Cultivation begins with a chicken

Chapter 117 "Pull the Mountain" Start Learning!

Chapter 117 "Pull the Mountain" Start Learning! (Please subscribe!!!)
Looking at the twinkling stars starting to emerge around him, Lu Shan even guessed that this thing has the ability to lock.

But he is still hypocritical!

After all, it was Thunder!
A thunder that can split people into ashes!

Just when Lu Shan was muttering.


A roar came from behind him.

It seems to be announcing something.

Wait for Lu Shan to follow the sound.

It was that the giant bear had completed the body switch, and was standing in the air, standing there quietly.


The giant bear moved.

The majestic body rushed towards Lu Shan with an inexplicable speed!
Ah hello!

What are you looking for me for! ?

There is a big move for you over there!

You go to trouble her! !
Shocked, Lu Shan hastened to increase the operation of the 'sac on the cavity', turned around and rushed away.

But not long after flying, Lu Shan felt an overwhelming momentum behind him.

You don't have to guess that he knows.

This bear has already caught up.


Is it so fast! ?

This unscientific! !
Anxious Lu Shan instantly lowered his flight altitude, and took advantage of his small body to fly among rocky mountains.


The giant bear didn't follow the routine at all.

Rampage, completely ignoring the obstacles of the mountains.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several hilltops were knocked down in a row, and the dust flew up for a while.

Seeing that the giant bear was about to come behind him, at the critical moment, Lu Shan simply stopped running.

Stand where you are, and wait for the other party to come to your door.

At the same time, Lu Shan also switched back to the jet of aura.

Because he could feel that with the consumption of blood energy, the body's reaction ability, strength and the like had obviously declined.

At this time.

As the nearest mountain was knocked apart.

The giant bear just appeared in Lu Shan's sight.

The giant bear he was looking at rushed towards him without slowing down.

The terrifying momentum made Lu Shan swallow his saliva.

Then, when the giant bear was about to hit him, Lu Shan controlled the 'sacral cavity' and sprayed with all his strength.


His body brushed past the giant bear.

Then, Lu Shan stuck to the back of the giant bear again, and firmly clasped his claws on the fur on the back of the giant bear.

Pulling the bear's fur, trying to prevent the giant bear from hitting him in this way.

But Lu Shan seems to have forgotten.

This bear is no ordinary bear.

It's a monster with fake alchemy power!

The problem of not being able to touch the back with short hands is not a problem at all for this giant bear.

The giant bear's two front paws suddenly opened, and then they snapped together.

"Clap" a crisp sound!

An inexplicable shock force passed through the giant bear's arms and spread to the back of the giant bear.

The power is so great that Lu Shan was shocked without any surprise!
Immediately afterwards, there was an elbow and a horizontal shot.


The giant bear slapped Lu Shan away like a fly!
It was so powerful that even a cyclone appeared.

Lu Shan, who was shot by a bear, seemed to be hit by a train at the first moment.

It hurts so much!

The whole body, from beak to leg, from wing to breast.

It seems that all the places and all the bones don't belong to me at this moment.

That feeling.

Lu Shan almost thought that he was about to explode in the air.

Especially the impact that hit something at the last moment.

This should be the feeling of dying on the spot, right?
However, when Lu Shan's eyes were about to darken.

A system prompt popped up in his mind.

[System prompt]: If the host is detected to be injured, the enhanced attribute points will give priority to the injured part, and the process is irreversible.


Lu Shan saw that the three attribute points he had saved had returned to zero in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of energy was born from the heart and quickly rushed to the whole body.

But the total amount of energy seems to be a bit small.

Waiting for everything to be consumed, the severe pain in the body still exists.

At most, it is much more comfortable than before.

However, enough is enough.

At least not for the time being
But right now.

When Lu Shan opened his eyes again.

Not far away, the gigantic giant bear had already charged in his direction.

Not really.

Do you really want to be so desperate?
Lu Shan twisted his body vigorously, but his body was stuck in the rock, and there were so many injuries on his body.

For a moment and a half, he really didn't want to come out.

But the danger is at hand.

Lu Shan had to endure the severe pain, twisted his body, trying to get himself out.


Lu Shan just broke free with one leg, and the giant bear flew in front of him.

Raising his head and looking at the huge figure, Lu Shan almost despaired.


