So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 477 Because the first person I came into contact with was the real you, so you have never ch

Chapter 477 Because the person I came into contact with at the beginning was the most real you, so you have never changed in my eyes.

Traveling around the world, outside the world's shield.

The top cultivators stood on huge pumice stones, looking into the dark depths of the universe, with serious faces and uneasy emotions.

"It's easy to sense it now."

An old man murmured softly: "It couldn't be more obvious..."

As early as three months ago, some people with sensitive perceptions had vaguely noticed something.

It's just that over the years, they have experienced countless empty joys. Before they can truly see, experience, and successfully confirm the situation, they still try their best to keep their minds calm so as not to become more disappointed with their hopes. The bigger.

And as Traveling World continued to move forward according to the predetermined route, that feeling became clearer, and more and more monks felt the aura that was completely different from this universe.

To this day, everyone present can almost feel that it seems to be right in front of them. Even though it is still outside the visual range, everyone's hearts can't help but throb and tremble.

How many years have passed? The ancestors who traced their journey back to the earliest days of the Traveling World, and the successors who have joined in over the years, have been on the road of search and pursuit for who knows how many years!

For countless days of missing their hometown, they stood on the land patchwork of broken boulders and watched this lonely and long journey.

I don’t know how long it will take to arrive, I don’t know if I can successfully arrive, I don’t even know if the destination exists!

Just for that illusory goal and the persistence of a belief, the proud men of heaven who were once famous and high-spirited in their own era have been wandering in this cold universe for thousands of years.

Home is even behind them, but like the legendary Utopia, it seems unreal and out of reach.

If it weren't for the fact that from time to time there would be a few newcomers who would emerge from the world of travel through thunder tribulations, they would even doubt whether there would be no living people in the world they were guarding behind them, and whether they would have only guarded the world for so many years. An empty shell?

Waiting for a long time in loneliness, not knowing whether they can usher in the future, they are like people who have fallen into the water, swimming exhausted in the sea of ​​rising mist, not knowing whether there is a possibility of survival, but unwilling to give up Hope of survival.

The bad environment and confusion about the unknown tortured everyone's body and spirit, and even the latter was tortured more seriously to some extent.

If it weren't for the fact that each of them was a determined person who had reached the pinnacle of spiritual practice, if it weren't for the fact that at least there were fellow villagers around who could talk, if it weren't for the fact that the hometown they miss is still behind them, perhaps they would have lost their temper in the years. Crazy.

But now, this not-so-splendid journey is finally coming to an end. No matter what life will be like later, no matter whether they will set off again in the future, at least they can finally stop and take a rest.

Perhaps after finishing this trip, they should go back home first, make a cup of tea with newly picked leaves, stand by the field, and feel the wind bringing the familiar smell that has been long forgotten in their memories but is gradually awakening.

Or you can lie on the bed in your bedroom at home after sunset, listen to the faint barking of dogs on the street, and sleep quietly. Guess who will wake you up first in the new day, the sun or the crowing of the cock.

Those were the unattainable dreams they had once had in the turbulent universe, but now that the moment in the dream has finally arrived, even some people with strong minds can't help but get red-eyed.

Of course, not everyone present was so deeply moved, like Hei Yang Hongli, the youngest present, and even Kong Yuqing, who had only been promoted for a few years. Although they also respected the persistence of their elders for so many years, they were also impressed by the scene. The atmosphere was a little bit sad, but after all, I haven’t experienced it personally, so I can’t fully sympathize with everyone.

But it doesn't matter if they can't fully empathize. It's enough that they know what they should do and what responsibilities they should inherit from their predecessors.

People who have endured suffering deserve respect, but suffering does not require praise.

And now, all they can do is push for the last push before this suffering ends!

For example...

Hei Yang Hongli exchanged a gentle look and said to everyone: "Since we have almost reached the destination, all we have to do next is to cross the barrier. Let's go ahead and explore the way for everyone.

The barrier that separates the two universes is most likely not that easy to enter. Before the whole world can cross it, some preparations must be made, and you cannot rush forward recklessly. "




Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and Kong Yuqing, who was close to the two of them, couldn't help but walked directly in front of them and said with disbelief: "Something's wrong! Who are you two?"

Where have you hidden the real Heiyang Hongli? How could they say such words with such cowardly characters! "

"Hey, what do you think they have such cowardly personalities?!"

Hei Yang Hongli's originally determined face broke through her defenses instantly, and she roared: "We are the real Hei Yang Hongli, okay? Why don't we two beat you up together to give you some sense of reality! The stereotype is too stereotyped. It’s too much!”

"Ah, this is right!"

Kong Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two people breaking through their defenses: "It seems that I am right. I was probably just possessed by something dirty just now. Is it a dangerous species hidden in the universe?"

Sure enough, you can’t let your guard down, especially when you are close to the barrier of the universe, it is reasonable for some monsters to appear more easily..."

"What are you talking about to yourself?"

Hei Yang showed his dead eyes and said unhappily: "We are serious to begin with, okay!

