wake her up and ran over."

Hong Li sighed softly and felt the worries of happiness: "Sometimes children who are too close to their parents will have a little headache..."

In fact, this is not the first time Hongli has dealt with this situation. When Xiaohuo was born, she could not do without her.

But Xiaohuo itself is a spirit beast with inheritance, and the Lihuohe family has the irresponsible tradition of parents running away after birth. Therefore, generations of Xiaolihuohe have long evolved the ability to be self-reliant since childhood. Even if they stick to their mother, there is no one except Huohe. Apart from the dazzling properties of the precious materials, it didn't cause her any big trouble.

But Xiaoxue is different. When a newborn baby is hungry, thirsty, wants to go to the toilet, wants to be held by its mother, or wants the doll next to the pillow, there is only one way to do it - start crying.

And the little kid won't have any tacit understanding with you. He can cry whenever he wants. Crying at three o'clock in the morning is even more common.

In other words, Hei Yang Hongli is a great monk who has turned sleep from a necessity into a hobby. In addition, his daily schedule is irregular, so he can barely keep up with the baby's rhythm without being too busy.

Otherwise, Heiyang Hongli felt that she would be mentally weakened.

However, their parents comforted them and said that children are only too worrying for a while, and it will be fine after a while when the children grow up.

How long, they asked, ten days and a half month or a year?

Parents say they have to wait until their children reach healthy adulthood, right?

The topic is too heavy, all I can say is that the man is silent and the woman is crying.

Ahem, of course it only took a little effort, but they still enjoyed it.

For example, when it came to choosing a name, Hei Yang Hongli discussed it excitedly for several days, and finally unanimously agreed to call her Xiaoxue!

"So why does the brat say there is a problem with my Xiaoxue's name?"

Hong Li looked at the screen fiercely, with a look like "I'll beat you up if you don't explain well": "Your Xiaolong Xiaoqi can do it, but our Xiaohuo Xiaoxue can't? What's the point!"

"Ah, this, that, sister-in-law, that's not what I meant..."

Hei Xiaolong sweated on his forehead and quickly waved his hands to deny it.

Although Hei Xiaolong, who has become more sensible as he grows older, is no longer as hostile to Hongli, the "woman who stole his brother" as before, he is still a little afraid of Hongli.

To be honest, Hongli has never really beaten Hei Xiaolong, but Hei Xiaolong's impression is that she is very fierce and scary. It is probably because she has seen Brother Hei Yang beat her up several times when she was a child, which left a psychological impression on her. shadow.

Therefore, when he was questioned like this in person, Hei Xiaolong's voice gradually became less confident.

However, he decided to insist on finishing his statement.

"Cousin, sister-in-law, times have changed. My sister and I were named by my parents in their generation, but now we are new young people!"

Hei Xiaolong said passionately: "The names of our descendants should be more characteristic of the times, more personalized, and more in line with social expectations..."

"Well, it just so happens that we have never met society's expectations."

Hongli glared with dead eyes and said without any fluctuation in her tone: "I'm really sorry."

"Ahem, that..."

Hei Yang added next to him: "Actually, Xiaoli and I are quite conservative and traditional, and we don't need any new-age characteristics.

Those names should be chosen by you young people, Xiaolong, and we will not get involved.

Of course, if you have any suggestions, you can give them, and if they sound nice, you can refer to them..."

"Yeah, if you have any suggestions, you can tell me."

Next to Hong Li, Youyou echoed: "We won't listen even if you say it."

"Ahem, Xiaoli, let's listen to that."

Hei Yang coughed twice and interrupted his wife's words. Really, she was talking nonsense.

Even if the name given by Hei Xiaolong is really nice, would they give the naming rights of their daughter to others?

Ha, what are you thinking? Qing Yiyi and the other elders couldn't snatch the naming rights from Hei Yang Hongli's parents, so it's just you, a little Xiaolong?

Of course, the child also means well, so there is no need to say these words, it is not polite, eh.

"Speak confidently and boldly!"

Hei Yang gave a thumbs up and grinned, showing his shining white teeth: "You can say whatever you want, whatever you want!"

"Ha, then I'm a little humble."

