Chapter 115 Kill! (Please subscribe!!!)

In an instant!
A red-glowing spherical magic circle just appeared in mid-air.

At this time.

The lynx pattern that seemed to feel something suddenly appeared from the shadows, and looked around the magic circle with a somewhat unsightly expression.

Then he lowered his head, looked through the magic circle, and looked at a ruin on the ground.

Waiting for the smoke to clear,

It could clearly see a chicken soaked in blood in the ruins, lying among the rocks, looking at itself.


The chicken raised its wings.

Facing the lynx pattern in the sky, he pulled off the rest of the wingtips, leaving only the middle one.

The overall posture is clean and powerful, and it is easy to see when it is used frequently.

Although Bobcat doesn't know what this means.

But this didn't prevent it from seeing the disdain and ridicule in that chicken's expression.

This look deeply hurt the pattern.

next second.

The bobcat pattern is like crazy, leaning over and rushing down.


It seems to have underestimated the ability of the magic circle.

Claws, tail, even teeth are used.

There is still no change in this magic circle.


Lu Shan let out a hearty laugh.


The laughter was bright and spread to the surroundings.

When the laughter spread to the boulder not far away, Tian Xiaorou recognized that it was the voice of a chicken cub.

Cautiously poked his head out from under the boulder, and followed the sound.

As a result, many bushes blocked her view, making it impossible for her to know what the cock crowing was about.

Afterwards, Tian Xiaorou raised her head subconsciously, looking at the sky.

When she saw the huge lynx trapped in a light red mans sphere.

His eyes suddenly widened.

what is that? !

How could there be such a big cat here? !
what just happened? !

Shocked, Tian Xiaorou slowly crawled out from under the boulder.

Then think about it.

Seeing that the huge lynx couldn't get out of the magic circle above his head for a while, he walked in the direction of the sound alone.

"let me out!!"


Overhead, the irritable lynx let out an angry roar.

Under such pressure, Tian Xiaorou cautiously leaned towards the voice.


When she found the sound, she saw the chicken cub lying in a large pit full of gravel.

The whole person was anxious all of a sudden.

He strode across the gravel and came to the chicken cub.

Leaning down, looking at the chicken cub embedded in the pit, Tian Xiaorou felt extremely distressed.

"Chicken! Chicken! Don't be afraid!"

"Mom will get you out!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to pinch the chicken cub's body.

But at this moment, Lu Shan's body has been fractured in dozens of places, such a reckless action like Tian Xiaorou's, the direct effect is to make Lu Shan scream "cuckoo" in pain.

Mom you a ghost ah!
stop! !

pain! !

don't touch me! !

It hurts daddy!
what! ! !
An angry Lu Shan directly raised his neck, shook the chicken head, and cut Tian Xiaorou's hand.

Go down in one bite.

The force was not heavy, but it still made Tian Xiaorou retract her hand.

Some looked at the chicken cubs incomprehensibly.


She seemed to understand that the chicken cub's body could not be moved now.

But if you don't move your body, how can you save the chick?
I thought about it.

Tian Xiaorou tentatively took out several bottles of low-level pills and all her belongings from the Xiaojie bag.

14 spirit stones.

Seeing Lingshi, Lu Shan's eyes lit up instantly.

When I moved my neck, I wanted to roll the Lingshi over.

Too bad the neck is too short to reach.

"Do you want this?"

Tian Xiaorou tentatively took the spirit stone and stuffed it into Lu Shan's mouth.

Lingshi into the mouth.

Lu Shan instantly felt a cool air flowing from every wound in his body.

Wherever the meaning of coolness flowed, the injuries were much better.

It can be seen that the role of Lingshi is not only to reduce the time for promotion.


Lu Shan opened his mouth again, motioning to take all the remaining spirit stones.

At this moment, Tian Xiaorou was not stingy, and put the remaining spirit stones together with the elixir in front of Lu Shan.

After a while.

When Lu Shan stuffed all the zero stones and pills into his mouth.

Close your eyes and lie in the crack, motionless.

Maybe it was because Tian Xiaorou saw that the chicken was recovering, so Tian Xiaorou didn't bother her.

He looked at the chicken in front of him with a pair of very complicated eyes.

I watched it for a while.


Lu Shan's eyes opened.

The difference from the weakness before is that.

This time.

His eyes were bright and his body was strong.

After a deep breath.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

A few crisp stone cracking sounds followed.

Then, Lu Shan stood in front of Tian Xiaorou again.


Tian Xiaorou wanted to reach out and touch Lu Shan.

But Lu Shan blocked it with his wings.

"Cuckoo! (It's not time to make out yet.)"

Lu Shan immediately raised his head, staring at the jumping lynx in the magic circle above.

"Cuckoo!! (Wait until labor and capital destroy this product before coming back to pamper you!)"

After speaking, the 'Supracavitary Sac' starts!
A light blue aura erupted from his ass.


Tian Xiaorou still wanted to reach out her hand to stop something, but when she stretched out her hand, Lu Shan's figure had already disappeared in place with a 'shoo'.


"Don't die!!"

Curse labor capital death.

you are done!
I'll make you kneel down and call Dad when you go back!