Let us explore the path, and after obtaining some reliable information, we can discuss how to improve the probability of crossing the barrier..."

"Uh-huh, that's it."

Hong Li nodded in agreement: "My Hei Yang has made it very clear, right?"

"No, I'm still a little shocked."

Kong Yuqing looked around at the other guys who were also curious, and couldn't help but look at the two of them and asked: "Why did you suddenly make such a decision that, um, seems so impulsive compared to your usual self?

Is there something unexpected, or something unspeakable? "

At this point, Kong Yuqing's expression changed and he blurted out: "Could it be that one of the two has some incurable disease and wants to finally shine, and the other one wants to die for love?"

"Shut up! Stop making so many weird imaginings!"

Hong Li helplessly held her forehead, glanced at Hei Yang, and sighed: "There are not so many complicated reasons. I just know that some responsibilities cannot be avoided. Someone has to do this kind of thing sooner or later, right... "

"The family and friends I care about are all in the Traveling World. We must find out clearly before we can safely let the entire Traveling World continue to move there..."

The images of his parents flashed through Hei Yang's mind, and the smiling face of Xiao Huo and the peaceful look of Xiao Xue relying on her parents while sleeping emerged, and he was unwilling to let them take risks.

Perhaps because there is another concern in this world, Hei Yang Hongli made a decision this time more simply than when he took the initiative to break out of the shield last time. He even had the feeling of "I don't trust others if I leave it to others". Who feels it.

Parents have temporarily moved into Yangli's house at Hei Yang Hongli's request, and Xiao Huo and Xiaoxue have also asked them to help take care of them. With the numerous magic circles of Yang Li's house, they can protect their safety to the maximum extent.

In this way, they can safely and boldly do some more risky things.

"Is this so..."

Kong Yuqing and others nodded clearly, with expressions of emotion on their faces.

It's been difficult to return home for so many years, and they are probably the group of people who are easiest to understand their thoughts.

But except for Kong Yuqing and the few people who were the current heads of the Five Elements Sect, the remaining monks who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years are almost all no longer alive. Even if they left behind descendants, because of their blood ties, In terms of relationships, everyone helps each other, and the relationship between everyone is not too deep.

Perhaps after getting along for a long time, new feelings will develop for these blood family members, but at least for now, what everyone misses the most is the group of people who are no longer here and the hometown of Travel World itself.

But Heiyang Hongli is different. They live in today's era, and the people they care about are also in today's travel world!

Among the people present, if you want to say who cares about the Traveling World the most, it may not be easy to tell for a while, but if you want to say who cares about the Traveling World the most today, it is undoubtedly Hei Yang Hongli and the two.

Even monks like Kong Yuqing and the previous head of the Five Elements Sect, who were of similar eras, were far inferior to Heiyang Hongli in this aspect.

For example, Kong Yuqing, apart from the master who adopted her, the only people who can keep up with her are the many disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

If she didn't care about those disciples, it would definitely be impossible, but if you want to say that she cares about them as much as she cares about her closest family members, it would be a bit difficult in terms of emotion and ethics.

To put it mildly, if something happens to the world of travel, these seniors will forever lose a hometown that they cannot return to.

But for Heiyang Hongli, it means losing everything!

After understanding the two people's ideas, everyone naturally understood that they were absolutely unable to persuade them.

"But even so, we can't just let you two go, right?"

Kong Yuqing frowned and said: "There are many experienced seniors here. Wouldn't it be safer to let a few seniors take you there?" "Of course we know that our seniors' life experience is naturally far from enough for us to deal with emergencies. We probably can’t match his experience, but in the field of the universe, everyone is a beginner, right?”

Hei Yang smiled and waved his hand and refused: "In this case, the more people there are, the easier it is for some unexpected situations to happen. After all, if there are more people, it will be useful. Wouldn't it be more successful if we all take Travel World together? The biggest?”

"Now, although I think some of Hei Yang's words are exaggerated, but generally speaking, that's what he means."

Hongli Fushu nodded casually and said: "If we really compare the cards that can be used in the universe, everyone may not have more means than us."

"That's true..."

Kong Yuqing and others nodded thoughtfully.

Space-time off-road vehicle, unlimited navigator, communication mirror, pass...

In comparison, the methods they had in the past were really not as practical as the various methods of Hei Yang Hongli and the others under the current circumstances.

"So are you sure..."

Kong Yuqing wanted to persuade him again, but before he could finish his words, Hei Yang interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, there's no need to exaggerate this atmosphere, it's not a desperate situation.

Even if the two of us encounter a dilemma that we can't handle, we know how to run away, and we won't do nothing stupidly. "

Hei Yang refused with a smile, summoned the time and space off-road, caught up with Hong Li and drove into the distance.

"Of course, if we really don't come back, everyone should be even more vigilant.

But you can also find a way to go and explore. I think even if the two of us temporarily encounter a desperate situation, there is still a chance of rescue, eh! "

"What? I'm still afraid of death."

