Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 116 Glory Devoured?

Chapter 116 Glory Devoured? (Please subscribe!!!)

[System prompt]: Killing a mid-level 'Lynn' in the Vein Establishment Realm will give you 1200 hours to advance to the Vein Establishment Realm (beginner level), and the time reward will be tripled if you kill at the third level.

[System Prompt]: The higher the level three kills, the reward attribute points (3).

[System prompt]: The higher the level of killing, the reward is not limited to points (1).

[Settlement]: Obtain 3600 hours of time to advance to the general level (intermediate level), obtain attribute points (3), and obtain unlimited points (1).

Lu Shan looked at the body of the lynx that had been cut into several pieces in the magic circle, a little dazed.

His eyes were in a daze for a while.

At this time.

Lu Shan felt that the two forces in his body were suddenly out of balance.

The blood energy crushed the spiritual energy and rolled in the body.

Under such turbulent rolling, Lu Shan couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood.


After spraying, he tried his best to control his body, contract his blood energy, and balance his body in the air.

Instead, at this moment.

A thunderous roar suddenly reached Lu Shan's ears.

He looked back in astonishment.

I saw a bear man with his chest open, stepping on a dark light from a distance, flying towards him!
And behind this ray of light, followed by an emerald green ray of light, also flying in his direction!

The speed of the two flashes of light is very fast.

Just when Lu Shan had stabilized his blood, the first escape light had already soared in front of him.

Looking at the ferocious bear man, Lu Shan instinctively stepped back a few feet.

As a result, the bear man ignored him and directly bumped into the magic circle.


It was so hard that even the bobcats couldn't make any traces of the magic circle.

Just like that, he was shocked by that bear man.


When the bear man saw the death of the lynx in the magic circle.

The whole thing went completely insane.

He raised his head and roared.

Then he raised his two bear paws and began to slap the magic circle non-stop.

Beat again and again, continuously and vigorously.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

It was okay at the beginning, and the magic circle could still remain motionless.

But as the bear man's slapping power became stronger and stronger, the slapping frequency became faster and faster.

Ripples actually appeared on the surface of the magic circle.

At this time.

The second ray of light flew over.

Lu Shan looked up.

It is a clear stream.

It just looks like it's not in good shape.

The aura was unstable, the spirit sword was damaged, and even the dress on her body had several cracks from being scratched.


Little Qingliu!
What did this beast do to you! ?

Lu Shan hurriedly flew to meet Qingliu, screaming 'cuckoo'.

However, when he was about to come to Qingliu, what he met was Qingliu's unbelievable expression.

It was like meeting the chicken in front of me for the first time.

Lu Shan, who had been stared at for a long time, felt shy for the first time.

"Locking array..." Qingliu spit out a few words softly.

But just when she was about to continue to say something.


There was a crackling sound behind him.

Looking back, a huge gap was hammered out of the magic circle unexpectedly.

And with the emergence of the gap.

The magic circle was like a bubble pierced by a needle. Starting from the gap, it melted downward at an extremely fast speed, and finally melted into the air.

As for the bobcat corpses in the magic circle, they were controlled by the bear man's breath, stopped in the air, and gathered together.

Then, the bear man hugged the lynx's head and howled in pain.


Among the wailing, there was even some mourning.

This appearance made Lu Shan feel that he was a villain.


If you want to fight, you can fight.

What does this mourning mean?
Lu Shan was still muttering.

But the next scene shocked him completely.

Seeing that the bear man was crying well, he suddenly opened his mouth and began to nibble on the head of the bobcat.


Didn't it be agreed that we should fight with monsters and not eat each other? !
Can it be eaten after death?

Isn't this a joke! ?
Similarly, facing this scene, Qingliu was also shocked.

But then, she seemed to think of something, and muttered to herself:

"Swallow the body of your loved ones, and swear your determination to take revenge..."

"Glory Devouring..."


what what?
Can swallowing his own brother be called glory?

There are so many inexplicable things among these monsters.

In the shock of one person and one chicken, the bear man ate the whole bobcat's head in three or two bites.


The bear man turned around, wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up in the air, looked at Lu Shan with a tone of indescribable emotion, and said:
"'Qi-covering chicken', can defeat the 'lyn' of the pulse-building state with the cultivation of the air state."