Hei Xiaolong rubbed his nose, showed a sunny smile, and said confidently: "I have heard it all. It was snowing heavily and the weather was freezing on the day my little niece was born, and the rolling thunder was terrifying, so I thought, why not call it Black Frost Tribulation? In this way, he is domineering and handsome, and he can scare a lot of people just by saying his name. It is simply..."

"Ahem, um, Xiaolong..."

Hei Yang couldn't help showing a polite yet elegant awkward smile and said: "This name, Hei Shuang, Hei Shuang Jie...isn't it a little too, too that..."

"Huh? Which one?"

Hei Xiaolong looked confused: "Doesn't it sound good?"

"To be honest, I don't know if it can scare a bunch of people to the ground, but it almost scared the two of us to the ground."

Hong Li chuckled and showed her half-moon eyes, feeling that she was too childish just now. Really, how serious is it to compete with a child?

"I think a name like Black Frost Tribulation is a bit too exciting for a girl, or my little girl."

Hei Yang expressed his rejection tactfully: "We'd better call him Hei Xiaoxue. Well, it's a pretty good name, and it sounds friendly."

"Huh?! But, but..."

Hei Xiaolong looked hard to accept and said: "How can he be the protagonist with such a simple name? In those handsome novels and biographies, there are not many names of the protagonists named Zhang San and Li Si, right?"

"The less it resembles the name of the protagonist in the novel, the better!"

Hongli said confidently and directly: "The name Xiaoxue sounds like a child who can live a stable life. The protagonist of the novel just looks at the scenery. Little does he know that behind the scenery, how many hardships he has experienced and how many loving fathers have been sacrificed. mom!"


A question mark popped up on Hei Xiaolong's head.

"Ahem, um, you don't have to understand what your sister-in-law said. You just know that we have our own reasons for choosing names."

Heiyang looked at Hei Xiaolong who couldn't keep up with Hongli's rhythm, coughed twice, helped him come back to his senses, and commented on his speech.

"First of all, I think the name Xiaoxue is not as simple as you said. Obviously the strokes of my Xiaoxue's name are better."

Hei Yang showed his half-moon eyes: "Secondly, I will tell my uncle that you are secretly speaking ill of Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li and the others. This is not a polite behavior."

"Ah, no, that's not the case..."

Hei Xiaolong's expression froze.

"What do you say?"

Hei Yang smiled: "I heard Sister Xiaoqi say that what my uncle and his wife have always been most afraid of is that their children will practice outside and learn from bad boys and girls, and become bad children who are not polite.

And when we slander our elders behind their backs, even if they are paid to do things for us, they are still watching us grow up, right? Tell me, uncle and the others, do you think this matter "will not be mentioned"? "

"Ah, this..."

Hei Xiaolong was silent for 0.5 seconds, and then said with a smile: "Ah haha, um, Brother Hei Yang, I just had a new spiritual realization, and now I have to go into retreat to digest it, so let's not talk anymore. , Hahahaha, you can understand it, right? Cultivation matters, it just happens when the inspiration comes up, hahaha..."

"Anyway, thank you for your congratulations."

Hei Yang smiled and waved, "Come and sit at home when you have time!"

"Yeah, okay, okay, that's it. Brother Hei Yang, let's talk next time!"

Hei Xiaolong cut off communication at the speed of light, and even didn't forget to invite Hei Yang to talk again next time.

"Oh, he is so worried that he still misses his brother. That boy Xiaolong really admires you."

Hongli clicked her tongue: "Fortunately, he is a boy, and he is your relative within the fifth server."

"Okay, okay, don't be jealous, my wife."

Hei Yang chuckled and whispered: "I heard from Sister Xiaoqi that there is a girl in the Wood Department of Five Elements Sect who has a strong feeling for Xiaolong. She even started to take action, approaching in a roundabout way, and got close to Sister Xiaoqi. It’s so close…”

"Hey, is it true or not? Is there still such a thing?"

Hongli took a breath: "What did you say?"

"I told Sister Xiaoqi that I think this matter is quite offensive."

Hei Yang spread his hands and said, "That little kid Xiaolong has been taken to the mountains to practice since he was a child. The only thing he has had deep social contact with people is probably the thought of Brother Hei Yang playing with him all day long when he was a child, so Hei Yang Apart from his parents and master, he was the best to him. In fact, apart from his family and master, he had no contact with many people.