Tucao room.

Lu Shan came outside the circle and looked at the lynx that jumped like a grasshopper inside the circle.

He snorted coldly, stretched out his wings at the bobcat, and beckoned.

"Cuckoo!! (Come here!!)"


I don't know if he understood Lu Shan's provocation, but Shanmao let out a deep roar.

Afterwards, he stopped churning, hovered on the edge of the circle, and lay down on his stomach, with a suppressed angry sound.

Word by word, he said:

"You have the ability to trap me forever."

"Don't let me out!!"

"Otherwise I will tear you apart!"

"Tear it to shreds!!"

"Little thing!! I will definitely make you regret coming to this world!!"

Threats ahead.

Lu Shan said that he was tired of hearing it.

Even wanted to make fun of it.

But when Shan Mao said the last three words, it was called.

Lu Shan's expression changed.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he asked in a very calm tone:

"Googoo? (What did you just call me?)"

"Die!! Little thing!! I'm going to tear you apart!!"

small thing…?
Lu Shan frowned.



"Floating dust in heaven and earth, open Ling De Saer!"

Then, three long and narrow cracks appeared on the magic circle.

Seeing a gap in the magic circle, although Shanmao didn't know why, it still instinctively went up to tear it.

But at this time.

Lu Shan outside the magic circle moved again.

Attaching the aura to the chicken's claws, it flipped in the air, and with the help of centrifugal force, it immediately threw out three silver light blades.

'Three stacked legs'!
I saw these three silver light blades slashing towards the magic circle at a very fast speed!

Then, in Shan Mao's astonishment, the light blade flew into the magic circle against the crack!
This sudden attack shocked the Bobcat to quickly retreat and change position.

Waiting for the light blade to pass by and fly out from the crack behind the magic circle.

Shanmao suddenly understood something, turned his head, and stared at the chicken outside the circle.

At this time.

Several cracks opened on the surface of the magic circle again.

Then, three more silver light blades emerged from the chicken's claws and slashed towards the magic circle.

Bobcat frowned, jumped to the top of the magic circle ahead of time, and avoided the flight path of the silver light blade early.

But just when it stopped, several cracks opened above the magic circle.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of cracks were opened at the same time on the lower side of the magic circle, on the left and right sides of the magic circle, and even on the top and bottom of the magic circle.

This! !

Could it be! ! ?

Just as Shan Mao was shocked, the chicken figure disappeared.

Plus the silver light blade in front.

Within a few breaths, a total of [-] silver light blades from six directions slashed into the magic circle.

Under such intensive attacks, the Bobcats used all their strength.

Even the innate ability in the bloodline exploded.

Finally grasping the time interval between the light blades, relying on the flexibility of the body, barely dodged it.

Watching the light blade shoot out the magic circle.

Bobcat let out a wild laugh.

"a ha ha ha!!"

"Just this trick??"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Looking at the Bobcat laughing like a dog, although Lu Shan wanted to reply something, he was a little impressed by the opponent's speed and dexterous ability to evade attacks.

However, admiration is admiration.

Kill or kill!
As for how to kill...

The six consecutive 'three stacked legs' just now is already his biggest attack method.

Release so much at once.

I almost didn't even connect to the spiritual energy just now.

and many more.


In an instant!

Lu Shan suddenly had other ideas.

Start your hands, pinch a curse.

"Floating dust in heaven and earth, open Ling De Saer!"

Same as just now.

The entire magic circle became hollow again, and dozens of cracks appeared outside the magic circle.

See this scene.

Bobcat's taunt remains the same.

"Do you want to use the same move again?!"

"Qian donkey's skills are poor!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Tell you, it's useless!!"

"Wait to die!!"

"And that little girl down there!!"

"I want you to watch me eat her raw bit by bit!"


Listening to Bobcat's arrogant laughter.

Lu Shan collected himself, then raised his claws, and with the tip of the claws, he stabbed fiercely at his chest.


The blood energy came again, surging towards the whole body.

But this time, Lu Shan didn't let the blood fully cover his body.

When the blood covered half of his body, he immediately tightened some muscles.

Do your best to stop the blood in the left half of your body.

At this time.

Lu Shan could clearly feel that his body was divided into two halves by two forces.

Hot on one side, cool on the other.

The two streams of energy rub against each other and attack each other.

However, no matter in terms of quality or total amount, aura is not equal to blood energy.

Considering the current state, Lu Shan cannot last long.

and so…

next moment.

Lu Shan released the 'three folded legs' with his blood energy!
Immediately, three bloody light blades suddenly appeared, cutting towards the magic circle!


Lu Shan used the extreme speed of his blood to fly to the side, and then released the bloody light blade again.

Then above, behind.

But when Lu Shan flew to the last two sides, what he released was a silver light blade.

At last.

Taking advantage of the delayed acceleration characteristic of the bloody light blades, these six light blades cut into the formation almost at the same time.

In a blink of an eye.

Also almost at the same time.

Six paths of silver, and twelve paths of blood.

There were [-] light blades in total, all of which fell on Shanmao's body.

Not a single one was missed.

Class lynne family, patterns.

die! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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