"Your fighting power is extraordinary."

"Or it is far superior to ordinary beasts, and it can even be said to be one in a million."

Is this a compliment?

Lu Shan didn't quite understand what the bear man meant.

On the other hand, Qingliu glanced sideways at the chicken cub that was floating in the air, with a complicated expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time.

The bear continued to speak:

"If it were the same as before, my old bear must have tried every means to bring you back to Xiling Valley, and begged the old bull king to teach you the supreme animal skills."


Speaking of this, the Xiongren's tone of voice changed, from the original calm, the tone was directly pulled to several tunes.

At the same time, the expression on his face was instantly ferocious, and he stared at Lu Shan with infinite malicious eyes.

"But you shouldn't have killed my brother, Old Bear!!"

"That's my good brother, the old bear, who supported each other and lived with each other for 360 years, eleven months and three days!!"

When the discourse reaches the last three words.

Lu Shan suddenly felt endless evil spirit emanating from this bear man.


The bear man suddenly raised his head and roared!

The roar oscillated, and the resulting shock waves shook Lu Shan and Qing Liu several feet away!
At this time.

When Lu Shan raised his head again to look at the bear man.

The opponent's body is expanding at a strange speed.

From the original height of only 1.8 meters, it suddenly swelled to a height of nearly four meters!

The painting style of the opponent's limbs, body, and even the head has become more bearish.

Those thick arms, that dark body hair!
Just a few breaths.

This bear man has changed from a monster with a bear head and a human body to a huge black bear like a monster!


Beast again?
Lu Shan thought that the previous Shan Mao was also like this, and he looked completely different before and after the transformation.

But since these monsters can transform, why can't they transform themselves?
What the hell is this little chick less than 20 centimeters tall?

It is not as big as the palm of this black bear!
Lu Shan cursed secretly.

At this time, while the giant bear was still getting used to it, Qingliu suddenly drew his sword and threw several sharp sword lights at the giant bear.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

Jian Guang pierced through the air and slashed at the giant bear.

Seeing this sword light, Lu Shan also realized something, and immediately attached blood to the chicken's claws, tumbling in the air, and threw out three bloody light blades.

Throw it to the giant bear!
next second.

Jianguang first hit the giant bear's chest, making a series of 'poof' sounds.

There were several almost invisible wounds.

Then, when Lu Shan's bloody light blade hit the giant bear's arm.


The result of the battle was that a few black hairs fell.

Hit it with a hammer!

Throw in the towel!

If it wasn't that he couldn't run away, Lu Shan really wanted to turn around and run away.

But at this moment, Qingliu's voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Chicken, I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying."

"It stands to reason that you have already reached the cultivation level of general Qi, and you should have developed your spiritual intelligence to a certain extent."

"If you understand me, give me a response!"

Lu Shan didn't know why Qingliu was asking this at this time, but considering that there was still a big enemy in front of him.

He still tilted the chicken's head and made a 'cuckoo cluck' sound at Qingliu.

As soon as the voice came out, Qingliu seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Then, while looking straight at the giant bear, the voice continued:
"Did you arrange the magic circle just now?"

"If possible, I hope you will find a way to trap it with a magic circle again!"




I almost died trying to trap that lynx just now.

Now use the same method to trap this giant bear, I'm afraid it will die on the spot.

Immediately, Lu Shan shook his head violently.

Indicate that you can't do it.

Seeing this, Qingliu's eyes darkened.

But just one or two breaths, Qingliu's eyes changed again, became much sharper, and said in a deep voice:
"Since the magic circle doesn't work."

"Then there's no way!"

"Chicken! Protect me!!"

Protect what?

While Lu Shan was stunned, Qingliu's figure suddenly retreated a few feet, then took out a pill from his waist and stuffed it into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a curse sound that made Lu Shan's scalp tingle came out impressively.

"Heaven and earth decree, the soldiers follow the instructions, and will be printed one by one..."

I am your uncle!
Again! ?
 The number of words in the evening did not reach [-], and there was no time.

  If it is too late in the evening, I can only postpone it for a little time.

(End of this chapter)

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