Therefore, I only cared a little about that child before, and my good impression of him grew infinitely.

In the same way, because the few times he saw you Xiaoli, you looked fierce, so he infinitely magnified your terror in his heart.

Because he has met very few people, one person can often represent the entire group in his impression. For example, when he thinks of taking him to play, he can only think of me, and when he thinks of someone fierce, Xiaoli, you become the one in his impression. The most vicious person, and his understanding of the scary bad guy, are all trying to fit into the most terrifying image, and are thus demonized. "

"So I said this, Xiaoli, you can probably understand."

Hei Yang paused and concluded: "That child is not only blank emotionally, his life is almost blank except for cultivation.

Before he gradually gains experience, it will be difficult for him to deal with a girl's inexplicable special affection for him, and there is a high probability that he will deal with it in a mess.

As his master, the elder would probably be able to see this and would not let it go. Before having too deep emotional exchanges, the elder would definitely find a way to mature that child Xiaolong, so I said that I wanted to It's embarrassing to approach Xiaolong through Sister Xiaoqi. How can a girl of similar age to Xiaolong be better than elders with hundreds of years of life experience? "

"Ah, this, could this be the legendary elders beating up the mandarin ducks? The old-fashioned way cannot tolerate free love?"

Hong Li's eyes lit up, and a bunch of bloody plots came up in her mind.

"Xiaomei! Xiaomei, why are you so stupid! Xiaomei! Why are you doing this for me!"

"Xiaolong...I'm sorry, because your master didn't let me tell you...but now I want to tell you personally..."

"Master! Please save Xiaomei!"

"She violated our previous agreement. It's okay to save her, but..."

"How can you be so heartless!"

"Humph, I'm doing this all for your own good..."

"This Five Elements Sect, don't wait any longer!"

"Rebellion! Rebellious! Without these five elements..."

"Xiaoli? Hello, Xiaoli?"

Hei Yang lightly knocked on Hong Li's head: "The soul is back, the soul is back!"

"Huh? You are actually a dragon... Bah!"

Hong Li suddenly came back to her senses and almost subconsciously read out the lines in her mind, but luckily she reacted in time.

But when she turned her head and saw Hei Yang's joking expression, she immediately understood that Hei Yang had guessed what she was thinking about.


Hei Yang teased in a playful tone: "Xiaolong was obsessed with love and broke up with the sect, but by chance, he was reborn from the ashes and returned with revenge... Well, let me think about it, should the next plot say that the girl didn't have it at the beginning? Dies too, then hides his identity and returns to Xiaolong, all kinds of revenge and betrayal of truck's love and hatred?"

"Ahaha, this, that, I haven't thought of it that far!"

Hongli's face turned red, she couldn't help showing her round eyes, and said with a sneer: "It means that the sense of déjà vu is so strong that people can't help but make up their minds...

In addition, you guy, don't always read my psychological activities so clearly. Even if you understand, don't say it directly. I don't want to lose face! "

"You still want to save face here?"

Hei Yang looked confused.

"Ah, this, this..."

Hong Li twitched the corner of her mouth, coughed, and put on a serious expression: "After all, I am also a mother of two children, so I should have some kind of stable and reliable temperament in me.

For you to break my skills so casually, it's fine when it's just the two of us, but if you do it in front of the children, it will destroy the majestic aura I deliberately created! "

"Yes, yes, Master Hongli is the most stable."

Hei Yang agreed casually, pretending not to see Hong Li's fierce expression, looking at Xiao Xue who was sleeping not far away, suddenly thought of something, and said with some worry: "I just said that Xiaolong is not good at socializing and has little experience in life. What about our two daughters?

Should we take them to see more of the dangers of the world and the truth, goodness and beauty of the world? It would be better to let them discuss it with all kinds of people. Otherwise, what if they are simply deceived in the future? "

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hongli was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly: "But is it really necessary?"

"Of course, many good girls are easily taught bad things by others. Most of them are because their parents protect them too well, which is counterproductive. Once they come into contact with people they have never come into contact with before, it is easy to let others lead them. Walk!"

Hei Yang said with a serious face: "We may really be able to protect our children for a lifetime, but we still have to let the children grow up, right?"