Kong Yuqing looked helpless, had a quick exchange with the seniors around him, waved and said loudly: "Then just keep in touch every day. If the connection is disconnected for more than three days, we will implement a rescue plan!"


Hei Yang Hongli's voice gradually became blurred, and finally the figure disappeared into the vast universe, leaving everyone in silence.

"With this kind of clean and neat action, does it seem that you have made this determination a long time ago?"

Kong Yuqing looked at the direction in which Heiyang Hongli was leaving and murmured softly.


"There is a saying, even if we really know how to burp, if we are together, when the ashes are scattered, we can still mix together and become desperate mandarin ducks or something..."

On the off-road vehicle, Hong Li muttered beside Hei Yang: "If we let others join in, wouldn't it become an ordinary group annihilation?

If the ashes are carried out by then, we won’t be able to mix them in a perfect ratio, and some impurities will definitely seep in..."

"Ah, of course, I don't mean to be disrespectful to the seniors in the travel world by saying this!"

Hong Li paused for a moment, turned her head suspiciously and looked at the place where no one was coming from, and whispered softly: "But you shouldn't be able to hear it at such a distance, right?"

"To be honest, if it were the universe over there in my previous life, let alone being so far away, even if we stood together, it would be difficult for others to make a sound in a near-vacuum environment, let alone be so far away, who would I know why the universe here is full of spiritual energy, but it’s a bit rude to discuss others behind their backs, even though you didn’t mention them by name..."

Hei Yang casually said that off-road driving is automatic, and Hongli and he were free on the road, complaining: "Also, Xiaoli, can't you speak a little more earthly? Mixing ashes together is too crude. ”


Hong Li showed her dead fish eyes and stared at Hei Yang: "Does it mean that after becoming ashes, you will fall in love with someone else and no longer want to hang out with me?"

"No, I didn't. Don't talk nonsense."

Hei Yang quickly denied the three-part series: "It's just that the example you gave, Xiaoli, is too far from the underworld. If possible, I would rather not turn into ashes or something..."

"To be honest, I feel that when I'm about to die, it's quite honorable to just blow up a bomb or self-destruct or something. I'll turn it into ashes all over the sky. If I don't leave a body behind, I won't have an ugly death. The body will be dragged out to be fed to the dogs, and the head will be shown to the public. Or the heart-wrenching behavior of beating corpses can be avoided."

Hong Li said with a serious face: "So I suggest that adventurers who go out should bring more powerful explosives. They can hurt the enemy and clear the way when they enter, and they can give themselves some dignity when they retreat. It is best to blow people into pieces directly." The gray one, don't leave any charred corpses, broken limbs, or the like. This way, you can keep it in a beautiful state until the end, and it won't be seen by those close to you with your eyes closed or your limbs mutilated. Of course, it would be more perfect if Hei Yang and Hei Yang could die in each other's arms... Ah! My head..."

Hong Li's tirade came to an abrupt end, and she rubbed her head and looked at Hei Yang with an aggrieved look.

Hei Yang responded with an angry eye roll: "I'm not dissatisfied with what you said about your death. I really don't intend to die at all, that's outrageous Xiaoli!"

"Hey, let me discuss how to deal with accidental death based on the facts. I'm not really saying that I want to die."

Hongli curled her lips, put her elbows on her knees, held her chin up and looked into the distance, showing a bit of sadness, and asked: "I wonder how Xiaoxue is doing now?

Will she cry and make a fuss when she wakes up and can’t find her mother? Will she be hungry without her mother to feed her? Will she be unable to sleep without her mother to hold her..."

"Don't worry, parents and Xiaohuo will help take care of it. Xiaoxue is very smart. Even if she can't speak yet, it won't delay her from recognizing her grandparents and sisters."

Hei Yang put his arms around Hong Li and said with soft eyes: "And let's go and come back quickly. We might be back after Xiaoxue fell asleep for a few sleeps. By then, the little girl won't even know that her parents have left home. ,no problem!"

"Can you go back quickly and see what's going on there?"

Hongli sighed, and then glanced at Hei Yang: "And who said that my Xiaoxue can't speak? Didn't he call his mother a few days ago?"

"Oh, Xiaoli, you must have heard wrong."

Hei Yang smiled and said, "You should call me daddy."

"Call Mom!"

"Call daddy!"

"It's mom!"

"It's Dad!"

"Oh, you stinky Baiyang, you are trying to make me angry, right? You are confusing right and wrong, you are clearly calling me mom."

"Don't lie to yourself, Xiaoli. I'm pretty sure he was called daddy. Xiaoxue looked at me while saying that, okay!"

"You're talking nonsense, Xiaoxue was the one who reached out to hug me, okay?"

"Actually, I want to hug dad, but mom is blocking the way."

"Ha, I also said that what Xiaoxue wanted to see was actually her mother, but a certain guy's head was stuck in our arms, blocking Xiaoxue's view."

"We have to seek truth from facts Xiaoli!"

"Don't kid yourself, Hei Yang!"


(End of this chapter)

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