The giant bear opened its mouth, showing its sharp fangs, and bit it fiercely!
Seeing that Lu Shan was about to die.


A bolt of thunder suddenly appeared, and it hit the falling head of the giant bear.


The appearance of the thunder made the giant bear stagger, and almost bumped its head against the mountain wall beside it.

After the giant bear shook its head and stabilized its figure.

With a "boom" sound, the second thunderbolt clung to the giant bear's body and directly blasted down the cliff.

These two consecutive thunder attacks.

The giant bear had no choice but to raise his head and stare at the sky.


In the extremely cloudy sky, a layer of dark clouds appeared at some point, suspended in the sky.

In this dark cloud, there are thunderbolts visible to the naked eye, shuttling through the clouds.


The giant bear let out an angry roar.


The roar was vibrating, with the potential to penetrate the sky.

At this moment, Lu Shan also took the opportunity to break free from the mountain.

A moment of effort.

Lu Shan finally broke free from the mountain.

Then it falls freely, spreads its wings, and glides its body into the valley.

The giant bear who came back to his senses lowered his head, ready to kill the one in front of him first, and then the one above.

But when it stared at the hole in the mountain, the empty inner wall made its anger explode on the spot.

Head up.

There was another roar.


The giant bear roared towards the sky, then found the location of Qingliu who was casting a spell in the sky, and shouted angrily:
"Little girls!"

"You pissed me off!!"

finished yelling.

I saw the giant bear spread its arms across its head.

next second.

A blood-red vortex began to spin in the middle of its arms.

As the speed of rotation increases, the diameter of that vortex also increases.

During the period, the number of Lei Ting's whereabouts also began to increase.

But at this moment, the giant bear had already ignored the thunder that hit him.

Even if one of the thunders penetrated the red vortex, it directly hit the giant bear's head.

The latter didn't do anything else, and was still holding the whirlpool.

With such an abnormal movement, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the giant bear is continuing its big move.

But even if you know, what can you do?
In the distance outside Qingliu's body, he used all his energy to control the spirit method Thunderbolt.

Try to strike as many thunderbolts on the giant bear as possible.

And Lu Shan also squatted and meditated after landing, in order to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible.

As time passed by second by second.

Wait until the vortex between the giant bear's palms swells to nearly two meters.


The whirlpool broke free from the giant bear's hand, and flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

A few breaths.

The bloody vortex came in front of Qingliu.

With a silent flash of light.

In an instant.

The bloody vortex expanded several times, sucking everything in front of it into the vortex!

Whether it's Leiyun, Qingliu who is casting spells, or even Qingliu's two spirit swords!

They were all sucked into the blood-red vortex.


With the appearance of a bigger flash, the mushroom cloud that followed immediately set off a torrential storm.

With a "huh", it exploded to the surroundings!

In the valley, Lu Shan was attracted by the explosion and opened his eyes.

At a glance, Qingliu, who was blasted out by the explosion, was falling in his direction in a natural way.


Looking at the Qingliu that smashed a small hole in the ground, Lu Shan frowned.

Already unconscious?

What should I do next?
At this moment.

Lu Shan really felt like he was at the end of his rope.

Originally, when facing the enemy's huge bobcat, Lu Shan used all his skills.

Only barely killed the opponent.

If it wasn't for Arida Xiaorou's timely feeding of the medicine, it would have eased the injuries on her body.

He is afraid that he can't even do the middle level of the pulse building state.

And now this.

To easily deal with Qingliu with a crushing posture, even if his cultivation base is not at the Yuandan realm, it will not be much worse.

how to spell?
Lu Shan pondered deeply about the possibility of all ways out.

But when he glanced at his skill panel.

Looking at the bottom of the skill list, when the four characters of "Uncompressing" are in the eyes.

Some kind of speculation flashed through my mind.

Since the skill 'Pull Mountain' requires attribute value for 'Decompression', and your own 'Hot Blood' can increase the attribute value.

Does that mean that I can try to use the bonus attribute value after the 'Hot Blood' skill to decompress 'Pull Mountain'?
Do it when you think of it.

Lu Shan raised his head and glanced at the giant bear that was slowly descending in the sky, and hid his body a little deeper.

Then opened the 'hot blood'.

After opening, he tried to click on the decompression prompt.


[System Prompt]: The attribute value does not meet the decompression standard, and the decompression failed this time. Do you want to temporarily save the decompression package?