Hong Li paused and suddenly said: "It's like the saints in the book are more likely to () degenerate into () ()?"

"Don't use such weird metaphors, you guy!"

Hei Yang had a black line on his head and patted Hong Li's head angrily: "You're serious!"

"Speaking seriously..."

Hongli paused, stretched out her finger and said, "Actually, it's not just like Hei Xiaolong who hasn't had much communication since childhood. You can't be too sure. You see, apart from each other, we don't have much communication with others. But isn’t it fine now?”

"It's because I have seen a lot in another world before. Although I am also very unfamiliar with this aspect because I focus on learning, the information explosion in that world makes it easier to see the diversity of species..."

Hei Yang paused, turned to look at Hong Li, and said with a strange expression: "As for you, are you sure you're fine?"

"Huh? Huh?"

Hongli looked confused and said a little nervously: "I, what problem can I have?"

"What do you say?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li with his half-moon eyes, and said with a helpless smile: "I've been coaxed into getting pregnant once, okay, haven't you noticed that this girl of yours is too dependent on me?"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, and she said unconvincingly: "Can't I coax you into my hands? Don't you rely on me anymore?"

"Okay, okay, I was coaxed."

Hei Yang raised his hands in surrender and said truthfully: "But Xiaolong doesn't have frequent contact with the outside world, so he doesn't know the dangers of the world, and the two of us don't want to have frequent contact with the outside world because we know the dangers of the world.

Of course, I do rely on you Xiaoli. This is true, which shows that I, the theoretical king, have some problems, but it also proves my theory even more, doesn't it? "

"I don't think there's anything wrong with such a question."

Hongli curled her lips and hummed: "I am happy to let you make me pregnant. I will rely on you if I want to. I have no interest in contacting anyone who contacts this. Isn't it a happy life?"

"You can't guarantee that the children will be as lucky as us and it will be a lifelong fate to meet each other."

Hei Yang pointed out the problem sharply.

"Damn it, what you said actually makes sense!"

Hongli was persuaded by Hei Yang and admitted that children need to understand some of the dangers of the world with the help of their parents. Of course, they must do it safely, or they should not contact them at all. They can just observe the world as a bystander. Learn a lot.

But no matter which case it is, it is very troublesome to do!

It's not a technical or ability problem, but it's particularly troublesome for people with social fears like her and Hei Yang!

Not only do they not want to talk awkwardly with others, but sometimes they can't help but feel embarrassed for others when they see them being embarrassed. That feeling is so special that it makes people want to run away and stay away from the crowd.

Sure enough, when Hongli looked at Hei Yang, she found that the guy who proposed the problem and solution also had a frown on his face.

"I think it would be more reliable to study how to let two children learn magical powers!"

Hei Yang thought for a long time and suddenly revealed his half-moon eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched and he chose a method that was obviously more difficult for normal people, but forgive him for really rejecting the other option.

However, the magical power of the devil's heart is really useful. This ability has helped the two of them many times when Hei Yang Hongli was weak when he was young. You will definitely not lose money if you learn it.

The problem is that even if they understand the method of cultivating this magical power, they may not be able to teach people completely. Obviously, even with Xiao Huo and their talents, it will be a very long task.

"It doesn't seem like a problem that can be solved in one or two strokes. It requires a lot of energy!"

Hei Yang sighed: "Push it back a little and put this priority at the second highest position. We must train them well when the trouble at hand is solved."

"Don't make trouble, Xiaoxue is only so young. He will have to wait at least seven or eight years to learn that level of magical power. Even the front-end weakened version is not something that the current little kid can learn."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, raised her head slightly, looked through the ceiling, and stared into the unknown distance with Hei Yang: "And Hei Yang, you also said that the number one trouble right now is that..."

"We are very close. Can you feel some strange atmosphere there, Xiaoli?"

"Ah, yes, a strange atmosphere that is far different from our current universe..."

"We are almost here, the legendary Utopia."

"Correction is another universe that is relatively peaceful."

"But before that, we still need to break free from the constraints of the current universe and pass through the cosmic barrier..."

"Indeed, it is coming soon, and we must overcome what is in front of us..."

"The biggest trouble!"

Hei Yang Hongli spoke in unison, and the two held their hands tightly together.

"Definitely take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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