Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 114 Can My 1 Child See This?

Chapter 114 Can I watch this as a child? (Please subscribe!!!)

Claw up, claw down.

Facing such a sudden attack, although Lu Shan had already prepared himself for it, there was still a gap in speed.

Even if the 'Hot Blood' is turned on, the physical attributes are in a state of full bonus.

Even if he has seen that claw.

But the body's reaction speed is still a bit worse than that.

Although it escaped the deadliest attack, it did not escape the attack of the claws.


A few chicken feathers flew around.

Lu Shan tilted his head and glanced at the bottom of his neck.

At the position close to the body, there was a place lacking hair.

Fortunately, no injuries.

Lu Shan raised his head immediately.

This time, the figure of the owl had disappeared from the position in front of him.


Lu Shan has a bad heart, but the next second.

An irresistible impact came from his back.

Under the attack of giant force.

Lu Shan's body was instantly sent flying, drawing a straight line in the air.

"call out!!!"


He slammed into the boulder mountain ahead, shaking out a crack like a spider web.

hiss! !

It really hurts!
Lu Shan struggled to pull the chicken's beak out of the mountain and shook the chicken's head.

The huge impact just now caused him severe pain all over his body and at the same time he was a little dizzy.

Then, he was ready to pull out the wings and legs.

But this time.

A teasing voice came from above him.


"Relying on the cultivation base of the air environment, I can still pass two moves in my hands."

"I'm getting more and more interested in your body."

There is your sister!

Get angry when you hear this.

Annoyed, Lu Shan immediately controlled the aura and lucked out the position of his butt.


'Supracavitary bursa'!

I saw a light blue aura erupting from Lu Shan's butt in an instant.

Under the blessing of this jet of spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Shan broke free from the mountain and flew into the air.

This scene stunned Tian Xiaorou who was hiding below.

Why can my chicken cubs fly?
Why does my dick's ass squirt?

Why is my chicken cub so powerful?
These three questions have been lingering in her mind.

Compared to Tian Xiaorou's ignorance, the cat-man pattern is much calmer.

Because it already knew that the 'air-covered chicken' had the ability to spray air.

Although the color of the ejected gas is a bit different from what it knows, it doesn't hinder anything.

and so.

It smiled.


In the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared again.


Lu Shan immediately controlled the 'sac on the cavity' to increase the output of spiritual energy, allowing his body to quickly climb upwards.

But just as he climbed to the flying height, the boulder mountain in the distance suddenly trembled and collapsed.

And, from his point of view.

You can also see two small things shining with different luster, flying alternately among the rocks.

Wherever those two little things miss each other, there must be shocks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The movement is really not small.

It should be Qingliu.

Lu Shan subconsciously guessed.


He saw a few phantoms, cutting towards him at an extremely fast speed below.

Is this the speed of the owl?
When the volley strikes, you don't even have to step on the escape light.

Seeing that evildoer is getting closer and closer to him.

Lu Shan understood that if he didn't take other methods, at the current speed, he wouldn't even be able to touch the cat man's ass.

If you can't keep up with the opponent's speed, you can't hit the opponent.

Even if you have a certain attack power, it's useless.

and so.

Between thoughts.

The cat-headed man had already arrived in front of Lu Shan.

Look at each other's raised claws.

Lu Shan secretly made up his mind.

Lifting the chicken paw, using the tip of the paw, stabbed hard at his chest.

At this time.

The owl's sharp claws had already grabbed it.

But with the appearance of a scarlet blood, the owl pattern was suddenly discovered.

The climbing speed of the chicken in front of him suddenly accelerated!

By the time it grabbed it with its claws, the chicken's body had already surpassed its entire body.

See here.

Hua Hua raised her head and stared at the chicken's ass.

Scarlet gas, plus that smooth ass.

At this moment, that chicken has completely matched the 'air-filled chicken' in his memory.

But there is still a question.

Why is this chicken spraying two types of gas?

Just when the owl was wondering.

Lu Shan in the air had already turned around and flew towards the owl's position.

When he came to less than ten meters away from the owl.

Subconsciously mobilize the blood in the body to make it rush to the chicken feet.


Somewhere in the air, with the help of the buoyancy of the wings, he aimed the chicken paw at the position of the headman, and drew a skill.

'Three stacked legs'!
In an instant!
Three blood-red light blades appeared from under Lu Shan's chicken paws, and attacked the owl at an extremely fast speed!

Blood red! ?
When the light blade came out of its claws, Lu Shan was stunned.

Immediately understood the reason for this.

Using aura, what comes out is a silver light blade, while using blood energy, what comes out is a bloody light blade.

So, what's the difference between the two?

Lu Shan was wondering.

I saw that the flying speed of the three bloody light blades was getting faster and faster!

By the time the light blade flew in front of the owl, its speed was several times faster than at the beginning.