Depend on!
Still fail!

Should not be!

Couldn't the added attributes of 'Hot Blood' not be as many as imagined?

Seeing that the giant bear had landed on the ground, he walked slowly towards Qingliu.

Lu Shan was a little anxious.

I want to rush out, but with my current physical condition, rushing out is to deliver food.

And it's an appetizer.

But he couldn't watch Qingliu being devoured by this giant bear.

How to do!
Lu Shan quickly glanced back and forth on his attribute panel several times.


For some reason, his sight stopped at the number 3 behind 'Unlimited Points'.

At this time.

Seeing that the giant bear has come to Qingliu.

Knowing that he had no other choice, Lu Shan directly added 'unlimited points' to 'hot blood'.

[System Prompt]: Do you want to consume 2 unlimited points to strengthen the talent skill 'Hot Blood'?
Following Lu Shan's response, the "hot blood" state that was still on just now retreated immediately.

Immediately afterwards, when the system prompts that the upgrade is successful, the prompt appears.

Lu Shan didn't have time to read the skill introduction, so he immediately activated a new talent skill.

'Scorching blood' is on!


A distinctive burning sensation emerged from the heart and quickly spread throughout the body.

Moreover, under the impact of this energy, Lu Shan could clearly feel that the injured part of his body was also recovering extremely quickly.

But when Lu Shan just agreed to the prompt to decompress.

Not far away, the giant bear's paws had picked up Qingliu's petite body, and opened its mouth at the same time...

What the hell!

Seeing that Qingliu was about to be swallowed alive like this.

Without saying a word, Lu Shan suddenly moved.

Under the addition of 'burning blood'.

Not only did his attributes double, but his speed also increased to an unprecedented level.

In just one breath, he came to the side of the giant bear.

With the help of skills, Lu Shan successfully came to a position parallel to the face of the giant bear.

Before the giant bear stuffed the clear stream into its mouth, it shot inside its mouth.

'Three stacked legs! '

'Three stacked legs! '

'Three stacked legs! '

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Nine blood-colored light blades suddenly appeared from Lushan's chicken claws, and shot towards the giant bear's mouth.

"噗噌噐" three times!
The giant bear was shot in the mouth unsuspectingly.

The severe pain made him subconsciously let go of the desire to eat clear water, and covered his mouth with the other hand.

But at this time, Lu Shan raised his head, seized the opportunity, and released the 'Heart Roar'!
'Oh oh oh! ! ! '

The loud crowing of the cock not only made the giant bear fall into a momentary stupor, but also woke up Qingliu who was in a coma.

Taking advantage of the giant bear's bewilderment, Lu Shan grabbed Qingliu's arm with all his strength and pulled him out.

After a breath time.

With the help of the 'sac on the cavity', Lu Shan finally pulled Qingliu out of the giant bear's claws, and fled away with all his might.

At this time, Qingliu had come back to his senses after a brief trance.

He raised his head, looked at Lu Shan who was still dragging him with a complicated complexion, and opened his mouth and said:

"Chicken, are you a monster?"

Demon you a ghost!

What time is it, and you are still talking about whether it is a monster or not, and whether it is a beast or not!

Lu Shan was full of 'cuckoo' complaints, but his body was still flying as fast as he could.

But his cultivation base is too low after all, even with the help of the 'sac on the cavity', the flying speed is still too slow.


When the giant bear reacted, he looked at a man and a chicken not far away, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth like a cannonball.


A round balloon shot out from the giant bear's mouth in an instant, and flew towards the position of the man and the chicken at an extremely fast speed.

Hearing Qingliu's voice, he strenuously propped up a green mask.



The mask and the cannon shattered at the same time, and the resulting shock wave sent everyone flying.


Qing Liu fell on the grass, and Lu Shan was unfortunately trapped in the mountain wall again.

Watching Qingliu rush to deliver food again.

Lu Shan was very anxious.

But at this moment, a system prompt appeared in his mind.

[System Prompt]: "Pushan" has been read successfully, starting to extract...

[System Prompt]: It was detected that the extraction conditions of "Pull Mountain" are that the strength is not less than 1000 points, and the constitution is not less than 500 points...

[System Prompt]: Attributes match, extraction is successful, start learning...

 I'm so tired, I won't write such a long fight next time!
  In the future, fight as cleanly as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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