"call out!!!"

Under such an extremely fast attack, the owl was stunned to find that he had no way to dodge.

As a last resort, it could only draw out its tail again, lay it in front of its body, and spin quickly!
In an instant!
The bloody light blade collided fiercely with the rotating barrier!
But in just one breath, the blood-colored light blade shattered and cracked, turning into blood-colored light spots and dissipating in the air.


What a big disappointment!
At first I thought it was very powerful, but I didn't expect that it didn't even last for three seconds!

Not as good as the silver light blade released by the aura! !
At least that thing is hard!

However, when Lu Shan complained.

The owl's movements suddenly stopped, and its body naturally fell to the ground.


in the process of falling.

Lu Shan was surprised to find that the cat-headed man's eyes were suddenly loose, his eyes were dull, and his body bowed slightly.

Then, holding the void, he made a series of movements of passing on the family line in the air.


Day wear void?

Is this something my two month old can watch?


In Lu Shan's shock, the owl fell to the ground with a "bang".

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

When the smoke and dust on the ground cleared, the owl in the pit sat up blankly.

When it saw a puddle of foul-smelling white mucus next to itself.

The whole body froze.


The cat head looked up.

His eyes turned to the chicken floating in the air.

There was a sharp hissing sound.

This is called.

Lu Shan was also a little embarrassed.

He really didn't expect that his bloody 'three-folded legs' would actually have the effect of making people yummy.

If he knew it would work, why would he put in so much effort to fight?

Just stand there and release skills, let the opponent consume himself, drain his body, and then win without a fight? !
Just when Lu Shan praised his idea.

On the ground, after the owl shouted, its figure suddenly changed.

The body that was standing up suddenly fell down.

Followed by.

The owl's body began to grow bigger, and in the process, even the black robe on his body was torn apart.

a few breaths.

From a cat-headed man who was originally only 1.5 meters tall, he became a huge bobcat with a standing height of nearly two meters.

This change made Lu Shan's corns widen in shock.

Out of shape? !

Or is this the real body? !
Just when Lu Shan was shocked.

On the ground, the lynx suddenly raised its head, staring at the chicken floating in the air.

In a blink of an eye.

The bobcat figure disappeared.


Lu Shan's eyes moved slightly, watching everything below with all his attention.

However, no matter how much he paid attention, there was no shadow on the ground.

Has the speed reached this point?
Lu Shan's vigilance was directly raised to the highest level.


With a flash of light and shadow, some kind of bad feeling came to my heart.

Lu Shan turned his head subconsciously and looked behind him with his corns.

In the end, what met him was a mouth that had been opened to the extreme.

The mouth full of fangs, the tongue full of barbs.

All in Lu Shan's attention, slowly getting bigger!
I swallowed it to myself!

Do not! ! !
Lu Shan worked hard to maximize the blood energy of the 'sac on the cavity'!
But the mouth in front of him still bit his own!

Looking at that posture, I want to swallow my momentum with a big mouthful!

Lu Shan didn't want to die.

He has a system, and he has a soul from another world.

After finally cultivating to a high level of General Qi Realm, the road to immortality is at hand.

How could he be killed by a big lynx just like that? !
Between anger!

Lu Shan opened his mouth and let out a roar from the soul!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The sound of the cock crowed into the Bobcat's ears.

Then, under the addition of the secret technique 'Heart Roar', the bobcat's figure stopped suddenly.

But it's only time to blink!
Bobcat's mouth continued to bite towards Lu Shan!

In this short period of time, Lu Shan opened the 'cavitary sac' to the maximum.

With a sound of "呲", it left the Bobcat's mouth.

this will.

Lu Shan, who was temporarily safe, did not slow down, and still kept running with all his strength.

But at the same time, in order to ensure that he is not attacked behind him.

For the first time, Lu Shan pinched the formation with his wings.

With the formation of more than a dozen different wings, a virtual net that is invisible to the naked eye looms around.

'【Spirit Locking Potential-Actuation】! '

Under Lu Shan's control, the virtual network expanded rapidly, covering himself and the surrounding area with a radius of tens of meters!

At this time.

A phantom suddenly appeared beside Lu Shan, grabbing towards Lu Shan with sharp claws!

Lu Shan continued to make various gestures in the air with his wings as if he had no sense.

Waiting for the phantom's claws to strike.

Lu Shan's figure was instantly knocked into the air!
At a terrifying speed, it hit the ground!

But when Lu Shan was blown away, he actually endured the severe pain in his body, and the moment he flew out of the virtual net, he closed his wings.

'[Spirit Locking Potential- Formation Formation]! '

 Sorry, the time is tight, and the quality of writing may have declined a bit!
  Try to adapt as much as possible!correct!effort!

  Damn, a lot of words have been deleted...The chapter name has also been deleted.

(End of this chapter)

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